Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: surface profile
Stereometry of turned surfaces in a frequency-domain formulation of profile irregularities
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono częstotliwościowe składowe nierówności powierzchni toczonych. Ponieważ nierówności mają charakter szerokopasmowy, trudny do wartościowania parametrami normatywnymi, zastosowano ich analizę amplitudowo-częstotliwościową, opartą na szybkiej transformacie Fouriera. Przedstawiono kształtowanie nierówności wzdłużnych dla toczenia. Zaproponowano oryginalny układ pomiaru sygnału przemieszczeń narzędzia względem przedmiotu...
Face Profile View Retrieval Using Time of Flight Camera Image Analysis
PublikacjaMethod for profile view retrieving of the human face is presented. The depth data from the 3D camera is taken as an input. The preprocessing is, besides of standard filtration, extended by the process of filling of the holes which are present in depth data. The keypoints, defined as the nose tip and the chin are detected in user’s face and tracked. The Kalman filtering is applied to smooth the coordinates of those points which...
Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna for RSS-Based DoA Estimation in IoT Applications
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have introduced a low-profile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna that can successfully be used to estimate the direction-of-arrival (DoA) of incoming signals in wireless sensor network (WSN) applications, in which the height of the complete antenna has to be low. The proposed antenna is over three times lower than high-profile ESPAR antenna designs currently available in the literature...
A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
PublikacjaIn order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized...
PublikacjaFrom a mechanical point of view, the thickness profile of PET bottles manufactured by ISBM process is determined by mechanical and thermal response of blown preforms. From the microscopic point of view the biggest influence on the mechanical and thermal properties of PET bottles have orientation and crystallization processes. From a technological point of view, the thickness profile of PET bottles after manufacture by SBM process...
Depth profile of the chemical composition of the Au-Ag multilayers
Dane BadawczeSilver and gold multilayers were deposited on a silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering method. Both type, Au and Ag thin films had 2 nm of thickness. Totally structure had thickness of 6 nm (Au-Ag-Au). That prepared multilayers were measured by XPS method. To obtain a depth profile of chemical composition, an Argon ion (Ar+) gun was used for etching...
Building an image and identity as factors determining the profile of a manager in a corporation - case study
PublikacjaThe article presents the factors that determines the profile of the manager ina corporation especially in the means of building an image and identity of a manager. The article provides a description of comprehensive characteristics that can be used by managers in corporation in management practice. The publication begins with an indication of image and identity aspects that are the part of public...
Experimental results of full scattering profile from finger tissue-like phantom
PublikacjaHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. We suggest a new optical method for sensing physiological tissue state, based on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. We built a unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. We use a laser, a photodetector and finger tissues-mimicking phantoms presenting different optical...
Multi-domain and Context-Aware Recommendations Using Contextual Ontological User Profile
PublikacjaRecommender Systems (RS) became popular tools in many Web services like Netflix, Amazon, or YouTube, because they help a~user to avoid an information overload problem. One of the types of RS are Context-Aware RS (CARS) which exploit contextual information to provide more adequate recommendations. Cross-Domain RS (CDRS) were created as a response to the data sparsity problem which occurs when only few users can provide reviews or...
Evaluation of the Impact of Storage Conditions on the Biogenic Amines Profile in Opened Wine Bottles
PublikacjaA survey of biogenic amine (BA) profiles in opened wine bottles has been established to monitor the level of biogenic amines (BAs) in opened bottles against time and other conditions. Bottles of red and white wine were submitted to different temperatures, stopper type (screw cap, cork), and use of vacuum devices. A total of six wines made from a variety of grapes were obtained from vineyards from regions across Poland. Dispersive...
Two-dimensional gel-based serum protein profile of growing piglets
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Allergic Inflammation Alters microRNA Expression Profile in Adipose Tissue in the Rat
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Changes of heavy metals concentrations in the profile of sewage slugde in reed beds
PublikacjaW Polsce pojawiły się jedynie pilotowe obiekty trzcinowe unieszkodliwiające osady ściekowe. Natomiast w Danii są one eksploatowane w pełnej skali w dużych oczyszczalniach ścieków. Materiał badawczy pobrano z czterech duńskich obiektów o długim czasie eksploatacji wynoszącym od 7 do 15 lat. Obiekty te zlokalizowane były na terenie oczyszczalni: Rudkobing, Vallo, Naskov i Helsinge koło Kopenhagi obsługujących od 9 000 do 40 000 mieszkańców....
AC and DC global electric circuit and the height profile of atmospheric conductivity
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Whole-Body Cryotherapy Alters Circulating MicroRNA Profile in Postmenopausal Women
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The cytokine profile of mature milk from smoking and non-smoking mothers
PublikacjaZweryfikowano wpływ palenia kobiet na poziom cytokin (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 i TNF-α) w mleku ludzkim w 30-32 dni po porodzie. Badana grupa składała się z 24 kobiet po porodzie, które deklarowały palenie więcej niż pięciu papierosów dziennie. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 45 niepalących kobiet. W porównaniu do kobiet niepalących w mleku kobiet palących stwierdzono znacznie wyższe stężenia cytokiny IL-1α (P = 0,04). Nie stwierdzono...
A simple modification of PCR thermal profile applied to evade persisting contamination
PublikacjaThe polymerase chain reaction (PCR), one of the most commonly applied methods of diagnostics and molecular biology has a frustrating downside known as the false positive signal or contamination. Several solutions to avoid and to eliminate PCR contaminations have been worked out to date but the implementation of these solutions to laboratory practice may be laborious and time consuming. A simple approach to circumvent the problem...
Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects
PublikacjaThis article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...
Changes in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis protein profile as a reaction of water pollution
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zmiany w profilu białkowym małża Mytilus galloprovincialis jako odpowiedź na zanieczyszczenia wody. Określono pojemność przeciwutleniającą z wykorzystaniem testu TEAC. Stwierdzono różnice w poziomie inhibicji w białku pochodzącym od małży zebranych z regionów zanieczyszczonych w stosunku do małży pochodzących z regionów czystych.Zawartość cynku i kadmu w białkach małży pochodzących z regionów zanieczyszczonych...
Integrated circuit structure surface images obtained with contact capacitive imaging technique
Dane BadawczeThe measurements were done using NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. CSG 10Pt probe.
Microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile in 2013 - 2014 . The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) and bottom sediment samples. Water and sediment samples were analysed for the following: number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria,...
Technika PCR MP (PCR Melting Profile) - możliwości zastosowania w badaniach epidemiologicznych
PublikacjaUżyteczność PCR MP (ang. PCR Melting Profile), stosunkowo nowej techniki różnicowania genetycznego szczepów mikroorganizmów, pokazano na przykładach badań epidemiologicznych, dotyczących wykrywania zakażeń szpitalnych, analizy sytuacji epidemiologicznej i identyfikacji transmisji bakteryjnej u poszczególnych pacjentów. Technikę PCR MP charakteryzuje prostota, niskie koszty wykonania oraz potencjał różnicujący porównywalny do metody...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for determination of the terpenes profile of blue honeysuckle berries
PublikacjaTerpenes are the main group of secondary metabolites, which play essential role in human. The establishment of the terpenes profile of berries of different blue honeysuckle cultivars was achieved by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC-TOFMS). The berries were found to contain 44 terpenes identified by GCGC-TOFMS....
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
PublikacjaThe quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments...
Plasma lipidomic profile signature of rheumatoid arthritis versus Lyme arthritis patients
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Influence of potato variety on polyphenol profile composition and glycoalcaloid contents of potato juice
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Influence of S. aureus exosecretions on cytokine profile in bovine leukocyte cultures in vitro
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In vitro enzyme inhibitory properties, antioxidant activities, and phytochemical profile of Potentilla thuringiaca
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In vitro anticariogenic effects of aerial parts of Drymocallis rupestris and its phytochemical profile
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In vitro anticariogenic effects of aerial parts of Potentilla recta and its phytochemical profile
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Improved compact low-profile quadband planar monopole antenna for mobile handsets
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono konstrukcję wewnętrznej monopolowej anteny planarnej przystosowanej do pracy wielozakresowej telefonu przenośnego. Antena zapewnia poprawną pracę w systemach GSM1900, DCS1800, PCS1900, UMTS2050. Wykorzystano strukturę zawierającą dwie konfiguracje monopolowe (długi i krótki monopol). Radiator zanurzono w materiale dielektrycznym, co poprawiło jego charakterystyki promieniowania.
Comparison of Algorithms for Profile-Based Alignment of Low Resolution MALDI-ToF Spectra
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Changes in the Microrna Expression Profile in Patients Undergoing Autologous Steam Cell Transplantation
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The Relationship Between Gene Polymorphisms and Dipping Profile in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease
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Relationship Between Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Diurnal Blood Pressure Profile
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Unchanged Erythrocyte Profile After Exposure to Cryogenic Temperatures in Elder Marathon Runners
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Variances in the Expression Profile of Circadian Clock-Related Genes in Astrocytic Brain Tumors
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Revealing dynamic changes of the volatile profile of food samples using PTR–MS
PublikacjaVolatile compounds carry valuable information regarding the properties of foodstuffs. Volatiles emitted from food can be used as, for example, indicators of quality, shelf-life, or authenticity. A better understanding of the multitude of transformations which occur during food processing could facilitate the optimisation of production, increase the desirability of food products, and also their wholesomeness. However, as some of...
The Influent Effects of Flow Rate Profile on thePerformance of Microbial Fuel Cells Model
PublikacjaThe energy contained in wastewaters has been identified as a promising sustainableenergy resource that could be harvested by using microbial fuel cells (MFC). When dealing with realwastewaters, the MFCs should be able to manage high flow rates and flow rates fluctuations. In thiswork, the short-term effects of the influent flow rate variations on the performance of a microbialfuel cell has been studied. With this aim, the influent...
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermalconic
PublikacjaTheoretical considerations on convective heat transfer from isothermal upward conicalsurfaces have been presented. The physical model of this phenomenon consists of an isothermalcone of inclination angle (φ) between the cone generating line (X) and the radius (R) of the cone base. The angle is a parameter of conical surface which varied from (φ = 0−circular horizontal plate) to (φ = π/2—vertical cylinder) . Onthe basis of Navier–Stokes...
Emission profile of butan-2-one oxime from commercially available neutral silicone sealant
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of research on emission profile of butan-2-one oxime (methyl ethyl ketoxime, MEKO) released from two types of commercially available neutral silicone sealants: silicone type ‘S’ and silicone type ‘T’. To determine the emissions from silicone samples, the system consists of a stationary emission chamber, and the thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system was applied. First, the research...
Discrimination of selected fungi species based on their odour profile using prototypes of electronic nose instruments
PublikacjaThe paper presents practical application of an electronic nose technique to fast and efficient discrimination of the samples of different fungi species such as: Penicillium chrysogenum, Cladosporium herbarum, Rhizopus oryzae, Alternaria alternata. Two prototypes of electronic nose instrument were utilized for investigation of discrimination capability with respect to odour profile of these fungi: the first prototype was based on...
Implementing fuzzy logic to generate user profile in decisional DNA television: the concept and initial case study
PublikacjaIn the paper the concept and case study of a novel approach that generates a television user's profile utilizing principles of fuzzy logic is presented.
Serum lipid profile discriminates patients with early lung cancer from healthy controls
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Blood plasma protein and lipid profile changes in calves during the first week of life
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Aroma profile and lactic acid bacteria characteristic of traditional Slovak cheese “May bryndza”
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Features and skills that build the profile of the head of a communications office (in the opinion of students) - case study
PublikacjaThe article presents an introduction to the concept of the features and skills that are targeted to build a communication manager based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive competencies that can be used in practice. The publication begins with an indication of communication in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics...
Antidiabetic Potential of Black Elderberry Cultivars Flower Extracts: Phytochemical Profile and Enzyme Inhibition
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The impact of regular sperm donation on bulls’ seminal plasma hormonal profile and phantom response
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Pharmacological Profile and Molecular Modeling of Cyclic Opioid Analogues Incorporating Various Phenylalanine Derivatives