Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROCESS SIMULATION
Modelling and simulation of vibration surveillance during ball end milling of flexible details
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań w procesie frezowania szybkościowego przedmiotów podatnych za pomocą doboru optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona. W niestacjonarnym układzie drgającym modelowanym dyskretnie wyodrębniono podukład modalny, podukład strukturalny oraz podukład łączący. Dynamikę procesu skrawania opisano we współrzędnych hybrydowych, przez co uzyskano znacznie mniejszy rząd niż w przypadku modelu strukturalnego....
Neural Network-Based Sequential Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm
PublikacjaPerforming global sensitivity analysis (GSA) can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost, but it is also essential for engineering decision making. To reduce this cost, surrogate modeling such as neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive simulation model in the GSA process, which introduces the additional challenge of finding the minimum number of training data samples required to...
Incorporation of the complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) process for modeling nitrification in suspended growth wastewater treatment systems
PublikacjaThe newly discovered process complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) has changed the traditional under-standing of nitrification. In this study, three possible concepts of comammox were developed and incorporated as part of an extended two-step nitrification model. For model calibration and validation, two series of long-term biomass washout experiments were carried out at 12 ◦C and 20 ◦C in a laboratory sequencing batch reactor....
A Multi-Fidelity Surrogate-Model-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Optimization Problems
PublikacjaIntegrating data-driven surrogate models and simulation models of different accuracies (or fideli-ties) in a single algorithm to address computationally expensive global optimization problems has recently attracted considerable attention. However, handling discrepancies between simulation models with multiple fidelities in global optimization is a major challenge. To address it, the two major contributions of this paper include:...
Hybrid Finite Element Method Development for Offshore Structures’ Calculation with the Implementation of Industry Standards
PublikacjaIn the design process of offshore steel structures, it is typical to employ commercial calculation codes in which simulation and evaluation of results are performed on the basis of the available standards (e.g. API, DNV, Lloyds). The modeling and solution rely on finite element methods and cover the simulation of the structure’s properties along with the influence of the marine environment – sea currents, wave and wind loading,...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublikacjaThe paper describes an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an expert...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublikacjaThe presentation is about an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an...
A New Method of the Load Compensation Use During Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path in Power System
PublikacjaIn the paper a new method of effective use of load compensation during creation of post blackout start-up path is proposed. Theoretical assumptions and simulation results of an investigation are presented. An experiment performed in the Polish Power System is also described. This experiment proved that the method proposed by the authors is advisable. The method may be utilized by power system operators for power system restoration...
Modelowanie i symulacja ruchu pojazdu zabytkowego podczas hamowania
PublikacjaOpracowano model samochodu zabytkowego z wykorzystaniem metody masa-sprężyna, służącego do symulacji procesu hamowania pojazdu zabytkowego z możliwością pomiaru drogi hamowania. Konfiguracja sieci połączeń między punktami mas elementów zawieszenia oraz opony okazuje się mieć bardzo duży wpływ na zachowanie symulowanego samochodu podczas hamowania. Poprawność symulacji sprawdzono porównując wyniki uzyskane z symulacji oraz z pomiarów...
Local mesh morphing technique for parametrized macromodels in the finite element method
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the efficiency of the design process of microwave devices by means of the finite element method. It combines mesh morphing with local model order reduction (MOR) and yields parametrized macromodels that can be used to significantly reduce the number of variables in the FEM system of equations and acceleration of computer simulation. A projection basis for local reduction is generated...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Optimization Using Sequential Patching and Variable-Fidelity EM Models
PublikacjaIn this work, a technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures is presented. In our approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting design objectives is obtained by means of sequential patching of the design space. The latter is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs (obtained...
Developments in manufacturing engineering and machining process planning
PublikacjaCurrent research conducted in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation is presented in the paper. This includes: abrasive cutting off, grinding with lapping kinematics, rapid prototyping and machining procrss planning. Experimental results and computer simulation are presented and analysed.
Effect of Pin Shape on Thermal History of Aluminum-Steel Friction Stir Welded Joint: Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling and Validation
PublikacjaThis article studied the effects of pin angle on heat generation and temperature distribution during friction stir welding (FSW) of AA1100 aluminum alloy and St-14 low carbon steel. A validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was implemented to simulate the FSW process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed in order to investigate internal materials’ flow. Simulation results revealed that the mechanical work...
An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components
PublikacjaAn algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...
Optimising Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation Cycle Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithm
PublikacjaThe objective of this research was to optimise the operation cycle of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Appropriate time balances of aerobic to anaerobic phases, as well as a set dissolved oxygen level are the key to ensuring the quality of effluent from the wastewater treatment process. The proposal to solve this optimisation problem was based on multi-objective optimisation using an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation...
Experiment-aided virtual prototyping to minimize tool-workpiece vibration during boring of large-sized structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the author's method of solving the problems of vi-bration suppression during boring of large-sized workpieces by means of an in-novative method of adjusting the rotational speed of the boring bar. It consists in selecting the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the cutting process simulation. The method includes identification of the model of the finite element method of the boring bar. The Root Mean...
Multi-objective antenna design by means of sequential domain patching
PublikacjaA simple yet robust methodology for rapid multiobjective design optimization of antenna structures has been presented. The key component of our approach is sequential domain patching of the design space which is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs, obtained by means of single-objective optimization runs. The patching process yields the initial approximation of the...
The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions
PublikacjaSequencing batch reactors (SBR) are mainly characterized by sequential process phases of fill, react, settle, decant and idle periods that allow considerable flexibility in the design and operation in different conditions. This flexibility and the unique features of SBRs used to wastewater treatment by activated sludge systems operated in laboratory scale, allow not only conducting experiments for the standard conditions but also...
Design and Simulation Verification of Low Power Wireless Charging Battery System for Electric Bicycle
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Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Steel under Action of Electron Beam Heating Source
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Simulation of Structure Formation Processes of Dissimilar Steels Welded Joints Using an Intermediate Layer
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Simulation of water flow in double -porosity soils on unstructured grids with the finite element method.
PublikacjaRozważa sie model przepływu wody w gruntowym ośrodku o podwójnej porowatości. Model matematyczny uzyskano poprzez zastosowanie teorii homogenizacji zastosowanej do gruntów o bardzo dużej różnicy przepuszczalności.
Directing the Self-Assembly of Tripod Molecules on Solid Surfaces: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach
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The use of a simulation model to analyze the impact of heavy transport generated by the port to the city traffic.
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Simulation of willow productivity based on radiation use efficiency, shoot mortality and shoot age
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia model matematyczny produktywności plantacji wiklinowych. Dokonano oceny efektywności wykorzystania radiacji słonecznej przez badane plantacje, optymalnie nawadniane i nawożone. Wyniki obliczeń i pomiarów wykazują dużą zgodność, chociaż nie zawszespełnione było wymaganie dotyczące optymalnych warunków wzrostu.
On a method of modelling and simulation of vibration surveillance during ball end milling of flexible details
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań podczas frezowania przedmiotów podatnych smukłym frezem kulistym, z uwzględnieniem zgodności parametrów modelu modalnego. Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki procesu frezowania. Następnie przedstawiono analizę niestacjonarnego układu drgającego, w którym wyodrębniono podukłady: modalny, strukturalny i łączący. Do minimalizacji poziomu drgań zastosowano dopasowanie prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona do optymalnego...
On a method of modelling and simulation of vibration surveillance during ball end milling of flexible details
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nadzorowania drgań podczas frezowania przedmiotów podatnych smukłym frezem kulistym, z uwzględnieniem zgodności parametrów modelu modalnego. Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki procesu frezowania. Następnie przedstawiono analizę niestacjonarnego układu drgającego, w którym wyodrębniono podukłady: modalny, strukturalny i łączący. Do minimalizacji poziomu drgań zastosowano dopasowanie prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona do optymalnego...
Simulation and experiments of high speed milling vibration surveillence with a use of changing spindle speed
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest nowemu podejściu do nadzorowania drgań wirujących narzędzi w nowoczesnych frezarkach. Przeprowadzono analizy dynamiczne skrawania smukłym frezem kulistym. Opisano dynamikę sterowanego układu nistacjonarnego. Jako rezultat sterowania optymalno-liniowego otrzymano program chwilowych zmian prędkości obrotowej pozwalający uzyskać redukację drgań. Metodę zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie na frezarce Alcera Gambin...
Simplified method of simulation of temperature field control system of induction heated calender rolls
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Multi-Criteria Simulation-Optimization Analysis of Usage of Automated Parcel Lockers: A Practical Approach
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Simulation‐based reasoning of residual tissue deformations in a two‐chamber test of a lymphedematous leg
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Simulation of reactive materials in column and reservoir tests. Sensitivity analysis for a linear coupled model
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Evaluation of Failure Probability of Ships on the Baltic Sea by Means of Simulation Model and Statistical Data
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Rapid communication: Computational simulation and analysis of a candidate for the design of a novel silk-based biopolymer
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Digital image transmission simulation using the PL-log-MAP turbo decoding algorithm
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Energetic model of hydraulic system of refuse collection vehicle based on simulation and experimental data
PublikacjaThis paper presents an energetic model of hydraulic system of a refuse collection vehicle. First, benefits resulting from implementation of an energetic model in the industry and operation of a Refuse Collection Vehicle are briefly explained. Then, components of the energy consumption in hydraulic circuits of compactor and lifting device are described and combined into a comprehensive model that can be evaluated using basic measurement...
Simulation of large thrust-bearing performance at transient states, warm and cold start-up
PublikacjaThe start-up of a large hydrodynamic thrust bearing of a vertical hydrogenerator is one of the most critical situations during the lifetime of a bearing. Hydrodynamic load capacity is low due to low speed and higher thermal deformations of the pad. A new approach to the simulation of a hydrodynamic bearing is shown in this article. A combination of finite elements method and computational fluid dynamics is used to perform the transient...
Simulation of the response of base-isolated buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility
PublikacjaThe accurate analysis of the seismic response of isolated structures requires the incorporation of the flexibility of supporting soil. However, it is often customary to idealize the soil as rigid during the analysis of such structures. In the present paper, seismic response time history analyses of base-isolated buildings modelled as single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with linear and nonlinear...
Surgical implant used in ventral hernia repair subjected to physiological pressure - computer simulation
PublikacjaW streszczeniu przedstawiono matemayczny model implantu wszczepionego pacjentowi podczas laparoskopowej naprawy przepukliny brzusznej. Wykonano go z użyciem metody elementów skończonych. Przyjęto ortotropowy model materiałowy implantu.
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston pump
PublikacjaA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Numerical simulation of transient flow in storm sewers using standard and improved mccormack scheme
PublikacjaProblem przepływu wody w rurach kanalizacji deszczowej wiąże się z pewnymi specyficznymi zjawiskami zachodzącymi w przewodach podczas zjawisk burzowych. Jeśli rury zaczynają być całkowicie wypełnione wodą, można zaobserwować przejście z ruchu ze swobodną powierzchnią do ruchu pod ciśnieniem i odwrotnie. Takie zjawisko można zaobserwować również w kanałach kontrolowanych przez urządzenia sterujące, np. zasuwy. Ponadto ruch szybkozmienny...
A biochemical multi-species quality model of a drinking water distribution system for simulation and design
PublikacjaDrinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDSs) play a key role in sustainable development of modern society. They are classified as critical infrastructure systems. This imposes a large set of highly demanding requirements on the DWDS operation and requires dedicated algorithms for on-line monitoring and control to tackle related problems. Requirements on DWDS availability restrict the usability of the real plant in the design phase....
Virtual reality as a tool for development and simulation. Research projects and experience of the Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaBy supporting the human imagination, virtual reality technology can be applied in almost every human activity. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab with specialists representing such different professions from architects and artists, astronomers and chemists, through historians and museologists, criminologists and military educators, mechanical and ship engineers, up to physicians and psychologists....
An Efficient Simulation Method of Massive MIMO Antenna Arrays used in 5G Mobile Phones
PublikacjaThis paper deals with a model-order reduction method, applied to speed-up the simulations of MIMO antenna arrays, performed by means of finite element method. The obtained results of the numerical tests show that the described technique is reliable and considerably increases the efficiency of the standard finite element method.
Mechanical-Level Hardware-In-The-Loop and Simulation in Validation Testing of Prototype Tower Crane Drives
PublikacjaIn this paper, the static and dynamic simulations, and mechanical-level Hardware-In-the-Loop (MHIL) laboratory testing methodology of prototype drive systems with energy-saving permanent-magnet electric motors, intended for use in modern construction cranes is proposed and described. This research was aimed at designing and constructing a new type of tower crane by Krupiński Cranes Company. The described research stage was necessary...
Multi-agent large-scale parallel crowd simulation with NVRAM-based distributed cache
PublikacjaThis paper presents the architecture, main components and performance results for a parallel and modu-lar agent-based environment aimed at crowd simulation. The environment allows to simulate thousandsor more agents on maps of square kilometers or more, features a modular design and incorporates non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) with a fail-safe mode that can be activated to allow to continue computationsfrom a recently analyzed state in...
Simulation of Life Raft Motions on Irregular Wave - An Analysis of Situations Leading to Raft Capsizing
PublikacjaSuccessful rescue action at sea is based on a. o. a correct choice of rescue means and their reliability. Operational characteristics of life-saving appliances determine their performance in a given water area. Therefore they affect duration time of rescue action and decide this way on survival time of shipwrecked persons. This paper presents impact of characteristics of circular inflatable life rafts on their dynamics in a...
Curb-to-Barrier Face Distance Variation an a TB51 Bridge Barrier Crash Test Simulation
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the problem of road safety regarding barrier placement as relative to the curb. A short summary of existing regulations is presented. Numerical simulations using the explicit finite element system Ls- Dyna are shown. In the analysis, variable distance between the barrier and the curb is assumed. The obtained result reveals that the distance has little impact on the working width of the barrier.
Globalized Simulation-Driven Miniaturization of Microwave Circuits by Means of Dimensionality-Reduced Constrained Surrogates
PublikacjaSmall size has become a crucial prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components. Miniaturized devices are essential for a number of application areas, including wireless communications, 5G/6G technology, wearable devices, or the internet of things. Notwithstanding, size reduction generally degrades the electrical performance of microwave systems. Therefore, trade-off solutions have to be sought that represent acceptable...