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Universal velocity and temperature profiles in bubbly flows.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model przepływu pęcherzykowego oparty na sumowaniu energii dysypacji pochodzącej od przepływu ścinającego bez pęcherzyków oraz dysypacji pochodzącej od obecności pęcherzyków. Rozwiązania równań różniczkowych opisujących model dają w wyniku uniwersalne profile prędkości i temperatur, które są bardzo przydatne w praktyce inżynierskiej.
Analytical Study of Sliding Instability due to Velocity- and Temperature-Dependent Friction
PublicationThe instability of sliding causes deterioration of performance characteristics of tribosystems and is undesired. To predict its occurrence, the motion of a body of a one-degree-of-freedom system with friction is investigated about the steady sliding equilibrium position. The motion equation is formulated with the friction coefficient dependent on the sliding velocity and contact temperature changing due to transient heat conduction...
The influence of local temperature and air velocity changes on the thermal sensations of users' working in surgical clothing
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Method of reconstructing two-dimensional velocity fields on the basis of temperature field values measured with a thermal imaging camera
PublicationThis paper describes a novel numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) of the velocity field during natural convective heat transfer from a two-sided, isothermal, heated vertical plate based only on the known temperature field obtained, e.g. with a thermal imaging camera. It has been demonstrated that with a knowledge of temperature distributions, the NRP enables the reconstruction of velocity fields by solving the Navier-Stokes...
The use of thermal imaging camera to estimate velocity profiles based on temperature distribution in a free convection boundary layer
PublicationThis work describes an attempt to assess whether the temperature field from a thermal imaging camera can be converted into a velocity field with an accuracy sufficient for qualitative conducting or describing the phenomenon, i.e. when the Navier-Stokes, Fourier-Kirchhoff and continuity equations are mutually coupled. The consequence of this link between temperature fields and velocity is the possibility to formulate the hypothesis...
Temperature, velocity and mean turbulence structure in strongly heated internal gas flows. Comparison of numerical predictions with data
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono symulacje numeryczne przy użyciu szeregu modeli turbulencji celem analizy silnie ogrzewanego przepływu powietrza w pionowych rurach. Obliczenia porównano z danymi eksperymentalnymi. Analizowano modyfikacje pola prędkości, temperatury i turbulencji. W rozpatrywanych warunkach odnotowano silną wrażliwość obliczeń na silnie zmieniające się pole temperatury. Stwierdzono, że analizowane przypadki najlepiej odzwierciedla...
Verification of the method of reconstructing convective velocity fields on the basis of temperature fields in vertical, differential and equally heated, open and closed channels
PublicationThis paper describes a method of reconstructing velocity fields, i.e. a numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) that involves the numerical processing of experimentally measured temperature distributions in free convection heat transfer. The NRP consists in solving only the continuity and Navier–Stokes equations with an additional source term. This term is proportional to a known temperature (e.g. from a thermal imaging camera)...
Density, sound velocity, viscosity, and refractive index of new morpholinium ionic liquids with amino acid-based anions: Effect of temperature, alkyl chain length, and anion
PublicationIn this work, room temperature synthesis of twenty new ionic liquids (ILs) based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-amino acid anions (L-alaninate, L-valinate, L-leucinate, L-isoleucinate) was described. The synthesized ILs were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Furthermore, density (ρ), sound velocity (v), viscosity (η)...
Study of Slip Effects in Reverse Roll Coating Process Using Non-Isothermal Couple Stress Fluid
PublicationThe non-isothermal couple stress fluid inside a reverse roll coating geometry is considered. The slip condition is considered at the surfaces of the rolls. To develop the flow equations, the mathematical modelling is performed using conservation of momentum, mass, and energy. The LAT (lubrication approximation theory) is employed to simplify the equations. The closed form solution for velocity, temperature, and pressure gradient...
Modeling and simulation of blood flow under the influence of radioactive materials having slip with MHD and nonlinear mixed convection
PublicationRadioactive materials are widely in industry, nuclear plants and medical treatments. Scientists and workers in these fields are mostly exposed to such materials, and adverse effects on blood and temperature profiles are observed. In this regard, objective of the current study is to model and simulate blood based nanofluid with three very important radioactive materials, named as Uranium dioxide (UO2), Thorium dioxide (ThO2) and...
An inclination in Thermal Energy Using Nanoparticles with Casson Liquid Past an Expanding Porous Surface
PublicationPhysical aspects of inclined MHD nanofluid towards a stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium are visualized. Two types of nanoparticles are used named as copper and alumna dioxide with water as base fluid. Similarity transformations are used to convert the partial differential equations into the set of ordinary differential equation. Closed solutions are found to examine the velocity and the temperature profiles. It is examined...
A significance of multi slip condition for inclined MHD nano-fluid flow with non linear thermal radiations, Dufuor and Sorrot, and chemically reactive bio-convection effect
PublicationThe aim of this research is to discuss the significance of slip conditions for magnetized nanofluid flow with the impact of nonlinear thermal radiations, activation energy, inclined MHD, sorrot and dufour, and gyrotactic micro motile organisms over continuous stretching of a two-dimensional sheet. The governing equations emerge in the form of partial differential equations. Since the resultant governing differential equations...
Thermal visualization of Ostwald-de Waele liquid in wavy trapezoidal cavity: Effect of undulation and amplitude
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the numerical simulations of Ostwald-de Waele fluid flow in a wavy trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a heated cylinder situated at the center of the cavity. The work consists in characterizing the mixed convection as a function of the intensity of heat flow. The flow behaviour and temperature distribution in a cavity are the main focus of this study. The lower wall of the cavity is fixed...
Porous structures in aspects of transpirating cooling of oxycombustion chamber walls
PublicationA wet oxycombustion chamber, which must be effectively cooled due to high temperature evolved during the oxy-combustion process, by using the phenomena of Reynolds thermal transpiration and Navier slip velocity. Closures needed to execute mass flow rate in a microchannel, which should be treated as a single porous structure in the walls of the combustion chamber, have been obtained by applying a local 3D approach. The Navier-Stokes...
Experimental Determination of Limit Adhesive Shear Strtess between Solid Wall and Liquid
PublicationTheoretically slip of a fluid with respect to the solid wall should occur even at a very low velocity of motion. However theoretical analysisand some empirical data suggest that there must be a limit value of shear stress, below which the slip does not appear. A simple metyhod of this stress determination was proposed in the paper.
PublicationIn our work, a further development of the authors model of thermo-chemical flow of fuel, air, oxygen, steam water, species, ionic and electron currents within nano channels and nano-structures of novel devices is presented. Different transport enhancement models are taken into account -among them the most important are: the velocity slip connected with complex external friction, the Darcy mobility and the Reynolds transpiration....
Analiza przepływu gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia podczas zwarć łukowych w rozdzielnicach SN
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania ciśnienia i temperatury gazów podczas zwarcia łukowego wewnątrz przedziału wyłącznika rozdzielnicy średniego napięcia z wykorzystaniem modelu termodynamicznego procesów towarzyszących zwarciom łukowym wewnątrz rozdzielnic z izolacją powietrzną. Następnie, w oparciu o mechanikę płynów lepkich, przedstawiono metodę obliczania rozkładu prędkości i ciśnienia gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono próbę oszacowania przy pomocy wielowymiarowej regresji liniowej modelu empirycznego opisującego czynniki wpływające na zawartość B(a)P w pyle zawieszonym PM10 w Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej w latach 2008-2011. Na przestrzeni tych lat średnioroczne stężenie B(a)P w PM10 wzrosło ponad dwukrotnie i ponad trzykrotnie przewyższa poziom docelowy. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że główną przyczyną wzrostu stężenia...
Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete
PublicationTextile reinforcement yarns consist of many filaments, which can slip relative each other. At modelling of the global structural behaviour, interfilament slip in the yarns, and slip between the yarns and the concrete can be considered by efficiency factors for the stiffness and strength of the yarns, and by applying a bond-slip relation between yarns and concrete. In this work, an effective and robust method for calibration of...
Periodic stick-slip deformation of granular material under quasi-static conditions
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki porównawcze między doświadczeniami z użyciem metody korelacji obrazów cyfrowych (DIC) a symulacjami z użyciem metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) dla problemu przesuwającej się sztywnej ścianki w piasku. W doświadczeniach zaobserwowano w piasku deformację typu slip-stick, która nie została odtworzona w obliczeniach DEM..
Outlet Flow Velocity In Circular Culvert
PublicationThe outlet flow velocity in the end section of the culvert barrel depends in most cases on the culvert geometry, including the barrel slope, as well as on upstream and downstream channel parameters. Flowing water can create pressure flow or free surface flow in the culvert barrel. In the case of an unsubmerged barrel outlet, the free-surface flow is more frequent than the full flow. Increased velocities can cause channel bed scour...
Effects of subfilter velocity modelling on dispersed phase in LES of heated channel flow
PublicationA non-isothermal turbulent flow with the dispersed phase is modelled using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach for fluid, one-way coupled with the equations of point-particle evolution. The channel is heated at both walls and isoflux boundary conditions are applied for fluid. Particle velocity and thermal statistics are computed. Of particular interest are the r.m.s. profiles and the probability density function of particle...
Reduction of the Velocity Impact on the Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal
PublicationThe velocity effect on the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) signal was investigated in this paper. Experiments were performed for velocity of the MFL tool within the range of 0–2 m/s. The velocity was not constant during each measurement to imitate real operational conditions of the MFL tool. Two components of the leakage were measured, i.e. the tangential to the motion direction (x) and the normal to the investigated surface (z). In...
Wpływ azotowania jarzeniowego i laserowego nadtapiania na odporność kawitacyjną stali X5CrNi18-10
PublicationNierdzewne stale austenityczne charakteryzują się doskonałą odpornością korozyjną, aczkolwiek niskimi właściwościami mechanicznymi. W wielu przypadkach ogranicza to ich eksploatację w warunkach przemysłowych. Ponadto, nierdzewne stale austenityczne są wrażliwe na korozję lokalną w obecności jonów halogenkowych. Technologie materiałowe, które dają potencjalne możliwości otrzymywania korzystnego wpływu na właściwości mechaniczne...
Probabilistic analysis of slope with planar slip surface
PublicationPraca dotyczy probabilistycznej oceny stateczności zboczy. Omówiono sposób określania prawdopodobieństwa utraty stateczności przy wykorzystaniu metody momentów (ang. FOSM). Podejście takie zastosowano do analizy zsuwu konsekwentnego jednorodnego zbocza. Rozpatrzono wpływ zmienności statystycznej parametrów wytrzymałościowych na końcowe wyniki.
Velocity Field Characteristics at the Inlet to a Pipe Culvert
PublicationA poorly designed culvert inlet structure causes scouring, which can lead to the collapse of the culvert and significant damage to the neighboring land. A set of laboratory tests was evaluated to examine velocity distribution at the culvert inlet. A three-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocimeterwas used to measure instantaneous flowvelocity upstream of the culvert. The analysis of mean velocities, turbulence strength, and Reynolds...
Simulation and discretization of random field in the slip line method.
PublicationW pracy rozpatrywany jest problem nośności granicznej podłoża o własnościach stochastycznych przy obciążeniu spoczywającym na nim ciężkim sztywnym bloku.Opisano sposób generacji wielowymiarowego pola losowego oparty na diagonalizacji macierzy kowariancji przy wykorzystaniu macierzy dolnotrójkątnej .Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wpływ dyskretyzacji ośrodka na rozwiązanie oraz jego zbieżność.
Position and velocity measurement using incremental encoder and microcontroller.
PublicationThere is presented measurement of position and velocity using Atmel's microcontroller ATTiny2313 with 20 MHz clock and encoder with 1024 pulses per revolution. This configuration allows measuring maximum speed 48800 rpm with 1x accuracy, 20200 rpm with 2x accuracy and 9400 rpm with 4x accuracy (quadrature). Position is measured with resolution of 0.352', 0.176' and 0.088' for 1x, 2x, 4x accuracy respectively. Algorithms of position...
Influence of preprocessing techniques on pulse pressure velocity determination
PublicationPulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is measured and utilized in many clinical applications. Recently, a wide research has been led to develop a cuff-less and continuous blood pressure method basing on PWV. However, in this application a decision on choosing an appropriate fiducial point of pulse wave (PW) waveform is necessary and substantial. It would allow to measure time parameters necessary to determine PWV. An influence of sampling...
Velocity measurement using the fdoa method in ground-based radio navigation system
PublicationVelocity is one of the main navigation parameters of the moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which doesn’t require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA...
Theoretical study of thermofrictional oscillations due to negative friction-temperature characteristic
PublicationAnalytical study on oscillations of a body on a moving counterbody has been done by assuming imperfect frictional thermal contact and friction that decreases with contact temperature. It has been shown that stick-slip oscillation occurs due to decrease of friction coefficient when the body moves in the opposite direction to the counterbody. Dynamical characteristics, such as conditions for stable sliding and limit cycles, have...
The field–dependent interface recombination velocity for organic–inorganic heterojunction
PublicationWe have derived an analytical formula which describes the field–dependent interface recombination velocity for the boundary of two materials characterized by different permittivities. The interface recombination of charge carriers has been considered in the presence of image force Schottky barrier. We suggest that this effect may play an important role in the loss of current for organic–inorganic hybrid heterojunctions. It has...
Measurement of temperature at sliding polymer surface by grindable thermocouples
PublicationThis paper is devoted to experimental study of capabilities and limitations of grindable thermocouples as applied to polymer materials sliding on metal. Chromel–alumel and chromel–copel grindable thermocouples have been developed and tested for wide ranges of contact pressure and sliding velocity. The background temperature of the sliding surface can be determined as the lower envelope of the signal from the grindable thermocouple....
Impact of low-temperature sintering on the Fe-based amorphous coatings
PublicationBulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have gained a lot of attention in recent years due to their outstanding properties such as high hardness and excellent wear and corrosion resistance. However, they are restricted in industrial applications due to their extreme brittleness. Iron based amorphous coatings from BMGs are the best solution to use them by overcoming the problem of extreme brittleness. The coatings can be sprayed by various...
Measurement of distance, velocity and angle of arrival using FMCW-CW combined waveform
PublicationA procedure of tacking small flying object based on a general principle of FMCW and Doppler radar is presented. In order to increase measurement range, this technique uses active signal source on the moving object. For simultaneous measurements of distance, radial velocity and direction (AoA) as well as simplified synchronization a combined FMCW-CW waveform is proposed. The presented measurement system was realized and verified...
Fluid–solid interaction on a thin platelet with high-velocity flow: vibration modelling and experiment
PublicationThe paper concerns the nonlinear behaviour of a thin platelet that is streamlined in an aerodynamic tunnel. The air velocity in the aerodynamic tunnel was at 858.9 km/h or 0.7 Ma (Ma—Mach number is a dimensionless quantity in fluid dynamics representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound). This experiment was numerically simulated using FSI (fluid–solid interaction) tools, namely the coupling...
The Influence of Impact Velocity on Stresses and Failure of S355j2 Steel Under Slurry Erosion Conditions
PublicationThe purpose of this work was to determine the essence of the influence of the impact velocity (5, 7, and 9 m/s) on Hertzian stresses and the erosion mechanism of ferritic-pearlitic S355J2 steel. The investigations were carried out using a slurry pot tester. S355J2 steel showed a strong sensitivity to changes in impact velocity. A significant increase in erosion rate was observed at a velocity of 9 m/s. This increase was 5-fold...
Erroneous Vehicle Velocity Estimation Correction Using Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors
PublicationMagnetic field sensors installed in the road infrastructure can be used for autonomous traffic flow parametrization. Although the main goal of such a measuring system is the recognition of the class of vehicle and classification, velocity is the essential parameter for further calculation and it must be estimated with high reliability. In-field test campaigns, during actual traffic conditions, showed that commonly accepted velocity...
The effect of random surface topography height on fretting in dry gross slip conditions
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Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublicationThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublicationThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Autonomus hydroacoustics sound velocity profiler.
PublicationPraca zawiera opis bezpośredniej zasady pomiarowej i struktury wersji autonomicznego miernika pomiarów rozkładów prędkości dźwięku w akwenach przeznaczonych do stosowania na okrętach nawodnych, podwodnych i opuszczanych antenach sonarowych śmigłowców i okrętów nawodnych.
The integrals of velocity near the tissue in bioreactor.
PublicationWykazano, że siły tarcia występujące w trakcie hodowli decydują o jakości wzostu tkanki i jej planowanych, zamierzanych właściwościach. Siły tarcia wyznaczamy z pola prędkości cieczy biologicznej przepływającej wokół powierzchni tkanki. Dlatego w pracy tej wyznacza się pole prędkości przepływu cieczy biologicznej w cienkiej warstewce przyściennej. Wyznaczone analitycznie pole prędkości charakteryzuje się newtonowskimi właściwościami...
Influence of velocity description on dispersivity of reactor.
PublicationPrzy projektowaniu reaktorów z reguły stosuje się model przepływu tłokowego - prosty, lecz mało dokładny. W pracy pokazano wpływ dokładności stosowanej metody opisu pola prędkości na poziom projektu reaktora.
Measurements of electron drift velocity in OCS
PublicationWykonano pomiary prędkości dryfu elektronów w funkcji zredukowanego pola elektrycznego E/N. Wyniki tych pomiarów porównano z wynikami pomiarów w CO2 i N2O.
Discrete measurement of fault-arc velocity
PublicationOpisano metodę dyskretnego pomiaru prędkości jednofazowego łuku awaryjnego poruszającego się w płaskim, poziomym układzie szyn. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą punktowych czujników optycznych rozmieszczonych równomiernie wzdłuż szyn. Podano opis układu, jego charakterystykę, wpływ obszaru zjonizowanego na uzyskiwane wyniki i zależności między obserwowanymi wielkościami.
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Horizontal velocity field derived from EPN and ASG-EUPOS satellite data on the example of south-western part of Poland
PublicationPresently the determination of the velocity field in the global reference frame is possible by using different space techniques and dense terrestrial networks from global to local and regional scales. However, the reliability of such determinations is strongly limited by the restricted number of unmodeled effects. Some of them are periodic (atmospheric or hydrological effects), some instantaneous (natural or man-made seismicity)...
Analysis of unsteady flow forces on the thermowell of steam temperature sensor
PublicationIn this paper, 3D numerical analysis of unsteady flow forces acting on the measuring sheath of steam temperature is presented. According to that purpose, the CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamic [1]) approach has been used. The nonstationary of fluid acting on the measuring sheath such as: Strouhal frequency, amplitude of pressure, structure of vortex, peak of pressure, field of pressure, field of velocity etc. are studied analytically...
Prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej
PublicationNiniejsza praca jest poświęcona spawaniu pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej (MLKS) i przedstawia metodologię oraz narzędzia umożliwiające prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych wykonanych przy zastosowaniu tej odmiany spawania. Monografia zawiera opis rozwoju spawania pod wodą oraz charakterystykę metod wykorzystywanych do realizacji prac spawalniczych. Zaproponowano nowy podział metod spawania pod wodą, uwzględniający...