Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODERNISM HERITAGE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODERNISM HERITAGE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODERNISM HERITAGE

  • Building culture written into the landscape – how to read spatial tradition


    - Rok 2016

    The article presents a discussion on the experimenting with material leading to practical so-lutions in building structure in the context of the tradition of the place. It sketches out the practical aspects of creation of space while working with different local materials during the intensive workshops within the Structures in Building Culture IP programme. This kind of unique possibility to practice raw materials gives also the...

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    - Rok 2018

    There a few important factors, that nowadays, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used by wider community, and for cases and applications, that cannot be performed never before. Small UAVs, as a photogrammetry measurement tool provide flexibility, reliability, are safe and easy to use, can be deployed in minutes, initial measurement can be delivered yet on the field, and final accurate measurements are calculated in a very short...

  • Geographical and chronological knowledge in teaching the history of architecture

    The subject of this article is the analysis of examination results from the course, the History of Polish Architecture. These Bachelor studies present the political, economic and cultural issues of medieval and early modern architecture, and their changes over time. Basic knowledge of the administrative division and historical regions is needed for a proper understanding of the regional diversity of cultural heritage monuments...

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  • Inspiracje międzywojenne we współczesnej architekturze Gdyni

    Współczesna architektura Gdyni ma swą wyraźną specyfikę. Wynika to w dużym stopniu z faktu, że jest ona w sposób dość czytelny inspirowana architekturą dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Od czasu gdy na początku lat 90-tych XX w. etos lat międzywojennych został "odzyskany" i ponownie odkryty w świadomości społecznej, realizacje architektoniczne tamtego okresu zaczęły funkcjonować jako swoiste wzory.W artykule pokazano współczesne...



    - Rok 2014

    This paper focuses on the role of nature in placemaking within historic cities. There are two different approaches to placemaking – The first is a more traditional approach, i.e. complete building process which entails significant investments. The second is “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” approach proposed by the Project for Public Spaces organization. This article discusses the role, importance and place of nature in both approaches....

  • Revitalizing the Sacral Complex of the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Gdynia: A Comprehensive Restoration Project in Alignment with Monument Conservator's Guidelines and Technical Prerequisites


    - Modern Engineering - Rok 2023

    Religiouscomplexes, due to their monumental character, belong to the group of facilities in which carrying out renovation works is difficult. Very often, construction works carried out as part of planned renovation work include not only modernization but also repair works, includingthose related to the reinforcement of structural elements. Renovation work in sacral buildings is particularly difficult when they...

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  • Rewitalizacja zespołow fortyfikacji nowożytnych - ograniczenia i możliwości

    Fortyfikacjenowożytne stanowią w Polsce liczną grupę zabytków, trudną do utrzymywania i zarządzania co powoduję ich postępującą degradację. Wskutek zmian polityczno-ekonomicznych w ostatnich dekadach, powstał problem chaotycznych i agresywnych działań inwestycyjnych, zagrażających zabytkowym fortyfikacjom. Tekst omawia fortyfikacje jako część dziedzictwa kulturowego, sprzecznośći pomiędzy pojęciami "rewitalizacji" i "rewaloryzacji"...

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  • 2023_Reinventing Gdansk_Elective seminar

    Kursy Online
    • K. Życzkowska

    The workshop will examine important modern architecturalbuildings in Gdansk in different political, cultural, economicand environmental contexts. The students will be dividedinto groups. Each group will be led by the curator of theexhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architecturalvalues of the building through analyses, deconstructions andsyntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles ofarchitecture and establishing...

  • Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku

    Streszczenie: Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli inicjatyw społecznych w budzeniu poczucia odpowiedzialności za dziedzictwo materialne i kulturowe. Przyjęto założenie, że dla lokalnych społeczności miasto jest przestrzenią pamięci. Nastrój, atmosfera i klimat miejsca to słowa, które określają fizyczny...

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  • Theoretical and Architectural Framework for Contextual Knowledge Bases

    The paper presents the approach aimed at building modularized knowledge bases in a systematic, context-aware way. The paper focuses on logical modeling of such knowledge bases, including an underlying SIM metamodel. The architecture of a comprehensive set of tools for knowledge-base systems engineering is presented. The tools enable an engineer to design, create and edit a knowledge base schema according to a novel context approach...

  • Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities

    The interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...

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  • Dziedzictwo techniki - spojrzenie z Gdańska


    - Rok 2005

    We ''Wprowadzeniu'' omówiono proces wyłaniania się współczesnej doktryny dziedzictwa techniki, przywołując pojęcia: środowisko zbudowane, materialne i niematerilane dziedzictwo kultury, dziedzictwo inżynierii, archeologia przemysłu, rynek dziedzictwa, ochrona autentyczności zabytków. Wskazano współczesne zjawiska: fasadyzm, niebezpieczeństwo dewaloryzacji, lekceważenie wartości kulturowych, zanik różnorodności krajobrazu kulturowego...

  • A Comprehensive Review of Phytonutrients as a Dietary Therapy for Obesity

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • I. Azmy Harahap
    • P. Suthar
    • Y. S. Wu
    • N. Ghosh
    • R. Castro Munoz

    - Foods - Rok 2023

    Obesity is a complex medical condition mainly caused by eating habits, genetics, lifestyle, and medicine. The present study deals with traditional diets like the Mediterranean diet, Nordic diet, African Heritage diet, Asian diet, and DASH, as these are considered to be sustainable diets for curing obesity. However, the bioavailability of phytonutrients consumed in the diet may vary, depending on several factors such as digestion...

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  • The Touristification of Italian Historic City Centres: The Lesson for Central Europe about the Airbnb Eruption


    - Rok 2021

    The unparalleled scale of the recent growth in tourism – the rise of the number of temporary visitors – could not have emerged without the impact on other socio‑economic aspects, namely, a change on the part of the destinations. Especially historic city centres are vulnerable to such an impact that could be manifested through diverse transformations of public space usage, housing market economics, availability of services, employment...

  • Śródmieście Gdyni jako zabytek


    - Rok 2011

    W rozdziale omówiono ochronę wielkoprzestrzennych układów urbanistycznych na przykładzie śródmieścia Gdyni. Wprowadzona w 2007 ochrona śródmieścia Gdyni poprzez wpisanie układu do rejestru zabytków, dała możliwość podjęcia wielu różnych działań rewaloryzacyjnych i popularyzatorskich. Przeprowadzono też eksperymentalne działania związane z połączeniem mechanizmów ochrony i publicznego finansowania.Dzieło zbiorowe przygotowane przez...

  • O znaczeniu wątków treściowych w ogrodach współczesnych.


    - Rok 2004

    Artykuł jest streszczeniem referatu wygłoszonego 7 listopada 2002 r na posiedzeniu Sekcji Sztuki i Architektury Ogrodowej PAN w Krakowie w ramach cyklu Sztuka ogrodowa i dendrologia historyczna. Temat sesji : W poszukiwaniu nowego stylu ogrodowego (ogrody 2. połowy XX i początku XXI wieku). Autorka porusza temat wątków treściowych w sztuce ogrodowej. Analizuje znaczenie idei w dawnej sztuce ogrodowej, przyczyny zamierania wątków...

  • Antynomie współczesnej architektury sakralnej


    - Rok 2008

      Architekturę sakralną XX wieku cechowała niespotykana wcześniej różnorodność formuł artystycznych. Przyczyną takiego stanu rzeczy było pojawienie się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku nowych idei teologicznych i koncepcji artystycznych, które pozostawały w sprzeczności z bardziej tradycyjnymi ujęciami. Jednym z ważnych zjawisk ideowych, które naruszyły dotychczasowe podstawy budownictwa kościołów, było...

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  • A standard analytical method as the common good and pollution abatement measure

    A standard method can be considered as a common-good “resource,” and the solution to “the commons” problems usually lies in societal self-organization. The multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied to model complex phenomena, such as the standard selection for imidacloprid determination. In this process, the standard was self-selected by the analytical chemistry society. The results show that analytical chemistry is a...

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  • Integrated controller for ultra high frequency technique laboratory


    Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering decided to modernize the laboratory of Ultra High Frequency Techniques. The main change was to replace measurement of the field distribution inside rectangular waveguides by analysing the fields around striplines. This involved the need to overcome several technical and conceptual problems. Precise positioning of the probe and reading the field distribution near the stripline is important...

  • Optimizing of target detection and tracking processes realized on consoles of passive sonar with linear towed antenna


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    The long-range passive towed sonar was first modernised a few years ago. Building on operator experience over that period, a concept was developed of optimising the tasks performed by sonar operators, and improving forms of imaging to inform about object detection and support object tracking. The concept was implemented and successfully tested during ships’ manoeuvres. The optimisation of operator tasks was designed to keep listening...

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  • The use of plate springs for preloading of a system of tapered roller bearings of a wind turbine gearbox


    The use of preloaded tapered roller bearings in wind turbine drive systems allows a transfer of load in the case of high variations of axial forces. The examined bearing system, a modification of a current design, consists of a pair of different sized bearings. Previous study showed the high sensitivity of tapered roller bearings on the existing radial interference. Dimensional tolerances used in the original design do not allow...

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  • Rospuda - czy wszędzie budować mosty?


    - Rok 2008

    Streszczenie - SummaryThe article presents the problem of planning transport system in the areas of high natural and landscape values. Bridges and roads crossing valuable areas undergo Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedure. This procedure in Poland is often treated only as formal requirement, not as an instrument helping to solve conflicts and to minimise negative environmental and landscape effects. The potential of...

  • New skills for architects: 3D scanning for an immersive experience in architectural education


    - Global Journal of Engineering Education - Rok 2024

    The authors of this article explore the integration of remote sensing techniques, specifically laser scanning and photogrammetry, as well as immersive visualisation via different methods applied to architectural design processes, and its potential impact on the professional development of future architects. The study demonstrates the value of extending the architectural design process into the interdisciplinary field of geomatics...

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  • Western Front of the City Centre of Gdańsk. An Urban Conservation Study


    - Rok 2023

    The western front of Gdańsk`s city centre is the key fragment of a ring road scheme, which was created at the turn of the 20th century during the great transformation of the city. It was at that time that new streets and squares were delineated on the site of the early modern earthen bastions, which for more than three centuries marked Gdańsk`s border. The new city development was set up in their surroundings. In 1945, Gdańsk was...

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  • Experimental determination of basic mechanical properties of elastomeric polymer


    - Rok 2012

    There are a lot of different methods of repairing and reinforcing damaged structures, but when it comes to historical buildings and other cultural heritage objects, it is as much about mechanical safety as the aesthetical aspects. Recently, a new and innovative method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared polymer mass has been proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible...

  • Thematic Areas in the Polish Countryside and Their Role in Local Development


    - Rok 2018

    The article defines the phenomenon of space thematisation with regards to rural areas in Poland. The typology of thematic spaces and criteria of their comparative description have been proposed. Thematic villages, home gardens, amusement parks and housing estates have been distinguished. They have been compared in terms of spatial availability, the degree of user participation and the commercial vs. non-commercial creation purpose....



    Objects of cultural heritage are an extremely important element in the proper functioning of the social life. They provide information on our ancestors' actions, as well as shape our culture and social awareness. It is important for the historical objects to provide those information accurately, that is without any unnecessary human intervention over the years of the monument's existence. However, it is not always possible due...

  • Assessing historical church tower asymmetry using point cloud spatial expansion


    - Journal of Building Engineering - Rok 2023

    Church towers are key cultural heritage. In theory, towers are vertical, while facade elements are symmetrically positioned around the tower axis. However, during service of a structure, building and lifetime conditions cause deviations, with associated risks. Laser scanning point clouds can be used to assess the structural state but a universal approach was missing. The proposed algorithm first estimates the tower inclination,...

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  • Przewodnik Architektoniczny=Architectural Guide=Architekturführer. Gdynia


    - Rok 2021

    Gdynia is a unique city that is particularly interesting for architects due to its homogeneous architecture. The city, based on the structure of an earlier fishing village, was entirely designed and built from scratch in the interwar period, as was the case later for cities such as Brasilia and Chandigarh. Today, Gdynia is a modern port town that forms the Tri-City metropolitan area together with Gdańsk, the city of amber, and...

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  • Educational and cognitive aspects of adaptation of nonuse spaces in monumental sacral objects.


    - Rok 2018

    The area of attics and towers in historic churches in Europe are yet quite inaccessible places for visitors, shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism, hiding many secrets. Introduction of the new public function into the non-used zones of the monumental sacral objects has many aspects including educational and cognitive ones which are discussed in the following article. The article indicates items that can be found in the zone above...

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  • Acoustic Processor of the MCM Sonar

    This paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, a modernised underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling...

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  • Serce dzielnicy w stanie embrionalnego rozwoju - śrómieście reurbanizowanego wielkiego osiedla w polskim mieście metropolitalnym = Heart of the districts in embrional faze of development -city core structures for the large scale housing in Polish metropolitan city


    W ostatnich 10 latach obserwowana jest intensyfikacja procesu uzupełniania zabudowy śródmieścia Gdańska. Jest to z jednej strony kontynuacja odbudowy historycznego centrum miasta, z drugiej zaś rewitalizacja dzielnic o przewadze zabudowy z początku wieku obejmująca śródmiejskie tereny powojskowe i poprzemysłowe m.in dawnej Stoczni Gdańskiej, koszaty we Wrzeszczu. Liczne komercyjne projekty prowadzą do istotnych dogęszczeń funcjami...

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  • Rola przestrzeni publicznej w odnowie i kształtowaniu miejskiego środowiska mieszkaniowego


    - Rok 2010

    Wielkie osiedla mieszkaniowe doby modernizmu stanowią istotny zasób polskich mieszkaniowy będąc jednocześnie dominującą formą miejskiego środowiska mieszkaniowego. Odnowa miasta w realiach polskich (wschodnioeuropejskich) oznacza reurbanizację powojennych struktur. Osia tego procesu jest kwestia jakości przestrzeni publicznej rozpatrywana w skali ogólnomiejskiej a wręcz regionalnej. Ochrona przed rozwojem syndromu wielkiego osiedla...

  • Digital signal processing applied to the modernization of Polish Navy sonars


    The article presents the equipment and digital signal processing methods used for modernizing the Polish Navy’s sonars. With the rapid advancement of electronic technologies and digital signal processing methods, electronic systems, including sonars, become obsolete very quickly. In the late 1990s a team of researchers of the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk...

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    - Transactions of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery - Rok 2016

    The aim of the paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the 18K380 steam turbine condenser air extraction system using hydro ejectors. Motivation for the analysis is a need of improvement of the energy conversion ratio of the power plant. To achieve this goal it is necessary to establish efficiency of each subsystem of the energy cycle. The air extraction system is not a highly power consuming system but it has great impact...

  • „Space, architecture and infrastructure “in-between cities”.


    The article presents contemporary city problems, like division of the city, infrastructural barriers, empty spaces, chaotic development, cuting-off areas, threatening the city image and functioning. These problems can be best observed in the areas in-between cities. One of the main questions for urban planners and architects seems thus to be: how to connect the city spaces instead of creating the barriers, how to create the areas...

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  • Designing with Green and Blue – Climate Adaption Proposals for Lowland Areas of Gdańsk

    • L. Nyka
    • R. Simões
    • P. R. Garcia
    • J. Rayss

    - Rok 2021

    The paper gives insight into issues explored within the framework of the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop that took place in Gdańsk in June 2019. The aim of the study was to propose solutions that will decrease the number of flooding events and span the gap between flood prevention strategies and the provision of other benefits such as ecological, urban, cultural and social. Historical cartography enquiries and research by the design...

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  • Architekturführer Danzig: Gdansk Sopot Gdynia


    - Rok 2016

    Im Zweiten Weltkrieg bis auf die Grundmauern zerstört, wurde der historische Stadtkern der Hansestadt Danzig als polnisches Gdańsk wiederaufgebaut – ein Paradebeispiel für kritische Rekonstruktion in Polen und zugleich eine bis heute stark umstrittene Entscheidung. Zusammen mit dem mondänen Seebad Sopot und der modernen Hafenstadt Gdynia bildet die Bernsteinstadt eine Metropolregion an der polnischen Ostseeküste: die Dreistadt...

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  • Komercjalizacja przestrzeni blokowiska


    - Rok 2008

    Wielkie osiedla mieszkaniowe doby powojennego modernizmu dobrze zlokalizowane w strukturze miasta uznawane były dotąd za obszary ustabilizowane, wypełnione. Obecnie obserwowana jest tendencja uzupełniania, dogęszczania zabudowy nowymi, komercyjnymi inwestycjami uslugowymi i mieszkaniowymi. Postęp tego żywiołowego procesu wykorzystuje główne potencjały modernistycznych dzielnic - rozwiniętą miejską infrastrukturę techniczną i społeczną...

  • Od garden city do ecocity


    Artykuł omawia wybrane wątki ewolucji aspektów środowiskowych miasta w okresie od Garden City do czasów obecnych, omawiając narodziny, rozwój i ideę współczesnego miasta. Rozważania obejmują kolejno genezę i istotę miasta-ogrodu, jednostki sąsiedzkiej, modernizmu, postmodernizmu, nowego urbanizmu, oraz analizę współczesnych idei naprawy miast, zawartych w rozmaitych dokumentach, systemach certyfikacji, pozycjach literaturowych,...

  • Analyzing Preconditions to Introduce Internet Voting in Portugal: Insights from the Estonian Model


    - Rok 2021

    Internet voting has been trialed or introduced for several countries, including Norway, Portugal, United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland as an additional voting channel to increase voter turnout and, also to modernize the electoral process. However, only Estonia has successful introduced internet voting, deploying e-enabled elections in general governmental levels. This paper aims to provide an exploratory study on the Estonian...

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  • Tożsamość i przestrzeń. Wokół gdańskich retoryk tożsamościowych

    W długim procesie kształtowania tożsamości Gdańska ważną rolę odgrywają pamięć i przestrzeń. W nowym dyskursie tożsamościowym nie tracą one na znaczeniu, lecz obok stałych fundamentów narracji tożsamościowej (wielokulturowość, architektura, pamięć), pojawiają się nowe opowieści miejskie obejmujące różne wymiary refleksji wskazujące na złożoność: wielowymiarowość i wielowarstwowość gdańskich tożsamości. W pamięci zbiorowej gdańszczan...

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  • Problematyka konstrukcyjna zabytkowego obiektu przywracanego do użytkowania na przykładzie kamienicy przy ul. Staromiejskiej w Olsztynie = Structural aspects in restoring historical buildings for re-use: the case of a tenement building on Staromiejska Street in Olsztyn

    The paper discusses the issue of introducing structural changes into a historical building referring to the example of conservation work carried out in the tenement house at 6 Staromiejska in Olsztyn. Building work involved a general renovation. The paper reviews actions carried out in the restoration work, including strengthening and deepening of the foundations, introducing a post and beam system, and putting...

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  • Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods

    Analysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...

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  • Specialist Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea


    The size and shape of the largest pavilion hospitals established in West Prussia in the 19th century changed along with the advancing technical and medical knowledge, the progress of ideas regarding modern society, architectural patterns, and the needs for which the hospitals were built. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social and technical facilities, all constituting parts of the complex. The...

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  • Where the Second World War in Europe broke out: the land-scape history of Westerplatte, Gdańsk/Danzig


    - Land - Rok 2023

    Westerplatte is known as the place where the Second World War in Europe broke out. However, its history covers many other events involving Polish, German, Russian and even French politics over the last three centuries - neglected by many papers published in the current discussion. Due to its location at the entrance to the main harbour on the Baltic Sea entrance, Wester-platte-Peninsula is cartographically the best-documented part...

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  • Frontem do morza. Plan, budowa i architektura portu w Gdyni


    - Rok 2023

    Gdynia to port, a port to Gdynia. Tak na początku istnienia II Rzeczpospolitej ukształtowała się jej morska stolica. Monografia Anny Orchowskiej to pierwsza publikacja poświęcona całokształtowi jednej z największych realizacji międzywojnia. Realizacji, która nie tylko pełniła istotne funkcje gospodarcze, ale też szybko stała się wizytówką kraju. Zwrócone niejako frontem do morza budynki były awangardowe i śmiałe w formie. Budowane...

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  • Modernization and adaptation of historical interiors


    Modernization of the historical building's interior entails the need to take many decisions, often conflicting. Operational requirements, protection of the architectural heritage, fire-safety recommendations, construction regulations, all these aspects involve a whole set of problems that require a rational solution, respecting ambient architectural and historical value, as well as the needs arising from the planned transformation....

  • Cast Iron Staircase in Aleksandrów Kujawski (Poland) - History, Construction, Architectural Form


    The text presents historic cast iron staircase, which is situated inside the railway station building in Aleksandrów Kujawski. Since the moment of creation in the 19th century for a long time that station, located at the border of Prussia and Kingdom of Poland, was an important transit point. Nowadays it is situated in the central of Poland. The staircase was built in 1870’s as a result of an extension of the railway station building...

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  • Barcelona - from the province to Metropolis.The cogent strategy of branding the city


    - Rok 2016

    The phenomenon of rebranding Barcelona's image, called the Barcelona effect or 'Barcelona Model', is exampled as one of the most spectacular transformations of the city perception in the last decade. Why has Barcelona been successful? Is it the effect of the recently intensified revitalization practice, or has the city of Barcelona built its brand market value for years? The aim of the research is to name these transition...