Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: energy losses
Constant vs. Variable Efficiency of Electric Drive in Train Run Simulations
PublikacjaTrain run simulations, which focus on various power- and energy-oriented aspects, should reflect the losses in the electric powertrain. In general, the powertrain efficiency varies with respect to load and speed. Including this relation in simulation requires knowledge about detailed drivetrain parameters, which are often unavailable. This paper verifies the possibility to approximate the drivetrain efficiency in train run simulations...
On energy, exergy, and environmental aspects of a combined gas-steam cycle for heat and power generation undergoing a process of retrofitting by steam injection
PublikacjaThe paper presents a study of retrofitting of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant aimed to increase the electric to heating power ratio. The modification would involve diverting part of the steam to the gas turbine, instead of letting it go to the steam turbine, using injection technique into a combustion chamber. Therefore, two potential retrofitting approaches are analyzed: steam injection gas turbine (STIGT) and combined steam...
Exergy analysis of the Szewalski cycle with a waste heat recovery system
PublikacjaThe conversion of a waste heat energy to electricity is now becoming one of the key points to improve the energy efficiency in a process engineering. However, large losses of a low-temperature thermal energy are also present in power engineering. One of such sources of waste heat in power plants are exhaust gases at the outlet of boilers. Through usage of a waste heat regeneration system it is possible to attain a heat rate of approximately...
Economical wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublikacjaMaterial- and energy-saving belong to the basic requirements which are imposed on the contemporary manufacturing processes. Since realization of those processes gives measurable profits not only economical but also ecological. In case of wood sawing with circular saw blades material- and energy-savings are dependent on total overall set of teeth (theoretical kerf) and teeth position accuracy in relation to the workpiece. Hence,...
Wind Speed Probabilistic Forecast Based Wind Turbine Selection and Siting for Urban Environment
PublikacjaWind energy being a free source of energy is becoming popular over the past decades and is being studied extensively. Integration of wind turbines is now being expanded to urban and offshore settings in contrast to the conventional wind farms in relatively open areas. The direct installation of wind turbines poses a potential risk, as it may result in financial losses in scenarios characterized by inadequate wind resource availability....
Voltage and frequency regulation of a standalone induction generator by reduced-rating power electronic compensators - comparative evaluation
PublikacjaIn this paper are considered two fundamental topologies of power electronic compensators for voltage and frequency control of a standalone self-excited induction generator (IG) system. These are voltage and current source inverter based shunt compensators with energy storage. The aim of this study is to assess main features of both topologies in dynamic and steady-state IG operation. The whole system is modelled with the aid of...
Augmented speed control scheme of dual induction motors with mutual flux angle control loop
PublikacjaThis paper proposes an augmented speed control scheme of dual induction motors fed by a five-leg voltage source inverter (VSI) with a common/shared-leg. An additional control loop is proposed here and based on the mutual flux angle – the difference between flux angular positions of the IMs. The main purpose of this research is to minimize the energy losses in the common inverter leg by controlling the mutual flux angle, at equal...
Wprowadzenie do analiz egzergetycznych, PG_00059783
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to present the basic issues to carry out the balance of exergy and entropy in addition to the balance of mass and energy. To show the definition of the maximum work that a certain matter can do in a thermodynamic process when transitioning to equilibrium with its surroundings. To refer to chemical exergy and show the application of the exergy balance to define losses in a thermodynamic cycle.
Economical wood sawing with circular saw blades of a new design (Ekonomicno piljenje drva kruznom pilom novog dezajna)
PublikacjaMaterial-saving and energy-saving belong to the basic requirements imposed on contemporary manufacturing processes. The realization of these processes gives measurable profi ts, not only economical butalso ecological. In the case of wood sawing with circular saw blades, material- and energy-savings are dependent on total overall set of teeth (theoretical kerf) and teeth position accuracy in relation to the workpiece. Hence, it...
High-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine with flow bleeding in a novel thermodynamic cycle for decarbonizing power generation
PublikacjaIn the global pursuit of sustainable energy and reduced carbon footprints, advances in power generation techniques play a crucial role, not only in meeting the ever-increasing energy demands but also in ensuring that environmental standards are maintained and that the health of our planet is prioritized for future generations. In the ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, novel high-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine...
Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublikacjaThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
Engineering method of tire rolling resistance evaluation
PublikacjaTire rolling resistance is one of the most difficult tire parameters to measure. The reason is that for modern tires the force of rolling resistance corresponds to 0.5–1% of tire load, thus measurements of very small forces must be performed in a heavily loaded system. This constitutes great problems, especially in road conditions. Laboratory measurements are easier to perform, as the environment may be better controlled, but roadwheel...
Determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor
PublikacjaA new methodology of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor based on the characteristics of the delivered flow rate into hydraulic motor vs. the rotational speed at a constant pressure drop in the working chambers is described in this paper. A new method of describing the delivered flow rate into a motor per one shaft revolution as a nonlinear function of the pressure drop in the motor working...
Role of surface recombination in perovskite solar cells at the interface of HTL/CH3NH3PbI3
PublikacjaIn order to achieve the highest performance of organometal trihalide perovskite solar cells, it is required to recognize the dominant mechanisms which play a key role in a perovskite material. In the following studies, we have focused on the interfacial recombination between the hole transporting layer (HTL) and the perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 in solar cell devices with p–i–n architecture. It has been shown that Cu:NiOx : used as HTL...
Friction and Lubrication of Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearings
PublikacjaFluid film bearings have been extensively used in the industry because of their unbeatable durability and extremely low friction coefficient, despite a very low coefficient of friction dissipation of energy being noticeable, especially in large bearings. Lubricating systems of large tilting pad thrust bearings utilized in large, vertical shaft hydrogenerators are presented in this paper. A large amount of heat is generated due...
Ecology In Tribology: Selected Problems of Eliminating Natural Oil-Based Lubricants from Machine Friction Couples
PublikacjaThe elimination of mineral oil-based lubricants from machines has multiple beneficial effects on the natural environment. Firstly – these lubricants are a direct threat to the environment in the event of leaks; secondly – their elimination reduces the demand for crude oil from which they are obtained. In addition, in many cases, e.g. when replacing traditional lubricants with water, friction losses in the bearings can also be reduced...
Determination of the Theoretical and Actual Working Volume of a Hydraulic Motor—Part II (The Method Based on the Characteristics of Effective Absorbency of the Motor)
Publikacja: In this article, the second method of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor is described. The proposed new method is based on the characteristics of effective absorbency of the motor. The effective absorbency has been defined as the ratio of flow rate in a motor to the rotational speed of the motor’s shaft. It has been shown that the effective absorbency is a nonlinear function of the...
On the internal efficiency of a turbine stage: classical and CFD definitions
PublikacjaAlmost entire fleet of steam turbines in Poland was designed between 1950 – 1980 with the use of the so-called zero dimensional (0D) calculation tools. For several years, design and modernization of the turbines occur in assistance with the state of the art methods that describe working fluid flow field based on 3D models and CFD codes. This cooperation between 0D and 3D codes requires exchange of overall, integral information...
High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
PublikacjaAn innovative off-chip antenna (OCA) is presented that exhibits high gain and efficiency performance at the terahertz (THz) band and has a wide operational bandwidth. The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance...
Degradation of electrical performance of a crystalline photovoltaic module due to dust deposition in northern Poland
PublikacjaThe reduction in power output caused by the accumulation of dust on the photovoltaic module surface is an important problem and should receive much more attention in the literature. This study was an evaluation of the performance degradation of crystalline photovoltaic modules due to natural and simulated dust deposition. Dust is created from powdered grains of sand and particles of different bodies. Dust originates from different...
Eksperymentalna analiza współczynników oporów lokalnych dla wybranych kształtek i złączek w systemach rur wielowarstwowych
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony jest analizie wartości współczynników oporów lokalnych dla wybranych kształtek i złączek pracujących w instalacjach z rur wielowarstwowych z tworzyw sztucznych. Badaniom poddano elementy o średnicach DN16, DN20, DN25, powszechnie wykorzystywane we współczesnych instalacjach sanitarnych. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań laboratoryjnych (dla rozszerzeń, kolanek i trójników) oraz ich porównanie z wartościami...
Reinforced Secure Gossiping Against DoS Attacks in Post-Disaster Scenarios
PublikacjaDuring and after a disaster, the perceived quality of communication networks often becomes remarkably degraded with an increased ratio of packet losses due to physical damages of the networking equipment, disturbance to the radio frequency signals, continuous reconfiguration of the routing tables, or sudden spikes of the network traffic, e.g., caused by the increased user activity in a post-disaster period. Several techniques have...
Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of LWC Cement Composites Using Simplified Laboratory Scale Method
PublikacjaThe implementation of low-energy construction includes aspects related to technological and material research regarding thermal insulation. New solutions are sought, firstly, to reduce heat losses and, secondly, to improve the environment conditions in isolated rooms. The effective heat resistance of insulating materials is inversely proportional to temperature and humidity. Cement composites filled with lightweight artificial...
Maximum Power Point Technique (MPPT) for PV System Based on Improved Pert and Observe (P&O) Method with PI Controller
PublikacjaPhotovoltaic power generation system has key rule in electricity production. Although, it is clean renewable energy with unlimited resources but it has some drawbacks in efficiency. In order to maximize the efficiency, PV array must drive at maximum power point. For the reason so, several algorithms are used in PV system to track MPP and reduce the...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublikacjaIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
Problems of varistor quality assessment during exploitation
PublikacjaVaristors are commonly used elements which protect power supply networks against high-voltage surges or lightning. Therefore, quality and endurance of these elements is important to avoid losses when an expensive laboratory equipment would not be protected from random overvoltages. Additionally, excessive leakage currents generate serious costs due to high energy consumption. The paper presents shortly properties of varistors that...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
The description of non-linear interactions of wave and non-wave modes in a non-adiabatic plasma flow
PublikacjaThe method of derivation of non-linear equations for interacting modes is explained and applied to a plasma's flow affected by a magnetic field. It is based on the linear projecting of the total perturbation field into specific variations of variables in individual modes of a flow. The method may be applied in many examples of fluid flows with different mechanisms of non-adiabaticity. It is of special importance in complex flows...
Hybridized SVPWM Algorithm for Multilevel CHB Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Control Capability
PublikacjaThe deployment of a space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) scheme in controlling cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHB MLI) is quite challenging; especially, when a substantial number of output voltage levels are involved and the dc-link voltages are out of balance. In this article, a simple SVPWM algorithm for CHB MLI is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, all the H-bridges in an inverter phase are treated as a single...
Exergetic Analysis of the nCO2PP Cycle with Particular Reference to the Exergy Destruction of Sewage Sludge Due to Gasification
PublikacjaAn exergy analysis is carried out on the negative CO2 emission gas power plant (nCO2PP), which integrates the process sections of fuel preparation, power generation and carbon capture. Processes of exergy destruction are studied with particular focus on the process in the gasification unit of the fuel preparation section, where a large amount of exergy is destroyed in various chemical reactions from sewage sludge to producer gas...
Magnetoelectric, spectroscopic, optical and elastic properties of Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics
Publikacjahe BaTiO3 perovskite is widely used in the electronic technology due to its dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties and is a well-known base for obtaining a promising multifunctional material. In this paper we report the extensive studies on the Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics for the wide range cobalt content. Full structural characterization of studied samples in a 20–450 K range was provided. The results of research...
Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Design of Six-Phase Induction Motor for Electric Propulsion of Submarines
PublikacjaRecent research reveals that multi-phase motors in electric propulsion systems are highly recommended due to their improved reliability and efficiency over traditional three phase motors. This research presented a comparison of optimal model design of a six phase squirrel cage induction motor (IM) for electric propulsion by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). A six phase squirrel cage induction...
Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Design of Six-Phase Induction Motor for Electric Propulsion of Submarines
PublikacjaAbstract: Recent research reveals that multi-phase motors in electric propulsion systems are highly recommended due to their improved reliability and efficiency over traditional three phase motors. This research presented a comparison of optimal model design of a six phase squirrel cage induction motor (IM) for electric propulsion by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). A six phase squirrel cage induction...
Two-phase optimizing approach to design assessments of long distance heat transportation for CHP systems
PublikacjaCogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for power plants is a method of putting to use waste heat which would be otherwise released to the environment. This allows the increase in thermodynamic efficiency of the plant and can be a source of environmental friendly heat for District Heating (DH). In the paper CHP for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is analyzed with the focus on heat transportation. A method for effectivity and feasibility...
A new approach to cross-bonding in medium voltage cable lines
PublikacjaThe medium voltage underground cable sheaths are usually bonded and earthed in every substation on the cable route. This results in additional power losses in the sheaths. The paper presents an idea of reducing power losses caused by sheaths cross-bonding. The idea of sheaths cross-connecting only in selected MV/LV substations is given instead of a typical solution, where sheaths cross-bonding requires installing additional joints...
Exploring the interfacial effects at the ETL/perovskite boundary in the semitransparent perovskite solar cells
PublikacjaThe recent focus has been made on the perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with an inverted configuration, where substantial improvements have been already achieved. However, the p–i–n structure needs a buffer layer for most of the configurations to modify the work-function of a deposited electrode. Additionally and very importantly, such a layer can also serve as a protective film that improves a stability of solar cells. Here, we study...
Design and experimental validation of a single-stage PV string inverter with optimal number of interleaved buck-boost cells.
PublikacjaIncreasing converter power density is a problem of topical interest. This paper discusses an interleaved approach of the efficiency increase in the buck-boost stage of an inverter with unfolding circuit in terms of losses in semiconductors, output voltage ripples and power density. Main trends in the power converter development are reviewed. A losses model was designed and used for the proposed solution to find an optimal number...
Investigation of the Effect of The Temperature and Magnetization Pattern on Flux Density, Instantaneous Torque, Unbalanced Magnetic Forces of a Surface Inset PMM
PublikacjaElectrical machines utilized in domestic applications such as ceiling fans should have low losses and cost. Permanent magnets are used instead of rotor excitation to reduce losses. Therefore, not only the losses of the rotor winding are eliminated, but also the efficiency of the machine is increased. A surface inset consequent pole (SICP) machine has also been used to reduce costs. Because less magnets are utilized in this structure....
Feasibility Study GaN Transistors Application in the Novel Split-Coils Inductive Power Transfer System with T-Type Inverter
PublikacjaA promising solution for inductive power transfer and wireless charging is presented on the basis of a single-phase three-level T-type Neutral Point Clamped GaN-based inverter with two coupled transmitting coils. The article focuses on the feasibility study of GaN transistor application in the wireless power transfer system based on the T-type inverter on the primary side. An analysis of power losses in the main components of the...
Method of determining the degree of liquid aeration in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe Author concludes, that there is a possibility of determining a concrete value of the liquid aeration coefficient during the pump operation by finding such value of coefficient with which the increase of torque of mechanical losses is proportional to the indicated torque determined with a fixed value of increase of pressure in the pump working chambers. The fixed value of increase of pressure assumed in searching the liquid...
Methods of Determining Pressure Drop in Internal Channels of a Hydraulic Motor
PublikacjaIn this paper, new methods for determining the pressure drop in internal channels of a hydraulic motor are proposed and described. Mathematical models of pressure losses in internal channels have also been described. Experimental tests of the satellite motor were carried out according to one of the proposed methods. The tests were carried out for two liquids, i.e., water and mineral oil. Experimental studies have shown that at...
Implementation of DEIS for reliable fault monitoring and detection in PEMFC single cells and stacks
PublikacjaDynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) was presented as novel method for diagnostic and monitoring of PEMFC stack and single cells operation. Impedance characteristics were obtained simultaneously with current - voltage characteristics for stack and each individual cell. Impedance measurements were performed in galvanodynamic mode. It allowed to compare performance of each cell and identification of faulty cell operation...
Understanding the Dominant Physics Mechanisms on the p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated by Scalable Slot-Die Coating Process in Ambient Air
PublikacjaPerovskite solar cells (PSC) are emerging technologies that have shown continuous improvement in power conversion efficiency (PCE) and stability. However, a very important aspect that has been seldom considered is the reproducibility of PCE of PSC devices. It is possible to achieve PCE from 10.21% to 17.05% using scalable slot-die-coating technique. However, a spatial distribution of performance is clearly observed for device samples...
Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna Over the Planar and Cylindrical Surfaces
PublikacjaThe investigation of coplanar waveguide fed ultra-wideband antenna and the influence of the proximity of different materials on the reflection coefficients and radiation character-istics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate. From the modeling and experimental tests the antenna shows good performance in...
New satellite pumps
PublikacjaStosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice was initiator and originator of newest original high pressure satellite pumps series of types PSM. Construction solution, research and development of these pumps have been conducted by Team of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of Gdansk University of Technology in cooperation with this company within the confines of research project nr R0300103 (source of funds: Ministry of Science and Higher Education)....
PublikacjaThe investigation of finite ground coplanar fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna and the influence of its curvature and the proximity of circular metallic screen on the reflection coefficients and radiation characteristics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate which allows its bending. The antenna configuration...
Selected Aspect of IT Tools Application in Process Improvement in Industrial Laundry Services
PublikacjaThe laundry services sector in Poland is growing dynamically and currently has around 13,000 enterprises, mainly micro, small and medium size. The increasing competitiveness of this industry, causes more emphasis on solutions that can in-crease the efficiency of laundry processes and thereby strengthen the market position. One of the methods that can be used for this purpose is Lean Six Sigma, aided by specialized computer software....
PublikacjaPower and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in...
Application of spatial neural simulators of turbine blade rows to fluid flow diagnostics
PublikacjaThis chapter presents the results of neural modelling of fluid flow in steam turbine row. In modelling working conditions of the flow channel varied, thus the aim of the work was to reconstruct the reference state - distributions of velocity, pressure, and losses in flow channel - with high accuracy for fluid flow diagnostics.
Influence of permanent magnetic field on wear performance of dry sliding contacts
PublikacjaResults of experimental studies concerning the influence of permanent magnetic field on wear of dry sliding contact are presented.It was found that magnetic field of horizontal orientation is causing temporary reduction of material's hardness. It also facilitates and accelerates removal process of wear particles from the contact zone.Formation of bulges, consisting of accumulated and compacted anti-ferromagnetic material produced...