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Search results for: galera
Analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle
PublicationThe paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the xperiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and...
An assessment of wastewater pollution, treatment efficiency and management in a semi-arid urban area of Pakistan
Publication -
Możliwości wykorzystania całych używanych opon
PublicationNieustannie rosnacy popyt na wszelkiego typu pojazdy samochodowe i regularna wymiana opon przez uytkowników powoduja ciagły wzrost liczby zuytych opon, które wymagaja zagospodarowania. Nalezy zaznaczyc, iz opony, które moga byc poddane bieznikowaniu nie stanowia odpadu w swietle prawa europejskiego. W artykule przedstawiono mozliwosci wykorzystania całych uzywanych opon poprzez bieznikowanie oraz recykling produktowy. Zaleta wymienionych...
Wysokotemperaturowa trwałość stali i złączy spawanych w środowisku spalin
PublicationBadano przyczyny zróżnicowanej trwałości eksploatacyjnej dwóch osłon palników generatorów gazów obojętnych. Przeprowadzono badania materiałowe; analizę chemiczną, badania metalograficzne i mikroanalizę warstw wierzchnich. Wykazały one, że osłona, która uległa zniszczeniu po ok. 40 godzinach normalnej eksploatacji generatora była wykonana ze stali niestopowej, natomiast osłona, która przepracowała nieco ponad 6 miesięcy i uległa...
PublicationThe satellite navigation systems are the main position sources for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This fact limits the area of UAVs operation to the places where radio signals is visible for a satellite navigation system receiver, mounted on the vehicle-outdoor navigation. Closed spaced are unavailable for vehicles which navigation is based on global satellite navigation systems (GNSS). Miniature UAV (MiniUAV) is able to operate...
FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization
PublicationAn efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...
Wydajność środowisk J2SE i C++ / OpenCV w zagadnieniu sterowania komputerem za pomocą gestów
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono interfejs sterowania komputerem za pomocą gestów rąk, należący do grupy systemów czasu rzeczywistego o łagodnych granicach (ang. soft real-time). Komponentami systemu są: komputer klasy PC, kamera internetowa, rzutnik multimedialny i ekran dla rzutnika. Oprogramowanie interfejsu opracowano w oparciu o środowiska J2SE i Visual Studio C++ z użyciem biblioteki OpenCV. Moduł systemu realizujący interpretację...
UPDRS tests for diagnosis of Parkinson's disease employing virtual-touchpad
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to diagnosing Parkinson's disease. The progression of the disease can be measured by the UPDRS (Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale) scale which is used to evaluate motor and behavioral symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Hitherto the evaluation of the advancement of the disease in the UPDRS scale was made by a specialist through medical observation. The authors suggest a partial automation of...
Usuwanie odblasków linii laserowej
PublicationW nowoczesnych zrobotyzowanych systemach produkcyjnych coraz częściej stosuje się różnego rodzaju czujniki montowane na ramieniu robota, umożliwiające automatyczne rozpoznawanie położenia i kształtu obiektów znajdujących się w polu roboczym. Pozwala to na adaptacyjne dostosowywanie procesu technologicznego do zaistniałej sytuacji. Wyposażając robota w kamerę oraz linijkę laserową możliwe jest stworzenie zrobotyzowanego skanera...
Application of passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources
PublicationA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consists of a new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surrounding sounds it provides...
Employing flowgraphs for forward route reconstruction in video surveillance system
PublicationPawlak’s flowgraphs were utilized as a base idea and knowledge container for prediction and decision making algorithms applied to experimental video surveillance system. The system is used for tracking people inside buildings in order to obtain information about their appearance and movement. The fields of view of the cameras did not overlap. Therefore, when an object was moving through unsupervised areas, prediction was needed...
Automated Parking Management for Urban Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach
PublicationEffective parking management is essential for ad-dressing the challenges of traffic congestion, city logistics, and air pollution in densely populated urban areas. This paper presents an algorithm designed to optimize parking management within city environments. The proposed system leverages deep learning models to accurately detect and classify street elements and events. Various algorithms, including automatic segmentation of...
Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation
PublicationThe article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...
Optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details
PublicationIn the paper a method of optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details is proposed. In order to reduce vibration level, an original procedure of the spindle speed optimisation, based on the Liao–Young criterion, is suggested. As the result, an optimal, constant spindle speed value is determined. For this purpose, on-stationary computational model of machining process is...
Database of speech and facial expressions recorded with optimized face motion capture settings
PublicationThe broad objective of the present research is the analysis of spoken English employing a multiplicity of modalities. An important stage of this process, discussed in the paper, is creating a database of speech accompanied with facial expressions. Recordings of speakers were made using an advanced system for capturing facial muscle motion. A brief historical outline, current applications, limitations and the ways of capturing face...
Vehicle Detection with Self-Training for Adaptative Video Processing Embedded Platform
PublicationTraffic monitoring from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on embedded systems is the subject of the performed experiments. Solving this problem encounters difficulties related to the hardware limitations, and possible camera placement in various positions which affects the system performance. To satisfy the hardware requirements, vehicle detection is performed using a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named...
Pose-Invariant Face Detection by Replacing Deep Neurons with Capsules for Thermal Imagery in Telemedicine
PublicationAbstract— The aim of this work was to examine the potential of thermal imaging as a cost-effective tool for convenient, non- intrusive remote monitoring of elderly people in different possible head orientations, without imposing specific behavior on users, e.g. looking toward the camera. Illumination and pose invariant head tracking is important for many medical applications as it can provide information, e.g. about vital signs, sensory...
Eulerian motion magnification applied to structural health monitoring of wind turbines
PublicationSeveral types of defects may occur in wind turbines, as physical damage of blades or gearbox malfunction. A wind farm monitoring and damage prediction system is built to observe abnormal vibrations of elements of wind turbine: blades, nacelle, and tower. Contactless methods are developed which do not require turbine stopping. In this work, structural health monitoring of a wind turbine is evaluated using a conversion from the captured...
Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions
PublicationRespiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...
Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel
PublicationThe visualization of riverbeds and surface facilities on the banks is crucial for systems that analyze conditions, safety, and changes in this environment. Hence, in this paper, we propose collecting, and processing data from a variety of sensors—sonar, LiDAR, multibeam echosounder (MBES), and camera—to create a visualization for further analysis. For this purpose, we took measurements from sensors installed on an autonomous, unmanned...
TiO2-C nanocomposite synthesized via facile surfactant-assisted method as a part of less energy-consuming LED-based photocatalytic system for environmental applications
PublicationA novel facile method was used to incorporate carbon into the titania structure. An alternative synthesis method of carbon-doped TiO2 has been proposed by using a widely used and cheap surfactant. During the process, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide plays a dual role, as a morphology modifier and as a carbon source. The presented approach allows obtained TiO2-C nanostructures to be anatase nanocrystals with carbon being deposited...
Modelling and Analysis of the Positioning Accuracy in the Loading Systems of Mobile Cranes
PublicationIn this work, the authors analyse the influence of the order and range of sequential movements of a crane's working members on the accuracy of the final cargo positioning. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a specially developed method in which the authors proposed the introduction of a geometrical indicator of positioning the load in the intermediate positions (after completing each movement sequence) and in the target...
Automated Classifier Development Process for Recognizing Book Pages from Video Frames
PublicationOne of the latest developments made by publishing companies is introducing mixed and augmented reality to their printed media (e.g. to produce augmented books). An important computer vision problem that they are facing is classification of book pages from video frames. The problem is non-trivial, especially considering that typical training data is limited to only one digital original per book page, while the trained classifier...
Kompozycje osiowe i aleje w ogrodach egipskich i perskich – ich znaczenie funkcjonalne, estetyczne i symboliczne
PublicationWspółcześnie rozumiana aleja jest łatwo odczytywalnym elementem kompozycji urbanistycznej i krajobrazowej. Choć kojarzy się ona z nowożytnością, a zwłaszcza barokiem to podstawie przeglądu literatury początków zastosowania idei osiowości w założeniach kompozycyjnych można doszukać się już w starożytnym Egipcie i Persji. Z uwagi na religijne i filozoficzne podstawy kształtowania ogrodów w obu państwach ich kompozycja dyktowana byłą...
Computer Aided Telediagnostics System for Stoma Patients
PublicationStoma surgery may concern patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. More than half of patients diagnosed with colon cancer present at an advanced stage, and palliative treatment may involve stoma formation. This type of surgery may change the patient’s life strongly, therefore they should receive special medical care. The paper presents the assumptions, concept, and architecture of the Stoma-Alert diagnosis...
Polish voivodeship roads 2016 - video data
Open Research DataPolish voivodeship roads 2016 - video data
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Allegory of science figure - on the tower of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Golden figure at the top of the main bulding of Gdansk University Of TechnologyLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 08.11.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Allegory of science figure - on the tower of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology - MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Golden figure at the top of the main bulding of Gdansk University Of TechnologyLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: CircleTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 13.10.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: NoGCP Quality: N/ACamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - 3D Model - Gdansk Church Pw. Św. Wojciecha - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki Pw. Św. WojciechaLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Circle (Point Of Interest) + Free flightTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 02.04.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap- Gdansk University of Technology campus photogrametry test field- MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: The photogrametry test field within Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 17.05.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - DTM- Gdansk Church Pw. Św. Wojciecha - MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Kościół Rzymskokatolicki Pw. Św. WojciechaLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Double GridTarget Product: Digital Terrain ModelDate: 02.04.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name: Hasselblad L1D-20cModel...
Computed tomography indicators of cerebral microperfusion improve long term after carotid stenting in symptomatic patients
PublicationOBJECTIVES: We tested the hypothesis that computed tomography (CT) perfusion markers of cerebral microcirculation would improve 36 months after internal carotid artery stenting for symptomatic carotid stenosis while results obtained 6-8 weeks after the stenting procedure would yield a predictive value. METHODS: We recruited consecutive eligible patients with >70% symptomatic carotid stenosis with a complete circle of Willis and...
Podstawy Elektroniki i Metrologii - INF niest. 2024/2025
e-Learning Courses -
A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms
Open Research DataThis dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.
Czyżew- Białystok 2020 - video data
Open Research DataThe data contain video traffic data registered on the section Czyżew - Białystok. The analyzed area is located in Podlaskie province. It includes road intersections with railroad line no. 6.
S14 2019 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataS14 2019 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Polish national roads 2016 - video data
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data registered with video camera installed inside the car. The purpose of the research was to gather vehicle traffic recordings in real conditions on polish national roads.
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Chwaszczyno - PH4 - AGL 50 m
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Chwaszczyno district Location: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Phantom 4 ProFlight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 11.07.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP Quality:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Container Terminal Day Light- MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Container Terminal - day light photosLocation: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 15.10.2020Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Chwaszczyno - MP1 - AGL 100 m
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Chwaszczyno district Location: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 11.07.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP Quality:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap- Gdansk University of Technology campus photogrametry test field- MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: The photogrametry test field within Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 17.05.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Container Terminal Day Light- MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Container Terminal - day light photosLocation: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 15.10.2020Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Chwaszczyno - PH4 - AGL 100 m
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Chwaszczyno district Location: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Phantom 4 ProFlight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 11.07.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP Quality:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Chwaszczyno - MP1 - AGL 50 m
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Chwaszczyno district Location: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 11.07.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP Quality:...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Container Terminal Night Time- MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Container Terminal - night artificial photosLocation: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 14.10.2020Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Klodno Lake - MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Klodno Lake shore lineLocation: Zawory, Kartuskie District, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single Grid + Obligue imagesTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 05.08.2018Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Klodno Lake Zawory Bay - MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Klodno Lake shore lineLocation: Zawory, Kartuskie District, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single Grid + Obligue imagesTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 11.08.2019Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
Maciej Gałka
People -
Michał Gleba
People -
Mechanical strength of stems in aquatic macrophytes
PublicationSummary: In populations of submerged macrophytes, individuals are selected in terms of resistance to the effect of hydrodynamic forces. The aim of this study was to check whether individuals growing in river water are more tensile and bending resistant than plants occurring in places not exposed to flow stress. We determined the ultimate tensile strength of stems in four macrophyte species, Potamogeton natans, P. pectinatus, Batrachium...