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Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Thermal behavior of (NH4)V4O10xH2O
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the (NH4)V4O10xH2O obtained by the hydrothermal method using different precursors: microstructured (commercially available) or nanostructured. The information about samples synthesis is described in the Materials.
Countries with the highest and the lowest electricity consumption per capita in 1998, kWh / c
Dane BadawczeFor several years, domestic electricity consumption has been growing (the average annual growth rate of electricity consumption for 2005-2010 is 2.75%). The increase in demand for electricity is related to the continuous development of the Polish economy, the enrichment of society and the growing, year by year, industrial production. It should be noted...
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under oxidizing atmosphere
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under argon atmosphere
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
High temperature corrosion and corrosion protection of porous Ni22Cr alloys
PublikacjaIn this work corrosion kinetics of the porous IN625 alloy is studied in the temperature range of 700 °C – 800 °C in air and humidified hydrogen for up to 1000 hours. Moreover, an effective and simple method of reducing corrosion rates of porous alloys by the infiltration of the rare earths elements is shown. Modification by the yttrium containing precursor reduces the corrosion rate by a factor of 50 in air at 700 °C so that the...
Basic Hand Gestures Classification Based on Surface Electromyography
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative classification system for hand gestures using 2-channel surface electromyography analysis. The system developed uses the Support Vector Machine classifier, for which the kernel function and parameter optimisation are conducted additionally by the Cuckoo Search swarm algorithm. The system developed is compared with standard Support Vector Machine classifiers with various kernel functions. The average...
Enhanced trap-assisted recombination in organic semiconductors
PublikacjaAn analytical model to describe the interaction of excitons and charge transfer states with deep traps is formulated for the case of molecular materials. Here, we have considered the influence of a trap-assisted recombination on this phenomenon. The final expression for the effective recombination rate has been derived from the Shockley–Read–Hall theory and kinetic equations which characterize different photophysical processes....
PublikacjaW referacie scharakteryzowano w ujęciu ogólnym wymagania obowiązujące a badaniach naukowych, zwłaszcza empirycznych, w zakresie metodologicznym i na przykładzie badań urządzeń energetycznych siłowni okrętowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okrętowych silników spalinowych o zapłonie samoczynnym. Scharakteryzowano problemy pojawiające się przy formułowaniu i weryfikacji hipotez naukowych oraz przedstawianiu tez i ich udowadnianiu....
Metody strojenia regulatorów typu PID z wykorzystaniem technologii syntezy regulatorów od stanu
PublikacjaUkłady sterujące typu PID są jednymi z najbardziej popularnych regulatorów wykorzystywanych w układach regulacji. W związku z tym znanych jest szereg metod doboru wartości ich parametrów (nastaw). Obok różnych metod inżynierskich czy analitycznych strojenia tego typu regulatorów, dostępne są również podejścia bazujące na optymalizacji. Wskaźnikiem jakości znajdującym w nich zastosowanie jest np. całka z kwadratu uchybu. W artykule...
Wpływ wybranych parametrów środowiska na przebieg degradacji rur okładzinowych ze stali P110
PublikacjaMateriały używane na orurowanie odwiertów w poszukiwaniu i wydobyciu ropy i gazu poddawane są niekorzystnym warunkom eksploatacji takich jak: podwyższona temperatura, wysokie ciśnienie, turbulentny przepływ korozyjnych cieczy z zawieszonymi cząstkami stałymi. Jednym z gatunków stali używanych do produkcji rur okładzinowych jest stal P110 (za normą API 5CT) będąca stalą średnio-węglową, niskostopową o wysokiej wytrzymałości. Celem...
Charakterystyka procesu ciągłej dewulkanizacji termomechanicznej z zastosowaniem metod doświadczalnych
PublikacjaBadano proces termomechanicznej dewulkanizacji rozdrobnionych odpadów gumowych prowadzono przy użyciu wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej współbieżnej o specjalnej konfiguracji układu uplastyczniającej, umożliwiającego wywieranie znacznych sił ścinających na miał gumowy. W badaniach doświadczalnych zastosowano metodę powierzchni odpowiedzi RSM (response surface methodology). Wyznaczono modele matematyczne wyrażające zmienność właściwości...
Aplikacja demonstrująca działanie kodów fontannowych
PublikacjaIstotną cechą kodów fontannowych jest możliwość odtwarzania nadawanych danych niezależnie od jakości kanału. Wynika to z tego, że kody te nie mają z góry założonej zawartości informacyjnej, a kolejne symbole nadmiarowe są generowane, dopóki jest taka potrzeba. Jest to szczególnie przydatne w transmisjach broadcastowych, bo każdy z odbiorców może zdekodować dane tak wcześnie, na ile pozwala jakość łącza. Aby przybliżyć funkcjonowanie...
Autocorrelation function for the chosen effective potential of the diatomic silver anion
Dane BadawczeThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Non-adiabatic coupling elements between the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer plus continuum electron
Dane BadawczeThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of sea level in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Dane BadawczeThe data set contains the results of numerical modelling of sea level fluctuations in the Baltic Sea in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997).
Catheter-induced coronary artery and aortic dissections. A study of the mechanisms, risk factors, and propagation causes
PublikacjaBackground: Only the incidence, management, and prognosis of catheter-induced coronary artery and aortic dissections have been systematically studied until now. We sought to evaluate their mechanisms, risk factors, and propagation causes. Methods: Electronic databases containing 76,104 procedures and complication registries from 2000– –2020 were searched and relevant cineangiographic studies adjudicated. Results: Ninety-six dissections...
Performance of the flat plate solar collector operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublikacjaThis paper shows the experimental results of the performance a flat plate solar collector with water-Al2O3 nanofluid as a working fluid. The weight fractions of nanoparticles were 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%. The volume flow rate of nanofluid varied from 60 l/h to 170 l/h. The results show that application of nanofluids instead of pure water resulted in higher efficiency of the tested flat plate solar collector for given range of thermal...
New Approach to Noncasual Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic FIR Systems Subject to Both Smooth and Abrupt Parameter Changes
PublikacjaIn this technical note, we consider the problem of finite-interval parameter smoothing for a class of nonstationary linear stochastic systems subject to both smooth and abrupt parameter changes. The proposed parallel estimation scheme combines the estimates yielded by several exponentially weighted basis function algorithms. The resulting smoother automatically adjusts its smoothing bandwidth to the type and rate of nonstationarity...
Investigation method and mathematical model of pressure losses in hydraulic rotary motor
PublikacjaTis paper presents a way of determining the coefcient k of the pressure losses Δp (fow drag) in internal ducts 8 Mp of SWSB-63 hydraulic motor. Te coefcient is determined at a fow rate equal to the theoretical capacity Q of the Pt pump feeding the motor , the losses are related to the nominal pressure p in the hydraulic system. Te investigations n followed a model of energy performance of hydraulic rotary motor, proposed by...
PublikacjaRecent advances in graphene-based supercapacitor technology for energy storage application were summarized. The comparison of different types of electrode materials in such supercapacitors was performed. The supercapacitors with graphene-based electrodes exhibit outstanding performance: high charge-discharge rate, high power density, high energy density and long cycle-life, what makes them suitable for various applications, e.g....
Conducting polymer films for biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents
PublikacjaIn recent years, there is increasing interest to create biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents instead of using their permanent form. The most interesting materials for this purpose are iron and its alloys. However, in order to use it in clinical application, their degradation rate and biological performance need to be optimized. One promising solution is coating the metal with conducting polymer films. In this work, short...
PublikacjaDesign of an accurate and robust controller is a challenging topic in an underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the...
Graphene field-effect transistor application for flow sensing
PublikacjaMicroflow sensors offer great potential for applications in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip systems. However, thermal-based sensors, which are commonly used in modern flow sensing technology, are mainly made of materials with positive temperature coefficients (PTC) and suffer from a self-heating effect and slow response time. Therefore, the design of novel devices and careful selection of materials are required to improve the overall...
Direct Analysis of Samples of Various Origin and Composition Using Specific Types of Mass Spectrometry
PublikacjaOne of the major sources of error that occur during chemical analysis utilizing the more conventional and established analytical techniques is the possibility of losing part of the analytes during the sample preparation stage. Unfortunately, this sample preparation stage is required to improve analytical sensitivity and precision. Direct techniques have helped to shorten or even bypass the sample preparation stage; and in this...
Effect of adhesive compliance in the assessment of soft adhesives with the wedge test
PublikacjaWedge tests are usually analysed assuming that the free, unbonded members may be treated as encastré cantilever beams. However, if the adhesive layer is sufficiently flexible (e.g., due to low elastic modulus), then significant strain in the bonded region may occur and lead to modification of the behaviour outside this region. Using in conjunction a sensitive strain gauge method on asymmetric wedge tests and a mathematical analysis...
Pesticides in the Environment
PublikacjaApplied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment becauseof their mobility and ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverseeffects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. For these reasons, it is essential tomonitor and analyze pesticide residues in the environment. This entry discusses the classification of pesticidesas...
Fuel price, income and road safety as determinants of the level of the population’s economic well-being in Poland
PublikacjaThe opportunity to travel is one of the most favorite human activities, given that on a trip a person gets new knowledge, impressions and positive emotions. Recreational trips occupy a prominent place in the concept of the economics of happiness, and the study of factors that influence decision-making regarding travel is important for forecasting the number of tourists, infrastructure development, income and expenses of businesses...
A Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Overtime Allocation in Software Development Projects
PublikacjaOvertime planning in software projects has traditionally been approached with search-based multi-objective optimization algorithms. However, the explicit solutions produced by these algorithms often lack applicability and acceptance in the software industry due to their disregard for project managers' intuitive knowledge. This study presents a machine learning model that learns the preferred overtime allocation patterns from solutions...
Modelling of heat transfer during flow condensation of natural refrigerants under conditions of increased saturation pressure
PublikacjaThe paper presents a modified in-house model for calculating heat transfer coefficients during flow condensation, which can be applied to a variety of working fluids, but natural refrigerants in particular, at full range thermodynamic parameters with a particular focus on increased saturation pressure. The modified model is based on a strong physical basis, namely the hypothesis of analogy between the heat transfer coefficient...
Analysis of an Attenuator Artifact in an Experimental Attack by Gunn–Allison–Abbott Against the Kirchhoff-Law–Johnson-Noise (KLJN) Secure Key Exchange System
PublikacjaA recent paper by Gunn–Allison–Abbott (GAA) [L. J. Gunn et al., Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 6461] argued that the Kirchhoff-law–Johnson-noise (KLJN) secure key exchange system could experience a severe information leak. Here we refute their results and demonstrate that GAA’s arguments ensue from a serious design flaw in their system. Specifically, an attenuator broke the single Kirchhoff-loop into two coupled loops, which is an...
Automatic Marking of Allophone Boundaries in Isolated English spoken Words
PublikacjaThe work presents a method that allows delimiting the borders of allophones in isolated English words. The described method is based on the DTW algorithm combining two signals, a reference signal and an analyzed one. As the reference signal, recordings from the MODALITY database were used, from which the words were extracted. This database was also used for tests, which were described. Test results show that the automatic determination...
Fault Loop Impedance Measurement in Circuits Fed by UPS and Principle of Safety Protection
PublikacjaThis paper indicates a significant problem of uncertainty of fault loop impedance (FLI) measurement in circuits powered from uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (double-conversion AC-DC-AC). The correctly determined value of this impedance, related to the short-circuit current disconnection time and to the reference value, is one of the most important elements that determines the approval of an electrical installation and its receivers...
Artificial intelligence for software development — the present and the challenges for the future
PublikacjaSince the time when first CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) methods and tools were developed, little has been done in the area of automated creation of code. CASE tools support a software engineer in creation the system structure, in defining interfaces and relationships between software modules and, after the code has been written, in performing testing tasks on different levels of detail. Writing code is still the task...
The Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees to Predict the Degree of Odor Nuisance of Post-Digestion Sludge in the Sewage Treatment Plant Process
PublikacjaThis paper presents the application of artificial neural networks and decision trees for the prediction of odor properties of post-fermentation sludge from a biological-mechanical wastewater treatment plant. The input parameters were concentrations of popular compounds present in the sludge, such as toluene, p-xylene, and p-cresol, and process parameters including the concentration of volatile fatty acids, pH, and alkalinity in...
Eurozone or National Inflation Projections: Which has Greater Impact on Consumer Expectations?
PublikacjaWe compare the dependence of consumer inflation expectations on European Central Bank (ECB) inflation projections with that on national central bank (NCB) projections in four economies: Austria, Belgium, Finland, and Germany. We aim to assess whether the information published by central banks affects consumers, and whether inflation projections published by NCBs are more relevant to consumers than those published for the entire...
Comparison of Different Measurement Techniques as Methodology for Surveying and Monitoring Stainless Steel Chimneys
PublikacjaThe measurement of a chimney axis is an engineering geodesy task. These measurements allow to assess the technical condition of chimneys and are usually carried out for reinforced concrete chimneys. When measuring high chimneys, the main problem may be the need to go a long distance to take a measurement. The surface of the chimney can also be problematic because it can absorb so much light from the range finder that total station...