Search results for: HAIRY ROOTS
Viscoplastic properties of coated textile material ''Panama'' and its usage for hanging roofs.
PublicationPodano sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych lepkoplastycznego prawa Bodnera-Partoma i prawa Chaboche´a. Przedstawiono model sieci gęstej pozwalający na zastosowanie wyników prób jednoosiowego rozciągania do rzeczywistej tkaniny. Pokazano zastosowanie wyników w analizie statycznej i dynamicznej przekrycia wiszącego typu hypar poddanego wstępnemu naprężaniu. Przeanalizowano zmianę geometrii i częstości drgań własnych.
Preparation and characterization of collagen/chitosan/hyaluronic acid thin films for application in hair care cosmetics
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Efficient Complex Root Finding Algorithm for Microwave and Optical Propagation Problems
PublicationArticle relates to the use of innovative root finding algorithm (on a complex plane) to study propagation properties of microwave and optical waveguides. Problems of this type occur not only in the analysis of lossy structures, but also in the study of complex and leaky modes (radiation phenomena). The proposed algorithm is simple to implement and can be applied for functions with singularities and branch cuts in the complex plane...
Journal of Candido Tostes Dairy Institute
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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research
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Classification of Textures for Autonomous Cleaning Robots Based on the GLCM and Statistical Local Texture Features
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Machine Learning for Control Systems Security of Industrial Robots: a Post-covid-19 Overview
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Robots for Elderly Care: Review, Multi-Criteria Optimization Model and Qualitative Case Study
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Human Factors and Functional Safety Analysis in Designing the Control Rooms of Industrial Hazardous Plants
PublicationIn this work some aspects of human factors and functional safety analysis in designing the control rooms of industrial hazardous plants are presented. The “defence in depth” (D-in-D) concept is outlined. Some designing issues of the alarm system (AS) with regard to human factors to be supported using the human reliability analysis (HRA) are discussed. The AS and decision support system (DSS), when properly designed, would contribute...
Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile robots following dynamically created trajectories
PublicationIn practice, the problem of motion control of the wheeled mobile robots is often neglected. Wheeled mobile robots are strongly nonlinear systems and restricted by non-holonomic constraints. Motion control of such systems is not trivial task and usage of non-optimal control signals can lead to deterioration of the overall robot system’s performance. In case of autonomous application of the mobile robots all parts of its control...
The modal control vibration surveillance of manipulators as a mean of improving operating parameters of industrial robots.
PublicationNowe zastosowania robotów, a przede wszystkim - operacje szybkiego montażu, technika kosmiczna oraz operacje manipulacyjne dużymi masami (niekiedy przekraczającymi masę własną manipulatora), stawiają przed robotami coraz to większe wymagania dotyczące dużej dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania. Spełnienie powyższych wymagań, bez redukcji poziomu drgań występujących w układzie nośnym manipulatora, jest trudne do uzyskania....
Assessment of phosphatic fertilizer production impact on occupational staff based on NAA of hair, nails, and inhald particles
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem zakładów fosforowych na zdrowie pracowników. W celu oszacowania narażenia zawodowego oznaczano 25 pierwiastków w próbkach włosów, paznokci i w cząstkach pyłu pobranych od pracowników i od grupy kontrolnej. Otrzymane wyniki badań porównano za pomocą testów statystycznych (t-studenta i nieparametrycznego testu U Manna - Whitneya).
The Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Monoxide Formation During Aerobic Co-digestion of Dairy Cattle Manure With Green Waste and Sawdust
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Study on the Root Causes and Prevention of Coating Cracks in the Cargo Hold of a Product Carrier
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Management of Complex Root Fractures in Young Patients—Case Series and a Literature Review
PublicationRoot fractures are defined as injuries involving dentine, cementum, and the pulp. They are rare, and they account for 0.5–7% of the dental injuries in the permanent teeth. Root fractures may be the result of direct trauma to the teeth or indirect trauma to the oral cavity. Their incidence is highest in the group of adolescent patients aged 11 to 20 years. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature supported by a case...
A Self-Adaptive Complex Root Tracing Algorithm for the Analysis of Propagation and Radiation Problem
PublicationAn improved complex root tracing algorithm for radiation and propagation issues is proposed. The approach is based on a self-adaptive discretization of Cauchy’s argument principle for a C × R space and requires a reduced number of function calls in comparison to other procedures presented in the literature. A few different examples concerning propagation and radiation problems have been considered to verify the validity and efficiency...
Particle swarm optimization algorithms for autonomous robots with deterministic leaders using space filling movements
PublicationIn this work the swarm behavior principles of Craig W. Reynolds are combined with deterministic traits. This is done by using leaders with motions based on space filling curves like Peano and Hilbert. Our goal is to evaluate how the swarm of agents works with this approach, supposing the entire swarm will better explore the entire space. Therefore, we examine different combinations of Peano and Hilbert with the already known swarm...
PublicationWith a single approach to modeling elements of different physical nature, the method of Bond Graph (BG) is particularly well suited for modeling energy systems consisting of mechanical, thermal, electrical and hydraulic elements that operate in the power system engine room. The paper refers to the earlier presented new concept of thermal process modeling using the BG method. The authors own suggestions for determining causality...
Implementing SP4CE Learning Rooms concept and AUTODESK online certification in the preparation of a new generation of engineers.
PublicationIn academia, educators do not always cope with rapidly changing technologies. Yet keeping up with new trends is essential to graduates’ success in a competitive job market. In the article, the author will answer the question of how Autodesk University Open Educational Resources and Certiport exams including GMetrix can enhance students’ academic progress and prepare them for future career. The concept of co-operation between Authorized...
The evolution of education spaces - from plan as generator to regenerative architecture, virtual rooms and green campuses
PublicationThe study programmes are often considered the main formative factors in the process of educating future architects. Another highly influential component is the architectural characteristics of learning spaces, and consequently the impact of the physical built environment on the quality of education has been widely discussed. However, not often do we realise that the characteristics of education spaces correlate with the organisational...
Interpretation and modeling of emotions in the management of autonomous robots using a control paradigm based on a scheduling variable
PublicationThe paper presents a technical introduction to psychological theories of emotions. It highlights a usable ideaimplemented in a number of recently developed computational systems of emotions, and the hypothesis thatemotion can play the role of a scheduling variable in controlling autonomous robots. In the main part ofthis study, we outline our own computational system of emotion – xEmotion – designed as a key structuralelement in...
Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements
Open Research DataThis data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...
Multi-objective electric distribution network reconfiguration solution using runner-root algorithm
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Modification of ileal proteome in growing pigs by dietary supplementation with inulin or dried chicory root
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Dietary Inclusion of Dried Chicory Root Affects Cecal Mucosa Proteome of Nursery Pigs
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Skin microbiota metabolism of natural products from comfrey root (Symphytum officinale L.)
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The influence of plant extracts on root biostimulation in different strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchense) cultivars
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Square Root Raised Cosine Fractionally Delaying Nyquist Filter - Design and Performance Evaluation
PublicationIn this paper we propose a discrete-time FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter which is applied as a square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter simultaneously. The filter enables to substitute for a cascade of square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter in one device/algorithm. The aim is to compensate for transmission delay in digital communication system. Performance of the filter as a matched filter is...
Evaluation of propagation parameters of open guiding structures with the use of complex root finding algorithms
PublicationAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm is utilized for the investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation in open guiding structures. The dispersion characteristics of propagated and leaky waves are calculated for a couple of chosen waveguides. The efficiency of the root tracing algorithm is discuses and compared to a global root finding algorithm.
Inverse Analysis as a Key Element of Safety Assessment under the Snow Load For The Large Suspension Roofs Structure
PublicationThe paper presents a concept and realization of monitoring system for the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow. The idea of the system lies in fusion of structure monitoring with a calibrated numerical FEM model [1]. The inverse problem is solved. On the base of measured selected displacements, the numerical FEM model of the structure combined with iterative method, develops the current snow load distribution. Knowing the load, we can calculate...
Prediction of Bioactive Peptides From Chicken Feather and Pig Hair Keratins Using In Silico Analysis Based on Fragmentomic Approach
PublicationBackground: Keratin is among the most abundant structural proteins of animal origin, however it remains broadly underutilized. Objective: Bioinformatic investigation was performed to evaluate selected keratins originating from mass-produced waste products, i.e., chicken feathers and pig hair, as potential sources of bioactive peptides. Methods: Pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and subtilisin were used for in silico keratinolysis...
Marvels & Tales-Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies
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Chromatographic separation, determination and identification of ecdysteroids: Focus on Maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides, Leuzea carthamoides )
PublicationThe review presents general principles for choosing optimal conditions for ecdysteroid separation, identification, and isolation using HPLC/TLC techniques in RP, NP- HILIC or NP modes. Analytics of ecdyteroids pose a still insufficiently resolved problem. Plant-derived ecdysteroids are a point of interest of pharmaceutical industry and sport medicine due to their postulated adaptogenic and anabolic properties. In insects, ecdysteroids...
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublicationThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
Investigations on the Magnesium Status Marker in Humans. The Environmental Variability of the Magnesium Levels in the Hair, Plasma and Erythrocytes of School Children from Poland
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Development of different methods for drugs and psychoactive substances extraction from hair samples and their identification based on HPLC-ESI-QTOF analysis
PublicationOver the past decade, the use of non-controlled designer drugs and drug of abuse has rapidly increased. Hair, as a human matrix, enables detection of drugs incorporated into its structure. Studies of presence and identification of drug metabolites in human hair samples has been performed using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS) with steady alternation of...
Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in house dust and hair samples from Northern Poland; an assessment of human exposure
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are among most ubiquitous compounds to be found in indoor environment and ingestion of household dust is considered an important route of exposure to PBDEs, especially in toddlers and young children. The present work reported concentration levels of PBDE congeners (PBDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183 and -209) in hair and dust samples from selected households from Northern Poland. The...
The use of HPLC-Q-TOF-MS for comprehensive screening of drugs and psychoactive substances in hair samples and several “legal highs” products
PublicationNon-targeted screening of drugs present in herbal products, known as “legal high” drugs and in hair as a biological matrix commonly used in toxicological investigations was accomplished with the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF-MS). In total, 25 and 14 therapeutical drugs and psychoactive substances/metabolites were detected in investigated hair samples...
Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) histological cross section observations of stems, leaves, and roots using light microscope
Open Research DataThis data set contains images of root crown, root, stem, and leaf cross-sections of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus). Runner bean seedlings (3-5 cm) were planted on soil amended with poultry (chicken) manure biochars pyrolized at various temperatures (400, 500, and 600 C degrees). Three different poultry manure biochar materials (450, 500, and 600°C)...
Active Double-Layered Films Enriched with AgNPs in Great Water Dock Root and Pu-Erh Extracts
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Surgical revascularization in a patient with STEMI after failed PCI with a broken angioplasty wire protruding into the aortic root
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Designing engine rooms of new generation ships realized within the framework of European research projects EUREKA - chosen questions.
PublicationWykazano znaczenie niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa w fazie eksploatacji siłowni okrętowych. Zaproponowano koncepcję projektowania siłowni okrętowych z uwzględnieniem niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa funkcjonowania siłowni okrętowych oraz ich własności proekologicznych. Przedstawiono potrzebę i główne zasady wykonania badań empirycznych w etapach projektowania statków.Uzasadniono w ujęciu fizycznym możiwość zastosowania teorii procesów...
Excess nitrogen responsive HvMADS27 transcription factor controls barley root architecture by regulating abscisic acid level
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Bacteria Residing at Root Canals Can Induce Cell Proliferation and Alter the Mechanical Properties of Gingival and Cancer Cells
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Profile and Content of Phenolic Compounds in Leaves, Flowers, Roots, and Stalks of Sanguisorba officinalis L. Determined with the LC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Analysis and Their In Vitro Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Antiproliferative Potency
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Production of essential oils from in vitro cultures of Caryopteris species and comparison of their concentrations with in vivo plants
PublicationThe chemical composition of hydrodistilled essential oils obtained from aerial parts and roots of selected Caryopteris (‘bluebeard’) species (C. incana, C. mongolica, Caryopteris 9 clandonensis), as well as the newly established in vitro shoot and adventitious root cultures of the above plants, was analyzed by gas chromatography– mass spectrometry. Essential oil content and composition differed significantly depending on the type...
Root Causes of Thin-Plate Buckling Damage at the Aft-End in Crude Oil Tanker and Verification through Buckling Analysis
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Multimodal Genetic Algorithm with Phase Analysis to Solve Complex Equations of Electromagnetic Analysis
PublicationIn this contribution, a new genetic-algorithm-based method of finding roots and poles of a complex function of a complex variable is presented. The algorithm employs the phase analysis of the function to explore the complex plane with the use of the genetic algorithm. Hence, the candidate regions of root and pole occurrences are selected and verified with the use of discrete Cauchy's argument principle. The algorithm is evaluated...
Michał Mazur dr inż.
PeopleAktualne zainteresowania inżynieria mechaniczna, robotyka, drgania mechaniczne, analiza modalna, sterowanie, systemy czasu rzeczywistego Wybrane publikacje Kaliński K., Galewski M., Mazur M., Chodnicki M, 2017, Modelling and Simulation Of A New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Of Flexible Details, Polish Maritime Research, vol 24, ss. 115-124 Kaliński K. J., Mazur M.: Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile...