Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS

  • Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.


    Prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Woźniak prof. zw. Politechniki Gdańskiej ukończył studia na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1971 r. W 1976 r. uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych, a w 1991 r. stopień doktora habilitowanego w dyscyplinie telekomunikacja i specjalności teleinformatyka. W styczniu roku 2002 otrzymał tytuł profesora nauk technicznych. W 1994 r. został mianowany na stanowisko profesora nadzwyczajnego w Politechnice...

  • Marek Wójcikowski dr hab. inż.

    Marek Wójcikowski ukończył w 1993 r. Wydział Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej, specjalność układy elektroniczne. W 2002 r. uzyskał stopień doktora w dziedzinie elektroniki, a w 2016 r. uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od początku kariery jest związany z Politechniką Gdańską: najpierw jako asystent (lata 1994–2002), a następnie jako adiunkt (od...

  • Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method

    A new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...

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  • Zarządzanie zaufaniem w bezprzewodowych sieciach czujników - studium przypadku

    W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku dotyczące zastosowania bezprzewodowej sieci czujników do wspomagania pacjenta z nadwagą w jego środowisku domowym. Przyjęto, że sieć wykorzystuje metodę rozproszonego zarządzania zaufaniem i pokazano, że metoda ta umożliwia wykrycie i izolację czujników realizujących działania sprzeczne z polityką sieci. Ilościowe oszacowanie czasu niezbędnego do wykrycia takich...

  • Multichannel Human Body Communication


    Human Body Communication is an attractive alternative for traditional wireless communication (Bluetooth, ZigBee) in case of Body Sensor Networks. Low power, high data rates and data security makes it ideal solution for medical applications. In this paper, signal attenuation for different frequencies, using FR4 electrodes, has been investigated. Performance of single and multichannel transmission with frequency modulation of analog...

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  • Wirelessly Interfacing Objects and Subjects of Healthcare System – IoT Approach


    Wireless sensor networks, WSN, for which development has begun by military applications, are nowadays applied to all human activities; e.g. in medicine for patience monitoring or to reduce the effects of disasters. Therefore, the WSNs area has been also one of the emerging and fast growing scientific fields. Increasing interest of WSNs is even caused by equally intense growth of interest in the Internet of Things domain, IoT, in...

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  • Influence of a Radio Frequency on RF Fingerprinting Accuracy Based on Ray Tracing Simulation


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper the influence of a radio signal frequency on performance of Indoor Positioning System based on fingerprinting has been examined using ray-tracing simulations. It has been simulated how spatial distribution of an RF signal strength change with the signal’s frequency. The results were used to show its’ impact on the behavior of localization algorithms that are employing RSS measurements to determine node’s position...

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  • Koncepcja zdalnego sterowania i monitoringu urządzeń trakcyjnych z wykorzystaniem technologii teleinformatycznych


    Advancement in wireless communication enables engineers to apply sophisticated and relatively inexpensive technologies in new fields of industry, which were previously designated solely to wire-based solutions. One of those fields is railway transportation system. In effect of a high reliability and safety demands, this area was resistive to new technologies. Nowadays, increased security and reliability of wireless sensor networks...

  • Krzysztof Gierłowski dr inż.

    Krzysztof Gierłowski uzyskał tytuł doktora inżyniera telekomunikacji na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki w 2018 roku. Jest autorem lub współautorem ponad 80 publikacji naukowych oraz recenzentem wielu czasopism i konferencji. Brał udział w szeregu projektów badawczych dotyczących tematyki IT, wliczając w to: finansowany ze źródeł UE projekt Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłości, projekt infrastrukturalny PL-LAB2020,...

  • Vision-based parking lot occupancy evaluation system using 2D separable discrete wavelet transform

    A simple system for rough estimation of the occupancy of an ad-hoc organized parking lot is presented. A reasonably simple microprocessor hardware with a low resolution monochrome video camera observing the parking lot from the location high above the parking surface is capable of running the proposed 2-D separable discrete wavelet transform (DWT)-based algorithm, reporting the percentage of the observed parking area occupied by...

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  • A Novel IoT-Perceptive Human Activity Recognition (HAR) Approach Using Multi-Head Convolutional Attention


    - IEEE Internet of Things Journal - Rok 2019

    Together with fast advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart healthcare applications and systems are equipped with increasingly more wearable sensors and mobile devices. These sensors are used not only to collect data, but also, and more importantly, to assist in daily activity tracking and analyzing of their users. Various human activity recognition (HAR) approaches are used to enhance such tracking. Most of the existing...

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  • Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank


    - Electronics - Rok 2022

    The growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...

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  • Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank


    - Rok 2023

    The growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...

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  • Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using an ESPAR Antenna with Simplified Beam Steering


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper, it has been shown, how electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, in which beam steering is done in a simple way, can be used for directionof- arrival (DoA) estimation of an unknown signal impinging the antenna. The concept is based on an ESPAR antenna having twelve parasitic elements, in which beam switching is realized by RF switches providing required loads to its parasitic elements. Numerical...

  • Transmission protocol simulation framework for the resource-constrained sensor network


    - Rok 2014

    In this paper the simulation framework for simulation of the sensor network protocol is presented. The framework enables the simultaneous development of the sensor network software and the protocol for the wireless data transmission. The advantage of using the framework is the convergence of the simulation with the real software, because the same software is used in real sensor network nodes and in the simulation framework. The...

  • Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN


    - Rok 2017

    W niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...

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  • Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for nitrogen dioxide sensing

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Networks consisting of randomly oriented carbon nanotubes (CNN) were investigated toward nitrogen dioxide detection by means of electrical and low-frequency noise measurements. UV-activation of CNN layers improved gas sensitivity and reduced the limit of detection, especially by employing 275 nm-LED. This data set includes DC resistance measurements...

  • Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT

    • P. Jagannathan
    • S. Gurumoorthy
    • A. Stateczny
    • P. B. Divakarachar
    • J. Sengupta

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    In recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...

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  • Robert Burczyk mgr inż.


    Robert Burczyk received Eng. degree and M. SC. Eng. degree in electronics and telecommunictions engineering in 2017 and 2018 successively with specialization in radiocommunication systems and networks. The subject of the dissertations was focused on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Currently, he is a PhD student and an employee at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Gdansk University of Technology. His...

  • Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for detection of organic gases (ethanol, acetone)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Carbon nanotube networks of different optical transparencies were investigated via resistance and 1/f noise measurements for detection of ethanol and acetone. The sensor resistive and noise responses were collected for dark and UV-assisted conditions, revealing the improvement in sensor sensitivity and limit of detection after applying UV light (275...

  • Sieć sensorowa do rejestracji drgań górnej sieci trakcyjnej w celach diagnostyki eksploatacyjnej

    Wraz ze wzrostem prędkości kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych zwiększają się wymagania utrzymania sieci trakcyjnej w odpowiednim stanie technicznym. Ciągły monitoring i diagnostyka pozwalają wykrywać pogarszającą się jakość odbioru prądu z sieci jezdnej. Jedną z metod jest umieszczenie czujników przyspieszenia na przewodzie jezdnym. Analiza przebiegu przyspieszenia pozwala określić jakość współpracy sieci jezdnej z pantografem....

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  • Near-Field Wireless Sensing of Plastics and Papers Using Frugal Peel-Off Passive Tag


    This article presents a novel frugal approach of testing plastics and papers using a near-field microwave sensing technique with a peel-off tag. The proposed sensing technique involves two electrical entities: the sensor, which may be regarded as a reader, and a disposable tag. The reader is a modified design of a gap-coupled microstrip line (GCML) sensor, while the passive tag is a standard double-ring complementary split-ring...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...

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  • Systemy bezprzewodowej łączności i transmisji danych dla potrzeb bezpieczeństwa publicznego (studium stanu i rozwiązań)

    W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystyki rozwiązań użytkowych zrealizowanych w Katedrze Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych Politechniki Gdańskiej. Autorzy scharakteryzowali opracowane przez zespół badawczy Katedry, systemy bezprzewodowego monitoringu zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa oraz zarządzania i sterowania infrastrukturami krytycznymi. W tym też kontekście omówiono następujące systemy i aplikacje użytkowe: − globalny...

  • СИСТЕМА КОНТРОЛЯ СОСТОЯНИЯ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПРИВОДОВ В СЕТЯХ С ГЛУХОЗАЗЕМЛЕННОЙ НЕЙТРАЛЬЮ (System of insulation status monitoring for electric drives in networks with a dead-earth neutral)


    - Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroenie - Rok 2020

    Предложен метод контроля изоляции частотно-регулируемых электроприводов в сетях с глухозаземленной нейтралью. Система контроля изоляции включается в момент остановки электропривода. Ключи инвертора коммутируются по специальному закону, и с помощью сигнала трансформатора тока, который изме- ряет ток во всех трех фазах привода одновременно, определяется ток утечки. Рассмотрена схема датчика тока утечки и приведены экспериментальные...

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  • Reconfigurable Antennas for Trustable Things


    In modern applications, the Internet of Things plays a significant role in increasing the productivity, effectiveness or safety and security of people and assets. Additionally, the reliability of Internet of Things components is crucial from the application point of view, where a resilient and low-latency network is needed. This can be achieved by utilizing reconfigurable antennas to enhance the capabilities of the wireless sensor...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability

    In this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...

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  • Guaranteeing Threshold Attendance of W/WSAN nodes in a reverted security paradigm


    - Rok 2014

    We consider a Wireline/Wireless Sensor and Actor Network composed of sensor/actor nodes and a data sink/command center (DSCC). Each node controls a generic device that can be in- or out-of-service, corresponding to the ENABLED or DISABLED node state. The node senses the device's intention to change state, and notifies and/or requests the DSCC for authorization to act upon the device. Motivated by requirements for critical infrastructures...

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  • Reliability data safety instrumented systems SIS from the functional safety analysis example critical instalation

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset represents the results of an example of functional safety analysis systems is presented below. It is based on a control system, which consists of some basic components like sensors, programmable logic controllers and valves. It is a part of petrochemical critical installations. The communication between sensor logic controllers and actuators...

  • Accuracy analysis of the RSSI BLE SensorTag signal for indoor localization purposes


    In this paper we describe possibility of use the RSSI signal (Radio Signal Strength Indication) from Texas Instruments SensorTag CC2650 for indoor positioning purposes. This idea is not a new but in our opinion it is possible to use SensorTags with Bluetooth LE wireless interface for positioning inside buildings in such applications as people findings in hospitals, senior come care, etc. RSSI is mostly selected as the sensor localization...

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  • RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Support Vector Machine

    In this letter, it is shown how direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas, which are designed to be integrated within wireless sensor network nodes, can be improved by applying support vector classification approach to received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at an antenna's output port. The proposed method relies on ESPAR antenna's radiation patterns measured...

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  • RSS-based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antennas and Interpolated Radiation Patterns

    In this letter, it is shown how an algorithm, which employs received signal strength (RSS) values in order to estimate direction-of-arrival (DoA) of impinging signals in wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes equipped with electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas, can easily be improved by applying an interpolation algorithm to radiation patterns recorded in the calibration phase of the DoA estimation process....

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  • Influence of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns shape on PPCC-based DoA estimation accuracy


    - Rok 2018

    In the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization goals, which resulted in different...

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  • Accurate PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Using Multiple Calibration Planes for WSN Nodes Equipped with ESPAR Antennas


    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, we have introduced a new direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation method, which relies on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the output port of electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna and uses the power pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) estimator. In the method, we have successfully incorporated measurements of ESPAR antenna's radiation patterns performed at multiple calibration...

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  • Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu


    - Rok 2023

    Wraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...

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  • RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Spline Interpolation


    In this paper, it is shown how power pattern crosscorrelation (PPCC) algorithm, which relies on received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna output port, used for direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation, can easily be improved by applying spline interpolation to radiation patterns recorded in the calibration phase of the DoA estimation process. The proposed method...

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  • A novel calibration method for RSS-based DoA estimation using ESPAR antennas


    In this paper, we introduce a new calibration method that can successfully be used in direction of arrival (DoA) estimation using electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas and employing power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, which relies on received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at the antenna output port. Instead of the commonly used two-step approach, during which ESPAR antenna calibration...

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  • Sztuczny sensor smaku a zmysł smaku

    Omówiono klasy smaku i działanie zmysłu smaku, który odgrywa ogromną rolę w ocenie jakości żywności metodami organoleptycznymi. Metody te nie są w pełni obiektywne, stąd poszukuje się sztucznego sensora smaku. Przedstawiono szereg rozwiązań prowadzących do opracowania sensora smaku na większą skalę. Omówiono wybrane potencjometryczne i woltamperometryczne sensory smaku, a także ich handlowe modele.

  • DST-Based Detection of Non-cooperative Forwarding Behavior of MANET and WSN Nodes


    - Rok 2009

    . Selfish node behavior can diminish the reliability of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) or a wireless sensor network (WSN). Efficient detection of such behavior is therefore essential. One approach is to construct a reputation scheme, which has network nodes determine and share reputation values associated with each node; these values can next be used as input to a routing algorithm to avoid end-to-end routes containing ill-reputed...

  • Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna for RSS-Based DoA Estimation in IoT Applications


    In this paper, we have introduced a low-profile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna that can successfully be used to estimate the direction-of-arrival (DoA) of incoming signals in wireless sensor network (WSN) applications, in which the height of the complete antenna has to be low. The proposed antenna is over three times lower than high-profile ESPAR antenna designs currently available in the literature...

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  • Horizontally-split-drain MAGFET - a highly sensitive magnetic field sensor

    We propose a novel magnetic field sensitive semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Magnetic-Field Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (HSDMAGFET) which can be used to measure or detect steady or variable magnetic fields. Operating principle of the transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE) and is very similar to that of Popovic and Baltes's SDMAGFET. The...

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  • IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters


    ISSN: 1536-1225 , eISSN: 1548-5757

  • Jarosław Sadowski dr hab. inż.

  • Radiowe sieci BAN - 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • P. Rajchowski
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • J. Sadowski

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 7-go semestru studiów I stopnia na kierunku Elektronika i Telekomunikacja. Cel kursu:Zapoznanie się z radiowymi sieciami działającymi w obrębie i w bezpośrednim otoczeniu ciała ludzkiego (WBAN - Wireless Body Area Networks), ich parametrami i właściwościami uwzględniającymi wpływ ciała ludzkiego, a także z podstawowymi zastosowaniami. Treść wykładu 1. Radiowe sieci działające w obrębie i...

  • Radiowe sieci BAN - 2024/2025

    Kursy Online
    • P. Rajchowski
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • J. Sadowski

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 7-go semestru studiów I stopnia na kierunku Elektronika i Telekomunikacja. Cel kursu:Zapoznanie się z radiowymi sieciami działającymi w obrębie i w bezpośrednim otoczeniu ciała ludzkiego (WBAN - Wireless Body Area Networks), ich parametrami i właściwościami uwzględniającymi wpływ ciała ludzkiego, a także z podstawowymi zastosowaniami. Treść wykładu 1. Radiowe sieci działające w obrębie i...

  • Radiowe sieci BAN - 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • P. Rajchowski
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • J. Sadowski

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 7-go semestru studiów I stopnia na kierunku Elektronika i Telekomunikacja. Cel kursu:Zapoznanie się z radiowymi sieciami działającymi w obrębie i w bezpośrednim otoczeniu ciała ludzkiego (WBAN - Wireless Body Area Networks), ich parametrami i właściwościami uwzględniającymi wpływ ciała ludzkiego, a także z podstawowymi zastosowaniami. Treść wykładu 1. Radiowe sieci działające w obrębie i...



    ISSN: 0028-3045 , eISSN: 1097-0037

  • Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy


    - Rok 2018

    In the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...

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  • Computer Networks-laboratories - 2023

    Kursy Online
    • M. Hoeft
    • T. Gierszewski
    • I. Szczypior
    • J. Grochowski
    • J. Rak
    • W. Gumiński
    • K. Jurczenia
    • K. Gierłowski
    • K. Nowicki

    Acquiring the skills to design, build and configure computer networks. Demonstration of skills to identify and analyze selected protocols and mechanisms of LAN and WAN networks.

  • Computer Networks laboratories 2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Hoeft
    • T. Gierszewski
    • I. Szczypior
    • J. Grochowski
    • J. Rak
    • W. Gumiński
    • K. Jurczenia
    • K. Gierłowski
    • K. Nowicki

    Acquiring the skills to design, build and configure computer networks. Demonstration of skills to identify and analyze selected protocols and mechanisms of LAN and WAN networks.