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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RESIDENTIAL BUILDISNG

  • Data-driven models for fault detection using kernel pca:a water distribution system case study

    Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), an example of machine learning, can be considered a non-linear extension of the PCA method. While various applications of KPCA are known, this paper explores the possibility to use it for building a data-driven model of a non-linear system-the water distribution system of the Chojnice town (Poland). This model is utilised for fault detection with the emphasis on water leakage detection....

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  • Cartographic Representation of Route Reconstruction Results in Video Surveillance System


    The video streams available in a surveillance system distributed on the wide area may be accompanied by metadata are obtained as a result of video processing. Many algorithms applied to surveillance systems, e.g. event detection or object tracking, are strictly connected with localization of the object and reconstruction of its route. Drawing related information on a plan of a building or on a map of the city can facilitate the...

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  • Virtual Sightseeing in Immersive 3D Visualization Lab

    The paper describes the modern Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL) established at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and its potential to prepare virtual tours and architectural visualizations on the example of the application allowing a virtual walk through the Coal Market in Gdańsk. The paper presents devices of this laboratory (CAVE, walk simulator etc.),...

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  • The use of GFRP tubes as load-bearing jackets in concrete-composite columns


    The paper presents the fields of applications of polymer composites in building structures. The use of composite glass fibre tubes is discussed in more detail. The laboratory methods used to test the mechanical properties of these pipes are presented. An original research program is presented, including six concrete-filled glass fibre tubes. The cylinders and columns made in this way were tested for their axial load capacity. Conclusions...

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  • Embedded Representations of Wikipedia Categories


    - Rok 2021

    In this paper, we present an approach to building neural representations of the Wikipedia category graph. We test four different methods and examine the neural embeddings in terms of preservation of graphs edges, neighborhood coverage in representation space, and their influence on the results of a task predicting parent of two categories. The main contribution of this paper is application of neural representations for improving the...

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  • Recent steel structures in Poland - the selected projects


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents selected examples of recently completed steel structures in Poland. These are roofs over sport stadiums, construction of public buildings and bridges. Described examples do not exhaust the acquis in the field of steel constructions in Poland. The authors, however, may hope that the presented con-structions represents current achievements in Poland in the field of steel structures.

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  • Study the impact of design method preference on the usefulness of concrete and on CO2 emissions


    - International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation - Rok 2024

    Purpose – The research investigates the impact of concrete design methods on performance, emphasizing environmental sustainability. The study compares the modified Bolomey method and Abrams’ law in designing concretes. Significant differences in cement consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions are revealed. The research advocates for a comprehensive life cycle assessment, considering factors like compressive strength, carbonation...

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  • Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems

    Key to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...

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  • Fully Isohexide-Based Polyesters: Synthesis, Characterization, and Structure-Properties Relations

    • J. Wu
    • P. Eduard
    • L. Jasińska-Walc
    • A. Różański
    • B. A. J. Noordover
    • D. S. Van Es
    • C. E. Koning

    - MACROMOLECULES - Rok 2013

    Here we present a novel series of biobasedpolyesters solely based on renewable isohexide building blocks,synthesized via melt polymerization. The recently developedisoidide dicarboxylic acid (IIDCA) was polymerized with rigidrenewable diols such as isosorbide (IS), isomannide (IM),isoidide (II), and the novel 2,5-methylene-extended isoididedimethanol (IIDML). Both IIDCA and IIDML weredeveloped to increase the reactivity of the...

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  • RDF dataset profiling - a survey of features, methods, vocabularies and applications

    • M. B. Ellefi
    • B. Zohra
    • J. G. Breslin
    • E. Demidova
    • S. Dietze
    • K. Todorov
    • J. Szymański

    - Semantic Web - Rok 2018

    The Web of Data, and in particular Linked Data, has seen tremendous growth over the past years. However, reuse and take-up of these rich data sources is often limited and focused on a few well-known and established RDF datasets. This can be partially attributed to the lack of reliable and up-to-date information about the characteristics of available datasets. While RDF datasets vary heavily with respect to the features related...

  • Reinforced concrete thin wall dome after eighty years of operation in maritime climate environment

    The paper presents a description of the construction elements of the Gdynia Seaport main hall dome. Firstly, it provides information about the technical condition of the dome’s structure. Secondly, it examines the strength analysis of the thin-walled reinforced concrete dome covering. Throughout the last 80 years the building has been exposed to an unfavourable marine climate. The analysis of the state of stress and deformations...

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  • Positive management of the university


    Purpose: To demonstrate that contemporary universities may be improved by synthesis of strategic antinomies, i.e. seeking the possibility of combining opposite approaches to solving problems concerning university organization and management. Findings: That approach discounts the importance of building positive relationships between members of staff and undertaking activities intended to create a situation where the...

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  • Strategies for computationally feasible multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact RF/microwave components

    Multi-objective optimization is indispensable when possible trade-offs between various (and usually conflicting) design objectives are to be found. Identification of such design alternatives becomes very challenging when performance evaluation of the structure/system at hand is computationally expensive. Compact RF and microwave components are representative examples of such a situation: due to highly compressed layouts and considerable...

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  • Case study of water vapour transmission properties of EPDM façade membranes

    This research aimed to investigate the water vapour transmission properties of chosen EPDM membranes applied in façade and window systems under laboratory tests. The applied procedure included in national and international standards utilized for the laboratory tests of water vapour transmission properties of EPDM membrane is described. Two main types (outside and inside types) of EPDM membranes are laboratory tested. The authors...

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  • Optimal retrofit strategy using viscous dampers between adjacent RC and SMRFs prone to earthquake‑induced pounding

    Nowadays, retrofitting-damaged buildings is an important challenge for engineers. Finding the optimal placement of Viscous Dampers (VDs) between adjacent structures prone to earthquake-induced pounding can help designers to implement VDs with optimizing the cost of construction and achieving higher performance levels for both structures. In this research, the optimal placement of linear and nonlinear VDs between the 3-story, 5-story,...

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  • Metoda f-chart w zastosowaniu do projektu instalacji solarnej w budownictwie jednorodzinnym


    - Instal - Rok 2014

    W artykule przedstawiono algorytm obliczeń cieplnych związanych z konwersją promieniowania cieplnego oraz analizę efektów pracy instalacji solarnej przy użyciu metody korelacyjnej f-chart. Zaprezentowany algorytm obliczeń cieplnych oraz omówiona w artykule podstawowa odmiana metody f-chart zostały poparte przykładem obliczeniowym dla instalacji solarnej, która wykorzystywana jest do wspomagania układu przygotowania c.w. dla potrzeb...

  • Wzmocnienie przestrzennych dźwigarów kratowych z zastosowaniem dodatkowego podparcia i sprężenia


    - Rok 2017

    Podczas obowiązkowego przeglądu technicznego obiektu budowlanego stwierdzone zostały deformacje stalowych prętów wykratowania przestrzennych dźwigarów dachowych. Opinie techniczne dotyczące stanu technicznego potwierdziły wstępnie wykryte nieprawidłowości i nakazywały podjęcie kroków zaradczych w postaci opracowania koncepcji naprawy, a w jej ślad projektu budowlanego i wykonawczego. Do czasu naprawy obiekt został dopuszczony do...

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  • Praca z drewnem - Przestrzeń eksperymentu w tworzeniu architektury; Crafting Wood - Space of experiment in making architecture


    - Rok 2014

    W artykule przedstawiono eksperymenty z materiałem w tworzeniu architektury prowadzące do praktycznych rozwiązań w konstrukcji budynku. Takie podejście do tematyki zastosowania materiałów w architekturze nakreśla praktyczne aspekty tworzenia przestrzeni podczas pracy np. z drewnem. Podejście przedstawiono w kontekście dziedzictwa kulturowego podczas intensywnych warsztatów dotyczących tradycji i kultury budownictwa wybranych regionów...



    - Rok 2017

    Shiraz city was famous for its beautiful gardens that shaped its landscape. Nazar Garden,with its buildings was designed by Karim Khan in the 18th c. The aim of the research wasto compare the size and layout of the Garden during the Zand Period with its contemporary shape. The research was based on literature sources, available plans and an on-sitesurvey. 

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    This article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.

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  • Właściwości termoizolacyjne kompozytu wapienno-cementowego z udziałem paździerzy konopnych=Thermal insulation properties of the lime-cement composite with hemp shives

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań kompozytów wykonanych na bazie wapna budowlanego, cementu i dolomitu - spoiwa wiążącego z udziałem paździerzy konopi. Określono ich podstawowe właściwości, tj.: gęstość objętościową, współczynnik przewodzenia ciepła oraz wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Otrzymane wyniki dowodzą, że wytworzone kompozyty wapienno-cementowe z udziałem paździerzy konopnych są lekkie i charakteryzują się niskim współczynnikiem...

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  • Turre cum capellis suis – identification of an earlier phase of the Holy Cross church at Tar – Stancija Blek (Tar-Vabriga – Torre-Abrega, Istria)

    • A. Konestra
    • G. Benčić
    • E. Cirelli
    • K. Bartolić Sironić
    • I. Sommariva

    - Rok 2022

    The paper reports the results of the first campaign of excavations at the Church of the Holy Cross near Stancija Blek (Tar-Vabriga – Torre-Abrega municipality, Istria), which is close to the multiphase settlement of Old Tar. A trial trench behind the rear wall of the church and along its southern perimetral wall revealed an earlier building and one grave. Though the uncovered remains are scanty, several distinct architectural...

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  • An insight into craft activities in rural areas of Dalmatia province - first data on iron working at the Roman settlement in Lopar (Island of Rab)


    - Rok 2022

    Within multidisciplinary research carried out at Podšilo bay in Lopar on the island of Rab (north-eastern Adriatic), on the bases of movable finds and, possibly, geophysical measurements, evidence of ironworking has been detected within a Roman rural site where ceramic building materials production was ascertained before. Preliminary analyses of several samples of slug, iron objects and nearby collected minerals support the...

  • Numerical investigations of the engine cooling system in a small power vesel pod propulsion system

    The development of electronics and electrotechnology enabled to put electric motors of the alternating current in the pod and to use them for the main drive of ships. A lot of heat which must be picked up from the system is a problem which is turning up at applying the system of this type. Many big ships lately contended with these problems. Building the small propeller for the boat powered with solar power we decided to check...

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  • Launch of the Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory

    The paper presents the concept of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, formed at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology under the project Gdańsk University of Technology's Modern auditoriums. The basic unit of this laboratory will be cubic CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) enriched with spherical walk simulator. This device will allow the user unlimited walking,...

  • Recovering Sound Produced by Wind Turbine Structures Employing Video Motion Magnification

    The recordings were made with a fast video camera and with a microphone. Using fast cameras allowed for observation of the micro vibrations of the object structure. Motion-magnified video recordings of wind turbines on a wind farm were made for the purpose of building a damage prediction system. An idea was to use video to recover sound & vibrations in order to obtain a contactless diagnostic method for wind turbines. The recovered signals...

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  • A method for counting people attending large public events

    The algorithm for people counting in crowded scenes, based on the idea of virtual gate which uses optical flow method is presented. The concept and practical application of the developed algorithm under real conditions is depicted. The aim of the work is to estimate the number of people passing through entrances of a large sport hall. The most challenging problem was the unpredicted behavior of people while entering the building....

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  • Techniques of acquiring additional features of the responses of individual gas sensors

    Gas sensors usually exhibit lack of selectivity, require fre quent calibration, exhibit drift of the response and a lot of factors, such as humidity or ambient temperature, influen ce their performance. Different approaches can be used to overcome this shortcomings. Building arrays of different sensors and usage of pattern recognition methods to analyze responses of elements...

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  • Numerical solution of fractional neutron point kinetics in nuclear reactor

    This paper presents results concerning solutions of the fractional neutron point kinetics model for a nuclear reactor. Proposed model consists of a bilinear system of fractional and ordinary differential equations. Three methods to solve the model are presented and compared. The first one entails application of discrete Grünwald-Letnikov definition of the fractional derivative in the model. Second involves building an analog scheme...

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  • Discussing daylight simulations in a proposal for online daylighting education.

    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • N. Gentile,

    - Rok 2020

    There is increasing interest concerning daylighting in the building sector. However, such knowledge is difficult to penetrate the curricula of architects and designers as existing educational programmes often do not provide sufficient training on BPS. This also leads to superficial use of daylight simulations. This paper presents a proposal for a needs-based education package on daylighting design, that mixes modular eLearning...

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  • The (over)touristification of European historic cities: a relation between urban heritage and short-term rental market demand


    - Rok 2023

    In this chapter, I wish to highlight the critical relationship between heritage management issues and building environment transformation. I argue that such a relationship is directly expressed through the tourism phenomenon, and it should be measured through the economic dimension of the short-term rental market, which introduces this rule of thumb: if there is a lack of demand, the brand of the city is weak; if there is too much...

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    Nowadays, finding natural substitutes for mass-produced materials is one of the main tasks faced by scientists and designers. There is an increasing emphasis on the theme of ecology and the need for sustainability. Variants and methods are sought which will create environmentally friendly materials in a fast, relatively inexpensive and ecological way. The aim of this paper is to present different proposals of natural building materials...

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  • Count Data Modeling About Relationship Between Dubai Housing Sales Transactions and Financial Indicators


    - Rok 2017

    In this study, illustrating and comparing the performances of count data models such as Poisson, negative binomial (NB), Hurdle and zero-inflated models for the determination of factors affected housing sales in Dubai. Model comparisons are made via Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), the Vuong test and examining the residuals. Main purpose of this study is building reliable statistical model for relationship between Dubai housing...

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  • Revalorisation of Modernist and Social Modernist Interiors in Gdynia


    - Rok 2015

    In the 1920s and 1930s, elaborate designing of prestigious interiors of public buildings, shops or tenement houses was important challenge for every architect who respected theri work. Apart from creating, at the design decor, the designers usually made sure that their concept was executed in every single detail. Only an overall aestetic solution could form a complete picture of a unique pieceod architecture.

  • Removal of VOCs from air and assessment of dominant species in a peat-perlite biotrickling filter

    Air pollution has become a major concern because it is inevitably connected with the rapid development of both industrial and residential areas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from various anthropogenic sources e.g. transportation, factories or landfills as well as recycling factories. It is problematic not only because of the direct impact on humans and environment but also from economy viewpoint as it increases...

  • Economic vitality of Polish suburbs


    - GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology - Rok 2016

    Since 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...

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  • Concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation


    In this paper the concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation has been presented. This article includes the concept description and shows abilities of using software tools which can be applicable to implementation and verification of proposed solution. The article is the part of common researches over creation solutions for information technology evaluation which range over using expert's evaluation and...

  • Implementation of the Boundary Element Method to Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Thermal Bridge Effects


    The work presents an application of the boundary element method applied to a two-dimensional conductive heat transfer. The algorithm of the method is explained and its advantages are outlined. Green's function as a fundamental solution for Poisson's equation in two dimensions was used and the direct approach was applied. The presented results concern building construction elements as typical cases of thermal bridges. Some properties...

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  • SMAQ - A Semantic Model for Analitical Queries


    - Rok 2014

    While the Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) becomes an important part of organizational BI solutions there is a great need for new tools allowing to construct ad-hoc queries by users with various responsibilities and skills. The paper presents a Semantic Model for Analytical Queries – SMAQ allowing to construct queries by users familiar with business events and terms, but being unaware of database or data warehouse concepts...

  • Azo group(s) in selected macrocyclic compounds

    Azobenzene derivatives due to their photo- and electroactive properties are an important group of compounds finding applications in diverse fields. Due to the possibility of controlling the trans–cis isomerization, azo-bearing structures are ideal building blocks for development of e.g. nanomaterials, smart polymers, molecular containers, photoswitches, and sensors. Important role play also macrocyclic compounds well known for...

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  • Relevance of Urban Freight Transport Modelling Towards the Challenges of Urban Freight Policy


    - Rok 2017

    The main objective of this paper is to investigate how recent trends in urban freight transport analysis and modelling are related to urban freight measures set out in Gdynia’s 2016 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Building on the literature a review framework was defined including 1) stakeholders, 2) descriptors, 3) objectives and 4) solution approach applied in freight modelling efforts. It was clear that the implementation...

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    This article presents our continuing efforts to develop a model of the Internet-based mortgage market in Poland. It sums up modeling research done over the last 4 years, also showing the stages and the process of building and verifying the proposed model consisting of three submodels. The submodels are described for three market situations; that is, a stable market, financial crisis, and economic boom. The proposed model variables...

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  • Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2015

    This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....

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  • Występowanie bakterii siarkowych a jakość wód podziemnych ujęcia Osowa


    - Przegląd Geologiczny - Rok 2015

    Abstrakt. Microorganisms that live in groundwater should be considered not only from the sanitary-hygienic point of view but also in terms of adverse changes in groundwater chemistry in the aquifer layer and its negative influence on the installed devices. For these reasons, it is important to correct approach to the problem of bacterial contamination of groundwater. The paper presents selected results of physicochemical and bacteriological...

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    Artykuł opisuje użycie blachy kortenowej jako dominującego materiału wykończeniowego na elewacjach i we wnętrzach budynku o przesłaniu symbolicznym. Przedstawiono architektoniczne przesłanki, uzasadniające jednorodność zastosowanego materiału. Na tym tle omówiono wpływ blachy kortenowej na akusty-kę pomieszczeń, wraz z podaniem kroków zaradczych redukujących nadmierną pogłosowość i zwiększających stopień rozproszenia dźwięku. Pozytywnym...

  • Influence of separation gap on the structural response of colliding structures under earthquake excitation


    The high level of urbanization in the XXIst century forces the designers to design closely-separated structures and to take into account many factors influencing their response during seismic excitation, which are the most unpredictable loads which can affect civil engineering structures. Interactions between insufficiently adjacent buildings, known as the earthquake-induced structural pounding, may cause serious damage to the structures,...

  • Intelligent Knowledge-Base Model for IT Support Organization Evolution


    - Rok 2010

    The goal of the paper is building the knowledge-based model for predicting the state of the IT support organization. These organizations, critical for development of various business sectors, are facing the problem of their transformation. It is the result of the fundamental change in the role of the IT organizations in the current economy. The complexity of the processes, the difficulty adjusting the operations and limited ability...

  • Positive management of the university


    - Rok 2015

    Abstract: The prevailing view held at contemporary Polish universities is that their main goal is to achieve effects measured by indicators, which applies to each element of their mission: education, research and the third mission, whereas the means to accomplish this goal consists of increasing the requirements and motivating by the “carrot and stick” approach. That approach discounts the importance of building a positive relationship...

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  • Semantic modeling of contextual augmented reality environments

    • D. Rumiński

    - Rok 2018

    Despite significant progress in the field of augmented reality (AR), regarding both hardware and software, there is still a lack of universal models and methods that would enable building ubiquitous AR systems that could be used anywhere and anytime, covering different application areas. This dissertation describes a new approach to building AR systems, called the Contextual Augmented Reality Environment (CARE). The CARE approach...

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  • Wisłoujście Fortress. Architectural investigation and analysis (2013)


    - Rok 2015

    In 2013, as part of archaeological and architectural reserch conducted in the Area of Wisłoujście Fortress, an inventory and architectural studies of the rooms of tenement houses in the Ring, serving as kitchen, were performed. Work consisting in preparing measurement documentation, drawings and descriptive documentation was the first such study conducted inside buildings at Fort Carre. The article presents preliminary results...