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Search results for: au thin layers
Pomiary naprężeń w warstwie wierzchniej stali duplex metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego g-sin2Ψ = Residual stress measurements in duplex steel surface layers by g-sin2Ψ x-ray diffraction method
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów naprężeń w warstwie wierzchniej z wykorzystaniem metody dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego g-sin2. Wyjaśniono zasady przeprowadzania pomiarów naprężeń na próbkach walcowych o małej średnicy. Badania prowadzono na próbkach okrągłych ze stali duplex, poddanych procesom nagniatania. Stwierdzono występowanie naprężeń ściskających w warstwach powierzchniowych wszystkich badanych próbek oraz istotne...
A Comparative Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships Study for Lipophilicity Determination of Compounds with a Phenanthrene Skeleton on Cyano-, Reversed Phase-, and Normal Phase-Thin Layer Chromatography Stationary Phases
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Application of multivariate mathematical-statistical methods to compare reversed-phase thin-layer and liquid chromatographic behaviour of tetrazolium salts in Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships (QSRR) studies
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Combined computational-experimental approach to predict blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeation based on “green” salting-out thin layer chromatography supported by simple molecular descriptors
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Koncepcja poprawy jakości docierania elementów cienkościennych na docierarce jednotarczowej = Conception of quality improvement of thin-walled elements lapping done on single-disk lapping machine
PublicationPrzedstawiono problem zapewnienia prawidłowych warunków współpracy przedmiotu obrabianego i narzędzia tarczowego w czasie docierania płaskich elementów cienkościennych. Omówiono sposób dociążania elementów podczas obróbki oraz wytrzymałościowy model układu.
Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature
PublicationRecently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...
The role of solvent solubility parameters in the formation of intermittent low and high molecular weight polystyrene rich structures in a thin film resulting from water vapor induced phase separation
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Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Alicja Konczakowska prof. dr hab. inż.
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Chemical Origins of Optically Addressable Spin States in Eu2(P2S6) and Eu2(P2Se6)
PublicationLanthanide materials with a 4f7 electron configuration (8S7/2) offer an exciting system for realizing multiple addressable spin states for qubit design. While the 8S7/2 ground state of 4f7 free ions displays an isotropic character, breaking degeneracy of this ground state and excited states can be achieved through local symmetry of the lanthanide and the choice of ligands. This makes Eu2+ attractive as it mirrors Gd3+ in exhibiting...
Fine-Tuning the Photocatalytic Activity of the Anatase {1 0 1} Facet through Dopant-Controlled Reduction of the Spontaneously Present Donor State Density
PublicationThe present study highlights the importance of the net density of charge carriers at the ground state on photocatalytic activity of the faceted particles, which can be seen as a highly underexplored problem. To investigate it in detail, we have systematically doped {1 0 1} enclosed anatase nanoparticles with Gd3+ ions to manipulate the charge carrier concentration. Furthermore, control experiments using an analogical Nb5+ doped...
Carbon dioxide photoconversion. The effect of titanium dioxide immobilization conditions and photocatalyst type.
PublicationBadanie efektywności procesu fotokonwersji CO2 prowadzono w fazie gazowej w obecności promieniowania UV-Vis, pary wodnej oraz fotokatalizatorów. Zbadano wpływ wybranych parametrów tj. masa, temperatura i czas suszenia fotokatalizatora oraz rodzaj nośnika na efektywność procesu fotokonwersji. Wyznaczono optymalne parametry prowadzenia procesu oraz przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań w obecności fotokatalizatorów modyfikowanych nanoczastkami...
Photoconversion of carbon dioxide to methane and light hydrocarbons
PublicationFotokonwersja ditlenku węgla do lekkich węglowodorów jest czystym i przyjaznym dla środowiska procesem, pozwalającym na obniżenie emisji CO2 przy jednoczesnym generowaniu paliwa. Badanie efektywności procesu fotokonwersji CO2 prowadzono w obecności promieniowania UV-Vis, pary wodnej oraz fotokatalizatorów Ag-TiO2, Au-TiO2, Ag/Au-TiO2 otrzymanych w mikroemulsji woda/AOT/cykloheksan. Najwyższą aktywność w procesie fotoredukcji...
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of boron-doped diamond thin films at poly(lactic acid)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the photos obtained by scanning electron microscope(SEM), revealing the surface morphology and cross-section of boron-doped diamond electrodes on commercially available graphene-doped polylactide acid. The boron doping level expressed as the [B]/[C] ratio in the gas phase for these studies was 500 and 10,000 ppm. The top views of...
Mariusz Jaczewski dr inż.
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MOF/TiO2 erythrocyte-like heterostructures decorated by noble metals for use in hydrogen photogeneration and pollutant photodegradation
PublicationVarious metal–organic framework (MOF)/TiO2 heterostructures can be obtained by the partial hydrolysis or calcination of Ti-based MOFs. By adjusting the hydrolysis and calcination steps of NH2-MIL-125 (Ti), a novel photoactive material composed of a MOF (NH2-MIL-125 (Ti)) and TiO2, with a unique “erythrocyte” shape, was developed. Furthermore, modification of the composition prepared by the partial hydrolysis of NH2- MIL-125 (Ti)...
Wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończonych w obliczaniu stateczności silosu z blachy falistej = Finite element method in determining stability of with corrugated walls strengthened by vertical columns of thin walled open cross section
PublicationGwałtowny rozwój zastosowania MES w działalności inżynierskiej nastąpił w połowie lat osiemdziesiątych w związku z pojawieniem się komputerów osobistych (PC), na które przeniesione zostały programy z dużych jednostek obliczeniowych. W ten sposób efektywne narzędzie rozwiązywania problemów analiz i projektowania jakim jest MES, stało się powszechnie dostępne. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie MES w analizie stateczności stalowego...
Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Substrate-Induced Assembly of Gold Nanocube Arrays toward an Accelerated Electrocatalytic Effect Employing Heterogeneous Diffusion Field Confinement
PublicationThe complex electrocatalytic performance of gold nanocubes (AuNCs) is the focus of this work. The faceted shapes of AuNCs and the individual assembly processes at the electrode surfaces define the heterogeneous conditions for the purpose of electrocatalytic processes. Topographic and electron imaging demonstrated slightly rounded AuNC (average of 38 nm) assemblies with sizes of ≤1 μm, where the dominating patterns are (111) and...
Mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles decorated KTaO 3 photocatalysts with improved Vis and UV–Vis light activity
PublicationNew mono- and bimetallic nanoparticle-decorated perovskite-type KTaO3 photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal reaction followed by photodeposition of MNPs/BNPs. The effect of noble metal type, amount of metal precursor as well as photoreduction method on the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of MNPs- and BNPs-KTaO3 have been investigated. Photocatalytic activity under Vis light irradiation was estimated...
Optical properties of MnO-B2O3 based glass
Open Research DataMnO-B2O3 based glass with Au nanoparticles samples were annealing for a various time (in a range of 24-96 hours) at various temperatures (from 340 up to 350 deg.). Presence of silver nanoparticles was detected by UV-VIS measurements. On the basis of change optical bandgap, Ag NPs was detected.
Noble metal modified TiO2 microspheres: Surface properties and photocatalytic activity under UV-vis and visible light
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 microspheres decorated by bimetallic nanoparticles
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
Zanieczyszczenie obecne w próbkach śniegu pobranego z warstw jako źródło informacji o stanie środowiska w dużej aglomeracji miejskiej = Pollutants present in snow samples collected from various layers of snow cover as a source of information about the state of environment in a big urban agglomeration
PublicationPróbki śniegu pobierano przez okres około miesiąca z 12 miejsc zlokalizowanych na terenie Trójmiasta. Sześć z nich znajdowało się w pobliżu dróg komunikacyjnych o różnym natężeniu ruchu. Każde z nich miało swój punkt odniesienia oddalony od niego o około 200 m. W próbkach śniegu oznaczano pH, przewodność, zawartość wybranych anionów i kationów. Wartości pH wyznaczono przy użyciu elektrody szklanej połączonej z pH/tlenomierzem mikrokomputerowym,...
Improved liquid crystal thermography by use true-colour imageprocessing technology
PublicationRozdział zawiera opis zastosowania termochromatycznych ciekłych kryształóworaz komputerowej analizy kolorowych obrazów w badanich wymiany ciepła. Au-torzy przedstawili wykorzystanie techniki ciekłokrystalicznej w badaniachgeometrii klasycznych wymienników ciepła.
Zuzanna Zarach mgr inż.
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XRD patterns of VO2 and V6O13 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of VO2 and V6O13 thin films deposited on a silicon substrate. The as-prepared thin films were annealing under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2) at 500, 600 and 700C for 10h.
TiO2 nanotubes modification by photodeposition with noble metals: Characterization, optimization, photocatalytic activity, and by-products analysis
PublicationSelf-organized TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) with 4 µm length were obtained by anodization method and calcined to obtain anatase crystallite phase. The photocatalysts were further decorated with Au, Ag, Pt or Pd nanoparticles (NPs), varying the metal loads (0.50, 0.75, 1, 2 and 5 mol%) by photodeposition. The material characterization confirmed the presence of nanoparticles in the TNTs surface, signs of the localized surface plasmon resonance...
SEM micrographs of VO2 and V6O13 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of VO2 and V6O13 thin films deposited on a silicon substrate. The as-prepared thin films were annealing under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2) at 600 and 700C for 10h.
Morphology of the gold nanoislands
Open Research DataDewetting of the thin metallic films leads to formation of an isolated islands. morphology of nanostructures was measured by SEM microscope. Thin gold films with a thickness of 1.2 nm, 1.5 nm and 3.4 nm were anealed at 550, 600 and 650 Celcius degress.
Studying of spin-coated oxad-Si properties
PublicationPurpose: The major aim of this paper was describing technical conditions of polymer thin film deposition byspin-coating techniques.Design/methodology/approach: Thin films of about nanometres thickness were prepared by spin-coatingand their properties were studied. As a material for preparing polymer thin films oxad-Si was used. The thinfilms were deposited with various spinning velocity from solution of different concentration....
Depth XPS profile of vanadium pentoxide
Open Research DataVanadium pentoxide sample was manufactured by sol-gel method and deposited on a substrate by spin coating technique. To determine depth profile of chemical composition of thin film, etching by Argon ion gun was used. Thin film was etched three times. Chemical composition was measured by XPS method.
SEM micrographs of the V2O5 coatings after thermal treatment under reducing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of V2O5 coatings on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 600C and 700C for 10 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
XRD patterns of the V2O5 coatings after thermal treatment under reducing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of V2O5 coatings on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 500C, 600C, and 700C for 10 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
Photoactivity of decahedral TiO2 loaded with bimetallic nanoparticles: Degradation pathway of phenol-1- 13 C and hydroxyl radical formation
PublicationDecahedral TiO2decorated with bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized via radiolysis and photode-position method. The effect of bimetallic surface composition (Ag Pt, Ag Au, Au Pd, Au Pt) as well asdeposition technique (simultaneous or sequential) on the photocatalytic activity in phenol degradationand efficiency of hydroxyl radicals generation under UV–vis light irradiation were investigated. Modifiedand pristine decahedral...
Dewetting of silver films detected by XPS method
Open Research DataDewetting of silver thin films was detected by XPS method. Thin metallic films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method. Formation of nanostructures , as a result of thermal annealing, was confirmed by SEM microscope. For comparision three samples were measured. Bulg gold, as-deposited silver film with thickness of 3 nm and nanostructures.
Modeling DAC Application Execution Time
PublicationAn application written in the Divide And Conquer paradigm is more difficult to model than SPMD application because of complex algorithm, causing use of many coefficients in a computational complexity function. Processors are divided into various layers, each layer contains different number of processors. Data packets processed in different layers and transferred between layers have different length. Moreover first layer processors use...
Comprehensive study on graphene hydrogels and aerogels synthesis and their ability of gold nanoparticles adsorption
PublicationGraphene hydrogels were prepared by ascorbic acid-assisted gelation of graphene oxide (GO) aqueous suspensions both in acidic and basic conditions. Different mass ratio of ascorbic acid (AA) to GO was used (namely 20:1 and 10:1). In order to eliminate the influence of AA on the final structure of hydrogels, samples without AA were prepared by a hydrothermal gelation of GO in an autoclave. An in-depth structural characterization...
Sol-gel Al2O3 antireflection coatings for silicon solar cells
PublicationPurpose: This paper presents the results of investigations on morphology and opticalproperties of the prepared aluminium oxide thin filmsDesign/methodology/approach: Thin films were prepared with use of sol-gel spincoating method. The changes of surface morphology were observed in topographic picturesperformed with the atomic force microscope AFM. Obtained roughness coefficients valueswere generated...
Properties of electrodes modified with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and Pt particles-part II.
PublicationWłaściwości elektrokatalityczne elektrody Au/PEDT,PSS/Pt w reakcji utleniania kwasu mrówkowego, metanolu i etanolu określono za pomocą metody cyklowoltamperometrycznej i chronoamperometrycznej. Osiągnięto przyśpieszenie utleniania anodowego badanych reakcji. Ponadto ilościowe charakterystyki procesów wyznaczone metodą woltamperometryczną różnią się od charakterystyk przeprowadzonych metodą chronoamperometryczną.
New plasmonic platform for enhanced luminescence of Valrubicin
PublicationLuminescence enhanced by new structure of plasmonic platform with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) buffer layer deposited on gold nanostructures is investigated. Regularly distributed gold nanostructures of average dimension of 50 nm formed the active part of plasmonic platforms. They were manufactured on Corning 1737 glass substrate by melting of gold thin film. The nanostructures were coated by dielectric Al2O3 thin film with thickness...
Morphology and structure of V2O5 nanorods deposited on the silicon substrate after reduction
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns and SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanorods on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 500C for 40 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
The AFM micrographs of V2O5 single crystals
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the atomic force microscope images of the surface of V2O5 single crystals. The thin films were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The As-prepared films were deposited on a quartz glass substrate and were annealing at 600°C under synthetic air.
Chemical investigations of the MoO3 doped by K films deposited FTO
Open Research DataMoO3 thin films were synthesized via thermal annealing of thin, metallic Mo films deposited onto the FTO substrate using a magnetron sputtering system. The influence of photointercalation of alkali metal cation (K+) into the MoO3 structure on the photoelectrochemical properties of the molybdenum trioxide films was investigated. The chemical characterisation...
Impact response of novel layered two stage fibrous composite slabs with different support type
PublicationThe performance of novel Layered Two Stage Fibrous Composite slabs (LTSFC) was pioneered under falling mass collisions using a combined experimental and numerical study. Such LTSFC slabs consist of three layers with and without the insertion of glass fibre mesh between the layers. LTSFC techniques were used to fabricate the composite slabs with three layers including 3%, 1.5%, and 3% of fibre content for the top, middle, and...
Exhaled breath gas sensing using pristine and functionalized WO3 nanowire sensors enhanced by UV-light irradiation
PublicationThe development of advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor sensing technologies for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in exhaled breath is of great importance for non-invasive, cheap and fast medical diagnostics. Our experimental studies investigate the effects of operating temperature selection and UV-light irradiation on improving the response of WO3 nanowire sensors towards exhaled breath exposure. Herein,...
Mono- and bi-metallic plasmonic photocatalysts for degradation of organic compounds under UV and visible light irradiation
PublicationTitania powders were surface modified with gold and/or silver nanoparticles (NPs) by photodeposition method. Gold modified titania exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity during methanol dehydrogenation under UV irradiation than titania modified with monometallic silver and bimetallic Au–Ag NPs. Bimetallic photocatalysts exhibited either enhanced or reduced visible light activity, depending on properties of noble metal NPs,...
Cavitation Erosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel after Glow-Discharge Nitriding Process
PublicationThis paper presents investigation of cavitation erosion resistance of nitrided austenitic stainless steel X5CrNi18-10. The diffusion layers were produced by using different parameters of atmosphere (N2:H2). The microstructure, chemical composition and phase identification of the modified layer were examined using scanning electron microscopy, glow-discharge optical emission spectrometer and X-ray diffractometry, respectively. Cavitation...
Group 11 complexes with a phosphanylphosphaalkene ligand: preparation and stability study
PublicationThe reactivities of two selected phosphanylphosphaalkenes, Ph2C=P-PtBu2 (1a) and (p-MeO-Ph)2C=P-PtBu2 (1b), toward CuCl, AgCl and (tht)AuCl (tht = tetrahydrothiophene) were investigated. As a result, new phosphanylphosphaalkene dimeric and monomeric complexes were formed (Cu and Ag dimeric and Au monomeric). All obtained products were air and moisture stable and light insensitive.
Nanoparticles preparation using microemulsion systems
PublicationMetallic nanoparticles become of current interests because they exhibit unique properties compared with those of metal atoms or bulk metal due to the quantum size effect and their large surface area, which make them attractive for applications in optics, electronics, catalysis biology and medicine. TiO2 has been used for environmental remediation purposes such as in the purification of water and air and also solar-to chemical energy...
Photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene over TiO2 (titanium dioxide) supported on KBr (potassium bromide) and TiO2 supported on nickel foam and the effect of the addition of radical scavengers
Open Research DataThis dataset contains chromatograms recorded during the decomposition of ethylene in a high-temperature reaction chamber under UV irradiation using TiO2 (titanium dioxide) as photocatalysts. It includes data on the influence of temperature, a thin layer of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) supported on KBr (potassium bromide) and thin layer of TiO2 (titanium...