Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mobile application
Measurements of acoustic crosstalk cancellation efficiency in mobile listening conditions
PublikacjaThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. The implementation of the crosstalk cancellation algorithm in Matlab is introduced. The measurement signals and equipment are described. A practical setup employing a mobile computer and a head and torso simulator is employed. The results of the measurements provided conclusions regarding the employment of acoustic crosstalk...
Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution
PublikacjaThe monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...
Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs
PublikacjaWe study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...
Auto adaptation of mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions
PublikacjaThe proposed methodology of auto adaptation of the mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions is presented in the paper. The first goal of this study was to determine the parameters of the acoustic path of the mobile device, for both transmitting (speaker) and receiver (microphone). Results of the measurement of characteristics of mobile devices were presented. Information about characteristics of individual parts...
Gossiping by energy-constrained mobile agents in tree networks
PublikacjaEvery node of an edge-weighted tree network contains a data packet. At some nodes are placed mobile agents, each one possessing an amount of energy (not necessarily the same for all agents). While walking along the network, the agents spend the energy proportionally to the distance traveled and collect copies of the data packets present at the visited network nodes. An agent visiting a node deposits there copies of all currently...
Investigation method of large-volume tire with mobile test rig
PublikacjaThe goal of this research is to develop the tire test method and mobile tire test rig. The test rig enables measurement of tire properties as stiffness and viscous damping in vertical direction, and tire–ground characteristics on the asphalt rigid surface. The tire-ground characteristics are measured by force and a torque measurement hub. The design, calibration and the algorithm for calculating the forces in the wheel center are...
A Review of Traffic Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Agents' Networks
PublikacjaFor traditional, message-based communication, traffic analysis has been already studied for over three decades and during that time various attacks have been recognised. As far as mobile agents’ networks are concerned only a few, specific-scope studies have been conducted. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed as nowadays, in the era of Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructures and growing concerns for privacy,...
Application of Least Squares with Conditional Equations Method for Railway Track Inventory Using GNSS Observations
PublikacjaSatellite geodetic networks are commonly used in surveying tasks, but they can also be used in mobile surveys. Mobile satellite surveys can be used for trackage inventory, diagnostics and design. The combination of modern technological solutions with the adaptation of research methods known in other fields of science offers an opportunity to acquire highly accurate solutions for railway track inventory. This article presents the...
Client-server Approach in the Navigation System for the Blind
PublikacjaThe article presents the client‐server approach in the navigation system for the blind ‐ “Voice Maps”. The authors were among the main creators of the prototype and currently the commercialization phase is being finished. In the implemented prototype only exemplary, limited spatial data were used, therefore they could be stored and analysed (for path-finding process) in the mobile device’s memory without any difficulties. The...
Using River Formation Dynamics Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation
PublikacjaRiver Formation Dynamics is a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the manner, in which drops of water form the river bed. The idea is to imitate the movement of drops on the edges between given nodes thus performing a search based on their height, which is modified through the mechanism of soil erosion and sediment deposition. In this way decreasing gradients are constructed, and these are followed by subsequent drops to...
Dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 improvements for mobile nodes
PublikacjaIn wireless networks mobile clients change their physical location, which results in changing point of attachment to the network. Such handovers introduce unwanted periods, when node does not have communication capabilities. Depending on many conditions, such events may require reconfiguration of layer 2 (e.g. IEEE 802.16) or both 2 and 3 layers (IPv6). This paper investigates delays introduced in the latter type of handover. IPv6...
Network-assisted processing of advanced IoT applications: challenges and proof-of-concept application
PublikacjaRecent advances in the area of the Internet of Things shows that devices are usually resource-constrained. To enable advanced applications on these devices, it is necessary to enhance their performance by leveraging external computing resources available in the network. This work presents a study of computational platforms to increase the performance of these devices based on the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) paradigm. The main...
Collaborative Delivery by Energy-Sharing Low-Power Mobile Robots
PublikacjaWe study two variants of delivery problems for mobile robots sharing energy. Each mobile robot can store at any given moment at most two units of energy, and whenever two robots are at the same location, they can transfer energy between each other, respecting the maximum capacity. The robots operate in a simple graph and initially each robot has two units of energy. A single edge traversal by an robot reduces its energy by one...
A Point Set Connection Problem for Autonomous Mobile Robots in a Grid
PublikacjaConsider an orthogonal grid of streets and avenues in a Manhattan-like city populated by stationary sensor modules at some intersections and mobile robots that can serve as relays of information that the modules exchange, where both module-module and module-robot communication is limited to a straight line of sight within the grid. The robots are oblivious and move asynchronously. We present a distributed algorithm that, given...
Correction of determined coordinates of railway tracks in mobile satellite measurements
PublikacjaThis article examines one of the basic issues related to the technique of mobile satellite measurements in railway tracks. This problem concerns the correction of the determined coordinates of the track centerline. The need to perform this operation results from the GNSS receivers positioning at a certain height above the level of the existing track axis, leading to longitudinal and lateral shifts of antennas. The key problem here...
Selected Propagation Models Modification for Application in Container Terminal
PublikacjaIt is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio systems in container terminal environment. The selected propagation models have been investigated. The applied research methodology has been described too. Results of the statistical adjustment in terms of signal loss determination in such environment have been analysed. The analysis have proved effectiveness of adjustment...
Enhancing Facial Palsy Treatment through Artificial Intelligence: From Diagnosis to Recovery Monitoring
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to develop and assess a mobile application that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to support the rehabilitation of individuals with facial nerve paralysis. The application features two primary functionalities: assessing the paralysis severity and facilitating the monitoring of rehabilitation exercises. The AI algorithm employed for this purpose was Google's ML Kit “face-detection”. The classification...
An efficient algorithm for mobile guarded guards in simple grids
PublikacjaW pracy rozważono problem strzeżenia ortogonalnych krat dwuwymiarowych przez mobilne straże strzeżone. Podano algorytmy wielomianowe m.in. dla przypadku krat prostych i dla przypadku krat bez przeszkód w kierunku poziomym (pionowym).
Simulation of the Video Feedback for Mobile Robots in Simbad Environment
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Quality assessment of mobile host services in IP networks
PublikacjaW pracy opisano podstawowe protokoły wspierające komunikację stacji ruchomych w sieciach IP. Przedmiotem zainteresowania były w szczególności rozwiązania MIP oraz Calkular IP i HAWAII - wspierające mobilność w skali makro bądź mikro. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne wskazujące na przydatność powyższych protokołów w przypadku różnych konfiguracji sieci.
Prediction of the motion stability of three-wheel mobile robot
PublikacjaW pracy rozważa się projektowanie i realizację trajektorii ruchu 3-kołowego robota mobilnego, z uwzględnieniem jego kinematyki i dynamiki. Kołowe roboty mobilne zaliczane są do układów nieholonomicznych, w przypadku których przyjęte ograniczenia (więzy) dotyczą chwilowych prędkości punktów charakterystycznych układu. Model matematyczny obiektu przedstawiono w postaci skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych kinematyki...
Mobile monitoring system for control of atmospheric air quality
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono ruchomy system monitoringu powietrza, który zapewnia możliwość ciągłego pomiaru stężenia takich zanieczyszczeń powietrza jak benzen, tlenek i ditlenek azotu oraz tlenek i ditlenek węgla. Opracowany zestaw pomiarowy może być zainstalowany na rożnych pojazdach (samochód, autobus, ciężarówka).System zbudowany jest z zestawu małych przenośnych jednostek pomiarowych (elektroniczne urządzenia pomiarowe, rejestrator...
Motion stability during optimal control of the mobile platform
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia metodę badania stabilności robotów mobilnych podczas sterowania optymalnego na przykładzie 3-kołowej platformy mobilnej. Robot posiada więzy nieholonomiczne. Model matematyczny 3-kołowej platformy mobilnej opisuje skończona liczba nieliniowych równań różniczkowych. Stąd, prognozowanie stabilności ruchu takiego obiektu wymaga zastosowania efektywnych algorytmów.
Mechatronic approach to the design of 2-wheel mobile platform
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono podejście mechatroniczne do projektowania 2-kołowego robota mobilnego przeznaczonego do testowania algorytmu nadzorowania za pomocą sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Badany robot jest skrępowany więzami nieholonomicznymi. Model matematyczny 2-kołowej platformy mobilnej jest opisany za pomocą skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych.
Mobile virtual presence in civil engineering education and training
PublikacjaEducation technologies are on the cusp, emerging technologies connected with each other might reveal new added value in this field. In this paper, the author showed a framework for conducting civil engineering classes with a virtual presence on the construction site. The presented idea might be realized by use of the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with 360 video camera. On-site activities are transmitted at a distance by GSM and...
Accuracy analysis of a mobile station location in the cellular networks
PublikacjaJakość usług lokalizacyjnych oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych zależy od efektywności estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego. Dokładność obecnie stosowanych metod lokalizacyjnych jest niewystarczająca, szczególnie w odniesieniu do wywołań w niebezpieczeństwie. Modyfikacja istniejących algorytmów może istotnie wpłynąć na zwiększenie dokładności lokalizowania terminala ruchomego przy jednocześnie niewielkich nakładach finansowych....
Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks
PublikacjaWe introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...
Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks
PublikacjaWe introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...
Resilience of 5G Mobile Communication Systems to Massive Disruptions
PublikacjaThis chapter discusses vital techniques to enhance the resilience of 5G systems. It starts with dependability assessment of 5G networks. Next, it describes (a) the frequency fallback technique to improve availability and survivability of 5G services, (b) segment interleaving scheme to enhance communications resilience between base stations and the remaining part of the network and (c) multi-operator protection to address the resilience...
Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions
PublikacjaRespiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...
A mobile loop order–disorder transition modulates the speed of chaperonin cycling
PublikacjaMolecular machines order and disorder polypeptides as they form and dissolve large intermolecular interfaces, but the biological significance of coupled ordering and binding has been established in few, if any, macromolecular systems. The ordering and binding of GroES co-chaperonin mobile loops accompany an ATP-dependent conformational change in the GroEL chaperonin that promotes client protein folding. Following ATP hydrolysis,...
A new approach of coastal cliff monitoring using Mobile Laser Scanning
PublikacjaThe article proposes a new approach of coastal cliff monitoring which bases on a new comprehensive monitoring system, being a combination of mobile scanning from the sea with the geotechnical stability analysis. Mobile laser scanning is an innovative solution for 3D data collection which allows the monitored object geometry to be precisely measured, thus providing opportunities for series of analyses contributing to the development...
Study on the prevalence of mobile phone use by car drivers – the case of Poland
Publikacja: Distracted driving is a significant factor affecting road safety and it can occur as a result of using mobile phones while driving. The aim of the current research is to present the prevalence of mobile phone use by Polish car drivers, based on the roadside and online survey. The field study showed that 11.6% of 1867 drivers were using mobile phones while being in motion and 26.1% of 203 drivers when stopped in front of traffic...
Evaluating the Internal and External Usability of Mobile Technologies in Facilitating Knowledge Transfer
PublikacjaA worker’s performance and productivity depend on a variety of factors including knowledge, to be essential for self-effectiveness and self-efficacy. In the literature, knowledge transfer is argued to enhance the quality of work, and therefore, its value. When addressing this issue, the latest studies have considered and evaluated the use of mobile technologies, which are evidenced to improve a worker’s capacity and skills. However,...
Mobile operators at war: opinion mining and sentiment analysis on social media
PublikacjaConsidering hermetic and very competitive market such as mobile operator ones, social media has become best alternative for contact with customer and gathering data and opinions. Different style of running social media profiles is giving different results. The research presented in this paper aims to show the number of responses gathered from polish Internet users and its sentiment for mobile operator brands. It also presents practical...
Design of control algorithms for mobile robots in an environment with static and dynamic obstacles
PublikacjaThis article proposes the construction of autonomous mobile robots and designing of obstacle avoidance algorithms for them. Nowadays, mobile robots are gaining more and more popularity on the customer as well as industrial market, for example as automatic vacuum cleaners or lawnmowers. Obstacle avoidance algorithms play an important role in performance of this types of robots. The proposed algorithms were designed for builds with...
Optimal bandgap of a single-junction photovoltaic cell for the mobile Internet-of-Things
PublikacjaThe procedure for determining the maximum power of a single-junction photovoltaic cell operating in various types of lighting is presented. This is a key issue for photovoltaics powering the mobile Internet-of-Things (IoTs). The simulations performed are based on the detailed balance principle, without any of simplifying assumptions included in the Shockley-Queisser model. Optimal energy bandgap for diffuse solar light was found...
An Empirical Propagation Model for Mobile Radio Links in Container Terminal Environment
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel empirical propagation model for mobile radio links in a container terminal environment is presented. Measurement propagation research carried out in the Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) in Gdańsk, Poland is described, and the investigated environment is characterized. The results of the statistical evaluation of the new model are discussed. In addition, statistical tuning of the Walfisch–Ikegami model for...
Study of data scheduling methods in the WiMAX Mobile metropolitan area networks
PublikacjaThe paper discusses basic assumptions of the WiMAX Mobile system. It also presents and analyses the results of simulation tests run for selected data scheduling methods and subcarrier allocation. Based on the test results, the authors have prepared a comparative analysis of two popular data scheduling methods, i.e. WRR and PF, and their own method CDFQ which uses information about the current channel situation for the queuing processes...
Badanie sprawności algorytmów szeregowania danych w systemie WiMAX Mobile
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyj-nych różnych metod szeregowania danych i przydziału podnośnych w sieciach opartych na standardzie IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX Mobile). W pracy zostały opisane najważniejsze mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za zarządza-nie jakością usług w tych sieciach. Analizę porównaw-czą przeprowadzono dla następujących metod: Round Robin (RR), Proportional Fairness (PF) oraz Maximum Rate (MR). Znaczną uwagę poświęcono...
Airborne and mobile laser scanning in measurements of sea cliffs on the southern Baltic
PublikacjaMeasurements of sea cliffs performed using periodic surveying based on laser scanning is currently one of the fastest and most accurate solutions. Supported with the technology of satellite measurements using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning and photographic measurements with the use of aerial vehicle, they enable an effective monitoring of the sea cliffs affected by the erosion. In case of the coast of southern...
Sensor Position Estimation Method for IoT Using Mobile Reference Node
PublikacjaThe paper proposes an innovative method of locating objects for the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed method allows the position of a fixed measuring sensor (MS) to be estimated using one mobile base station with a known position moving around the MS. The mathematical analysis of the method, and three algorithms — Newton’s (NA), gradient descent (GD) and genetic (GA) — for solving the system of non-linear positional equations...
Greener organic solvents in analytical chemistry
PublikacjaThe paper presents the most recent advances in analytical applications of greener organic solvents. Substitution of problematic solvents with more benign organic ones is much easier than shifting to technique applying alternative solvents, such as ionic liquids or supercritical fluids. In the area of liquid chromatography greener mobile phases, much attention is given to application ethanol or acetone instead of acetonitrile. Solvent-based...
Installation of GNSS receivers on a mobile railway platform – methodology and measurement aspects
PublikacjaDetermining the course of a railway track axis using satellite methods relies on ensuring the precise assembly of GNSS receivers in dedicated measuring devices. Depending on the number of receivers, solutions that are based on placing the apparatus directly above the railway track axis (as well as in eccentric positions) are used to indirectly obtain data to form the basis of the desired results. This publication describes the...
The analysis of tram tracks geometrical layout based on Mobile Satellite Measurements
PublikacjaIn this article, the results of the research in a field of which uses active global navigation satellite system (GNSS) geodetic networks for the inventory of geodetic geometric tram tracks are presented. The applied measurement technique has been adapted for the designing of the geometric layout of tram tracks. Several configurations of receivers and settings of an active GNSS networks with the objective to increase the accuracy...
A system of visualization of operational situation on digital maps for mobile units of the Border Guards
PublikacjaBorder guards have to be equipped with technology enabling a communication, an acquisition, an exchange, and a visualization of data in different operational situations. This also applies to the staff, which is located on mobile units such as ground vehicles, aircrafts and vessels. Within the project realized for the Polish Border Guard and financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, a system was designed and...
An untraceability protocol for mobile agents and its enhanced security study
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia rozszerzoną analizę bezpieczeństwa zaproponowanego przez nas protokołu ochrony przed tropieniem (ang. untraceability protocol) dla agentów mobilnych. Jak dotąd, tak systematyczna analiza bezpieczeństwa nie została przeprowadzona. Co więcej, istniejące znane analizy bezpieczeństwa koncentrują się wyłącznie na atakujących wewnętrznych. Uważamy, że stworzona przez nas lista kontrolna ataków może posłużyć jako...
Autonomous control of a mobile robot to explore areas with difficult terrain
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Poland–Turkey Comparison of Mobile Payments Quality in Pandemic Time
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Correction of determined coordinates of railway tracks in mobile satellite measurements