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Search results for: urban flash floods
PublicationAim of the study The current paper aims to give a detailed evaluation and analysis of some extreme rainfall events that happened in the last decade in terms of spatial and temporal rainfall distribution, intensity rate, and exceedance probability. Moreover, it examines the effects of each analysed aspect on the resulting flash floods in the studied area. Material and methods In their glossary of meteorology, American Meteorology...
Representation of a built-up area in the numerical simulation of urban flash flooding
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania powodzi miejskiej przy pomocy dwuwymiarowych równań de Saint-Venanta. Równania rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Zaprezentowano dwie techniki reprezentacji obszarów zabudowanych w numerycznej symulacji powodzi - bezpośrednie wykluczenie budynków z siatki numerycznej oraz zastąpienie grup budynków terenami o znacznie zwiększonej szortkości powierzchni. W celu oceny wykorzystanych metod wykonano...
Urban flash flood hazard identification and assessment applying geospatial techniques and hydrodynamic modeling; Erbil city case study, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationThis dissertation aims to investigate the factors behind flash flooding in Erbil's central district, located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and develop a methodology for assessing flood hazards in the city, despite limited data accessibility. In this thesis, each factor was investigated, including analyzing extreme precipitation events in the last two decades, including their spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, intensity,...
The Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984–2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationNowadays, geospatial techniques are a popular approach for estimating urban flash floods by considering spatiotemporal changes in urban development. In this study, we investigated the impact of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological response of the Erbil basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). In the studied area, the LULC changes were calculated for 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2019 using the Digital Elevation...
PublicationOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
Stormwater and snowmelt runoff storage control and flash flood hazard forecasting in the urbanized coastal basin.
PublicationCity of Gdańsk is located in a coastal region where changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of extreme weather events. Developing urbanization affects the hydrology of natural basins by simplification of the drainage system and reduction of infiltration and base flow. Consequently greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems, reservoirs and surrounding water bodies. Not only infrastructures of urban...
PublicationIn recent years Gdańsk had sustained economic and social losses due to severe flash floods coming down from moraine hills. The first flood occurred in July 2001 and the second in July 2016. Both events were caused by intense and long rainfall characterized by different from each other rain intensity in time. Among other Gdansk’s streams the Oliwski Stream has the most extended flood protection system consist of 15 small retention...
Extreme weather layer method for implementation of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation: Case study Słupsk
PublicationOne of the most severe climate risks that is expected to affect all regions is related to stormwater. Climate models, constructed based on long-term trends, show that extreme weather events such as storms, cloudbursts and a large rise in sea level will be significant in the coming decades. Moreover, even the frequency and intensity of “normal” rainfall events, such as microbursts, are expected to be remarkably higher than today...
Stormwater runoff in the urbanized coastal basin of Gdańsk Urbanized basin of Gdańsk
PublicationAnthropopressure strongly affects the primal water cycle. Alternation of the natural basins imposes changes of drainage patterns, reduction of bioretention, infiltration and base flow. As a result the overland flow predominates and greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems and reservoirs. Moreover changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of rapid extreme weather events. Infrastructures of urban areas...
The consequences of applying a new Polish Water Law Act for protection against urban flooding
PublicationPrevious legal regulations did not create conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of the urban melioration complex. For over 20 years, urban flooding caused by atmospheric precipitation has been systematically recurring in Poland. The article was elaborated on the experience resulting from the 2001 and 2016 floods in Gdansk (Poland). The newly adopted Water Law Act creates a foundation for a systemic solution...
Interaction Between Storm Water Conduit And Surface Flow For Urban Flood Inundation Modelling
PublicationRapid development of urban areas always comes with great side effects. One of them is the occurrence of urban floods. Growth of impervious surfaces in cities leads to increasing run-off values. This together with difficulties connected with sewage modernization in cities marks urban inundations as being one of the most important issues concerning urban water. Accurate prediction of a phenomenon is difficult as it is highly dependent...
GIS-based hydrodynamic modeling for urban flood mitigation in fast-growing regions: a case study of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationFloods threaten urban infrastructure, especially in residential neighborhoods and fast-growing regions. Flood hydrodynamic modeling helps identify flood-prone locations and improve mitigation plans' resilience. Urban floods pose special issues due to changing land cover and a lack of raw data. Using a GIS-based modeling interface, input files for the hydrodynamic model were developed. The physical basin's properties were identified...
Sources of contamination in sediments of retention tanks and the influence of precipitation type on the size of pollution load
PublicationDensification of cities and urban population contributes to increased runoff and suspended solids and alteration of the urban water cycle. Nowadays, Blue-Green Infrastructure is promoted to increase a city’s resilience to floods; however, stormwater drainage systems, supported with retention tanks are still important in protecting urban areas against floods. Sediment accumulation in stormwater infrastructure relates to an issue...
From creative writing, virtual environments to nature-based solutions: linking research and education to facilitate transition from sustainable to regenerative cities
PublicationChallenges related to the climate crisis and its consequences, such as rising sea levels, urban heat islands or floods, engender pressure on architectural education. Sustainable design often inclines to regenerative one - an emerging trend focused on the restorative power of architecture. The question appears upon the tools and methods that would facilitate both students and academics to address new challenges. This article offers...
The impact of hydrological research, municipal authorities, and residents on rainwater management in Gdańsk (Poland) in the process of adapting the city to climate change
PublicationAim of the study The city of Gdańsk faces changing climatic conditions that result in a higher frequency of extreme weather events. In response to the increasingly frequent appearance of flash floods, scientific research was carried out on changes in the probability of the occurrence of maximum daily precipitation in Gdańsk. The purpose of this paper is to show the role of hydrological research (science), decisions of local authorities...
Analiza wezbrania rzeki Kaczej w Gdyni po opadzie z 14 lipca 2016 roku
PublicationW połowie lipca 2016 r. w Trójmieście, zanotowano opad atmosferyczny o sumie przekraczającej 150 mm. Opadom deszczu od godzin popołudniowych dnia 14 lipca do godzin rannych 15 lipca towarzyszył okresami bardzo silny i gwałtowny wiatr początkowo z kierunku północno-wschodniego następnie z kierunku północno-zachodniego. Opisana sytuacja hydro-meteorologiczna spowodowała znaczne wezbrania w rzekach i potokach rejonu Zatoki Gdańskiej,...
Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism
PublicationWater is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...
Shaping the City Responding to Climate Change – Concept of Development of the Right Bank of the Vistula River in Toruń, Poland,
PublicationThe problems of cities of the 21st century are caused by anthropogenic oppression of the environment, through the growth of economic activity and continuous urbanisation, and taking away ecologically important open areas and biologically active areas. Increasingly frequent and sudden rains, strong winds, turbulence and rising world water levels are some of the consequences of climate change that have a direct impact on the functioning...
Prezentacje multimedialne z wykorzystaniem środowiska Flash
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono istotne cechy środowiska programowego pakietu Macromedia-Flash umożliwiającego tworzenie multimedialnych aplikacji edukacyjnych.
Shape Memory Polyurethane Materials Containing Ferromagnetic Iron Oxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets
PublicationIntelligent materials, such as memory shape polymers, have attracted considerable attention due to wide range of possible applications. Currently, intensive research is underway, in matters of obtaining memory shape materials that can be actuated via inductive methods, for example with help of magnetic field. In this work, an attempt was made to develop a new polymer composite—polyurethane modified with graphene nanoplates and...
The results of analyses of deep excavation walls using two different methods of calculation
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń obudowy głębokiego wykopu dwukrotnie rozpieranej i dwukrotnie kotwionej w gruncie jednorodnym niespoistym. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano metodą podpór sprężysto-plastycznych i metodą elementów skończonych. Zwrócono uwagę na istotne różnice w wynikach obliczeń. Zaproponowano wyjaśnienie przyczyn zaobserwowanych różnic w wynikach obliczeń otrzymanych z obu metod.
Optimized Deep Learning Model for Flood Detection Using Satellite Images
PublicationThe increasing amount of rain produces a number of issues in Kerala, particularly in urban regions where the drainage system is frequently unable to handle a significant amount of water in such a short duration. Meanwhile, standard flood detection results are inaccurate for complex phenomena and cannot handle enormous quantities of data. In order to overcome those drawbacks and enhance the outcomes of conventional flood detection...
Chemical modifications of graphene and their influence on properties of polyurethane composites: a review
PublicationPolyurethane composites are materials of great interest nowadays due to their wide range of available forms and applications in industry. Controlling and achieving unique properties via matrix modifications and addition of various specific nanofillers seems be one of the key elements to success. The purpose of this work is to briefly present some examples of graphene nanoderivatives, their syntheses, properties and influence on...
Reakcja miesięcznej i sezonowej temperatury powietrza na północnym skłonie Karkonoszy i ich przedpolu na zmiany wskaźnika NAO.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ wskaźnika NAO na kształtowanie temperatury powietrza w warunkach górskich na przykładzie Karkonoszy. Stwierdzono zmniejszanie się wpływu NAO na temperaturę powietrza ze wzrostem wysokości. Stwierdzono, że relacje między NAO a temperaturą powietrza są istotne jedynie w okresie zimowym od grudnia do marca włącznie. Związki te są niestacjonarne i wynikają ze wzrostu ciśnienia w Wyżu Azorskim w okresie 1988-2015....
System powierzchniowej retencji miejskiej w adaptacji miast do zmian klimatu – od wizji do wdrożenia
PublicationW ostatnich latach problematyka gospodarowania wodami opadowymi staje się zagadnieniem coraz bardziej wielowymiarowym i wielodyscyplinarnym. W Polsce przeważają systemy kanalizacji rozdzielczej i większość sieci deszczowych odprowadza wody opadowe bezpośrednio do odbiornika, bez jakiegokolwiek oczyszczania, co stwarza poważne zagrożenie dla jakości tych wód. Jest to szczególnie niebezpieczne dla małych cieków płynących przez...
Spatial aspects of urban air quality management: Estimating the impact of micro-scale urban form on pollution dispersion
PublicationUrban planning and design solutions affect urban ventilation conditions, thus mitigating the effects of atmospheric pollution. However, these findings are not being implemented in the planning practice to a sufficient extent, partly due to the lack of specific guidelines. Moreover, many urban air quality monitoring (AQM) sites have low represnentativeness and thus do not provide comprehensive data for effective urban air pollution control...
The importance of individual spray properties in performance improvement of a urea-SCR system employing flash-boiling injection
PublicationThe appropriate mixing of a urea–water solution (UWS) with exhaust gases in a selective catalytic reduction system is crucial to efficiently reduce nitrogen oxides and diminish the deposition of liquid wall film. One of the methods to enhance the mixing of the UWS with the exhaust gases is a flash-boiling injection. Its positive effect has been linked with a reduced Sauter mean diameter (SMD) and improved evaporation, but the...
Wykorzystanie wymiennych kart pamięci Flash w mikroprocesorowych rejestratorach danych pomiarowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania kart pamięci Flash w mikroprocesorowych urządzeniach rejestracji danych pomiarowych. Dokonano przeglądu najpopularniejszych kart oraz omówiono ich właści-wości. Na przykładzie kart MMC i SD opisano sposób odczytu i zapisu danych przy wykorzystaniu interfejsu SPI. Rozważono różne struktury zapisu danych. W oparciu o wykonany prototyp rejestratora oszacowano zapotrzebowanie na zasoby...
Evolution of Edges and Porosity of Urban Blue Spaces: A Case Study of Gdańsk
PublicationCurrent waterfront studies focus mainly on a land-based perspective, failing to include the water side. Water is, however, not just a resource for port and industrial purposes and an edge to the waterfront; it is also a feature of the waterfront and the complex relation between water and city. Thus, the article suggests that water-land edges need to be re-contextualised, taking into consideration also their shape, functionality,...
Greenery and Urban Form vs. Health of Residents: Evaluation of Modernist Housing in Lodz and Gdansk
PublicationUrban forms can have numerous direct and indirect effects on the health of residents. This article focuses on the rela‐ tionship between health and urban form, in particular the role of green open spaces. The goal is to identify criteria for evaluating the impact of physical forms such as streets and open spaces, green infrastructure, and built structures on urban health. These criteria are then used to identify paths for the redevelopment...
A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life
PublicationChristopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...
Comparison of Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using Prototype of Electronic Nose and Fast/Flash GC
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. In case of the prototype volatile fraction of the agricultural distillate was prepared via barbotage process. HERACLES II analysed the...
Surpassing the Line: Urban-Oriented Strategies in the Development of Business Complexes in Poland
PublicationDevelopment trends regarding the business-related urban complexes seem to evolve from the “big-box” towards the more “multi-use” types of structures. Within it, the special role is reserved for places, which—due to economic, political, and geographical reasons—have not been previously considered as major business hubs. Only recently, places like cities in Central and Eastern Europe have become attractive locations for business...
Landscape as a Potential Key Concept in Urban Environmental Planning: The Case of Poland
PublicationRapid urban development increases the consumption of materials, energy, and water, resulting in an overproduction of waste and emissions. These cause many environmental threats, such as ozone layer depletion and rain acidification, leading to climate change. Therefore, the question arises on how to improve the effectiveness of tools that strengthen environmental protection. This discursive article presents an approach stressing...
The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland
PublicationTwenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...
Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management
PublicationUrban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...
Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia
PublicationThe paper analyses the ten years’ experience of Perm to develop its system of the urban train trying to reveal the reasons for its modest performance and decline in the passenger traffic. The authors show how the Urban Train fits within the city urban structure and eval uate the potential of the Urban Train to become a feasible solution to the problem of connecting the periphery with the city centre. Furthermore,...
Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning
PublicationContemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...
Small Urban Hacks - Big Impact! Tackling major urban challenges through acupunctural smallness
PublicationSmall urban hacks, acupunctural action and process-oriented planning approaches might appear to address quite a socio-romantic attitude towards our urban environments. In this chapter, our aim is to remedy such a biased view, demonstrating the impact and potential of smallness in the context of major urban challenges. Small urban hacks and their multi-faceted and creativity-driven approaches of small is beautiful are selected from...
Relevance of Urban Freight Transport Modelling Towards the Challenges of Urban Freight Policy
PublicationThe main objective of this paper is to investigate how recent trends in urban freight transport analysis and modelling are related to urban freight measures set out in Gdynia’s 2016 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Building on the literature a review framework was defined including 1) stakeholders, 2) descriptors, 3) objectives and 4) solution approach applied in freight modelling efforts. It was clear that the implementation...
<title>Versatile LLRF platform for FLASH laser</title>
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Port Cities within Port Regions: Shaping Complex Urban Environments in Gdańsk Bay, Poland
PublicationPort cities located within various metropolitan or functional regions face very different development scenarios. This applies not only to entire municipalities but also to particular areas that play important roles in urban development—including ports as well as their specialized parts. This refers also to the various types of maritime industries, including the processing of goods, logistics operations, shipbuilding, or ship repairing,...
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań oceny jakości destylatów rolniczych przy pomocy prototypu elektronicznego nosa i komercyjnego elektronicznego nosa typu Fast/Flash GC - HERACLES II. Prototyp był wyposażony w zestaw sześciu półprzewodnikowych czujników firmy FIGARO. HERACLES II wyposażony był w dwie kolumny chromatograficzne z różną polarnością fazy stacjonarnej oraz dwa detektory FID. Frakcję lotną próbek destylatu rolniczego wytwarzano...
Urban regeneration in urban functional areas in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy
PublicationThis study examines the role of urban regeneration policies in planning and governance within urban functional areas (UFAs) in Poland, in the context of the EU Cohesion Policy (CP). The empirical part of this study is based on comparing the approaches adopted in two Polish regions: Pomerania and Silesia. We describe the first successes but also the bottlenecks of the process, from negotiations and programming up to the implementation...
A Method for the Evaluation of Urban Freight Transport Models as a Tool for Improving the Delivery of Sustainable Urban Transport Policy
PublicationThe article presents a method which helps local authorities to evaluate urban freight transport models. Given the complex requirements for input data and the inability to supply them for most cities, a proper quantitative evaluation of model functionality may be quite difficult for local authorities. Freight transport models designed to support sustainable urban freight transport objectives are a particular example. To overcome...
PublicationMentor&Student Research Lab is a common initiative of the members of Gdańsk University of Technology student research club, Urban Revolution Laboratory LEM-ur and International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP. The aim of the event was to promote collaboration of professionals and the student in the area of research on the city and the region. During three months' Workshop five groups leaded by ISOCARP Mentors performed...
<title>Measurement and control of field in RF GUN at FLASH</title>
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The Impact of Decommissioning Cemeteries on the Urban Ecosystem
PublicationThe decommissioning of cemeteries noticeably transforms the urban fabric. The purpose of this article was to determine what impact the decommissioning of cemeteries has on the urban ecosystem. For this purpose, it was necessary to assess the value of cemeteries within the urban ecosystem. Cemeteries are classified as urban green spaces, and their value as preservers of flora and fauna in local ecosystems has been proven. However,...
The potential of urban agriculture in the revitalisation of a metropolis
PublicationIn Poland, the topic addressing urban areas of agricultural production and gardening activity is still viewed in two main blocks: 1) a shift of the urbanized zone’s boundaries, causing dispersion of suburban buildings as well as creates conflict zone between the residential area and the production and post-production zones; 2) a socially contentious issue of restructuring the inner-city complexes of former employee allotments....
Integrating environmental issues with the practice of urban planning
PublicationEnvironmental protection of urban areas has become a common concern among academics, policy makers and urban planners. Therefore, environmental issues are often underlined and incorporated into many strategies for urban development. In the article a discussion about the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of urban planning and international policies is presented, followed by a review of planning...