Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: art and architecture - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: art and architecture

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: art and architecture

  • Automatic music signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders

    The purpose of this paper is to show a music mixing system that is capable of automatically mixing separate raw recordings with good quality regardless of the music genre. This work recalls selected methods for automatic audio mixing first. Then, a novel deep model based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders is proposed for automatic music mixing. The model is trained on a custom-prepared database. Mixes created using the...

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  • Ensembling noisy segmentation masks of blurred sperm images

    Background: Sperm tail morphology and motility have been demonstrated to be important factors in determining sperm quality for in vitro fertilization. However, many existing computer-aided sperm analysis systems leave the sperm tail out of the analysis, as detecting a few tail pixels is challenging. Moreover, some publicly available datasets for classifying morphological defects contain images limited only to the sperm head. This...

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  • Wprowadzenie w prawną problematykę mobbingu.


    - Rok 2004

    Polska przyjeła na siebie zobowiazania do poszanowania praw,w tym również przed prześladowniem i dyskryminacją(nie tylko w aspekcie prawa międzynarodowego),polski ustawodawca w kolejnej nowelizacji kodeksu pracy(w art.94 oraz 94 kp)obowiązującej od 01 stycznia 2004r.zobowiazał pracodawcę m.in.do przeciwdziałania mobbingowi.

  • On geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a state-of-art review on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of geometrically non-linear problems for laminated composite plates and shells made as fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates. Besides a subjective overview of the historical development of geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels, some remarks on possible future issues in this research area are given

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  • Current trends in the field of steganalysis and guidelines for constructions of new steganalysis schemes

    The paper concerns blind steganalysis techniques in the passive steganalysis scenario designed to detect the steganographic cover modification schemes. The goal is to investigate the state-of-art in the field of steganalysis, and, above all, to recognize current trends existing in this field and determine guidelines for constructions of new steganalysis schemes. The intended effects are to examine the possibilities for the development...

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  • The function of the sculpture in public space and its reception occupants of the city


    Sculpture has been with people for thousands of years. Its destiny, subject and scale have changed over the centuries. Public art, along with sculpture, began to appear in a new form (not only to commemorate important figures and events) only in the 1960s. This paper aims to answer what functions are currently performed by the sculptures located in a public space and how they are perceived by the inhabitants of the city.

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  • Nodal cooperation equilibrium analysis in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks with a reputation system


    Motivated by the concerns of cooperation security, this work examines selected principles of state-of-the-art reputation systems for multi-hop ad hoc networks and their impact upon optimal strategies for rational nodes. An analytic framework is proposed and used for identification of effective cooperation-enforcement schemes. It is pointed out that optimum rather than high reputation can be expected to be sought by rational nodes.

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  • Study of the Effectiveness of Model Order Reduction Algorithms in the Finite Element Method Analysis of Multi-port Microwave Structures


    - Rok 2022

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of model order reduction algorithms in finite element method analysis of multi-port microwave structures. Consideration is given to state of the art algorithms, i.e. compact reduced-basis method (CRBM), second-order Arnoldi method for passive-order reduction (SAPOR), reduced-basis methods (RBM) and subspace-splitting moment-matching MOR (SSMM-MOR)

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  • Semantic Driven Table Understanding in Born-Digital Documents


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents a new approach to table understanding, suitable for born-digital PDF documents. Advance beyond the current state of the art in table understanding is provided by the proposed reverse MVC method, which takes advantage of only partial logic structure loss (degradation) in born-digital PDF documents, as opposed to unrecoverable loss (deterioration) taking place in scan based PDF documents.

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  • VII Międzynarodowe Biennale Malarstwa i Tkaniniy Unikatowej – Gdynia 2013


    - Rok 2013

    Katalog towarzyszący wystawie, która odbyła się w Muzeum Miasta Gdyni w 2013 roku. W organizacji wystawy oprócz Muzeum brało także udział Stowarzyszenie Promocji Artystów Wybrzeża ERA ART. Publikacja liczy 108 stron i zawiera 140 reprodukcji prac (praca autora s.51). ISBN 978-83-937863-0-5.

  • VI Międzynarodowe Biennale Malarstwa i Tkaniny Unikatowej. Barwy i Faktury - Gdynia 2011, Muzeum Miasta Gdyni


    - Rok 2011

    Katalog wystawy sztuki, która miała miejsce w Muzeum miasta Gdyni. Organizatorem wystawy było stowarzyszenie promocji artystów wybrzeża Era Art w Gdyni. Katalog liczy 120 stron i zawiera tekst krytyczn w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 138 kolorowych reprodukcji prac (prace autora s.38). Wydawcą katalogu jest Muzeum miasta Gdyni.

  • Future of medicine: personalized oncology


    Understanding genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis allows identifying many vital mutations affected the formation of various malignancies. This led to the discovery of a new therapeutic approach, based on molecular mechanisms in the world of medicine, which is called personalized medicine (PM). This review aims to outline the state of the art of the personalized medicine in treatment, taking into account anti-cancer...

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    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • K. Wróblewski

    Brief description: The subject matter of the spatial form design classes is transformation. First, a black square becomes a flat graphic composition, which is then converted to color. The final stage of the transformation process is a spatial object, which is by assumption devoid of any utilitarian functions. Course content / classes schedule:   1. Graphic. The task is to create an achromatic flat composition in the contrast...

  • Quantum dots in gas sensing a review

    Air pollution becomes an increasing problem in the recent years. There is a need to develop more sensitive gas sensors. Much effort has been performed to develop different types of gas sensors, such as electrochemical sensors or polymer sensors. One of the most promising approaches to improve sensors performance is the application of the nanostructures as sensing materials. State of the art of quantum...

  • Prezentacja grafik i akwarel na wystawie modelarstwa szkutniczego i okrętowego, Centrum Wystawienniczo-Regionalne Dolnej Wisły w Tczewie - Fabryka Sztuk, 11-21.08.2011 r.


    - Rok 2011

    Przedmiotem wystawy były grafiki i akwarele o tematyce marynistycznej artysty palstyk Krystyny Pokrzywnickiej- arch. i art. plastyk Krystyna Pokrzywnicka, członkowie zespołu modelarzy szkutniczych ''Koga'': Jarosław Bąkowski, Marian Deja, Mirosław Rybus, Jarosław Ferens, Kazimierz Dembowski, Adam Lasko, Krzysztof Wasilewski, Cezary Szczepanik, Artur Wasilak, Kazimierz Grabowski, Zbigniew Kowalewski, Romuald Sobolewski, Konrad Sołtysik,...

  • State of the Art in Open Platforms for Collaborative Urban Design and Sharing of Resources in Districts and Cities


    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    This work discusses recent developments in sharing economy concepts and collaborative co-design technology platforms applied in districts and cities. These developments are being driven both by new technological advances and by increased environmental awareness. The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in smart technology platforms for collaborative urban design, highlighting a number of recent examples. The case of peer-to-peer...

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  • Ekspertyza dotycząca odpowiedzi na pytanie: "czy cyfrowe aparaty fotograficzne są urządzeniami reprograficznymi?"


    Ekspertyza ma na celu rozstrzygnięcie kwestii, czy cyfrowe aparaty fotograficzne są urządzeniami reprograficznymi oraz czy można je zakwalifikować do grupy urządzeń o których mowa w Ustawie z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych Dz.U. 1994 Nr 24 poz. 83 z późniejszymi zmianami (w szczególności art. 20 ust. 1 pkt.2).

  • Description of the Dataset Rhetoric at School – a Selection of the Syllabi from the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk – Transcription and Photographs


    - Rok 2022

    The research dataset described in the article was based on photographs and transcription of a textual record from Latin syllabi for classes at the Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The syllabi concern the years 1645/1648/1652/1653. The original document is held in the collection of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences [reference number: Ma 3920 8o]. The collected research material can be used for studying the practical...

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  • Medley filters - simple tools for efficient signal smoothing


    - Rok 2010

    Medley filters are defined as convex combinations of elementary smoothing filters (averaging, median) with different smoothing bandwidths. It is shown that when adaptive weights of such a mixture are evaluated using the recently proposed Bayesian rules, one obtains a tool which often outperforms the state-of-the-art wavelet-based smoothing algorithms. Additionally, unlike wavelet-based procedures, medley filters can easily cope...

  • Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter


    - Rok 2021

    The Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...

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  • Prezentacja prac graficznych na wystawie modelarstwa szkutniczego i okrętowego, Centrum Wystawienniczo-Regionalne Dolnej Wisły w Tczewie - Fabryka Sztuk, 19-27.09.2009 r.


    - Rok 2009

    Przedmiotem wystawy były rysunki graficzne i akwarele opracowane przez artystę plastyka Krystynę Pokrzywnicką, pracownik PG, związane ze specyfiką wystawy zbiorowej - arch. i art. plastyk krystyna Pokrzywnicka, członkowie zespołu modelarzy szkutniczych ''Koga'': Romuald Sobolewski, Mirosław Rybus, Adam Lasko, Piotr Butkiewicz, Zbigniew Kowalewski, Andrzej Stefański, Kazimierz Grabowski, Konrad Sołtysiak, Krzysztof Wasilewski, Marian...

  • Passive sampling and/or extraction techniques in environmental analysis: a review

    The current state-of-the-art of passive sampling and/or extraction methods for long-term monitoring of pollutants in different environmental compartments is discussed in this review. Passive dosimeters that have been successfully used to monitor organic and inorganic contaminants in air, water, sediments, and soil are presented. The application of new approaches to the determination of pollutants at the sampling stage is discussed....

  • Comparison of modelling and measurement results of spectra emitted by a programmable lamp

    Nowadays artificial light with an optimized spectrum is used in many different applications. For instance, it is widely used in museums and exhibitions to illuminate the art. Moreover, such light stimulates the growth of plants, or can be applied in industry and healthcare. To achieve the best results for each application, the adjusting of a dedicated spectrum is required, which is a complicated task. The ongoing research is focused...

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  • Review of the Application of Graphene-Based Coatings as Anticorrosion Layers


    Due to the excellent properties of graphene, including flexibility that allows it to adjust to the curvature of the substrate surface, chemical inertness, and impermeability, graphene is used as an anticorrosion layer. In this review, we present the current state-of-the-art in the application of graphene in the field of protective coatings. This review provides detailed discussions about the protective properties of graphene coatings...

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  • On the preestimation technique and its application to identification of nonstationary systems


    The problem of noncausal identification of a nonstationary stochastic FIR (finite impulse response) sys- tem is reformulated, and solved, as a problem of smoothing of preestimated parameter trajectories. Three approaches to preestimation are critically analyzed and compared. It is shown that optimization of the smoothing operation can be performed adaptively using the parallel estimation technique. The new approach is computationally...

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  • Badania pojazdów zabytkowych – określanie niezgodności


    Każdy właściciel pojazdu powinien zlecać przeprowadzanie badania technicznego w stacji kontroli pojazdów zgodnie z art. 81 ustawy „Prawo o ruchu drogowym”. Badaniom podlegają także zabytkowe pojazdy samochodowe i są one wykonywane tylko raz (wyjątek stanowią pojazdy zabytkowe wykorzystywane do celów zarobkowych). Sprawdzanie pojazdów zabytkowych w stacjach kontroli pojazdów może stwarzać problemy. Poniżej zostaną przedstawione...

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  • Miasta Nieskończone. Warsztaty animacji poklatkowej doodle-art. Bałtycki Festiwal Nauki 2024

    Warsztaty animacji poklatkowej w technice doodle-art, podczas których uczestnicy stworzyli wspólnie animowany film o mieście marzeń. Warsztaty z animacji poklatkowej są zajęciami rozwijającymi wyobraźnię i kreatywność. Film powstawał zespołowo, poprzez dodawanie nowych elementów rysunku przez każdego z uczestników. Kolejne fazy powstawania wymarzonego miasta zostały uwiecznione na zdjęciach, które po cyfrowej obróbce pozwoliły...

  • Previous Opinions is All You Need - Legal Information Retrieval System


    - Rok 2023

    We present a system for retrieving the most relevant legal opinions to a given legal case or question. To this end, we checked several state-of-the-art neural language models. As a training and testing data, we use tens of thousands of legal cases as question-opinion pairs. Text data has been subjected to advanced pre-processing adapted to the specifics of the legal domain. We empirically chose the BERT-based HerBERT model to perform...

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  • The Effect of Cobalt Incorporation into Nickel–Iron Oxide/(oxy)hydroxide Catalyst on Electrocatalytic Performance Toward Oxygen Evolution Reaction

    This work presents a study on the influence of the addition of cobalt into state-of-the-art nickel–iron (NiFe) mixed oxides/hydroxides/(oxy)hydroxides on their structural and morphological properties, and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalytic activity. A one-step electrodeposition process is performed without any additives to fabricate NiFe and x cobalt-doped nickel/iron (xCoNiFe) layer-double-hydroxide catalysts directly on...

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  • Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects

    The current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...

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  • Multilayer coatings based on cerium oxide and manganese cobaltite spinel for Crofer22APU SOC interconnects


    - MATERIALS LETTERS - Rok 2024

    The current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...

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  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier


    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the...

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  • Improvement of Imperfect String Matching Based on Asymetric n-Grams


    Typical approaches to string comparing treats them as either different or identical without taking into account the possibility of misspelling of the word. In this article we present an approach we used for improvement of imperfect string matching that allows one to reconstruct potential string distortions. The proposed method increases the quality of imperfect string matching, allowing the lookup of misspelled words without significant...

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  • On the problem of optimised allocation of water quality sensors and actuators in DWDS


    The problems of water quality sensors and actuators placement in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are addressed as separate, primarily. However, against the background of control systems theory, the nature of DWDSs dynamics indicates that these both problems are interdependent and impact the design of related water quality monitoring and control structures and algorithms. The research work presented in this paper is...

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  • Monumental Art -sztuka humanizująca wielką płytę


    - Rok 2011

    W powszechnej ocenie osiedla z wielkiej płyty to szarość i anonimowość schedy po socjalizmie. Zaspa jednak zdaje się z wielu powodów być osiedlem szczególnym. Jednym z nich jest festiwal Monumental Art. Fenomen tego wydarzenia polega na tym, że to sztuka postanowiła się upomnieć o swoje miejsce w architekturze, nadając jej nie tylko nowy estetyczny wymiar, ale uzupełniając ją o bieżacy, zaangażowany komantarz rzeczywistości społecznej.

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  • Approximate Quality Criteria for Difficult Multi-Objective Optimization Problems


    This paper introduces approximate analytic quality criteria useful in assessing the efficiency of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) procedures. We present a summary of extensive research into computing. In the performed comparative study we take into account the various approaches of the state-of-the-art, in order to objectively assess the EMO performance in highly dimensional spaces; where some executive criteria,...

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  • Approximate Quality Criteria for Difficult Multi-Objective Optimization Problems


    This paper introduces approximate analytic quality criteria useful in assessing the efficiency of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) procedures. We present a summary of extensive research into computing. In the performed comparative study we take into account the various approaches of the state-of-the-art, in order to objectively assess the EMO performance in highly dimensional spaces; where some executive criteria,...

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  • Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) – state-of-the-art

    • P. Gora
    • C. Kartakazas
    • A. Drabicki
    • F. Islam
    • P. Ostaszewski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    Research on connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has been gaining substantial momentum in recent years. However, thevast amount of literature sources results in a wide range of applied tools and datasets, assumed methodology to investigate thepotential impacts of future CAVs traffic, and, consequently, differences in the obtained findings. This limits the scope of theircomparability and applicability and calls for a proper standardization...

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  • EM-Driven Multi-Objective Design of Impedance Transformers By Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm


    - Rok 2017

    In the paper, the problem of fast multi-objective optimization of compact impedance matching transformers is addressed by utilizing a novel Pareto ranking bisection algorithm. It approximates the Pareto front by dividing line segments connecting the designs found in the previous iterations, and refining the obtained candidate solutions by means of poll-type search involving Pareto ranking. The final Pareto set is obtained using...

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  • Mesh dependence study for numerical assessment of hydrodynamic characteristics of windsurfing fin


    - Rok 2021

    The presented research aims to assess the drag coefficient and lift coefficient versus angle of attack curves for windsurfing fin. Special attention in the research was being paid to the evaluation of the stall angle value. The angle of incidence for which the stall occurs was searched, and the sensitivity of the solution for the mesh resolution was studied. The mesh resolution sensitivity analysis was done by systematically decreasing...

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  • Systematic Literature Review on Click Through Rate Prediction

    The ability to anticipate whether a user will click on an item is one of the most crucial aspects of operating an e-commerce business, and clickthrough rate prediction is an attempt to provide an answer to this question. Beginning with the simplest multilayer perceptrons and progressing to the most sophisticated attention networks, researchers employ a variety of methods to solve this issue. In this paper, we present the findings...

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  • Public art in the era of urban transformations. A case study of Eduardo Paolozzi’s artistic output in Edinburgh and in London


    - Przestrzeń i Forma - Rok 2020

    Urban space dedicated to cultural life, entertainment or business is currently exposed to dynamic urbanistic transformations. Monumental works of art within the boundaries of cities, for years embedded in the urban landscape and awareness of viewers, are moved to other places or even destroyed. Decisions about a change of their location and context, which are fundamental aspects for the impression made by a given work of art, cause...

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  • Low-Cost Automated Design of Compact Branch-Line Couplers


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    Branch-line couplers (BLCs) are important components of wireless communication systems. Conventional BLCs are often characterized by large footprints which make miniaturization an important prerequisite for their application in modern devices. State-of-the-art approaches to design of compact BLCs are largely based on the use of high-permittivity substrates and multi-layer topologies. Alternative methods involve replacement of transmission-line...

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  • Reversible Video Stream Anonymization for Video Surveillance Systems Based on Pixels Relocation and Watermarking


    A method of reversible video image regions of interest anonymization for applications in video surveillance systems is described. A short introduction to theanonymization procedures is presented together with the explanation of its relation to visual surveillance. A short review of state of the art of sensitive data protection in media is included. An approach to reversible Region of Interest (ROI) hiding in video is presented,...

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  • Wpływ współczesnych stylów architektonicznych na akustykę sal widowiskowych


    - Rok 2011

    Praca omawia główne style architektoniczne sal, których akustyka wynika z przesłanek naukowych, tj. powstałych po ogłoszeniu statystycznej teorii pola akustycznego przez W.C. Sabine'a (art deco, modernizm, architektura organiczna, postmodernizm, high-tech, dekonstruktywizm). Przedstawiono elementy poszczególnych stylów, będące czynnikiem rozwoju bądź ograniczeń w dziedzinie akustyki pomieszczeń. Pokazano różnicę w podejściu akustyka,...

  • Dual-band antenna with improved gain for WLAN and ISM applications

    In this Letter, a dual-band antenna with an improved gain is proposed. The structure features 9.7 and 10.4 dBi gain within 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz to 6 GHz bands, respectively. This makes it suitable for WLAN and ISM applications. The structure comprises an asymmetrical pair of radiators and slots suspended over a reflector. The antenna is optimised in a two-stage process using a trust-region-based gradient search algorithm....

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  • Distance learning trends: introducing new solutions to data analysis courses

    Nowadays data analysis of any kind becomes a piece of art. The same happens with the teaching processes of statistics, econometrics and other related courses. This is not only because we are facing (and are forced to) teach online or in a hybrid mode. Students expect to see not only the theoretical part of the study and solve some practical examples together with the instructor. They are waiting to see a variety of tools, tutorials,...

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  • Integrated membrane bioreactors modelling: A review on new comprehensive modelling framework

    • J. Mąkinia
    • G. Mannina
    • M. Alliet
    • C. Brepols
    • J. Comas
    • J. Harmand
    • M. Heran
    • N. Kalboussi
    • Á. Robles
    • F. T. Rebouças... i 5 innych


    Integrated Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) models, combination of biological and physical models, have been representing powerful tools for the accomplishment of high environmental sustainability. This paper, produced by the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane Modelling and Control, reviews the state-of-the-art, identifying gaps for future researches, and proposes a new integrated MBR modelling framework. In...

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  • Approximate Criteria for the Evaluation of Truly Multi-Dimensional Optimization Problems


    In this paper we propose new improved approximate quality criteria useful in assessing the efficiency of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO). In the performed comparative study we take into account the various EMO algorithms of the state-of-the-art, in order to objectively assess the EMO performance in highly dimensional spaces. It is well known that useful executive criteria, such as those based on the true Pareto...

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  • A Universal Theory of Wisdom . A Mind - oriented Approach



    The purpose of the paper is to synthesize the issues of human wisdom in terms of minds which create knowledge-based judgment. We form a transdisciplinary, big-picture view of the wisdom of humans. Findings: Wisdom is the right judgment and choice in the context of the art of living. Practical implications: Wisdom can be developed within the set of minds. Social implications: To pursue wisdom in thinking and action, one must extend...

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