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Rok 2023
Facile Strategy for Boosting of Inorganic Fillers Retention in Paper
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Facile synthesis of accordion-like porous carbon from waste PET bottles-based MIL-53(Al) and its application for high-performance Zn-ion capacitor
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Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics
PublikacjaDue to migration, terror-threats and the viral pandemic, various EU member states have re-established internal border control or even closed their borders. European Association for Biometrics (EAB), a non-profit organisation, solicited the views of its members on ways which biometric technologies and services may be used to help with re-establishing open borders within the Schengen area while at the same time mitigating any adverse...
Factor Analysis of the Polish Version of Godspeed Questionnaire (Gqs)
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Factor seasonalities: International and further evidence
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Factors affecting low-temperature cracking of asphalt pavements: analysis of field observations using the ordered logistic model
PublikacjaAccurate identification of factors that primarily affect the number of low-temperature cracks is crucial for selection of road materials and planning of pavement maintenance. Field investigations of lowtemperature cracks were performed in the years 2014 and 2020 on the same 68 road sections being in service in typical traffic conditions. The collected data were statistically analysed using the ordered logistic regression model....
Factors affecting the conclusion of an arrangement in restructuring proceedings: evidence from Poland
PublikacjaThe EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) requires Member States to provide a preventive restructuring framework for financially distressed entities that remain viable or are likely to readily restore economic viability. The first step to a successful restructuring is the approval of an arrangement between the debtor and creditors. The main research objective of the article is to identify factors affecting the conclusion of an...
PublikacjaThe EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) requires Member States to provide a preventive restructuring framework for financially distressed entities that remain viable or are likely to readily restore economic viability. The first step to a successful restructuring is the approval of an arrangement between the debtor and creditors. The main research objective of the article is to identify factors affecting the conclusion of an...
Factors Affecting the Rheological Properties of Foods
PublikacjaIn this chapter, engineering aspects concerning real body mechanics and the impact of respective food ingredients on said properties are presented together. Food is a complex matrix and each of macro and micro ingredients plays its role in the formation of rheologic properties, and minor changes in the basic ingredient structure may affect the change of these properties significantly. Basic analytic techniques are presented for...
Factors affecting total protein and lactoferrin in human milk
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Failure characterisation of sandwich beams using integrated acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques
PublikacjaThe paper presents the experimental study of the failure behaviour of sandwich beams subjected to bending. The samples examined are sandwich beams made of polyethylene terephthalate foam core and glass fibre-reinforced polymer laminate face sheets. In a series of experiments, it has been proposed to integrate diagnostic techniques with acoustic emission and digital image correlation to accurately track the cracking process on the...
Failure probability of tall buildings with TMD in the presence of structural, seismic, and soil uncertainties
PublikacjaThe seismic performance of the tall building equipped with a tuned mass damper (TMD) considering soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects is well studied in the literature. However, these studies are performed on the nominal model of the seismic-excited structural system with SSI. Hence, the outcomes of the studies may not valid for the actual structural system. To address the study gap, the reliability theory as a useful and...
Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe
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Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories of Two "Dream Marvels".
PublikacjaFashion and tourism are two social, cultural, and economic phenomena that have both numerous connections and surprising similarities. These are not new: they have been built and developed since the beginnings of tourism as a modern social phenomenon, emerged in Europe in the context of the industrial revolution. They consolidated in the first decades of the 21st century, in a context where both phenomena have completed their “mass”...
Fashion Games, Fashion in Games and Gamification in Fashion. A First Map
PublikacjaFashion companies have been using different forms of entertainment such as film and television, sport, music, museums, and photography as inspiration sources and as communication and marketing channels for decades. However, in recent years, they have also started to consider the gaming world. While gaming offers a potential revenue stream from sales of physical and digital clothing, change in it is also the gateway to access new...
Fast Algorithms for Identification of Time-Varying Systems with Both Smooth and Discontinuous Parameter Changes
PublikacjaThe problem of noncausal identification of a time-varying linear system subject to both smooth and occasional jump-type changes is considered and solved using the preestimation technique combined with the basis function approach to modeling the variability of system parameters. The proposed estimation algorithms yield very good parameter tracking results and are computationally attractive.
Fast Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Based on Limited Number of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns
Publikacja— In this article, we investigate how the calibrationfree single-anchor indoor localization algorithm developed for base stations equipped with electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas can further be improved. By reducing the total number of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns used in localization process, one can significantly reduce the time needed for an object localization. Performed localization measurements...
Fatigue after COVID‐19 in non‐hospitalized patients according to sex
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Fatigue damage development in 10CrMo9-10 steel for power plant pipes in as-received state and after 280,000 h of exploitation
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Fatigue Damage Development in 14MoV6-3 Steel for Power Plant Pipes Monitored by Digital Image Correlation
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Fatigue life prediction of notched components under size effect using strain energy reformulated critical distance theory
PublikacjaNotch and size effects show significant impact on the fatigue performance of engineering components, which deserves special attention. In this work, a strain energy reformulated critical distance theory was developed for fatigue life prediction of notched components under size effect. Experimental data of different notched specimens manufactured from GH4169, TC4, TC11 alloys and low carbon steel En3B were used for model validation...
Fatty Acid Profile, Health Lipid Indices, and Sensory Properties of Meat from Pekin Ducks of Different Origins
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Fatty acids as molecular carriers in cleavable antifungal conjugates
PublikacjaConjugates composed of C2-18 fatty acid (FA) residues as a molecular carrier and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) as an active agent, released upon the action of intracellular esterases on the ester bond between FA and “trimethyl lock” intramolecular linker, demonstrate good in vitro activity against human pathogenic yeasts of Candida spp. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values for the most active conjugates containing caprylic...
Fault detection and diagnostics of complex dynamic systems using Gaussian Process Models - nuclear power plant case study
PublikacjaThe article examines the use of Gaussian Process Models to simulate the dynamic processes of a Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor for fault detection and diagnostics. The paper illustrates the potential of Gaussian Process Models as a tool for monitoring and predicting various fault conditions in Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor power plants, including reactor coolant flow and temperature variations, deviations from nominal working...
FDTD Method for Electromagnetic Simulations in Media Described by Time-Fractional Constitutive Relations
PublikacjaIn this paper, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is derived for electromagnetic simulations in media described by the time-fractional (TF) constitutive relations. TF Maxwell’s equations are derived based on these constitutive relations and the Grünwald–Letnikov definition of a fractional derivative. Then the FDTD algorithm, which includes memory effects and energy dissipation of the considered media, is introduced....
“Fearing your own queer self”: Depictions of Diasporic Queer Experience in Grace Lau’s Poetry
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Feasibility Study of Biohydrogen Production from Acid Cheese Whey via Lactate-Driven Dark Fermentation
PublikacjaThe high loading of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) present in cheese whey still limits its use as hydrogen feedstock. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of producing hydrogen from acid cheese whey via lactate-driven dark fermentation (LD-DF). Mesophilic batch fermentations were performed with delipidated acid cheese whey at a fixed pH of 5.8 and driven by an acidogenic bacterial culture containing LAB and lactate-oxidizing...
Federated Learning in Healthcare Industry: Mammography Case Study
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the role of federated learning in a healthcare environment. The experimental setup involved different healthcare providers, each with their datasets. A comparison was made between training a deep learning model using traditional methods, where all the data is stored in one place, and using federated learning, where the data is distributed among the workers. The experiment aimed to identify possible challenges...
Feed as a source of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
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FEM modelling of screw displacement pile interaction with subsoil
PublikacjaPredicting the-settlement characteristics of piles is an important element in the designing of pile foundations. The most reliable method in evaluating pile-soil interaction is the static load test, preferably performed with instrumentation for measuring shaft and pile base resistances. This, however, is a mostly post-implementation test. In the design phase, prediction methods are needed, in which numerical simulations play an...
Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublikacjaThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Fermented Tea as a Food with Functional Value—Its Microbiological Profile, Antioxidant Potential and Phytochemical Composition
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Fetal Brain Imaging: A Composite Neural Network Approach for Keyframe Detection in Ultrasound Videos
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Fibrillar aggregates in powdered milk
PublikacjaThis research paper addresses the hypothesis that powdered milk may contain amyloid fibrils. Amyloids are fibrillar aggregates of proteins. Up to this time, research on the presence of amyloids in food products are scarce. To check the hypothesis we performed thioflavin T fluorescence assay, X-ray powder diffraction, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy imaging. Our preliminary results show that commercially available...
Filia Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska – historia i dzień dzisiejszy (1945–2023)
PublikacjaKsięgozbiory dawnych katedr wydziałowych Politechniki Gdańskiej były tworzone jako integralna część warsztatu pracy naukowej i dydaktycznej. Biblioteka nadal jest warsztatem pracy studenta, dydaktyka i naukowca – taką też rolę spełnia obecnie Filia Biblioteki PG na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska. Tekst jest próbą ukazania, w jaki sposób księgozbiór z zakresu szeroko pojętej inżynierii lądowej i środowiska był organizowany...
Filter-Hilbert Method for Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements with Embedded Self-Calibration Mechanism
PublikacjaOne of the most important steps in the process of antenna development involves measurements of its prototype. Far-field performance of radiators is normally characterized in strictly controlled environments such as anechoic chambers which can ensure certification-grade accuracy. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by high construction costs which might not be justified for low-budget research and/or teaching-related activities....
Financial aspects of supporting Ukrainian refugees
PublikacjaWarfare in Ukraine meant that in 2022 many countries, including Poland and other European, focused mainly on helping refugees from Ukraine and humanitarian transports. The assistance took on various forms - from basic humanitarian support, through in-kind help, financial and military assistance. Poland launched its humanitarian aid in the first days of the conflict. The aid provided by each country varies. It should be noted, however,...
Financial Consequences of the Introduction of the Fit For 55 on the Example of Poland
PublikacjaIn Europe and in Poland, there is a growing conviction that climate action is a necessity. When creating long-term strategies or making current decisions, companies are increasingly taking into account issues related to sustainable development and reducing CO2 emissions. Following the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, countries around the world pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 so that the average temperature...
Finding the Right Solvent: A Novel Screening Protocol for Identifying Environmentally Friendly and Cost-Effective Options for Benzenesulfonamide
PublikacjaThis study investigated the solubility of benzenesulfonamide (BSA) as a model compound using experimental and computational methods. New experimental solubility data were collected in the solvents DMSO, DMF, 4FM, and their binary mixtures with water. The predictive model was constructed based on the best-performing regression models trained on available experimental data, and their hyperparameters were optimized using a newly...
Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublikacjaThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Finnish Lexical Homonimics – A Quantitative Approach
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Fire-induced spalling of ultra-high performance concrete: A systematic critical review
PublikacjaUltra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a novel concrete class characterized by a compressive strength of more than 150 MPa. One of the most significant drawbacks of employing UHPC is that is very low permeability owing to its great compactness of dense structure increases the risk of fire-induced spalling. It is challenging for fire safety and structural engineers to predict and analyze this issue due to the lack of widely accepted...
First-Phase Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction as an Early Sign of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease
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Flexible syngas-biogas-hydrogen fueling spark-ignition engine behaviors with optimized fuel compositions and control parameters
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
Flood Modelling and Risk Analysis of Cinan Feizuo Flood Protection Area, Huaihe River Basin
PublikacjaThis study evaluated multiple aspects of flood risks and effects on the Cinan Feizuo flood protection area in the Huaihe River basin. Flooding remains a leading problem for infrastructure, especially in urban, residential areas of the region. Effective flood modeling for urbanized floodplains is challenging, but MIKE (ID-2D) is paramount for analyzing and quantifying the risk in the vulnerable region. The Saint-Venant equation...
Flood-Triggering Rainfall and Potential Losses—The Copula-Based Approach on the Example of the Upper Nysa Kłodzka River
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Flow boiling of R1233zd(E) in a 3 mm vertical tube at moderate and high reduced pressures
PublikacjaThe results of flow boiling of R1233zd(E) in a 3 mm vertical stainless steel tube are presented at moderate and high saturation temperatures. Integral flow characteristics in the form of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient are discussed for saturation temperatures ranging from 115 to 145 °C (corresponding reduced pressures from 0.2 to 0.7), mass velocity of 800 kg/m2s and heat flux of 20 kW/m2. All of the obtained heat...
Flow Maps and Flow Patterns of R1233zd(E) in a Circular Minichannel at Low, Medium and High Values of Saturation Pressure
PublikacjaThere is a gap in knowledge regarding the flow pattern of low-boiling working fluids in the range of high saturation temperatures (above 120°C) and medium and high reduced pressures (0.5-0.9). Data are present in the literature for similar values of reduced pressures, but for lower values of saturation temperature. This is due to the existing refrigeration applications of these working fluids. At high values of reduced pressure,...
Fluid–solid interaction on a thin platelet with high-velocity flow: vibration modelling and experiment
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the nonlinear behaviour of a thin platelet that is streamlined in an aerodynamic tunnel. The air velocity in the aerodynamic tunnel was at 858.9 km/h or 0.7 Ma (Ma—Mach number is a dimensionless quantity in fluid dynamics representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound). This experiment was numerically simulated using FSI (fluid–solid interaction) tools, namely the coupling...
Fluorescence use in minimally invasive metabolic and bariatric surgery — a systematic review of the literature