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Search results for: VIRTUAL TOUR
PublicationThe paper investigates the impact of the new genres of contemporary public art based on the virtual information exchange in real spaces of the cities. On the basis of theoretical approaches, trans-disciplinary surveys and case studies, the paper focuses on the art that not only relies on the technological support but also refers to the new public sphere, where people are co-creators of the art object giving their personal input...
Possible uses of crisis situation aiding system in virtual world simulation
PublicationMany of the real world crisis situations like spreading fire, hostile units attack, flood, and etc. are commonly used in computer games where a simulation of extensive virtual world is crucial. This paper presents some ideas for possible uses of existing crisis situation aiding system in such environments. Moreover, it shows how this kind of system can be taught during subsequent games with a large number of players. As an example...
Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithm Based on Music Genre Classification
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The proposed algorithm employed automatic music genre recognition to determine the optimum parameters for the synthesis of additional frequencies. The synthesis was carried out using the non-linear device (NLD) and phase vocoder (PV) methods depending on the music excerpt genre. Classification of musical...
State-of-the-art ideas for engineering laboratory classes – virtual reality framework
PublicationNowadays challenges in science and technology are a driving force in the development of contemporary solutions in education. Virtual reality brings to an edge human imagination. In this paper, authors propose a framework for civil engineering laboratory classes which brings a new quality in this area. The framework shows how to provide learners with an environment where they can realize the health and safety hazards of construction...
Knowledge-Based Virtual Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT Industry 4.0 aims at providing a digital representation of a production landscape, but the challenges in building, maintaining, optimizing, and evolving digital models in inter-organizational production chains have not been identified yet in a systematic manner. In this paper, various Industry 4.0 research and technical challenges are addressed, and their present scenario is discussed. Moreover, in this article, the novel...
Real and Virtual Instruments in Machine Learning – Training and Comparison of Classification Results
PublicationThe continuous growth of the computing power of processors, as well as the fact that computational clusters can be created from combined machines, allows for increasing the complexity of algorithms that can be trained. The process, however, requires expanding the basis of the training sets. One of the main obstacles in music classification is the lack of high-quality, real-life recording database for every instrument with a variety...
Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems
PublicationDespite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many advantages. However, a serious limitation of most CAVE-type systems is the generation of a three-dimensional (3-D) image from the perspective of only one person. This problem is significant because in some applications, the participants must cooperate with each...
Self-healing ATM networks based on preplanned restoration of virtual paths
PublicationW pracy omówiono klasyfikację metod odtwarzania usług w samonaprawialnych sieciach ATM opartych na ścieżkach wirtualnych i o topologii kratkowej. Przedstawiono model z zaplanowanymi z góry ścieżkami zabezpieczającymi i wyniki badań przykładowej sieci w Polsce.
Virtual Models of Analog-Digital Converters in Education of Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation.
PublicationPrzedstawiono opracowane przez autorów przyrządy wirtualne do demonstracji działania przetworników analogowo-cyfrowych: integracyjnego, kompensacyjnego, sigma-delta, z pośrednim sygnałem częstotliwościowym. Programy umożliwiają obserwację zmian napięcia w punktach charakterystycznych układów w spowolnionej skali czasowej. Możliwe jest również zadawanie zakłóceń.
Virtual hearing aid - multimedia tool for demonstrating hearing aid benefits
PublicationWiększość osób niedosłyszących nie jest świadoma wszystkich możliwości korekcji ubytku słuchu. Wykorzystując techniki multimedialne można stworzyć oprogramowanie, które znacznie ułatwi i przybliży proces dopasowania aparatów słuchowych. Celem przeprowadzonych eksperymentów było opracowanie multimedialnego systemu, który pozwala zrealizować następujące funkcje: - pomiar charakterystyki dynamiki słuchu, - wyznaczanie charakterystyki...
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleKarolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., M. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2002, she completed her studies of Architecture and Urban Planning at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) and in 2004, Architectural Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Hildesheim, Germany. After graduation, she worked for several...
Wyniki pomiarów satelitarnych toru kolejowego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów satelitarnych, przeprowadzonych w celu określenia przebiegu trasy kolejowej. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych z ok. 30-kilometrowego odcinka linii podjęto kwestię dostępności błędu wyznaczeń sieci ASG-EUPOS podczas pomiarów linii kolejowej. Podjęto próbę oszacowania dokładności pomiarów satelitarnych. Wyznaczone współrzędne toru dały podstawę do rozpatrzenia możliwości wykorzystania tego rodzaju...
Technology of real-world analyzers (TAUR)
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Syntetyczne wskaźniki oceny stanu toru
PublicationJakość geometryczna toru analizowana jest w różnych celach, a dane podlegają różnemu stopniowi agregacji. Pojedyncze nierówności toru analizowane są zazwyczaj z uwagi na bezpieczeństwo i służą do planowanie napraw w krótkich terminach. Natomiast agregacja pomierzonych parametrów pozwala na planowanie robót w terminach średniookresowych i budowę modeli predykcji. W artykule przedstawiono zagregowane wskaźniki jakości geometrycznej...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
The management methods of the hardware and virtual threads in the integrated multiprocessor shared memory architectures
PublicationRozprawa doktorska skupiona jest na problematyce efektywnego zarządzania bezpośredniego wątkami sprzętowymi i jednostkami przetwarzającymi, a również zarządzania pośredniego poprzez wątki wirtualne (zadania współbieżne). Omawia ona dostępne technologie wątków sprzętowych i porządkuje metodologie ich wykorzystania. Główna myślą przewodnią pracy jest stwierdzenie, że synchronizacja i zarządzanie wątkami sprzętowymi oraz wirtualnymi...
VXSlate: Combining Head Movement and Mobile Touch for Large Virtual Display Interaction
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Exploring an Ontological Approach for User Requirements Elicitation in the Design of Online Virtual Agents
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Evaluation of Sound Enhancement in Mobile Device Using Virtual Bass Synthesiss Algorithm
PublicationAn experiment conducted to validate possibility of use virtual bass synthesis (VBS) algorithm in a portable computer is presented. The subjective listening tests based on the procedure of pairwise comparison between VBS, based on the so-called missing fundamental phenomenon, and standard bass boost technique are employed. The evaluation was carried out in two types of conditions: in a professional listening room and employing an...
Virtual Whiteboard: A gesture-controlled pen-free tool emulating school whiteboard
PublicationIn the paper the so-called Virtual Whiteboard is presented which may be an alternative solution for modern electronic whiteboards based on electronic pens and sensors. The presented tool enables the user to write, draw and handle whiteboard contents using his/her hands only. An additional equipment such as infrared diodes, infrared cameras or cyber gloves is not needed. The user's interaction with the Virtual Whiteboard computer...
Implementing Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO) with the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS)
PublicationThis paper illustrates the idea of Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) powered by Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object, having embodiment of all its associated knowledge and experience within it. Moreover, VEO is a specialization of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in terms of that its extension in knowledge gathering and reuse, whereas CPS...
Decisional-DNA-Based Digital Twin Implementation Architecture for Virtual Engineering Objects
PublicationDigital twin (DT) is an enabling technology that integrates cyber and physical spaces. It is well-fitted for manufacturing setup since it can support digitalized assets and data analytics for product and process control. Conventional manufacturing setups are still widely used all around the world for the fabrication of large-scale production. This article proposes a general DT implementation architecture for engineering objects/artifacts...
Exploring ontological approach for user requirements elicitation in design of online virtual agents
PublicationEffective user requirements elicitation is a key factor for the success of software development projects. There are many qualitative and quantitative research studies that promulgate particular methods and show the application of user requirements elicitation in particular domains. However, few try to eliminate the burden of ambiguity in gathered data, naturally occurring in different groups of stakeholders. This paper deals with...
Sphere Drive and Control System for Haptic Interaction With Physical, Virtual, and Augmented Reality
PublicationA system for haptic interaction with physical, virtual, and augmented realities, founded on drive and measurement elements (DMEs), is considered. The system consists of eight DME rolls equipped with linear actuators, able to measure their angular velocity, drive the sphere, and adjust downforce (pressing the roll against the sphere). Two modeling issues are addressed. Special effort is put in to compensate for various technical...
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) to Enhance Product Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
PublicationThis paper presents a system capable of enhancing product development process for industrial manufactured products. This system is known as Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD), and it helps in decision making by using explicit knowledge of formal decision events. It stores and reuses the past decisional events or sets of experiences related to different activities involved in industrial product development process i.e. product...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
Smart Virtual Product Development: Manufacturing Capability Analysis and Process Planning Module
PublicationSmart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system provides effective use of information, knowledge, and experience in industry during the process of product development in Industry 4.0 scenario. This system comprises of three primary modules, each of which has been developed to cater to a need for digital knowledge capture for smart manufacturing in the areas of product design, production planning, and inspection planning. Manufacturing...
Mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Application in Security, Safety, and Defence Studies
PublicationThe aim of the article is to analyse the use of mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Reality Environment (mini-CAVE) in academic studies on security, safety, and defence. The literature review based on Web of Science database and the case study of the War Studies University research activities indicated the mini-CAVE can be used in two areas as a research infrastructure and as a didactic tool. It can be concluded that due to the development...
Virtual instrument using bilinear transformation for parameter identification of high impedance objects.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia przyrząd wirtualny do pomiaru parametrów obiektów wysokoimpedancyjnych (/Zx/<10GOhm). Opracowano metodę identyfikacji elementów składowych dwójników wieloelementowych opartą na przekształceniu biliniowym.Metoda jest predestynowana do identyfikacji parametrów różnych powłok antykorozyjnych. Dla identyfikacji konieczne są wektorowe pomiary impedancji obiektu na kilku wybranych częstotliwościach, których liczba...
Real and virtual enviromnents in environmental engineering: approaches, models, technologies, and critical issues.
PublicationW pracy scharakteryzowano zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem systemów uwzględniającym ochronę środowiska.
Impact of the Artificial Strait in the Vistula Spit on the Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea)
PublicationIn the Vistula Lagoon, storm surges are induced by variable sea levels in the Gulf of Gdańsk and wind action. The rising of the water level in the southern part of the basin, exceeding 1.0 m above mean sea level, can be dangerous for the lowland area of Żuławy Elbląskie, causing the inundation of the polders adjacent to the lagoon. One of the potential possibilities to limit the flood risk is to decrease the water level in the...
Route vertical alignment design in the process of its regulation
PublicationW monografii przedstawiona została metoda opracowania projektu niwelety toru kolejowego na podstawie pomierzonych nierówności pionowych oraz praktyczny przykład jej zastosowania w procesie utrzymaniu dróg szynowych, a w szczególności w projektowaniu robót związanych z regulacją osi toru. Wykonany w ten sposób profil istniejącej linii kolejowej jest podstawą do obliczenia wartości podnoszeń toru. Wartości te nanosi się w terenie...
Campus Virtuales
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International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations
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VXSlate: Exploring Combination of Head Movements and Mobile Touch for Large Virtual Display Interaction
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Manufacturing collective intelligence by the means of Decisional DNA and virtual engineering objects, process and factory
PublicationEngineering collective intelligence is paramount in current industrial times. This research proposes and presents case studies for collective knowledge structures required in the industry field. Knowledge structures such as Set of Experience and Decisional DNA are extended into more advanced knowledge structures for manufacturing processes. These structures are called Virtual Engineering Object, Virtual Engineering Process and...
An Approach to Bass Enhancement in Portable Computers Employing Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithms
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms are related to intelligent, rule-based setting of synthesis parameters according to music genre of an audio excerpt and to the type of a portable device in use. To find optimum synthesis parameters of the VBS algorithms, subjective listening tests based on a parametric procedure...
Virtual reality as a tool for development and simulation. Research projects and experience of the Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationBy supporting the human imagination, virtual reality technology can be applied in almost every human activity. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab with specialists representing such different professions from architects and artists, astronomers and chemists, through historians and museologists, criminologists and military educators, mechanical and ship engineers, up to physicians and psychologists....
Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structure Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
PublicationModelling of ship structures in a virtual environment is now standard practice. Unfortunately, many engineers forget to consideri the influence of added water on the frequency values and the amplitude of natural vibrations. The article presents the effect of water damping on the frequency values of the individual natural vibration modes. The tests were carried out in two stages. First, the mentioned values were determined using...
Game theory-based virtual machine migration for energy sustainability in cloud data centers
PublicationAs the demand for cloud computing services increases, optimizing resource allocation and energy consumption has become a key factor in achieving sustainability in cloud environments. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges through an optimized virtual machine (VM) migration strategy that employs a game-theoretic approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) (PSO-GTA). The proposed approach leverages...
Overcoming Challenges of Virtual Scrum Teams: Lessons Learned Through an Action Research Study
PublicationAfter the COVID-19 breakout, agile teams found themselves in situations that “pure agilists” and textbooks on agile methods had preferred to ignore. Whereas agile mindsets helped them to quickly shift to remote work, mere virtualization of agile practices often proved insufficient, and several challenges emerged. This paper reports on an Action Research project carried out in Lufthansa Systems Poland with the aim of (1) revisiting...
Virtual Engineering Object (VEO): Toward Experience-Based Design and Manufacturing for Industry 4.0
PublicationIn this article we propose the concept, its framework, and implementation methodology for Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object that embodies its associated knowledge and experience. A VEO is capable of adding, storing, improving, and sharing knowledge through experience. Moreover, it is demonstrated that VEO is a specialization of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In this...
Virtual spring damper method for nonholonomic robotic swarm self-organization and leader following
PublicationIn this paper, we demonstrate a method for self-organization and leader following of nonholonomic robotic swarm based on spring damper mesh. By self-organization of swarm robots we mean the emergence of order in a swarm as the result of interactions among the single robots. In other words the self-organization of swarm robots mimics some natural behavior of social animals like ants among others. The dynamics of two-wheel robot...
Enhancing Product Manufacturing through Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT This paper proposes the Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which enhances the industrial product manufacturing processes. The proposed system comprises of three main modules: design knowledge management (DKM), manufacturing capability analysis and process planning (MCAPP), and product inspection planning (PIP). Smart virtual product development system collects, stores, and uses experiential knowledge from...
Multi-criteria Differential Evolution for Optimization of Virtual Machine Resources in Smart City Cloud
PublicationIn a smart city, artificial intelligence tools support citizens and urban services. From the user point of view, smart applications should bring computing to the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens with short latency. However, from the cloud designer point of view, the trade-off between cost, energy and time criteria requires the Pareto solutions. Therefore, the proposed multi-criteria differential evolution can optimize virtual...
Ella4Life virtual assistant - user centered design strategy - evaluation following labolatory tests
PublicationIn the paper, we summarize the evaluation of Anne4Care system after laboratory tests. A group of end users, seniors over 55 years of age, rated a virtual assistant by completing a questionnaire. The objectives of the pilot evaluations are mainly to assess the feasibility, usability, acceptance and functionality of the system and the ability of the potential target user to use the system and receive valuable information from it...
Counting Lattice Paths With Four Types of Steps
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Five New Species ofBiatorafrom Four Continents
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Implementation of 24-hour Blood Pressure Control