Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: acoustic diffused field formation - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: acoustic diffused field formation

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: acoustic diffused field formation

  • On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in a Perfectly Conducting Viscous and Thermoconducting Gas


    Nonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. The plasma is as- sumed to be a Newtonian thermoconducting gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. Generation of the non-wave modes (magnetoacoustic heating and streaming) in the field of periodic and aperiodic magnetoacoustic perturbations is discussed. The results...

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  • From Bioink to Tissue: Exploring Chitosan-Agarose Composite in the Context of Printability and Cellular Behaviour


    This study presents an innovative method for producing thermosensitive bioink from chitosan hydrogels saturated with carbon dioxide and agarose. It focuses on a detailed characterisation of their physicochemical properties and potential applications in biomedicine and tissue engineering. The ORO test approved the rapid regeneration of the three-dimensional structure of chitosan–agarose composites in a unidirectional bench press...

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  • Measurements of Subnanometer Molecular Layers


    - Rok 2013

    Selected methods of formation and detection of nanometer and subnanometer molecular layers were shown. Additionally, a new method of detection and measurement with subnanometer resolution of layers adsorbed or bonded to the gate dielectric of the ion selective field effect transistor (ISFET) was presented.

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  • Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics

    • Z. Michalopoulou
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • M. A. Roch

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Rok 2021

    When we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...

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  • Excitation of Non-Wave Modes by Sound of Arbitrary Frequency in a Chemically Reacting Gas

    The nonlinear phenomena in the field of high intensity sound propagating in a gas with a chemical reaction, are considered. A chemical reaction of A → B type is followed by dispersion and attenuation of sound which may be atypical during irreversible thermodynamic processes under some conditions. The first and second order derivatives of heat produced in the chemical reaction evaluated at the equilibrium temperature, density and...

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  • Automatic sound source localization in disturbing conditions using acoustic vector sensors

    A concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization and tracking of sound sources in disturbing conditions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. The sensitivity of the realized acoustic radar was examined in free sound field. Several kinds of sound...

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  • Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena

    Domain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...

  • Distortion of speech signals in the listening area: its mechanism and measurements


    - Rok 2014

    The paper deals with a problem of the influence of the number and distribution of loudspeakers in speech reinforcement systems on the quality of publicly addressed voice messages, namely on speech intelligibility in the listening area. Linear superposition of time-shifted broadband waves of a same form and slightly different magnitudes that reach a listener from numerous coherent sources, is accompanied by interference effects...

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  • The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...

  • Sound Field Intensity Measurements and Visualization around the Human Head Model . Rozkłąd natężenia pola akustycznego w komorze bezechowej obecności sztucznej głowy i w przypadku braku jej obecności

    The main goal of this research study was to measure and visualize sound field intensity distribution in and without presence of the human head model. Measurements were performed in the anechoic chamber with the 5 cm grid. Experimental setup consisted of a multitone generator, two loudspeakers, human head model, intensimetric probe, the Cartesian robot applied for precise positioning of the acoustic sensor, and an analyzer. Based...

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  • A Review on Deactivation and Regeneration of Catalysts for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis

    he deactivation of catalysts and their regeneration are two very important challenges that need to be addressed for many industrial processes. The most quoted reasons for the deterioration of dimethyl ether synthesis (DME) concern the sintering and the hydrothermal leaching of copper particles, their migration to acid sites, the partial formation of copper and zinc hydroxycarbonates, the formation of carbon deposits, and surface...

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    - Rok 2013

    The paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...

  • Dynamics of Ice Jam Formation and Release



    The numerical model DynaRICE and its application to ice jam formation and release is presented. The model is a two-dimensional coupled flow and ice dynamic model. The ice dynamic component, which includes both the internal ice resistance and boundary friction on ice motion, uses a Lagrangian SPH method. The hydrodynamic component of the model uses a streamline upwind finite element method, which is capable of simulating trans-critical...

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  • Curves of thermodynamic states in some fluids with dispersion


    variations in the thermodynamic state of a dispersive medium, caused by sound, are studied. A bubbly liquid and a Maxwell fluid are considered as examples. Curves in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. They are in fact pictorial images of linear relations of excess pressure and excess density in the acoustic wave which reflect irreversible attenuation of the sound energy. The curves account for the nonlinear generation...

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  • Do Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings, room acoustics and radio astronomy have anything in common?


    After introducing Leonardo da Vinci’s (LdV) predecessors in the field of light propagation research, his drawings on the topic of reflecting light by a spherical mirror are analysed. The discovery of LdV is presented, according to which, at an infinitely distant source of rays, a small fragment of the canopy is enough to generate a focus, while the rest of the mirror forms a caustic for which LdV did not indicate an application....

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  • Automatic localization and continous tracking of mobile sound source using passive acoustic radar


    - Rok 2010

    A concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar for localization and continuous tracking of fixed and mobile sound sources such as: cars, trucks, aircrafts and sources of shooting, explosions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multi-channel miniature three dimensional sound intensity sensors invented by the Microflown company and a group of digital signal processing...

  • Recent advances on SOA formation in indoor air, fate and strategies for SOA characterization in indoor air - A review

    Recent studies proves that indoor air chemistry differs in many aspects from atmospheric one. People send up to 90 % of their life indoors being exposed to pollutants present in gas, particle and solid phase. Particle phase indoor is composed of particles emitted from various sources, among which there is an indoor source – secondary chemical reactions leading to formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Lately, researchers'...

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  • Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach


    - SENSORS - Rok 2024

    This work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...

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  • Application of dynamic time warping and cepstrograms to text-dependent speaker verification


    - Rok 2009

    This work provides a description of an automatic speaker verification (ASV) system. In particular, it documents the evolution of all individual stages of the proposed ASV system design from the phase of preprocessing to an operational decision making system. The aim of this research was to achieve the system of the best safety and ease of use in view of users. The objective estimation of this target has been accomplished by assessing...

  • Standing Waves in One-Dimensional Resonator Contaning an Ideal Isothermal Gas Affected by the Constant Mass Force


    The study is devoted to standing acoustic waves in one-dimensional planar resonator which containing an ideal gas. A gas is affected by the constant mass force. Two types of physically justified boundary conditions are considered: zero velocity or zero excess pressure at both boundaries. The variety of nodal and antinodal points is determined. The conclusion is that the nodes of pressure and antinodes of velocity do not longer...

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  • Developing assumptions for the tram noise attenuation passive system using the noise maps analysis method


    The paper presents experimental research carried out to determine the possible actions to reduce thenoise generated by trams in a highly urbanised area. A few design strategies affecting tram ride qualityhave been presented – especially in the aspect of the acoustic phenomena. Main sources of the noisein trams were characterised. The paper includes selected results of comprehensive...

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  • Adaptacja akustyczna pomieszczenia wykładowego - studium przypadku


    - Rok 2018

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę rozkładu pola akustycznego sali wykładowej znajdującej się w budynku Wydziału Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Politechniki Gdańskiej. Badania przeprowadzono metodą pomiarową oraz symulacyjną z wykorzystaniem programu Odeon. Wybór parametrów oceny akustyki wnętrz sugerowany jest wymaganiami stawianymi pomieszczeniom lekcyjnym z zaznaczeniem multimedialnego charakteru wykładów prowadzonych...

  • Vortex flow caused by periodic and aperiodic sound in a relaxing maxwell fluid


    - Rok 2012

    This paper concerns the description of vortex flow generated by periodic and aperiodic sound in relaxing Maxwell fluid. The analysis is based on governing equation of vorticity mode, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations for fluid flow with relaxation and thermal conductivity into acoustical and non-acoustical parts. The equation governing vorticity mode uses only instantaneous, not averaged over sound...

  • Stratification of nano-pigments in anti-corrosive coatings by means of magnetic field

    The concept of self-stratification of coatings, although attractive, causes difficulties in its practical use, especially when pigments are added to the resins. An alternative way of obtaining a multilayer structure in a single step was presented. Using the inhomogeneous magnetic field and magnetically active components of the coating, the possibility of vertically graded differentiation of the one layer properties has been verified....

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  • Akustyczna analiza natężenia ruchu drogowego dla systemów zarządzania ruchem


    - Rok 2019

    W pracy przybliżono wybrane zagadnienia z dziedziny zarządzania transportem drogowym w Polsce i na świecie. W tym kontekście pzredstawiono potrzeby rynkowe, wymagania jak i możliwości w zakresie pozyskiwania informacji o aktualnym stanie sieci drogowych. Zaproponowano akustyczną metodę nadzorowania ruchu drogowego i jej możliwości w kontekście systemów zarządzania ruchem. Przedstawiono schemat akwizycji sygnału wraz z danymi odniesienia....

  • Propagation Characteristics of Partial Discharges in an Oil-Filled Power Transformer

    • S. M. Kameli
    • S. S. Refaat
    • A. Ghrayeb
    • H. Abu-Rub
    • J. Guziński

    - Rok 2023

    Power transformers are among the most important assets in the power transmission and distribution grid. However, they suffer from degradation and possible faults causing major electrical and financial losses. Partial discharges (PDs) are used to identify the insulation health status and their degradation level. PDs are incipient, low-magnitude faults caused by localized dielectric breakdown. Those activities emit signals in many...

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  • Source-related Wavefields in Fluids and Dielectrics: A new way of Thinking about Medium Dynamics


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    Acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena may seem to have a proper formal representation in field theory dating from the 19th century, founded on the mathematics of complex functions. This paper shows, however, that when replacing the classical spectrum-domain approach related to the assumption of harmonic timeform of signals, with a time-domain approach imposingnorestrictionastotheclassoftimeevolutionofsourceandfieldsignals,...

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  • Electric Field-Driven Assembly of Sulfonated Polystyrene Microspheres

    • A. Mikkelsen
    • J. Wojciechowski
    • M. Rajnak
    • J. Kurimský
    • K. Khobaib
    • A. Kertmen
    • Z. Rozynek

    - Materials - Rok 2017

    A designed assembly of particles at liquid interfaces offers many advantages for development of materials, and can be performed by various means. Electric fields provide a flexible method for structuring particles on drops, utilizing electrohydrodynamic circulation flows, and dielectrophoretic and electrophoretic interactions. In addition to the properties of the applied electric field, the manipulation of particles often depends...

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  • Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: - A Review

    The paper contains an original comprehensive review of finite element analysis (FEA) applied by researchers to calibrate and improve existing and developing electromagnetic non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques, including but not limited to magnetic flux leakage (MFL), eddy current testing, electromagnetic-acoustic transducers (EMATs). Premium is put on the detection and modelling of magnetic field, as the vast majority...

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  • Scalar and Vector acoustic fields and sources: a new look


    - Rok 2011

    A study of fundamental problems of the wavefields that are the reaction of fluid continuum on two kinds of primary actions in fluid, then on two kinds of elementary point sources, is presented in this paper, based on the assumption of the physical duality of linear fluid mechanics and the formal symmetry of mathematical description. The two fundamental wavefields generated in fluid by physical point sources are discussed in detail,...

  • Secondary Structure in Free and Assisted Modeling of Proteins with the Coarse-Grained UNRES Force Field


    - Rok 2025

    Secondary structure is a solid scaffold on which the three-dimensional structure of a protein is built. Therefore, care must be taken to reproduce the secondary structure as accurately as possible in the simulations of protein systems. In this chapter, we summarize the physics-based energy terms that govern secondary-structure formation, the auxiliary restraints on secondary structure derived from bioinformatics and from the experimental...

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  • Acoustic radar employing particle velocity sensors


    - Rok 2010

    A concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consist of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surroundings sounds it provide information about the...

  • Solubility of Methane in Water: Some Useful Results for Hydrate Nucleation

    • J. Grabowska
    • S. Blazquez
    • E. Sanz
    • I. M. Zerón
    • J. Algaba
    • J. M. Míguez
    • F. J. Blas
    • C. Vega


    In this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has been determined. The solubility of methane in a gas–liquid system decreases as temperature...

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    - Rok 2018

    The text investigates new phenomena emerging in the field of social memory and commemoration in contemporary Poland. On the basis of field analyses, case studies and theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches, the paper discusses the issue of contemporary memoryscapes in eastern Poland (Bialystok and Lublin). These emerging forms of remembrance are the result of the sophisticated interplay between different actors involved in the...

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  • New approaches to cutting resistance estimation of wood cutting process with circular-saw blades


    - Rok 2013

    Theoretical and experimental determination of values of cutting resistance belongs to the basic and simultaneously the most developed field of mechanics of this process. Energetic effects of wood sawing process are mainly calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance which, in wood cutting, is a function on a lot of factors. In this paper new method for calculation of cutting resistance is described. The latter method...

  • About Unusual Diffraction and Thermal Self-Action of Magnetosonic Beam


    The dynamics of slightly diverging two-dimensional beams whose direction forms a constant angle θ with the equilibrium straight magnetic strength is considered. The approximate dispersion relations and corresponding links which specify hydrodynamic perturbations in confined beams are derived. The study is dedicated to the diffraction of a magnetosonic beam and nonlinear thermal self-action of a beam in a thermoconducting gaseous plasma....

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  • Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego


    - Rok 2018

    Celem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...

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  • Quenching effects in organic electroluminescence


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Rok 2002

    We examine various electronic processes that underlie the quenching of the emission from highly efficient phosphorescent and electrophosphorescent organic solid-state molecular systems. As an example, we study the luminescent efficiencies from the phosphorescent iridium (III) complex, fac tris (2-phenylpyridine) iridium [(Ir (ppy)3] doped into a diamine derivative doped polycarbonate hole-transporting matrix and in the form...

  • Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją


    - Rok 2012

    Rozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez ultradźwięk w różnych modelach płynów z relaksacją. Ma ona charakter teoretyczny, jednak wykorzystanie uzyskanych dzięki niej wyników może przynieść lepsze zrozumienie ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez siłę akustyczną. W I rozdziale rozprawy przedstawione zostały ogólne rozważania dotyczące akustyki nieliniowej. Rozdział II dotyczy ruchu wirowego wywoływanego...

  • Voltage fluctuations on the main switchgear of the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors

    The dataset presents the voltage waveforms on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data was recorded during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of flickermeter, a hardware...

  • Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.

               Studia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...

  • Seafloor Characterisation Using Underwater Acoustic Devices

    The problem of seafloor characterisation is important in the context of management as well as investigation and protection of the marine environment. In the first part of the paper, a review of underwater acoustic technology and methodology used in seafloor characterisation is presented. It consists of the techniques based on the use of singlebeam echosounders and seismic sources, along with those developed for the use of sidescan...

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  • Grzebowiska dla zwierząt w Polsce


    W niniejszym artykule podjęto tematykę miejsc pochówku zwierząt. Problem został omówiony w odniesieniu do terenu Polski na tle przykładów z zagranicy. Współczesne grzebowiska dla zwierząt powstają w naszym kraju od niedawna i mimo że cmentarze dla zwierząt są u nas stosunkowo nowym zjawiskiem, to już teraz można dostrzec ich typowe cechy przestrzenne. Autorka, na co dzień zajmująca się zagadnieniami z dziedziny architektury, starała...

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  • Micro-cracking pattern recognition of hybrid CNTs/GNPs cement pastes under three-point bending loading using acoustic emission technique


    - Rok 2021

    The generation of microcracks has an important influence on the behaviour of concrete structures. In this study, the acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to investigate the fracture phenomena and micro-cracking behavior of hybrid carbon nanotubes (CNTs, the 1-D allotrope of carbon atoms) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs, 2D monolayer of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms), cement composites under three-point bending loading. In...

  • Numerical simulations of overflow experiments on a model dike

    Dike failure due to overtopping is one of the important factors, which should be considered in the dike designing process. Although the overflow is characterized by the relatively low risk of occurrence, in many cases dikes are totally destroyed or seriously damaged. An interesting phenomenon occurring during overflow is the trapping of air in pores of the unsaturated soil material. As the infiltration progresses from all sides,...

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  • Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics


    - Rok 2017

    Musical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...

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  • Generalized Einstein relation in disordered organic semiconductors: Influence of the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering

    In this work, we analyze the generalized Einstein relation for disordered organic semiconductors with a non-equilibrium Druyvesteyn-type distribution function. The Druyvesteyn behavior of hot electrons in a solid state is associated with the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering. Such a case has been experimentally demonstrated in electroluminescent inorganic rare–earth–doped zinc chalcogenides. Therefore, we can assume that,...

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  • Investigations of the Working Process in a Dual-Fuel Low-Emission Combustion Chamber for an FPSO Gas Turbine Engine


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2020

    This investigation is devoted to an analysis of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. The low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial pre-mixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirlers was chosen as the object of research. When modelling processes in a dual-flow low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, a generalized method...

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  • Bitumen-Based Poroelastic Pavements: Successful Improvements and Remaining Issues


    - Materials - Rok 2023

    This article presents the development process of designing and testing poroelastic pavement based on highly polymer-modified bitumen. Poroelastic wearing course was composed of mineral and rubber aggregate mixed with highly polymer-modified bitumen, in contrast to previous trials, during which polyurethane resins were mainly used as binder, which led to several serious technological problems concerning difficult production, insufficient...

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  • Sathwik Prathapagiri


    Sathwik was born in 2000. In 2022, he completed his Master’s of Science in  Biological Sciences and Bachelor’s of Engineering in Chemical Engineering in an integrated dual degree program from Birla Institute Of Technology And Science, Pilani, India. During his final year, he worked as a research intern under Dr Giri P Krishnan at Bazhenov lab, University of California San Diego school of medicine to pursue his Master’s Thesis on...