Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HUMAN ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION - MOST Wiedzy




  • Sequential classification.


    Opisano uogólniony algorytm konstrukcji klasyfikatora sekwencyjnego. Uogólnienie polega na tym, że zbiór klas dzielimy na dwie grupy zamiast oddzielania po jednej klasie w każdym kroku uczenia klasyfikatora. Eksperymenty potwierdzały lepsze własności klasyfikatora.

  • A System for Heart Sounds Classification

    The future of quick and efficient disease diagnosis lays in the development of reliable non-invasive methods. As for the cardiac diseases – one of the major causes of death around the globe – a concept of an electronic stethoscope equipped with an automatic heart tone identification system appears to be the best solution. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the quality of phonocardiography signals is no longer an issue. However,...

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  • Physics augmented classification of fNIRS signals

    • F. Orihuela-Espina
    • M. Rojas-Cisneros
    • S. A. Montero-Hernández
    • J. S. Garcia Salinas
    • B. Cuervo-Soto
    • J. Herrera-Vega

    - Rok 2022

    Background. Predictive classification favours performance over semantics. In traditional predictive classification pipelines, feature engineering is often oblivious to the underlying phenomena. Hypothesis. In applied domains such as functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), the exploitation of physical knowledge may improve the discriminative quality of our observation set. Aims. Give exemplary evidence that intervening the...

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  • Seabed classification using multibeam echosounder


    The method of seabed identification and classification from multibeam sonar echoes is presented. The proposed approach is based on calculation of a set of parameters of an echo envelope, similarly as in seafloor classification using single beam echosounder. These parameters are extracted for each consecutive beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on the seafloor incident angle. The relation between seabed type and calculated...

  • Classification methods and criteria


    - Rok 2007

    Klasyfikacja akustyczna dna morskiego jest najnowszą metodologią zaprojektowaną w celu zdalnego wykrywania rozmaitych charakterystyk dna morskiego z informacji zawartych w echch od dna akustycznych impulsów transmitowanych z różnego typu sonarów. Poza szególnymi chrakterystykami sprzętowymi każdego systemu ASC, istotą każdej metody jest klasyfikacja modułu, który wyciąga serie cech z echa sygnału i przetwarza je aby posortować...

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  • Image Classification Based on Video Segments


    - Rok 2018

    In the dissertation a new method for improving the quality of classifications of images in video streams has been proposed and analyzed. In multiple fields concerning such a classification, the proposed algorithms focus on the analysis of single frames. This class of algorithms has been named OFA (One Frame Analyzed).In the dissertation, small segments of the video are considered and each image is analyzed in the context of its...

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  • Comparison of selected electroencephalographic signal classification methods

    A variety of methods exists for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals classification. In this paper, we briefly review selected methods developed for such a purpose. First, a short description of the EEG signal characteristics is shown. Then, a comparison between the selected EEG signal classification methods, based on the overview of research studies on this topic, is presented. Examples of methods included in the study are: Artificial...

  • Impact of optimization of ALS point cloud on classification

    Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is one of the LIDAR technologies (Light Detection and Ranging). It provides information about the terrain in form of a point cloud. During measurement is acquired: spatial data (object’s coordinates X, Y, Z) and collateral data such as intensity of reflected signal. The obtained point cloud is typically applied for generating a digital terrain model (DTM) and a digital surface model (DSM). For DTM...

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  • On Algorithm Details in Multibeam Seafloor Classification


    Remote sensing of the seafloor constitutes an important topic in exploration, management, protection and other investigations of the marine environment. In the paper, a combined approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. It relies on calculation of several descriptors related to seabed type using three different types of multibeam sonar data obtained during seafloor sensing, viz.: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms)...

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  • An Analysis of Neural Word Representations for Wikipedia Articles Classification



    One of the current popular methods of generating word representations is an approach based on the analysis of large document collections with neural networks. It creates so-called word-embeddings that attempt to learn relationships between words and encode this information in the form of a low-dimensional vector. The goal of this paper is to examine the differences between the most popular embedding models and the typical bag-of-words...

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  • A note on the affective computing systems and machines: a classification and appraisal


    Affective computing (AfC) is a continuously growing multidisciplinary field, spanning areas from artificial intelligence, throughout engineering, psychology, education, cognitive science, to sociology. Therefore, many studies have been devoted to the aim of addressing numerous issues, regarding different facets of AfC solutions. However, there is a lack of classification of the AfC systems. This study aims to fill this gap by reviewing...

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  • The Hough transform in the classification process of inland ships


    This article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using image processing methods for feature extraction that allows kNN classification based on a ship’s image delivered from an on-water video surveillance system. The subject of the analysis is the Hough transform which enables the detection of straight lines in an image. The recognized straight lines and the information about them serve as features in the classification...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification


    In our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...

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  • Using multibeam echoes in seafloor characterisation and classification


    The method of seabed identification and classification from multibeam sonar echoes is presented. The proposed approach is based on calculation of a set of parameters of an echo envelope, similarly as in seafloor classification using single beam echosounder. These parameters are extracted for each consecutive beam allowing the estimation of their dependence on the seafloor incident angle. The relation between seabed type and calculated...

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  • Piroxicam derivatives THz classification

    • L. Sterczewski
    • M. Grzelczak
    • K. Nowak
    • B. Szlachetko
    • S. Plinska
    • B. Szczesniak-Siega
    • W. Malinka
    • E. Plinski

    - Rok 2016

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  • A Framework for Adaptive and Integrated Classification


    - Rok 2008

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  • Automatic Classification of Polish Sign Language Words

    In the article we present the approach to automatic recognition of hand gestures using eGlove device. We present the research results of the system for detection and classification of static and dynamic words of Polish language. The results indicate the usage of eGlove allows to gain good recognition quality that additionally can be improved using additional data sources such as RGB cameras.

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  • Endoscopic Video Classification with the Consideration of Temporal Patterns

    The article describes a novel approach to automatic recognition and classification of diseases in endoscopic videos. Current directions of research in this field are discussed. Most presented methods focus on processing single frames and do not take into consideration the temporal relationship between continuous classifications. Existing approaches that consider the temporal structure of an incoming frame sequence are focused on...

  • Using similar classification tasks in feature extractor learning


    - Rok 2009

    The article presents and experimentally verify the idea of automatic construction of feature extractors in classification problems. The extractors are created by genetic programming techniques using classification examples taken from other problems then the problem under consideration.

  • Selection of Relevant Features for Text Classification with K-NN

    In this paper, we describe five features selection techniques used for a text classification. An information gain, independent significance feature test, chi-squared test, odds ratio test, and frequency filtering have been compared according to the text benchmarks based on Wikipedia. For each method we present the results of classification quality obtained on the test datasets using K-NN based approach. A main advantage of evaluated...

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  • Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms

    Experiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...

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  • Comparison of Classification Methods for EEG Signals of Real and Imaginary Motion


    The classification of EEG signals provides an important element of brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, underlying an efficient interaction between a human and a computer application. The BCI applications can be especially useful for people with disabilities. Numerous experiments aim at recognition of motion intent of left or right hand being useful for locked-in-state or paralyzed subjects in controlling computer applications....

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  • Multibeam Sonar Data Processing for Seafloor Classification


    Despite many years of the development of methodology for sensing the seafloor by means of underwater acoustics, the currently used techniques are still not mature enough and not ready to be utilised in numerous different (i.e. with respect to a water region character, used equipment type etc.) tasks. Therefore the hydroacoustic methods, both utilising vertical observations (e.g. by singlebeam echosounders), as well as those relying...

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  • Clothes Detection and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks


    In this paper we describe development of a computer vision system for accurate detection and classification of clothes for e-commerce images. We present a set of experiments on well established architectures of convolutional neural networks, including Residual networks, SqueezeNet and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD). The clothes detection network was trained and tested on DeepFashion dataset, which contains box annotations...

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  • Basic Hand Gestures Classification Based on Surface Electromyography

    This paper presents an innovative classification system for hand gestures using 2-channel surface electromyography analysis. The system developed uses the Support Vector Machine classifier, for which the kernel function and parameter optimisation are conducted additionally by the Cuckoo Search swarm algorithm. The system developed is compared with standard Support Vector Machine classifiers with various kernel functions. The average...

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  • How to Sort Them? A Network for LEGO Bricks Classification


    LEGO bricks are highly popular due to the ability to build almost any type of creation. This is possible thanks to availability of multiple shapes and colors of the bricks. For the smooth build process the bricks need to properly sorted and arranged. In our work we aim at creating an automated LEGO bricks sorter. With over 3700 different LEGO parts bricks classification has to be done with deep neural networks. The question arises...

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  • Mask Detection and Classification in Thermal Face Images

    Face masks are recommended to reduce the transmission of many viruses, especially SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the automatic detection of whether there is a mask on the face, what type of mask is worn, and how it is worn is an important research topic. In this work, the use of thermal imaging was considered to analyze the possibility of detecting (localizing) a mask on the face, as well as to check whether it is possible to classify...

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  • Self-Supervised Learning to Increase the Performance of Skin Lesion Classification

    To successfully train a deep neural network, a large amount of human-labeled data is required. Unfortunately, in many areas, collecting and labeling data is a difficult and tedious task. Several ways have been developed to mitigate the problem associated with the shortage of data, the most common of which is transfer learning. However, in many cases, the use of transfer learning as the only remedy is insufficient. In this study,...

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  • Ranking Speech Features for Their Usage in Singing Emotion Classification


    This paper aims to retrieve speech descriptors that may be useful for the classification of emotions in singing. For this purpose, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and selected Low-Level MPEG 7 descriptors were calculated based on the RAVDESS dataset. The database contains recordings of emotional speech and singing of professional actors presenting six different emotions. Employing the algorithm of Feature Selection based...

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  • On-Board Detection, Classification and Evaluation of Nonlinearities


    Artykuł prezentuje tester wbudowany BIT przeznaczony do wydobywania informacji diagnostycznej z sygnału generowanego przy zastosowaniu oscylacyjnej metody testowania. Układ bazujący na technice modulacji Sigma-Delta i sztucznych sieciach neuronowych może wykrywać nieliniowość w sygnale testującym, określać rodzaj nieliniowości i szacować zawartość harmonicznych.

  • Proposal of a new tolerances classification system


    W referacie przedstawiono ocenę obowiązującego obecnie systemu określania tolerancji w konstrukcjach stalowych oraz zaproponowano nowy system doboru tolerancji, odpowiadający wymaganiom współczesnych metod wytwarzania konstrukcji stalowych. Na potrzeby systemu wprowadzono klasyfikację wymiarów konstrukcji oraz pojęcia ''koordynac8yjnych wymiarów montażowych'', ''pętli montażowej'' oraz ''stanu granicznego montażu''. W proponowanym...

  • Proposal of a new tolerances classification system


    W referacie przedstawiono ocenę obowiązującego obecnie systemu określania tolerancji w konstrukcjach stalowych oraz zaproponowano nowy system doboru tolerancji, odpowiadający wymaganiom współczesnych metod wytwarzania konstrukcji stalowych. Na potrzeby systemu wprowadzono klasyfikację wymiarów konstrukcji oraz pojęcia ''koordynac8yjnych wymiarów montażowych'', ''pętli montażowej'' oraz ''stanu granicznego montażu''. W proponowanym...

  • Seafloor classification using multibeam sonar



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  • Towards automatic classification of Wikipedia content

    Artykuł opisuje podejście do automatycznej klasyfikacji artykułów w Wikipedii. Przeanalizowane zostały reprezentacje tekstu bazujące na treści dokumentu i wzajemnych powiązaniach. Przedstawiono rezultaty zastosowania klasyfikatora SVM.

  • Towards a classification of networks with asymmetric inputs


    - NONLINEARITY - Rok 2021

    Coupled cell systems associated with a coupled cell network are determined by (smooth) vector fields that are consistent with the network structure. Here, we follow the formalisms of Stewart et al (2003 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 2, 609–646), Golubitsky et al (2005 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 4, 78–100) and Field (2004 Dyn. Syst. 19, 217–243). It is known that two non-isomorphic n-cell coupled networks can determine the same sets of...

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  • Automatic classification of singing voice quality


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z automatyczną klasyfikacją jakości i rodzajów głosów śpiewaczych. Na potrzebę takiej klasyfikacji stworzono bazę głosów śpiewaczych, w której dokonano parametryzacji nagrań samogłosech śpiewanych przez różnych wokalistów (zarówno profesjonalistów jak i amatorów) na różnych wysokościach i z różną głośnością. W celu ograniczenia wymiaru wektora opisu zastosowano statystykę Behrensa Fishera...

  • Using angular dependence of multibeam echo features in seabed classification


    The new approach to seabed classification based on processing multibeam sonar echoes is presented. The multibeam sonars, besides their well verified and widely used applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements or underwater object imaging, are also the promising tool in seafloor identification and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed seabed classification...


    This work describes the restraints in the optimization problem. This is an important and complicated issue because it requires taking into account a vast range of information related to the design and production. In order to describe the relations of a specific optimization problem, it is essential to adopt appropriate criteria and to collect information on all kinds of restraints, i.e. boundary conditions. The following paper...

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  • Classification of high-voltage varistors into groups of differentiated quality

    The research was aimed on defining a factor of quality for high-voltage varistors using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques, which could be applied during the production testing. The newly proposed parameter Q determined on the basis of the lowest resonant frequency fr measured within the preselected frequency range was taken into account. The parameter Q was defined for ZnO structures after firing, without metallized contacts....

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  • ReFlexeNN - the Wearable EMG Interface with Neural Network Based Gesture Classification

    The electromyographic activity of muscles was measured using a wireless biofeedback device. The aim of the study was to examine the possibility of creating an automatic muscle tension classifier. Several measurement series were conducted and the participant performed simple physical exercises - forcing the muscle to increase its activity accordingly to the selected scale. A small wireless device was attached to the electrodes placed...

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  • Classification of Music Genres by Means of Listening Tests and Decision Algorithms

    The paper compares the results of audio excerpt assignment to a music genre obtained in listening tests and classification by means of decision algorithms. A short review on music description employing music styles and genres is given. Then, assumptions of listening tests to be carried out along with an online survey for assigning audio samples to selected music genres are presented. A framework for music parametrization is created...

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  • Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology

    • V. Kremen
    • J. J. Duque
    • B. Brinkmann
    • B. M. Berry
    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • F. Khadjevand
    • J. Van Gompel
    • M. Stead
    • E. K. ST.Louis
    • G. A. Worrell

    - Journal of Neural Engineering - Rok 2017

    OBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...

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  • Identification, Assessment and Automated Classification of Requirements Engineering Techniques


    Selection of suitable techniques to be used in requirements engineering or business analysis activities is not easy, especially considering the large number of new proposals that emerged in recent years. This paper provides a summary of techniques recommended by major sources recognized by the industry. A universal attribute structure for the description of techniques is proposed and used to describe 33 techniques most frequently...

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  • Viewpoint independent shape-based object classification for video surveillance


    A method for shape based object classification is presented.Unlike object dimension based methods it does not require any system calibration techniques. A number of 3D object models are utilized as a source of training dataset for a specified camera orientation. Usage of the 3D models allows to perform the dataset creation process semiautomatically. The background subtraction method is used for the purpose of detecting moving objects...

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  • Towards Cancer Patients Classification Using Liquid Biopsy

    Liquid biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive diagnostic and monitoring tool for cancer disease. Yet, developing accurate methods, given the potentially large number of input features, and usually small datasets size remains very challenging. Recently, a novel feature parameterization based on the RNA-sequenced platelet data which uses the biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, combined with a classifier...

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  • Accelerating Video Frames Classification With Metric Based Scene Segmentation

    This paper addresses the problem of the efficient classification of images in a video stream in cases, where all of the video has to be labeled. Realizing the similarity of consecutive frames, we introduce a set of simple metrics to measure that similarity. To use these observations for decreasing the number of necessary classifications, we propose a scene segmentation algorithm. Performed experiments have evaluated the acquired...

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  • Classification of Polish wines by application of ultra-fast gas chromatography

    The potential of ultra-fast gas chromatography (GC) combined with chemometric analysis for classification of wine originating from Poland according to the variety of grape used for production was investigated. A total of 44 Polish wine samples differing in the type of grape (and grape growth region) used for the production as well as parameters of the fermentation process, alcohol content, sweetness, and others which characterize...

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  • Classification of submandibular salivary stones based on ultrastructural studies


    Introduction: Sialolithiasis remains a clinical problem with unclear etiopathogenesis, lack of prevention methods, and only surgical treatment. Materials and methods: An ultrastructure examination of submandibular sialoliths obtained from patients with chronic sialolithiasis was conducted using a scanning electron microscope and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results: Based on the results, we divided sialoliths into three types:...

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  • Classification of submandibular salivary stones based on ultrastructural studies


    - ORAL DISEASES - Rok 2020

    Introduction: Sialolithiasis remains a clinical problem with unclear etiopathogenesis, lack of prevention methods, and only surgical treatment. Materials and methods: An ultrastructure examination of submandibular sialoliths obtained from patients with chronic sialolithiasis was conducted using a scanning electron microscope and X-ray photoelectron...

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  • Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...