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Search results for: bioactive nanoparticles
Chirality sensing of bioactive compounds with amino alcohol unit via circular dichroism
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Bioactive properties of Sambucus nigra L. as a functional ingredient for food and pharmaceutical industry
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Phytochemical and Bioactive Properties of Phelypaea Tournefortii – Effect of Parasitic Lifestyle and Environmental Factors
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Role of Herbal Bioactive Compounds as a Potential Bioavailability Enhancer for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
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Comparison of the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant activity in different kiwifruit cultivars
PublicationGłównym celem prowadzonych badań było stwierdzenie która z odmian owoców kiwi (''Hayward'', ''Daeheuhg'', ''Haenam'' oraz ''Bidan'') jest najbardziej odpowiednią z punktu widzenia konsumpcji przez człowieka. Z tego powodu w odpowiednio przygotowanych próbkach ekstraktów z owoców kiwi oznaczono:- profile związków bioaktywnych;- poziomy aktywności przeciwutleniającej. Wyniki pomiarów zawartości polifenoli (flawonoidy oraz kwasy fenolowe)...
The influence of roasting and additional processing on the content of bioactive components in special purpose coffees
PublicationCoffee being the beverage consumed worldwide is also a very competitive commodity. Consequently, producers seek ways of attracting consumers by proposing e.g. novel ingredient combinations usually without evaluating their health quality. In this study, variations in health-promoting determinants for five special purpose coffee brews were characterized. The major bioactive components - chlorogenic acids (CAs) - detected by HPLC-DAD-MS...
Biomechanical testing of bioactive bone cements – a comparison of the impact of modifiers: antibiotics and nanometals
PublicationApart from its bone filler and fracture stabilizing function, bone cement can be used as a carrier of bioactive substances, and such modified bone cement can protect the implant against microorganisms, treat local infections and combat bacteria introduced during the surgical procedure. In this paper, the effects of modifying antibiotics and nanosilver on the biomechanical properties of bone cement were examined. The following tests...
Application of deep eutectic solvents for separation and determination of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants
PublicationThe medicinal plants industry, particularly in regard to products rich in biologically active substances for maintaining health, has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade, with sales of over-the-counter drugs containing these substances growing by billions of dollars. Attention has thus also been paid to the safety and effectiveness of these medicines. We are currently witnessing a rapid increase in the number of publications...
Anna Zielińska-Jurek prof. dr hab. inż.
People2018 DSc in technical sciences in the field of chemical technology Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, Title: “Functionalized titanium(IV) oxide as a photocatalyst for environmental purification” 2011 Ph. D. in technical sciences in the field of chemical technology Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, Title of the dissertation:...
Bioactive silica-based drug delivery systems containing doxorubicin hydrochloride: In vitro studies
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Chapter 14 : A new concept of highly porous bioactive titanium alloys with hydroxyapatite coatings
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję biomateriału o wysokiej bioaktywności i odporności na korozję. Omówiono metody wytwarzania porowatych stopów tytanu, techniki utleniania, techniki nakładania porowatego hydroksyapatytu, nakładanie bioaktywnych polimerów, metody badan i modelowania struktur porowatych.
Bioactive peptides from beef products fermented by acid whey – in vitro and in silico study
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Assessment of the glycaemic index, content of bioactive compounds, and their in vitro bioaccessibility in oat-buckwheat breads
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Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
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Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
PublicationThe aim of this research was to create a plant-based beverage based on seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), pea (Pisum sativum) and runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus). The selection of the ingredients was based on the main objective to obtain the nutritional value and sensory characteristics of a formed product similar to cow's milk. The ingredient proportions were created by comparing the protein,...
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) as a Source of Bioactive Phytochemicals with Pro-Health Properties
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Bioactive Ingredients with Health-Promoting Properties of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne)
PublicationStrawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) belong to the berry group and are characterized primarily by delightful sensory properties. Due to their chemical composition, these fruits are a rich source of bioactive compounds that can modify the metabolic and physiological functions of the body. The aim of this work is to present the current state of research on bioactive ingredients found in these fruits in the context of their...
The Effect of Hyperbaric Storage on the Nutritional Value and Retention of Certain Bioactive Proteins in Human Milk
PublicationHuman milk (HM) contains the essential macronutrients and bioactive compounds necessary for the normal growth and development of newborns. The milk collected by human milk banks is stored frozen and pasteurized, reducing its nutritional and biological value. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hyperbaric storage at subzero temperatures (HS-ST) on the macronutrients and bioactive proteins in HM. As control samples,...
Comparison of bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Mon Thong durian during ripening
PublicationCelem przeprowadzonych badań było oszacowanie zmian zawartości związków odżywczych, związków bioaktywnych, kwasów tłuszczowych oraz przeciwutleniaczy w owocach duriana w trakcie różnych etapów procesu dojrzewania. W badaniach wykorzystano testy CURRAC, DPPH, ABTS i FRAP. Stwierdzono, że całkowita zawartość polifenoli, flawonoidów, kwasu askorbimowego, tanin oraz poziom aktywności przeciwutleniającej jest dla owoców niedojrzałych,...
Preparation of silver nanoparticles with controlled particle size
PublicationNanocząstki srebra wykazują zdolność absorpcji promieniowania widzialnego, która jest efektem istnienia powierzchniowego plazmonu. W zależności od kształtu i wielkości cząstek obserwuje się różną barwę koloidów srebra. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań otrzymano nanocząstki srebra metodą chemicznej redukcji. Zaobserwowano wpływ rodzaju reduktora (kwas askorbinowy, borowodorek sodu), stabilizatora (PVP, PVA) oraz prekursora srebra...
Effect of silver nanoparticles on human primary keratinocytes
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Effects triggered by platinum nanoparticles on primary keratinocytes
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Dynamics and stability of icosahedral Fe–Pt nanoparticles
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Roxithromycin-loaded lipid nanoparticles for follicular targeting
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Phthalocyanine-Grafted Titania Nanoparticles for Photodegradation of Ibuprofen
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Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: Prospects and Applications in Medicine
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Investigation of luminescent properties of LaF3:Nd3+nanoparticles
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Nanoparticles—mediated entomotoxicology: lessons from biologica
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Attachment of silica and alumina nanoparticles as studied by QCM
PublicationNanocząstki są wykorzystywane w mikroelektronice do produkcji bardzo płaskich i gładkich powierzchni. Proces produkcji taki materiałów nazywany jest planaryzacją chemiczno-mechaniczną (CMP). Poniewąż nanocząstki na skutek interakcji z produkowanym materiałem specjalistyczntycznym mogą wiązać do jego powierzchni, na skutek czego powodując zanieczyszczenia. Ze względu na wpływ zanieczyszczeń na wydajność i miarodajność produkowanego...
Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases
PublicationEarly diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...
Optical Coherence Tomography for nanoparticles quantitative characterization
PublicationThe unique features of nanocomposite materials depend on the type and size of nanoparticles, as well as their placement in the composite matrices. Therefore the nanocomposites manufacturing process requires inline control over certain parameters of nanoparticles such as dispersion and concentration. Keeping track of nanoparticles parameters inside a matrix is currently a difficult task due to lack of a fast, reliable and cost effective...
Bacteriophages as Factories for Eu2O3 Nanoparticle Synthesis
PublicationThe use of phage display to identify peptides with an ability to bind and synthesize Eu2O3 nanoparticles is demonstrated in this report. This is the first report of modified phages specifically binding a lanthanide. The peptides exposed on virions revealed very strong binding to Eu2O3 nanoparticles and the ability to catalyze Eu2O3 nanoparticles’ formation from Eu(OH)3 and Eu(NO3)3 solutions. The luminescence emission spectrum...
Bioactive silica-based nanomaterials for doxorubicin delivery: Evaluation of structural properties associated with release rate
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Formulation and In Vitro Characterization of Bioactive Mesoporous Silica with Doxorubicin and Metronidazole Intended for Bone Treatment and Regeneration
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Fragmental Method KowWIN as the Powerful Tool for Prediction of Chromatographic Behavior of Novel Bioactive Urea Derivatives
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Comparison of the main bioactive compounds and antioxidants in garlic and white and red onion after treatment protocols
PublicationPolski czosnek, biała i czerwona cebula była blanszowana, gotowana, smażona i poddawana działaniom promieniowania mikrofalowego. Następnie były w nich oznaczane m.in. takie związki jak polifenole, flawonoidy, kwas ascorbinowy i aktywne antyoksydanty. Udowodniono, że blanszowanie, smażenie i poddawanie działaniu promieniowania mikrofalowego nie wpływa znacząco na zmiejszenie zawartości badanych związków w czosnku i cebuli. Wyznaczono...
Mechanical Properties of Different Nanopatterned TiO2 Substrates and Their Effect on Hydrothermally Synthesized Bioactive Hydroxyapatite Coatings
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Studies on the bioactive properties of Penicillium mallochi ARA-1 pigment isolated from coffee plantation
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Potential Role of Bioactive Compounds: In Vitro Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Fermented Milk Thistle
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Wheat Roll Enhanced by Buckwheat Hull, a New Functional Food: Focus on the Retention of Bioactive Compounds
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Crystallization Kinetics and Structural Properties of the 45S5 Bioactive Glass and Glass-Ceramic Fiber Doped with Eu3+
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Preparation and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Based Bioactive Composite Films Modified with Fungal Melanin and Carvacrol
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Effect of long-term cold storage on physicochemical attributes and bioactive components of kiwi fruit cultivars
PublicationVarious kiwi fruit cultivars, bred in Korea, were kept in cold storage for 8–24 weeks for possible increase of their quality. Firmness significantly decreased at initial time in all cultivars.The rate of softeningwas the slowest in “Hayward”, followed by “Hort16A”, “Haenam”, “Daheung”, “Bidan”, “Hwamei”, and “SKK 12”. Sensory value increased with decreasing of firmness. Soluble solids content increased with storage time while acidity gradually...
PublicationThe relationship between the content of bioactive compounds and mutagenic activity of elderberry fruit at different stages of ripeness was investigated. Signifi cant differences in the antioxidant profi les (TLC, HPLC with post-column derivatization) and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH, and FC tests) were observed for studied elderberry extracts. The more ripen the fruit at the time of harvest were, the higher the content of...
Blue-berried honeysuckle a promising cancer preventing fruit; Polish genotypes as a source of bioactive phytochemicals
PublicationFrom the ancient times, plants containing health-oriented compounds in their matrices are used in the treatment of different complaints and diseases. One of these groups are plant secondary metabolites (PSM), especially phenolic compounds, terpenes and terpenoids. A large number of PSM exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells, as well as cancer preventive and anticancer efficacy in preclinical animal models. For this...
Interactions between bioactive components determine antioxidant, cytotoxic and nutrigenomic activity of cocoa powder extract
PublicationNumerous studies have shown, rather disappointingly, that isolated bioactive phytochemicals are not as biologically effective as natural plant products. Such a discrepancy may be explained by the concept of food synergy, which was verified in this research for cocoa extract versus its major components with regard to cancer chemoprevention. The evaluation embraced the relationship between redox properties evaluated in cell-free systems...
Structural investigations of niobium-doped bioactive calcium-phosphate glass-ceramics by means of spectroscopic studies
PublicationSynthetic calcium-phosphate based glasses and glass-ceramics play a crucial role in the development of tissue engineering. These materials have a high biocompatibility with biological analogues, excellent ability to undergo varying degrees of resorbability and due to their non-toxicity and relatively high bioactivity they are commonly used as bone and dental implants. A substantial research effort is devoted to improve synthetic...
Silver nanoparticles incorporated with superior silica nanoparticles-based rice straw to maximize biogas production from anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate
PublicationTreating hazardous landfill leachate poses significant environmental challenges due to its complex nature. In this study, we propose a novel approach for enhancing the anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate using silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) conjugated with eco-friendly green silica nanoparticles (Si NPs). The synthesized Si NPs and Ag@Si NPs were characterized using various analytical techniques, including transmission electron...
Cancer-selective, single agent chemoradiosensitising gold nanoparticles
PublicationTwo nanometre gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), bearing sugar moieties and/or thiol-polyethylene glycol-amine (PEG-amine), were synthesised and evaluated for their in vitro toxicity and ability to radiosensitise cells with 220 kV and 6 MV X-rays, using four cell lines representing normal and cancerous skin and breast tissues. Acute 3 h exposure of cells to AuNPs, bearing PEG-amine only or a 50:50 ratio of alpha-galactose derivative and...
Gold nanoparticles and their coatings, their effect on cells and their interaction with radiation
PublicationTwo nanometre gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), bearing sugar moieties and/or polyethylene glycolamine (PEG-amine), were synthesised and evaluated for their in vitro toxicity and ability to radiosensitise cells with 220 kV and 6 MV X-rays, using four cell lines representing normal and cancerous skin and breast tissues. In addition to the observed intrinsic cancer-selective chemotoxicity, these AuNPs acted as radiosensitisers in combination with...