Search results for: digital control
PublicationWith over two billion receivers operating worldwide, radio transmission is by far the most accessible medium. It has been a part of our lives since the 1920’s and has become one of the most trusted and friendly mass media. Today, its popularity is still strong, despite the outcome of many electronic media. In order to transform the radio into a viable medium of the 21st century, it will have to migrate from analogue to digital...
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of geostatistical interpolation kriging method using in the process of generating digital terrain models (DTM). The source of data is a direct measurements realized with a precision GNSS positioning kinematic measurement technique RTN. Kriging algorithm was analysed, especially in the meaning of a semivariogram every step. Theoretical semivariogram selection influence on the...
Virtual reality technology in architectural education
PublicationContemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...
PublicationThree-dimensional (3D) biomaterial manufacturing strategies show an extraordinary driving force for the development of innovative solutions in the biomedical sector, including drug delivery systems, disease modelling and tissue and organ engineering. Due to its remarkable and promising biological and structural properties, chitosan has been widely studied for decades in several potential applications in the biomedical field. However,...
An Improved Convolutional Neural Network for Steganalysis in the Scenario of Reuse of the Stego-Key
PublicationThe topic of this paper is the use of deep learning techniques, more specifically convolutional neural networks, for steganalysis of digital images. The steganalysis scenario of the repeated use of the stego-key is considered. Firstly, a study of the influence of the depth and width of the convolution layers on the effectiveness of classification was conducted. Next, a study on the influence of depth and width of fully connected...
Energy Modeling of Single-Family Houses in the Conceptual Phase
PublicationThe aim of the article is to identify the potential impact of the latest commercial digital tools for building energy analysis on the everyday architectural practice in Poland in the context of typology and energy optimization of single –family houses. The reason for this survey is that “architect friendly” interfaces simulation results’ visualization and energy analysis tools are not given deserved attention in the architectural...
Software-Defined NB-IoT Uplink Framework - The Design, Implementation and Use Cases
PublicationIn the radiocommunication area, we may observe a rapid growth of new technology, such as 5G. Moreover, all the newly introduced radio interfaces, e.g., narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), are strongly dependent on the software. Hence, the radiocommunication software development and optimization, as well as the 3GPP technical specification, should be introduced at the academic level of education. In this paper, a software-defined...
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs
PublicationCurrently, there is a lot of previous generation NVIDIA GTX graphical processing units (GPUs) available on the market, which were ousted from by next-gen RTX units. Due to this fact, numerous fully-operational devices remain underused, which are available at an affordable price. First, this paper presents an analysis of the cryptocurrency market. Next, in this context, the results of research on the performance of NVIDIA graphics...
Tensile failure study of 3D printed PLA using DIC technique and FEM analysis
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental and numerical study of the failure behaviour of Fused Filament Fabricated (FFF) Polylactic Acid (PLA) samples subjected to tensile load. The examined samples are printed in flat orientation with 0◦, 45◦ and 90◦ raster angles. During the experiments the deformation of the specimens is continuously scanned with the 3D Aramis measuring system utilizing the digital imaging correlation technique,...
Selective monitoring of noise emitted by vehicles involved in road traffic
PublicationAn acoustic intensity probe was developed measures the sound intensity in three orthogonal directions, making possible to calculate the azimuth and elevation angles, describing the sound source position. The acoustic sensor is made in the form of a cube with a side of 10 mm, on the inner surfaces of which the digital MEMS microphones are mounted. The algorithm works in two stages. The first stage is based on the analysis of sound...
Attempt to a Video-Transmission Capability in MV Mine Cable Network Using BPL-PLC Technology
PublicationThis article presents and discusses the attempt to transmit video content using the BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line - Power Line Communication) technology. It includes simulation results of a specially developed digital transmitter and receiver, dedicated to a given predefined 6 kV mining power cable. The effect of two different transmission modes (2-7 MHz and 3-7.5 MHz) and two types of coupling (capacitive-inductive and induction-inductive),...
Knowledge Transfer Platform FindFISH – Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries
PublicationFast access to expert knowledge is very valuable, especially in the context of decision-making. Fishermen can use this knowledge to diagnose hydrological and hydrochemical conditions in which fish stocks should be the most abundant. In response to this need, a digital service has been developed. It is a service created within the FindFISH project, which pro- vides the results of all developed models: hydrodynamic, biochemical,...
Dyadic Interviews in Qualitative Research: Your Practical Guide
PublicationFrom world-class qualitative experts comes a practical, step-by-step introduction to doing dyadic interviews. Including the perspective of both the interviewer and the interviewee, this book shows how to use this innovative interview technique to gain new insights into your research problem. The book will also equip you with the tools and confidence to overcome potential challenges associated with the method and fully realise...
Leszek Jarzębowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleLeszek Jarzebowicz received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 2005, 2010 and 2019, respectively. His research areas include control and modeling of electric drives, diagnostics of railway vehicles, analysis of energy efficiency in electrified transport, and microprocessor implementation of control algorithms. His teaching interests focus on electric vehicles, electrical engineering...
The aggregation of objects representing Gdańsk district buildings - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
The aggregation of objects representing buildings in the Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000. Data from OSM.
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the Open Street Map databases (OSM) [1].
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublicationIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Relacje między przeszłością a teraźniejszością we współczesnych muzeach na przykładach New Acropolis Museum w Atenach i Neues Museum w Berlinie = Relations between past and present in contemporary museums illustrated by the New Acropolis Museum in Athens and the Neues Museum in Berlin
PublicationStreszczenie: Opracowanie dotyczy relacji pomiędzy dziedzictwem historycznym a nowoczesnością we współczesnych muzeach. Przytoczone przykłady to obiekty nowe, które powstały w unikalnym historycznym otoczeniu oraz odrestaurowane, o ważnym znaczeniu kulturowym. Współczesne możliwości techniczne, szczególnie nowoczesne technologie szkła oraz wykorzystanie technik cyfrowych w projektowaniu, pozwalają łączyć elementy i rozwiązania...
Endoscopic image processing and analysis of pistons' service failures of marine diesel engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of working spaces within marine diesel engines. In the beginning, endoscopy apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially - on the "Shadow" measurement...
Architectural Heritage Virtual Models in Conservation Practice
PublicationThe article presents the issues concerning architectural heritage digital models’ applications in conservation practice. These considerations are discussed in the context of the commencement of creating virtual models regarding no-longer existing historical buildings in the first half of the 1980s. Such models’ applications and possible uses are analyzed within the adopted criteria that distinguish the following model types....
Transformations of descriptive geometry education for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublicationIn this article, the authors analyse the evolution of teaching descriptive geometry for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland. The study traces changes in the curriculum in terms of teaching hours, considering also practices at Politechnika Lwowska (Lwów Polytechnic) and the Technische Hochschule Danzig (Technical University of Gdańsk), before World War II....
Pipelined Two-Operand Modular Adders
PublicationPipelined two-operand modular adder (TOMA) is one of basic components used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems that use the residue number system (RNS). Such modular adders are used in binary/residue and residue/binary converters, residue multipliers and scalers as well as within residue processing channels. The structure of pipelined TOMAs is usually obtained by inserting an appropriate number of pipeline register layers within...
PublicationDevelopment of digital technology has resulted in significant transformations of designer workshops. Computer applications replaced the previously existing tools and methods for drawing up of projects. Professional, sophisticated drawing instruments and tools for manual plotting, as well as basic drawing aids, have gradually fallen into oblivion and become relicts of a bygone era - the objects of collectors' interest. Gdansk University...
Programmable Input Mode Instrumentation Amplifier Using Multiple Output Current Conveyors
PublicationIn this paper a programmable input mode instrumentation amplifier (IA) utilising second generation, multiple output current conveyors and transmission gates is presented. Its main advantage is the ability to choose a voltage or current mode of inputs by setting the voltage of two configuration nodes. The presented IA is prepared as an integrated circuit block to be used alone or as a sub-block in a microcontroller or in a field...
A new quaternion-based encryption method for DICOM images
PublicationIn this paper, a new quaternion-based lossless encryption technique for digital image and communication on medicine (DICOM) images is proposed. We have scrutinized and slightly modified the concept of the DICOM network to point out the best location for the proposed encryption scheme, which significantly improves speed of DICOM images encryption in comparison with those originally embedded into DICOM advanced encryption standard...
A model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded workflow execution engine with data streaming, caching, and storage constraints
PublicationThe paper proposes a model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded engine for execution of distributed service-based workflows with data streaming defined on a per task basis. The implementation takes into account capacity constraints of the servers on which services are installed and the workflow data footprint if needed. Furthermore, it also considers storage space of the workflow execution engine and its cost....
Activity-based payments: alternative (anonymous) online payment model
PublicationElectronic payments are the cornerstone of web-based commerce. A steady decrease in cash usage has been observed, while various digital payment technologies are taking over. They process sensitive personal information raising concerns about its potentially illicit usage. Several payment models that confront this challenge have been proposed. They offer varying levels of anonymity and readiness for adoption. The aim of this study...
Architectural Modifications to Enhance Steganalysis with Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationThis paper investigates the impact of various modifications introduced to current state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures specifically designed for the steganalysis of digital images. Usage of deep learning methods has consistently demonstrated improved results in this field over the past few years, primarily due to the development of newer architectures with higher classification accuracy compared to...
PublicationThis paper discusses the results of a study of the quality of space in hospital buildings in the context of solutions facilitat- ing the orientation of patients in the space of the Outpatient Clinic, in the clinic building complex of the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice (NIO). By combining qualitative research methods with a syntactic description of the space, the aim was to record the experiences of users and define objective...
Topography measurement methods evaluation for entire bending-fatigued fracture surfaces of specimens obtained by explosive welding
PublicationIn this paper, the methods of compensation of differences in the results of entire bending-fatigued fracture surface topographies were presented. The roughness evaluation was performed with a focus variation microscope and confocal surface topography measurement techniques. The differences in the ISO 25178 roughness parameters were investigated and procedures for their compensation were studied. It was found that various types...
Feminidad online:¿ ni feminista ni auténtica?
PublicationMucho se ha escrito sobre internet y sus múltiples y diversos impactos sobre la vida de las personas, la economía, la política o cualquier otro ámbito de la sociedad. Evidentemente, lo relacionado con los modos de expresar las relaciones de género en entornos digitales no ha quedado al margen de esta espiral analítica. De hecho, ha generado una abundante literatura que cubre múltiples subtemas, incluyendo aspectos tan diversos...
Application of Rapid Prototyping technology in the manufacturing of turbine blade with small diameter holes
PublicationThe article presents the possibilities of using Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in the manufacturing of turbine blades with small diameter holes. The object under investigation was gas turbine blade with small diameter cooling holes and holes for generating longitudinal vortices. A turbine blade model was produced by means of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and subsequently validated in terms of detection and accuracy...
Improvements to the STEAM-based teaching of architectural drawing
PublicationThe author of this article presents a systemic approach to improving the teaching of architectural drawing courses for engineers in the 21st Century. In this era of rapid development of digital technologies, the traditional teaching structure should be redefined to a purpose-oriented dynamic model. The existing, generally accepted teaching models have already proved successfully based on the practice-oriented STEAM programme, which...
A Meta-Analysis of Pulse Arrival Time Based Blood Pressure Estimation
PublicationThe paper presents a preliminary meta-analysis of the sample correlation between pulse arrival time (PAT) and blood pressure (BP). The aim of the study was to verify sample correlation coefficient between PAT and BP using an affine model BP = a · P AT + b for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The databases included in the search were the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Springer Link and Google Scholar. Only papers from 2005 to...
Template chart detection for stoma telediagnosis
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of using color template charts for the needs of telemedicine, particularly telediagnosis of the stoma. Although the concept is not new, the current popularity and level of development of digital cameras, especially those embedded in smartphones, allow common and reliable remote advice on various medical problems, which can be very important in the case of limitations in a physical contact with a doctor....
Pyrrole bearing diazocrowns: Selective chromoionophores for lead(II) optical sensing
PublicationDiazocrowns of 18-, 21- and 23-membered rings with pyrrole residue as a part of macrocycle were for the first time used as chromoionophores in lead(II) selective optodes. Sensing properties of optodes depend on the type of macrocycle, namely its size and the type of linker: oligoether or hydrocarbon chain. The best results were obtained for optode bearing 18-membered crown with oligoether linker showing linear response range of...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublicationThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Greencoin Project - open phase application dataset
Open Research DataThis dataset captures detailed transactional records of the Greencoin project, focusing on rewarding pro-environmental behavior in the Tricity region of Poland. It includes data on user interactions such as quiz completions, challenges, and other sustainable actions, with corresponding timestamps and wallet balances. This data supports research on gamification...
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:25000
Open Research DataThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
DLC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9% wt.) lubrication 20MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 20MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9% wt.). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was augmented...
DLC coating doped with W in ring-on-ring sliding with water lubrication 20MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of 1% W (tungsten) doped DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 20MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: WATER. Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was...
DLC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9% wt.) lubrication 10MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 10MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9% wt.). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was augmented...
DLC coating doped with W in ring-on-ring sliding with water lubrication 10MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of 1% W (tungsten) doped DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 10MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: WATER. Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was...
DLC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with water lubrication 20MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 20MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: WATER. Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was augmented by vibration...
DLC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with water lubrication 10MPa/0.1m/s
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 10MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: WATER. Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h. The test was augmented by vibration...
Programmatic Simulation of Laser Scanning Products
PublicationThe technology of laser scanning is widely used for producing three-dimensional digital representations of geographic features. The measurement results are usually available in the form of 3D point clouds, which are often used as a transitional data model in various remote sensing applications. Unfortunately, while the costs of Light Detection And Ranging scanners have dropped significantly in recent years, they are still considered...
PublicationThanks to the ability to collect information about large areas and with high frequency in time areas threatened by floods can be closely monitored. The effects of flooding are socio-economic losses. In order to reduce those losses, actions related to the determination of building zones are taken. Moreover, the conditions to be met by facilities approved for implementation in such areas are determined. Therefore, satellite data...
The Eastern Battery in Świnoujście, Poland - history and architecture of a Prussian coastal fort from the 19th century
PublicationThe article describes the history, architecture and development of the Eastern Battery (also known as the Gerhard Fort) – one of three remaining coastal forts in Świnoujście (former Swinemünde) located in northern Poland, by the Baltic Sea. The research is mostly based on historical cartographic material and architectural plans verified during field studies. This data served to create a digital model – one of the results of the...