Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CAREER IN SPACE SECTOR - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CAREER IN SPACE SECTOR

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CAREER IN SPACE SECTOR

  • Building Polish space sector – from small islands of excellence to a national innovation ecosystem


    In the paper a national potential of Poland to build its space industry after joining the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2012 is assessed, based on the series of survey reports published annually by POLSA since 2016. Their methodology was based on the ESA technology tree, classifying all the space-related technical knowhow and allowed identification of the most promising strengths to exploit and shortages to challenge by policymakers...

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  • Adam Dąbrowski dr inż.


    Adam Dąbrowski uzyskał stopień doktora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie inżynieria mechaniczna na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz ukończył studia II stopnia na kierunku mechatronika na Technische Universität Hamburg a także double degree Engineering and Management of Space Systems na Hochschule Bremen. Posiada doświadczenie przemysłowe (Instytut Lotnictwa w Warszawie, SICK AG w Hamburgu, Blue Dot Solutions w Gdańsku, Niemieckie...

  • Justyna Szostak dr inż.

    I Gdańsk University of Technology: Chair of the Rector’s Internationalization Committee (October 2020 - Present) Erasmus + Coordinator for students and staff members, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (Mar 2017 - Present) Dean's Proxy for Internationalization, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2020 - Present) Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Applied Physics and...

  • Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska dr hab. inż. arch.

    Dr hab. inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska, profesorka Politechniki Gdańskiej, jest od 2002 roku związana z Katedrą Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wieloletnia Kierowniczka Studiów Podyplomowych Urbanistyki i Gospodarki Przestrzennej „Projektowanie przestrzeni i zarządzanie”, odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

  • Mariusz Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Dyrektor Centrum Modelowania Meteorologicznego Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy. Urodził się 27 kwietnia 1964 roku w Łasinie. Egzamin maturalny złożył w 1983 roku po ukończeniu II Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Grudziądzu, Studia wyższe w trybie indywidualnym ukończył w 1989 (10.07.1989) na Wydziałach Elektromechanicznym i Inżynierii Lądowej i Geodezji Wojskowej Akademii...

  • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student


    Hi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.  Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio  as a Solar Design Engineer.   HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...

  • The role of rewards and demands in burnout among surgical nurses

    Objective: Job rewards have both, an intrinsic and an extrinsic motivational potential, and lead to employees’ development as well as help them to achieve work goals. Rewards can balance job demands and protect from burnout. Due to changes on the labour market, new studies are needed. The aim of our study was to examine the role of demands and individual rewards (and their absence) in burnout among surgical nurses. Materials and...

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  • Polish Suburban Landscape made of Enterpereneurial Tissue


    - Rok 2013

    Dwa ostatnie dekady w Polsce to okres ekspansywny rozwój małych przedsiębiorstw i równolegle dynamiczne przekształcenia przestrzeni wokół miasta . Rozwój tych dwóch zjawisk nastąpiło w okresie transformacji gospodarczej po 1989 roku . Głównym celem pracy jest zbadanie poziomu interakcji między procesem suburbanizacji i rozwojem sektora MSP w wybranych podmiejskich obszary, na przykładzie Metropolii Trójmiejskiej.

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  • Determinants of judges’ career choices and productivity: a Polish case study

    • P. Banasik
    • K. Metelska-Szaniawska
    • M. Godlewska
    • S. Morawska

    - European Journal of Law and Economics - Rok 2022

    The goal of this paper is to identify factors which affect judges’ productivity and career choice motives with the view of increasing judicial efficiency. Specifically, the investigation focuses on such aspects as judges’ remuneration, promotion, threat of judgment revocation, service/mission, periodic assessment, the threat of a complaint about protracted proceedings or of disciplinary proceedings, the threat of destabilization...

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  • Sociology of Space

    Kursy Online
    • M. Dymnicka

    The course is aimed at discussing the significance of the city as a topic of sociological analysis. During the seminar students will discuss the relation between sociology, architecture and space. Moreover, the debate will touch on the field of culture and its role in (re)creating and (re)constructing space. Discussions will also be related to the aspect of interactions in time and space. Contemporary dilemmas and challenges in...

  • Gender and support Polish women at the beginning of their professional career in IT


    - Rok 2021

    The development of ICT should be understood not only as an increase in the number of users skilled in the use of new technologies, but also as an ever-increasing demand for qualified professionals capable of creating, administering, supporting, and servicing ICT systems. With regard to the continuous development of innovative technologies, there is a noticeably low share of women who actively create and co-create this sector,...

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  • Jaromir Durkiewicz mgr

    Jaromir Durkiewicz jest asystentem w Katedrze Zastosowań Informatyki w Zarządzaniu Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Magister informatyki i ekonometrii (Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego) oraz politologii (Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego). Przez kilka lat zawodowo związany z branżą IT. Od 2017 r. doktorant na WZiE, gdzie we współpracy z prof. Tomaszem Janowskim prowadzi badania w...


    Projekt ERASMUS+ Partnerstwo Strategiczne na Rzecz Kreatywności i Przedsiębiorczości (ang. Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship - SP4CE) dotyczył wdrażania i upowszechniania innowacyjnych rozwiązań wzmacniających współpracę europejską w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego. Działania projektowe były związane z promowaniem innowacyjnych praktyk w edukacji oraz szkoleniach poprzez wspieranie spersonalizowanych...

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  • Cybersecurity in the Electricity Sector


    - Rok 2019

    This book offers a systematic explanation of cybersecurity protection of electricity supply facilities, including discussion of related costs, relevant standards, and recent solutions. The author explains the current state of cybersecurity in the electricity market, and cybersecurity standards that apply in that sector. He then offers a systematic approach to cybersecurity management, including new methods of cybersecurity assessment,...

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  • A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions

    A pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...

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  • Third sector characteristics and importance

    This article aims to present a brief overview of existing definitions and specific characteristics of the third sector. It also highlights the basic functions of NGOs as an important institutional and organizational actor in the global political and economic landscape.

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  • Modelling of wastewater treatment plant for monitoring and control purposes by state - space wavelet networks


    Most of industrial processes are nonlinear, not stationary, and dynamical with at least few different time scales in their internal dynamics and hardly measured states. A biological wastewater treatment plant falls into this category. The paper considers modelling such processes for monitorning and control purposes by using State - Space Wavelet Neural Networks (SSWN). The modelling method is illustrated based on bioreactors of...

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  • Iwona Nowakowska dr


    Adiunkt badawczo-dydaktyczny w Instytucie Psychologii Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie. Absolwentka psychologii (Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2019), doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie psychologia (Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, 2022). Prowadziła badania w obszarach: pogranicza psychologii społecznej i klinicznej oraz społecznej i różnic indywidualnych. Obecna aktywność...

  • Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space)


    ISSN: 2084-7696 , eISSN: 2084-1558

  • The Third Sector in the Universities’ Third Mission


    - Rok 2017

    The interactions between the today’s university and its environment, as part of the university’s social responsibility, have been subject to many scientific papers. Their authors typically focus on interdependencies between universities, the state and the market. What is lacking are publications related to the interactions between universities and third sector organisations, and more broadly – a civil society, that may play an...

  • Game about space or game in the space?

    The article analyzes various aspects of the actions taken by participants involved in the process of a spatial change. Such a process is described as a game about space or a game in the space. Different terminology is presented, in particular the meaning of: spatial order, regional studies, eco-development, sustainable development. Different forms of the game are analyzed: space as a theater, as a casino, as an area of conflict....

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  • A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences


    the aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...

  • Connected early-career experiences of equality in academia during the pandemic and beyond: Our liminal journey


    - Gender, Work and Organization - Rok 2023

    In this paper, we draw on our subjective experiences as two female early-career academics during the global COVID-19 pandemic. While we acknowledge that the pandemic had negative implications for many female scholars due to compulsory telework or increased family responsibilities, we also want to shed light on the empowering experiences shaped by collegial support that became an important part of our pandemic story. We build on...

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  • Space syntax analysis - methodology of understanding the space


    - Rok 2014

    Nowadays space is considered as a net of connections between different areas. The questions how to delineate its character and how it is possible to objectively compare two spaces is the matter under consideration. This was the reason for creating new theories about the structure of place. "Space syntax analysis" (SSA) or simply "Space Syntax" defines a number of theories and research areas devoted to the analysis of space configuration....

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  • Three Editions of Inter-University Studies on Space and Satellite Technology. Candidate and/vs. Graduate, a Case Study

    Currently, there is a growing demand for most up-to-date academic courses that will fulfil the needs of modern society. Each candidate has to make choices and judgements carefully, in order to succeed on the market. This is particularly important when educating individuals with different backgrounds, especially on an inter-university course in the field of space sciences and technology. This paper describes a case study carried...

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    W 25 lat od powrotu demokracji opierającej się o neoliberalny paradygmat rozwoju kraju, Polska przyjęła Krajową Politykę Miejską 2030. Wraz z ustawą o rewitalizacji w nowoczesny sposób określa ona pole współpracy władz samorządowych i administracji z mieszkańcami, przejście do drugiej fazy rozwoju społeczeństwa demokratycznego – mieszkańców współgospodarzy przestrzeni miast. Powolna ewolucja tej relacji, silnie obarczonej dziedzictwem...

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  • The dynamics of the total output of the fishery sector: The case of Indonesia


    - Rok 2016

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the total output of the Indonesian fishery industry when the changes of the final demand occur. This study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis, as an analysis instrument. Two conditions are noticed in calculation and analysis parts, namely (1) “whole sector change”, and (2) “pure change”. An initial period...

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  • Concentration in ICTs sector - cross country analysis


    - Rok 2010

    In the chapter below, the author present inequalities in sector of new information and communication technologies. Having in mind inequalities we can also discuss concentration issues, and the concentration itself is a problem to which the author refers on first place. The paper is organized as following: first basic measures of concentration are defined, after we can read a discussion referring to concentration in ICTs sector...



    ISSN: 1539-4956 , eISSN: 1542-7390

  • Creating Polish space language dictionary - lessons learned


    Polish space industry suffers from lack of space vocabulary. Since joining European Space Agency in 2012, the sector has expanded rapidly now employing over 1000 specialists focusing mainly on space sustainability, space debris detection and tracking, robotics and propulsion systems. The Polish Space Agency together with The Polish Committee for Standardization have committed to creating the first lexicon of space language, along...

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  • Governmental supported space internship programmes in new ESA member states - Polish perspective


    - Rok 2018

    Over last 10 years ve new countries - Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Estonia - have joined the European Space Agency. These countries are currently experiencing a considerable increase of space activities aiming to take part in the European and Global space market. New companies, start-ups and consortiums have been created alongside oces of foreign entities have opened their premises in these countries. All of them...

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  • EE-ISAC—Practical Cybersecurity Solution for the Energy Sector


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    A recent survey of cybersecurity assessment methods proposed by the scientific community revealed that their practical adoption constitutes a great challenge. Further research that aimed at identifying the reasons for that situation demonstrated that several factors influence the applicability, including the documentation level of detail, the availability of supporting tools, and the continuity of support. This paper presents the...

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  • Art of Space – Art in Space / The Role of Sound Art in Public


    - Rok 2015

    The article presents a discussion of the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space revitalisation and improving its quality in the context of multisensory dimension of public spaces. The unique manifestation of art and creativity in public space could be detected and stimulated using participatory architecture, for instance interactive installations, projects related...

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  • The conditions of the business services sector in Poland and its competitiveness in the global market


    The following article presents the conditions of the business services sector (BSS) in Poland and the assessment of its competitiveness in the global market. The first section discusses the BSS sector and the categories of the provided services, in the division of business process outsourcing, shared services center, information technology outsourcing, research and development. Next the authors presents the status of the business...

  • Przestrzeń i Forma


    ISSN: 1895-3247 , eISSN: 2391-7725

  • Can architecture be 11-dimensional? The nature of space in the architecture of the digital world era

    This research aims to explore the development of architectural theories about ‘architectural dimensions’ and look at architecture as a multidimensional space. It is important to understand that with today's development of virtual reality technology and through the combination of theories of physics and architecture, a new possibility of creating space has emerged. The arguments are made through inductive reasoning and grounded...

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    Introduction. In the world-wide literature, there is no unanimity in the assessment of the impact of mega sporting events on the tourism sector. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of mega sporting events on changes in tourist inflow and the amount of expenditure incurred by visitors. Material and methods. In this study, an ex-post analysis of many different categories of mega sporting events was...

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  • Redifining the Space – The Impact of Art Instalation in the Public Space

    The article presents the outcomes of the ‘Art and design’ - interdisciplinary programme WIRE 2013, and the work of studio regarding the impact of art instalation in the public Space . The subject of the workshop was an ‘Architectural Installation’. The relationship between art and architecture remains a challenging issue today, first and foremost in the domain of architecture, and particularly in art and design schools. To address...

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  • Knowledge Management and Resilience in SMEs Sector


    - Rok 2024

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of resilience in surviving major disruptions, such as pandemic or war. This problem is especially vital for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as they often lack both resources needed for survival during prolonged economic hardship and knowledge management (KM) practices which are useful for developing the necessary business resilience. Methodology: The paper uses...

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  • How to adapt Lean Six Sigma to improve performance of SMEs of manufacturing sector


    The main objective of the paper is to present the utilitarian effect of the adaptation of the Lean Six Sigma concept and its implementation in the small and medium-sized enterprises of the manufacturing sector. The original methodology was developed on the basis of research carried out in the Polish and French enterprises from 2009 to 2011. In the case of SMEs, the use of the concept of Lean Six Sigma is much less common, as...

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  • The assessment of renewable energy in Poland on the background of the world renewable energy sector

    • B. Igliński
    • M. B. Pietrzak
    • U. Kiełkowska
    • M. Skrzatek
    • G. Kumar
    • G. Piechota

    - ENERGY - Rok 2022

    The issues of the article are associated with the development of the renewable energy source (RES) sector in the world and in Poland. The subject is undoubtedly connected with the problem of the energy transformation taking place in most countries nowadays. Energy transformation processes are mainly associated with an increase in the share of energy production from RES and increased awareness of energy use by end consumers. This...

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  • Crystallization of space: Space-time fractals from fractal arithmetic


    Fractals such as the Cantor set can be equipped with intrinsic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) that map the fractal into itself. The arithmetics allows one to define calculus and algebra intrinsic to the fractal in question, and one can formulate classical and quantum physics within the fractal set. In particular, fractals in space-time can be generated by means of homogeneous spaces associated...

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  • Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Management in SMEs in the KIBS Sector


    - Rok 2014

    The purpose of this paper is to examine knowledge management practices and critical success factors (CSFs) for their introduction in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Methodology: The paper is based on the results of an exploratory qualitative survey involving owners and managers of small and medium-sized companies operating in the KIBS sector. In the survey, eight...

  • Space and Landscape in a Global Context

    Kursy Online
    • R. Orlik
    • I. Mironowicz

    Module SPACE AND LANDSCAPE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT (2022/2023, autumn semester) Objective The objective of the module is to debate different approaches to managing spatial development and contemporary issues in a global context. The course is founded on the students' knowledge about urban planning and instruments used to make them better places both for people and the environment.  Course proceedings Lectures and classes run online...

  • Share of people working in the enterprise sector by ownership sector at the end of 2016 (%).

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which was observed in the past century - in particular in the past two decades - is the phenomenon of the development of the world economy intriguing many researchers and research centers. These figures present the share of workforce according to the ownership sector at the end of 2016.

  • Impact of the Manufacturing Sector on the Export Competitiveness of European Countries – a Spatial Panel Analysis

    The purpose of this paper is to determine how changes in the export competitiveness of the EU economy (measured by exports and net exports) depend on changes in the competitiveness of processing industries, on the basis of manufacturing data from 19 EU countries over years 1995-2009 and using a spatial panel data model. The determinants of export competitiveness are selected in the light of predictions from international trade...

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  • Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course


    - Rok 2018

    In recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...

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  • Sustainable development model for measuring and managing sustainability in the automotive sector



    A growing number of organizations across a variety of industries are now pursuing sustainable management business goals to improve business efficiency, manage stakeholder expectations, or for legislative compliance. This is also the case for automotive manufacturing organizations who are under pressure from their stakeholders to manage and improve sustainability performance. This requires the development of credible measurement...

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  • Knowledge Safety – Insights from the SME Sector

    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of knowledge safety, defined as the state of knowledge being safe from loss, leakage, attrition, oblivion, waste or theft. The paper first presents a theoretical background and review of previous studies on knowledge loss and ways of overcoming it, and then illustrates the topic of knowledge safety with ten case studies from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Methodology:...

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  • The dynamics of the total output of the Japanese fisheries sector: An analysis using input-output approach


    - Rok 2016

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamics of the total output of the fisheries industry when the changes of the final demand occur. This study focuses on the case of Japan. This study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation instruments in the IO analysis, as an analysis tool. Two conditions are included in calculation and analysis parts, namely (1) “whole sector change”, and...

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