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PublicationThe possibility of using a hydroacoustic channel for digital data transmission is very limited. This is due to the effect of multipath propagation of the emitted acoustic wave and the damping of the mechanical wave in this medium, which increase with frequency. The first of these phenomena results in inter-symbol interference disturbances in data transmission systems, including even hundreds of symbols. Due to the number of reflections...
Automated hearing loss type classification based on pure tone audiometry data
PublicationHearing problems are commonly diagnosed with the use of tonal audiometry, which measures a patient’s hearing threshold in both air and bone conduction at various frequencies. Results of audiometry tests, usually represented graphically in the form of an audiogram, need to be interpreted by a professional audiologist in order to determine the exact type of hearing loss and administer proper treatment. However, the small number of...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublicationThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Device-independent quantum key distribution based on measurement inputs
PublicationWe provide an analysis of a family of device-independent quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols that has the following features. (a) The bits used for the secret key do not come from the results of the measurements on an entangled state but from the choices of settings. (b) Instead of a single security parameter (a violation of some Bell inequality) a set of them is used to estimate the level of trust in the secrecy of the key....
Hierarchia czynników wpływu w diagnostyce komponentów stalowych metodą statycznego pola rozproszonego
PublicationWśród technik badań nieniszczących obiektów stalowych (NDT) szczególną rolę pełnią techniki elektromagnetyczne, jako relatywnie tanie, czyste, szybkie i adaptowalne. Mają one jednak istotne ograniczenia, o których wydają się zapominać praktycy promujący tzw. metodę magnetycznej pamięci metali (ang. magnetic metal memory, MMM). Szczególnie dyskusyjna jest postulowana przez nich możliwość ilościowej korelacji charakterystyk pola...
Experience-Based Cognition for Driving Behavioral Fingerprint Extraction
PublicationABSTRACT With the rapid progress of information technologies, cars have been made increasingly intelligent. This allows cars to act as cognitive agents, i.e., to acquire knowledge and understanding of the driving habits and behavioral characteristics of drivers (i.e., driving behavioral fingerprint) through experience. Such knowledge can be then reused to facilitate the interaction between a car and its driver, and to develop better and...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Deep learning-enabled integration of renewable energy sources through photovoltaics in buildings
PublicationInstalling photovoltaic (PV) systems in buildings is one of the most effective strategies for achieving sustainable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions. However, the requirement for efficient energy management, the fluctuating energy demands, and the intermittent nature of solar power are a few of the obstacles to the seamless integration of PV systems into buildings. These complexities surpass the capabilities of rule-based...
Investigating the disease- modifying properties of sclerotiorin in Alzheimer's therapy using acetylcholinesterase inhibition
PublicationAlzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused due to the damage and loss of neurons in specific brain regions. It is the most common form of dementia observed in older people. The symptoms start with memory loss and gradually cause the inability to speak and do day-to-day activities. The cost of caring for those affected individuals is huge and is probably beyond most developing countries capability....
An optimized system for sensor ontology meta-matching using swarm intelligent algorithm
PublicationIt is beneficial to annotate sensor data with distinct sensor ontologies in order to facilitate interoperability among different sensor systems. However, for this interoperability to be possible, comparable sensor ontologies are required since it is essential to make meaningful links between relevant sensor data. Swarm Intelligent Algorithms (SIAs), namely the Beetle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm (BSO), present a possible answer...
Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in wastewater treatment: Current status, research progress, and future prospects
PublicationWastewater treatment is an important topic for improving water quality and environmental protection, and artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for wastewater treatment. This work provides research progress and a literature review of artificial intelligence applied to wastewater treatment based on the visualization of bibliometric tools. A total of 3460 publications from 2000 to 2023 were obtained from the Web of Science...
Przestrzeń pamięci – pamięć przestrzeni. Refleksja nad przestrzeniami symbolicznymi miasta Szczecin w świetle postmodernistycznej transformacji sztuki i architektury
PublicationW zamiarze autorek artykułu było dokonanie pogłębionej analizy przestrzeni miasta Szczecin, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miejsc kreowanych, jako symboliczne przestrzenie pamięci w celu ujawnienia procesów, jakim owe obszary podlegały w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach. Analiza postmodernistycznej transformacji przestrzeni miejskich Szczecina objęła zarówno obiekty (pomniki, obiekty architektury, układy urbanistyczne) stanowiące...
Neural network training with limited precision and asymmetric exponent
PublicationAlong with an extremely increasing number of mobile devices, sensors and other smart utilities, an unprecedented growth of data can be observed in today’s world. In order to address multiple challenges facing the big data domain, machine learning techniques are often leveraged for data analysis, filtering and classification. Wide usage of artificial intelligence with large amounts of data creates growing demand not only for storage...
Evaluation of aspiration problems in L2 English pronunciation employing machine learning
PublicationThe approach proposed in this study includes methods specifically dedicated to the detection of allophonic variation in English. This study aims to find an efficient method for automatic evaluation of aspiration in the case of Polish second-language (L2) English speakers’ pronunciation when whole words are analyzed instead of particular allophones extracted from words. Sample words including aspirated and unaspirated allophones...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous and Robotic Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublicationThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
Deep Learning Optimization for Edge Devices: Analysis of Training Quantization Parameters
PublicationThis paper focuses on convolution neural network quantization problem. The quantization has a distinct stage of data conversion from floating-point into integer-point numbers. In general, the process of quantization is associated with the reduction of the matrix dimension via limited precision of the numbers. However, the training and inference stages of deep learning neural network are limited by the space of the memory and a...
The Optimal Location of Ground-Based GNSS Augmentation Transceivers
PublicationModern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) allow for positioning with accuracies ranging from tens of meters to single millimeters depending on user requirements and available equipment. A major disadvantage of these systems is their unavailability or limited availability when the sky is obstructed. One solution is to use additional range measurements from ground-based nodes located in the vicinity of the receiver. The highest...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublicationThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation...
Detection of Alzheimer's disease using Otsu thresholding with tunicate swarm algorithm and deep belief network
PublicationIntroduction: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder characterized by cognitive and memory dysfunctions. The early detection of AD is necessary to reduce the mortality rate through slowing down its progression. The prevention and detection of AD is the emerging research topic for many researchers. The structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (sMRI) is an extensively used imaging technique in detection of AD, because...
Seismic performance evaluation of steel buckling-restrained braced frames including SMA materials
PublicationThe permanent deformation of the building after seismic excitations can be determined by the Maximum Residual Interstory Drift Ratio (MR-IDR), which may be used for measuring the damage states. Low-post yield stiffness of the steel buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) makes this system vulnerable to large MR-IDR after a severe earthquake event. To overcome this issue, this paper investigates the seismic limit state performances...
Polaronic and Mott insulating phase of layered magnetic vanadium trihalide VCl3
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnetic 3d-transition metal trihalides are a new class of functional materials showing exotic physical properties useful for spintronic and memory storage applications. In this article, we report the synthesis and electromagnetic characterization of single-crystalline vanadium trichloride, VCl 3 , a novel 2D layered vdW Mott insulator, which has a rhombohedral structure (R3, No. 148) at...
Activation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor (mGlu2) and Muscarinic Receptors (M1, M4, and M5), Alone or in Combination, and Its Impact on the Acquisition and Retention of Learning in the Morris Water Maze, NMDA Expression and cGMP Synthesis
PublicationThe Morris water maze (MWM) is regarded as one of the most popular tests for detecting spatial memory in rodents. Long-term potentiation and cGMP synthesis seem to be among the crucial factors involved in this type of learning. Muscarinic (M1, M4, and M5 receptors) and metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors are important targets in the search for antipsychotic drugs with the potency to treat cognitive disabilities associated with...
Sustainability of Civil Structures through the Application of Smart Materials: A Review
PublicationEvery year, structural flaws or breakdowns cause thousands of people to be harmed and cost billions of dollars owing to the limitations of design methods and materials to withstand extreme earthquakes. Since earthquakes have a significant effect on sustainability factors, there is a contradiction between these constraints and the growing need for more sustainable structures. There has been a significant attempt to circumvent...
Genetic programming extension to APF-based monocular human body pose estimation
PublicationNew method of the human body pose estimation based on a single camera 2D observation is presented, aimed at smart surveillance related video analysis and action recognition. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, new motion cost metric is employed, considering current...
Alternative convolution approach to friction in unsteady pipe flow
PublicationIn the paper some aspects of the unsteady friction in pipe flow expressed by the convolution are analyzed. This additional term introduced into the motion equation involves the accelerations of fluid occurring in the past and a weighting function. The essence of such approach is to assume the appropriate form of weighting function. However, until now no fully reliable formula for this function has been found. To avoid some inconveniences...
Context sensitive privacy management in a distributed environment
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia mechanizm zarządzania prywatnością stworzony dla systemu rozproszonego z założeniem, że węzły systemu mają ograniczone zasoby (moc procesora, pamięć). Podstawowy pomysł zakłada, że prywatne dane są filtrowane zgodnie z polityką prywatności użytkowników przed ich ujawnieniem innym użytkownikom. Te decyzje są silnie umiejscowione, co ogranicza narzut związany z zarządzaniem prywatnością na węzłach systemu. Sam...
Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation threshold...
A GPU Solver for Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Symmetric Complex-Valued Matrices Obtained Using Higher-Order FEM
PublicationThe paper discusses a fast implementation of the stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (sLOBPCG) method, using a hierarchical multilevel preconditioner to solve nonHermitian sparse generalized eigenvalue problems with large symmetric complex-valued matrices obtained using the higher-order finite-element method (FEM), applied to the analysis of a microwave resonator. The resonant frequencies of the low-order...
Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)
PublicationSegmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...
Direct electrical stimulation of the human brain has inverse effects on the theta and gamma neural activities
PublicationObjective: Our goal was to analyze the electrophysiological response to direct electrical stimulation (DES) systematically applied at a wide range of parameters and anatomical sites, with particular focus on neural activities associated with memory and cognition. Methods: We used a large set of intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings with DES from 45 subjects with electrodes...
A Single-Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation Template for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters
PublicationMultiplicity of the triangular carrier signals is a criterion for the extension of sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation, SPWM, to a number of output voltage levels per phase-leg in cascaded H-bridge (CHB) multilevel inverter (MLI). Considering medium and high voltage applications where appreciable number of output voltage levels from CHB MLI is needed, commensurate high number of carrier signals in either classical level- or phase-shifted...
Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku
PublicationStreszczenie: Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli inicjatyw społecznych w budzeniu poczucia odpowiedzialności za dziedzictwo materialne i kulturowe. Przyjęto założenie, że dla lokalnych społeczności miasto jest przestrzenią pamięci. Nastrój, atmosfera i klimat miejsca to słowa, które określają fizyczny...
Balanced Spider Monkey Optimization with Bi-LSTM for Sustainable Air Quality Prediction
PublicationA reliable air quality prediction model is required for pollution control, human health monitoring, and sustainability. The existing air quality prediction models lack efficiency due to overfitting in prediction model and local optima trap in feature selection. This study proposes the Balanced Spider Monkey Optimization (BSMO) technique for effective feature selection to overcome the local optima trap and overfitting problems....
Time fractional analysis of Casson fluid with application of novel hybrid fractional derivative operator
PublicationA new approach is used to investigate the analytical solutions of the mathematical fractional Casson fluid model that is described by the Constant Proportional Caputo fractional operator having non-local and singular kernel near an infinitely vertical plate. The phenomenon has been expressed in terms of partial differential equations, and the governing equations were then transformed in non-dimensional form. For the sake of generalized...
Enhancing seismic performance of buckling-restrained brace frames equipped with innovative bracing systems
PublicationNowadays, to improve the performance of conventional bracing systems, in which, buckling in the pressure loads is the main disadvantage, the buckling-restrained brace (BRB) is introduced as a solution. In this study, the performance of the BRB system was improved with innovative lateral-resisting systems of double-stage yield buckling-restrained brace (DYB), and a combination of DYB improved with shape memory alloy (SMA) materials...
Generation of large finite-element matrices on multiple graphics processors
PublicationThis paper presents techniques for generating very large finite-element matrices on a multicore workstation equipped with several graphics processing units (GPUs). To overcome the low memory size limitation of the GPUs, and at the same time to accelerate the generation process, we propose to generate the large sparse linear systems arising in finite-element analysis in an iterative manner on several GPUs and to use the graphics...
A comparison of geometric analogues of holographic reduced representations, original holographic reduced representations and binary spatter codes
PublicationGeometric Analogues of Holographic Reduced Representations (GA HRR) employ role-filler binding based on geometric products. Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space and complex statements belong to a hierarchy of multivectors. The paper reports a battery of tests aimed at comparison of GA HRR with Holographic Reduced Representation (HRR) and Binary Spatter Codes (BSC). Firstly, we perform a test of...
Historic centre of Gdańsk as a unique example of postwar socialist city creation = Historyczne śródmieście Gdańska jako unikalny przykład powojennej kreacji miasta socjalistycznego
PublicationThe historic centre of Gdańsk, totally destroyed towards the end of the Second World War, became an area of postwar creation of a socialist town. During over a dozen first years, three projects were prepared for implementation within its borders, first in the convention of reconstruction and rest simply as development, for three consecutive historic city complexes: The Main Town (1948), The Old Town (1955) and The Old Suburbs (1958),...
Simulating propagation of coherent light in random media using the Fredholm type integral equation
PublicationStudying propagation of light in random scattering materials is important for both basic and applied research. Such studies often require usage of numerical method for simulating behavior of light beams in random media. However, if such simulations require consideration of coherence properties of light, they may become a complex numerical problems. There are well established methods for simulating multiple scattering of light (e.g....
Compressive Sensing Approach to Harmonics Detection in the Ship Electrical Network
PublicationThe contribution of this paper is to show the opportunities for using the compressive sensing (CS) technique for detecting harmonics in a frequency sparse signal. The signal in a ship’s electrical network, polluted by harmonic distortions, can be modeled as a superposition of a small number of sinusoids and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) basis forms its sparse domain. According to the theory of CS, a signal may be reconstructed...
Refinement of the Hardening Soil model within the small strain range
PublicationThe popularity of the elasto-plastic Hardening Soil (HS) model is based on simple parameter identification from standard testing and empirical formulas. The HS model is implemented in many commercial FE codes designed to analyse geotechnical problems. In its basic version, the stress–strain behaviour within the elastic range is subject to the hypoelastic power law, which assures the barotropy of the elastic stiffness. However,...
Study of Statistical Text Representation Methods for Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Attention Network
PublicationTo effectively process textual data, many approaches have been proposed to create text representations. The transformation of a text into a form of numbers that can be computed using computers is crucial for further applications in downstream tasks such as document classification, document summarization, and so forth. In our work, we study the quality of text representations using statistical methods and compare them to approaches...
Enhancing seismic performance of rigid and semi-rigid connections equipped with SMA bolts incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublicationNowadays, using smart connections can improve the performance of buildings with some recentering features that are from the superelastic behavior of Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs). It seems that there is different rigidity between the designed connection and the real one in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs), which can be considered as a problematic issue due to the importance of connections in seismic performance assessment. This...
Embedded gas sensing setup for air samples analysis
PublicationThis paper describes a measurement setup (eNose) designed to analyze air samples containing various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The setup utilizes a set of resistive gas sensors of divergent gas selectivity and sensitivity. Some of the applied sensors are commercially available and were proposed recently to reduce their consumed energy. The sensors detect various VOCs at sensitivities determined by metal oxide sensors’ technology...
Optymalizacja wydajności obliczeniowej metody elementów skończonych w architekturze CUDA
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy oraz stypendium odbytego w ramach projektu było opracowanie numerycznie efektywnego rozwiązania algorytmicznego i sprzętowego, które umożliwia przyspieszenie analizy problemów elektromagnetycznych metodą elementów skończonych (MES) z funkcjami bazowymi wysokiego rzędu. Metoda elementów skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości stanowi wydajne i uniwersalne narzędzie analizy układów mikrofalowych (rys....
OOA-modified Bi-LSTM network: An effective intrusion detection framework for IoT systems
PublicationCurrently, the Internet of Things (IoT) generates a huge amount of traffic data in communication and information technology. The diversification and integration of IoT applications and terminals make IoT vulnerable to intrusion attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an efficient Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that guarantees the reliability, integrity, and security of IoT systems. The detection of intrusion is considered...
Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology
PublicationOBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...
A Simple Neural Network for Collision Detection of Collaborative Robots
PublicationDue to the epidemic threat, more and more companies decide to automate their production lines. Given the lack of adequate security or space, in most cases, such companies cannot use classic production robots. The solution to this problem is the use of collaborative robots (cobots). However, the required equipment (force sensors) or alternative methods of detecting a threat to humans are usually quite expensive. The article presents...
Concurrent Video Denoising and Deblurring for Dynamic Scenes
PublicationDynamic scene video deblurring is a challenging task due to the spatially variant blur inflicted by independently moving objects and camera shakes. Recent deep learning works bypass the ill-posedness of explicitly deriving the blur kernel by learning pixel-to-pixel mappings, which is commonly enhanced by larger region awareness. This is a difficult yet simplified scenario because noise is neglected when it is omnipresent in a wide...