Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: process modeling
Prediction of Overall In Vitro Microsomal Stability of Drug Candidates Based on Molecular Modeling and Support Vector Machines. Case Study of Novel Arylpiperazines Derivatives
PublikacjaOther than efficacy of interaction with the molecular target, metabolic stability is the primary factor responsible for the failure or success of a compound in the drug development pipeline. The ideal drug candidate should be stable enough to reach its therapeutic site of action. Despite many recent excellent achievements in the field of computational methods supporting drug metabolism studies, a well-recognized procedure to model...
Modeling of performance and safety of a multi-task unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle = Modelowanie ruchu i bezpieczeństwa wielozadaniowego bezzałogowego autonomicznego pojazdu wodnego
PublikacjaAt the beginning of the paper the aim of research is presented. Then the method is introduced. Next, the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The following chapter concerns a model of vehicle performance including the ballasting and motion. Some information on an integrated steering, positioning and stabilization system of the vehicle is briefly presented in the paper. Such the system enables to obtain a fully...
Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization
PublikacjaSurrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...
Urban flash flood hazard identification and assessment applying geospatial techniques and hydrodynamic modeling; Erbil city case study, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublikacjaThis dissertation aims to investigate the factors behind flash flooding in Erbil's central district, located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and develop a methodology for assessing flood hazards in the city, despite limited data accessibility. In this thesis, each factor was investigated, including analyzing extreme precipitation events in the last two decades, including their spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, intensity,...
Application of chemometric modeling for ionic liquid-based ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction: Analysis of fosetyl-aluminum in fruit and vegetable samples
PublikacjaThis manuscript presents a new method for selective extraction and determination of fosetyl-aluminum in fruits and vegetable samples based on ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method using ionic liquids (IL-UA-DLLME). A UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used for detection and quantification. Plants used for sample collection were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Central composite design...
Size reduction of ultra-wideband antennas with efficiency and matching constraints
PublikacjaAntenna design is a multifaceted task that involves handling of various performance figures concerning both electrical performance of the structure as well as its geometry. Simultaneous control of several objectives through rigorous optimization is very challenging and virtually impossible through conventional approaches such as parameter sweeping. In this work, we investigate size reduction of ultra‐wideband antenna structures...
PublikacjaIn the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages [4,5]. The formation and evolution of these droplets lower the performance of the wet stages of the turbines, and their effects on the efficiency are collectively known as wetness losses [4]. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current....
PublikacjaA hydraulic fracturing job was performed to stimulate gas flow from a horizontal wellbore located in Poland. The whole operation was overseen by means of microseismic monitoring. For this purpose, an array of 12000 geophones was deployed on ground in form of patches distributed unevenly in a region of 4km from the wellbore. The array was constantly recording seismic signals during whole fracturing processed. Such recorded signals...
Transformational leadership for researcher’s innovativeness in the context of tacit knowledge and change adaptability
PublikacjaThis study explores how a learning culture supported by transformational leadership influences tacit knowledge sharing and change adaptability in higher education and how these relations impact this sector’s internal and external innovativeness. The empirical model was tested on a sample of 368 Polish scientific staff using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. Then results were expanded by applying OLS regression using...
Modelowanie procesów oscylacyjnych w układach z membraną ciekłą i kationowym surfaktanetm = Modeling of oscillation processes in systems with liquid membrane and cationic surfactant
PublikacjaBadano mechanizm oscylacji róznicy potencjału elektrycznego między fazami wodnymi trójfazowego układu z membraną ciekłą zawierającą kwas pikrynowy rozpuszcony w nitrobenzenie. Wodna faza donorowa zawierała kationowy surfaktant (bromek heksadecylotrimetyloamoniowy) i etanol. Faza akceptorowa składała się z wodnego roztworu sacharozy. Mechanizm sugeruje, że gwałtowna adsorpcja i desorpcja surfaktantu na granicy fazy akceptorowej...
Molecular modeling study of tectoquinone and acteoside from Tectona grandis linn: a new SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitor against COVID-19
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Review of Methods for Diagnosing the Degradation Process in Power Units Cooperating with Renewable Energy Sources Using Artificial Intelligence
PublikacjaThis work is based on a literature review (191). It mainly refers to two diagnostic methods based on artificial intelligence. This review presents new possibilities for using genetic algorithms (GAs) for diagnostic purposes in power plants transitioning to cooperation with renewable energy sources (RESs). The genetic method is rarely used directly in the modeling of thermal-flow analysis. However, this assignment proves that the...
Performance-driven yield optimization of high-frequency structures by kriging surrogates
PublikacjaUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, as manufacturing toler-ances may affect the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, quantification of these effects is in-dispensable for adequate assessment of the design quality. Toward this end, statistical analysis is performed, for reliability reasons, using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Still, the computational expenditures associated...
Extended micropolar approach within the framework of 3M theories and variations thereof
PublikacjaAs part of his groundbreaking work on generalized continuum mechanics, Eringen proposed what he called 3M theories, namely the concept of micromorphic, microstretch, and micropolar materials modeling. The micromorphic approach provides the most general framework for a continuum with translational and (internal) rotational degrees of freedom (DOF), whilst the rotational DOFs of micromorphic and micropolar continua are subjected...
Education Towards The Use Of BIM On The Example Of Polish Universities
PublikacjaBIM (Building Information Modeling) has been one of the rapidly developing fields of digital techniques supporting the realization of construction projects in recent years. Further development, and especially the use of these techniques, depends to a large extent on the qualifications of young construction engineers who start their professional careers in this field. The article attempts to synthetically list and compare subjects,...
Możliwości wydłużania krzywych przejściowych w układach geometrycznych torów
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę problemu wydłużania krzywych przejściowych, wykorzystując do tego celu analityczną metodę projektowania. Podstawę analizy stanowiły obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzone dla zestawu parametrów charakteryzujących standardowy układ geometryczny: krzywa przejściowa – łuk kołowy – krzywa przejściowa (w wersji niesymetrycznej). Ocenie poddano różnice rzędnych poziomych układu istniejącego oraz układu z...
A model of damaged media used for describing the process of non-stationary creep and long-term strength of polycrystalline structural alloys
PublikacjaThe main laws of the processes of creep and long-term strength of polycrystalline structural alloys are considered. From the viewpoint of continuum damaged media (CDM), a mathematical model is developed that describes the processes of viscoplastic deformation and damage accumulation under creep. The problem of determining material parameters and scalar functions of the developed constitutive relations based on the results of specially...
Gasification of Densified Biomass (DB) and Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Using HTA/SG Technology
PublikacjaThe necessity of economical and rational use of natural energy sources caused a rapid development of research on the possibilities of using non‐conventional energy resources. Taking the above into account, a new technological process of thermochemical conversion of biomass and communal waste, commonly known as High Temperature Air/Steam Gasification (HTA/SG) and Multi‐Staged Enthalpy Extraction Technology (HTAG‐MEET), was developed....
Exploiting the S4–S5 Specificity of Human Neutrophil Proteinase 3 to Improve the Potency of Peptidyl Di(chlorophenyl)-phosphonate Ester Inhibitors: A Kinetic and Molecular Modeling Analysis
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Bond graph modeling of the new generation engine cooling systems = Zastosowanie metody grafów wiązań do modelowania nowej generacji układów chłodzenia silników spalinowych
PublikacjaW referacie szczegółowo opisano modele wymiany ciepła i przepływów w układzie chłodzenia. Metoda grafów wiązań okazała się szczególnie użyteczną dla modelowania skomplikowanych systemów energetycznych o różnych postaciach energii. Jako przykładu użyto obiegu chłodzenia silnika badawczego na hamowni silnikowej.
ESCASA : Analytical estimation of atomic coordinates from coarse‐grained geometry for nuclear‐magnetic‐resonance ‐assisted protein structure modeling. I. Backbone and Hβ protons
PublikacjaA method for the estimation of coordinates of atoms in proteins from coarse-grained geometry by simple analytical formulas (ESCASA), for use in nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) data-assisted coarse-grained simulations of proteins is proposed. In this paper, the formulas for the backbone Hα and amide (HN) protons, and the side-chain Hβ protons, given the Cα-trace, have been derived and parameterized, by using the interproton distances...
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublikacjaIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
Deep eutectic solvent-enhanced crop residue adsorbents for eco-efficient volatile organosulfur compounds adsorption from gaseous fuels
PublikacjaThis study highlights the innovative potential of converting crop residues, typically considered waste, into valuable materials. By modifying these residues with green solvent-based deep eutectic solvents (DES), a novel adsorbent was specifically designed for the selective removal of volatile organosulfur compounds (such as thiophene, sec-butyl mercaptan, and dimethyl disulfide) from biogas streams. The selection of the most effective...
PublikacjaBackground: Decisions regarding strategic planning of urban freight transport very often are based on superficial assumptions inadequately reflecting the actual character of encountered challenges. The trend may be observed to adapt isolated solutions without supporting measures and verification of expected outcomes. Selected urban freight solutions have a significant potential to alleviate transport related problems, but they...
Dynamic coloring of graphs
PublikacjaDynamics is an inherent feature of many real life systems so it is natural to define and investigate the properties of models that reflect their dynamic nature. Dynamic graph colorings can be naturally applied in system modeling, e.g. for scheduling threads of parallel programs, time sharing in wireless networks, session scheduling in high-speed LAN's, channel assignment in WDM optical networks as well as traffic scheduling. In...
The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing
PublikacjaIt is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...
Publikacja3D visualization is a key element of research and analysis and as the source used by experts in various fields e.g.: experts from water and sewage systems. The aim of this study was to visualize in three-dimensional space model of water supply network with relief. The path of technological development of GESUT data (Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu – geodetic records of public utilities) for water supply and measurement...
Preparation and characterization of dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymers as potential sorbents for the recognition of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethers
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work was to conduct the preliminary/basic research concerning the preparation process of a new dummy molecularly imprinted polymer (DMIP) materials. Developed DMIPs were proposed as a sorption material in solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique for recognition of selected low mass polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) e PBDE-47 and PBDE-99. Four new DMIPs were synthesized employing bulky polymerization technique...
Efficient knowledge-based optimization of expensive computational models using adaptive response correction
PublikacjaComputer simulation has become an indispensable tool in engineering design as they allow an accurate evaluation of the system performance. This is critical in order to carry out the design process in a reliable manner without costly prototyping and physical measurements. However, high-fidelity computer simulations are computationally expensive. This turns to be a fundamental bottleneck when it comes to design automation using numerical...
Tolerance Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Response Feature Surrogates
PublikacjaFabrication tolerances and other types of uncertainties, e.g., the lack of precise knowledge of material parameters, have detrimental effects on electrical and field performance of antenna systems. In the case of input characteristics these are particularly noticeable for narrow- and multi-band antennas where deviations of geometry parameters from their nominal values lead to frequency shifts of the operating frequency bands. Improving...
Tomasz Edward Berezowski dr inż.
OsobyUrodził się w 1986 r. w Warszawie. Ukończył w 2009r. z wyróżnieniem Międzywydziałowe Studium Ochrony Środowiska SGGW w Warszawie, specjalność Restoration and Management of Environment. Doktorat obronił z wyróżnieniem na Vrije UIniversiteit Brussels w 2015 roku. W latach 2015-2017 pracował jako asystent, a następnie adiunkt na Wydziale Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska SGGW. W roku 2017 został zatrudniony jako adiunkt na Wydziale...
Ionic liquid-assisted sol-gel synthesis of Fe2O3-TiO2 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol a under UV illumination: Modeling and optimization using response surface methodology
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Mateusz Muchlado dr
OsobyMateusz Muchlado - adiunkt w Katedrze Inżynierii Zarządzania i Jakości. Stopień doktora nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości uzyskał w roku 2020 na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej broniąc pracę pt. "Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego". Związany z Politechniką Gdańską od 2010 roku, absolwent kierunku "International Management", studiował w latach 2011-2012 na Otto-Friedrich-Universität...
Energy and exergy analysis of negative CO2 emission gas power plant operation using thermodynamic modelling results of the cycle
PublikacjaA developed cycle of negative CO2 emission gas power plant is presented. The cycle is an oxy-combustion gas turbine cycle where the gas fuel is burnt with pure oxygen, and liquid water is injected to the combustor to keep the temperature at an appropriate level for the gas turbine. The negative level of CO2 emission can be obtained by combining CO2 capture method with the usage of a gas fuel based on sewage sludge gasification....
Improved-Efficacy EM-Based Antenna Miniaturization by Multi-Fidelity Simulations and Objective Function Adaptation
PublikacjaThe growing demands for integration of surface mount design (SMD) antennas into miniatur-ized electronic devices have been continuously imposing limitations on the structure dimen-sions. Examples include embedded antennas in applications such as on-board devices, picosatel-lites, 5G communications, or implantable and wearable devices. The demands for size reduction while ensuring a satisfactory level of the electrical and field...
On Nature-Inspired Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Variable-Resolution EM Models
PublikacjaNumerical optimization has been ubiquitous in antenna design for over a decade or so. It is indispensable in handling of multiple geometry/material parameters, performance goals, and constraints. It is also challenging as it incurs significant CPU expenses, especially when the underlying computational model involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. In most practical cases, the latter is imperative to ensure evaluation reliability....
Results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature
Dane BadawczeThis database present results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature. Databse contain one table and 7 figures.
Modeling and optimizing the removal of cadmium by Sinapis alba L. from contaminated soil via Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks during assisted phytoremediation with sewage sludge
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Higher‐Order Gravity Waves and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From the Polar Vortex Jet on 11–15 January 2016: Modeling With HIAMCM‐SAMI3 and Comparison With Observations in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
PublikacjaIn Vadas et al. (2024, https://doi.org/10.1029/2024ja032521), we modeled the atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) during 11–14 January 2016 using the HIAMCM, and found that the polar vortex jet generates medium to large-scale, higher-order GWs in the thermosphere. In this paper, we model the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) generated by these GWs using the HIAMCM-SAMI3 and compare with ionospheric observations from ground-based...
3D printing of polylactic acid: recent advances and opportunities
PublikacjaBio-based polymers are a class of polymers made by living organisms, a few of them known and commercialized yet. Due to poor mechanical strength and economic constraints, they have not yet seen the extensive application. Instead, they have been an appropriate candidate for biological applications. Growing consumer knowledge of the environmental effect of polymers generated from petrochemical sources and a worldwide transition away...
On three-dimensional dynamics of smart rotating micro-disks
PublikacjaIn this paper, three-dimensional (3D) dynamic analysis of a rotational smart piezomagnetic-flexomagnetic (PFM) multi-functional micro-disk has been investigated. In the mathematical modeling, an attempt has been made to develop a wide range of factors influencing the analyzed structure, which is intended to be used as a micro-sensor/actuator. The investigated smart micro-disk could have many sensitive and accurate applications,...
CO2 capture enhancement by metal oxides impregnated coal fly ash: a breakthrough adsorption study
PublikacjaCoal fired power plants are significant contributors to CO2 emissions and produce solid waste in the form of coal fly ash, posing severe environmental challenges. This study explores the application of dry-impregnated coal fly ash for CO2 capture from gas stream. The modification of coal fly ash was achieved using alkaline earth metal oxides, specifically CaO and MgO, to alter its physical and chemical properties. Characterization...
Predicting a passenger ship's response during evasive maneuvers using Bayesian Learning
PublikacjaThe rapidly advancing automation of the maritime industry – for instance, through onboard Decision Support Systems (DSS) – can facilitate the introduction of advanced solutions supporting the process of collision avoidance at sea. Nevertheless, relevant solutions that aim to correctly predict a ship's behavior in irregular waves are only available to a limited extent by omitting the impact of wave stochastics on resulting evasive...
Low-cost multiband compact branch-line coupler design using response features and automated EM model fidelity adjustment
PublikacjaDesign closure of compact microwave components is a challenging problem because of significant electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings in densely arranged layouts. A separate issue is a large number of designable parameters resulting from replacement of conventional transmission line sections by compact microstrip resonant cells. This increases complexity of the design optimization problem and requires employment of expensive high-fidelity...
PublikacjaAccess to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...
Analytical ‘Steady-State’-Based Derivation and Clarification of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition for Pipe Flow
PublikacjaThis article addresses the problem of choosing the optimal discretization grid for emulating fluid flow through a pipeline. The aggregated basic flow model is linearized near the operating point obtained from the steady state analytic solution of the differential equations under consideration. Based on this model, the relationship between the Courant number (μ) and the stability margin is examined. The numerically set coefficient...
The Impact of a New Product’s Novelty and Meaningfulness on its Commercial Performance
Publikacjas new product development (NPD) process encompasses creative actions, so a new product is characterized by two essential dimensions used to describe any creative output – namely novelty and meaningfulness. Therefore, businesses are faced with the questions to what extent and under what market conditions to develop each of these dimensions in order to obtain high new product commercial performance. Based on gaps indentified in the...
Modeling of the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Active Site: Two Different Modes of Alcohol Binding in Crystals of Zinc and Cadmium Tri‐tert‐butoxysilanethiolates Evidenced by X‐ray Diffraction and Solid‐State Vibrational Spectroscopy
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Modeling of the alcohol dehydrogenase active site. Two different modes of alcohol binding in crystals of zinc and cadmium tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates evidenced by X-ray diffraction and solid state vibrational spectroscopy
PublikacjaOpisano syntezę, struktury cząsteczkowe oraz widma FT-IR, 1H. 13C, 29Si, 113Cd NMR dziesięciu nowych, mieszanoligandowych kompleksów cynku i kadmu z ligandem tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowym i pochodnymi imidazolu. Za pomocą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej i spektroskopii w podczerwieni udokumentowano dwa różne sposoby wiązania etanolu i metanolu w kryształach tych związków. Opisane kompleksy stanowią modele miejsca aktywnego...
Expedited Yield Optimization of Narrow- and Multi-Band Antennas Using Performance-Driven Surrogates
PublikacjaUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of antenna systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the antenna characteristics. In the case of narrow- or multi-band antennas, this usually leads to...