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Search results for: numerical model
The effect of elevated temperature on LCF damage growth in 2024AA – Experiment and modeling
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests conducted on EN-AW 2024 alloy in T3511 temper at 100 ◦C, 200 ◦C and 300 ◦C. The material’s basic fatigue characteristics were determined, such as fatigue life curve and cyclic strain curve. Both the hysteresis loop and nature of fracture surfaces obtained in macro- and microscopic observations (scanning electron microscope, SEM) were accounted for. The...
PublicationSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials
PublicationWe performed series of numerical vertical compression tests on assemblies of 2D granular material using a Discrete Element code and studied the results in regard to the grain shape. The samples consist of 5000 grains made either of 3 overlapping discs (clump - grain with concavities) or of six-edged polygons (convex grain). These two types of grains have a similar external envelope, ruled with a geometrical parameter α. In the...
Mathematical approach to design 3D scaffolds for the 3D printable bone implant
PublicationThis work demonstrates that an artificial scaffold structure can be designed to exhibit mechanical properties close to the ones of real bone tissue, thus highly reducing the stress-shielding phenomenon. In this study the scan of lumbar vertebra fragment was reproduced to create a numerical 3D model (this model was called the reference bone sample). New nine 3D scaffold samples were designed and their numerical models were created....
Intelligent monitoring the vertical dynamics of wheeled inspection vehicles
PublicationThe problem of intelligent monitoring of the vertical dynamics of wheeled inspection vehicles is addressed. With the independent MacPherson suspension system installed, the basic analysis focuses on the evaluation of the parameters of the so-called quarter car model. To identify a physically motivated continuous description, in practice, dedicated integral-horizontal filters are used. The obtained discrete model, which retains...
Study on deformed steel columns subjected to impact load due to soft-storey failure in buildings during earthquakes
PublicationThe so called soft-storey failure is one of the most typical types of damage induced in buildings as the result of earthquake excitation. It has been observed during ground motions that the failure of an upper soft storey of a structure results in large vertical impact load acting on the lower floors. If the resistance of the structural members of the lower storeys is not sufficient it may further lead to progressive collapse of...
Influence of soil anisotropic stiffness on the deformation induced by an open pit excavation.
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of deformation induced by an open pit excavation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed by FE modelling. The presented research is focused on the influence of material model with anisotropic stiffness on the accuracy of deformation predictions as compared with the field measurements. A new hyperelastic-plastic model is applied to simulate anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff soils. It is capable...
An advanced thermal-FSI approach of an evaporation of air heat pump
PublicationThe paper presents selected problems of numerical modeling of an advanced thermal-FSI approach of evaporator of air heat pomp. The example of a fin-tube evaporator has been studied, focusing on obtaining of heat exchanger characteristics applying two-phase flow model for the in-tube refrigerant flow. Special attention is given to heat transfer between separated medium for different air velocity and changed refrigerant mass flow...
Prospects in elongation of railway transition curves
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the elongation of transition curves in relation to railway track alignment correction and modernisation. The analysis is based on numerical computations for a wide range of parameters describing a typical railway geometrical layout with transition curves. The differences between the horizontal ordinates of the existing layout and the layout with the elongated transition curves are evaluated and...
Turbulence models impact on the flow and thermal analyses of jet impingement
PublicationAccurate numerical reconstruction of heat and mass transfer processes in particular applications, such a jet impingement, is difficult to obtain even with the use of modern computational methods. In the proposed paper, the flow and thermal phenomena occurring during single minijet impingement on the flat, concave and convex, heated surfaces were considered. Problem of impingement on non-flat surface, still not common and purely...
Modele numeryczne uwzględniające tarczową pracę pokrycia dachowego z blach trapezowych
PublicationW artykule porównano wybrane sposoby uwzględniania w modelowaniu numerycznym tarczowej pracy pokrycia dachowego z blachy trapezowej, możliwe do zrealizowania w programie Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2015, w celu oceny słuszności stosowania ich do obliczeń konstrukcji nośnej współpracującej z poszyciem z blachy trapezowej. Analizy przeprowadzono dla pojedynczej przepony. Za pomocą powłokowych elementów skończonych...
An facile Fortran-95 algorithm to simulate complex instabilities in three-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Open Research DataIt is well know that the simulation of fractional systems is a difficult task from all points of view. In particular, the computer implementation of numerical algorithms to simulate fractional systems of partial differential equations in three dimensions is a hard task which has no been solved satisfactorily. Here, we provide a Fortran-95 code to solve...
Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods
PublicationIn the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...
Wzbudzone siły wewnętrzne : skutki upr0szczonego modelowania zakrzywionej estakady sprężonej
Publicationthe paper presents problems, which were encountered during the construction of a southern road bypass of city gdansk. after prestressing and removing formwork, the contractor spotted, that some of outer bearings are detached. performed analysis showed that, this situation was caused by the usage of a simplified, straight beam model during design phase. the paper shows the influence of a curved in plane prestressed system on internal...
3D Buckling Analysis of a Truss with Horizontal Braces
PublicationThe present research is devoted to the study of out–of–plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor 1=4. A linear buckling and a non–linear analysis with geometric and material non–linearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness condition...
Numerical investigation of flooding of real-topography developed areas following river embankment failure
PublicationPrzedstawiono numeryczne symulacje hydrodynamiki przepływu powodziowego na terenie zabudowanym po przerwaniu wału przeciwpowodziowego. Zaprezentowano porównanie obliczeń z wynikami własnych pomiarów laboratoryjnych przeprowadzonych w Laboratorium Hydrauliki Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej.Zaproponowano wykorzystanie modelu przepływu do oceny zagrożenia powodziowego obszarów zabudowanych zlokalizowanych na terenach...
Numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer in the presence of two fluid separated by a rigid wall
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Numerical Estimate of the Spectral Resonance Structure Frequency Scale of Natural ULF Magnetic Field
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Numerical and physical modeling of water flow over the ogee weir of the new Niedów barrage
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Experimental and numerical study on damage detection in an L-joint using guided wave propagation
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Numerical analysis of the flow rig for UWS spray examination in exhaust system-relevant conditions
PublicationIn the present study, a flow rig with optical access intended for spray investigations in exhaust system-relevant conditions was analysed in terms of flow and temperature in the spray area using numerical simulations. The operation of the rig was examined for a wide range of exhaust mass flow rates, temperatures and various forms of UWS (urea-water solution) spray plumes. The locations of the injector and thermocouple were verified....
Numerical analysis of settlement of a high-rise building using two constitutive soil models
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Asymptotic numerical solver for the linear Klein–Gordon equation with space- and time-dependent mass
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Numerical study of the dependence of thermally stimulated currents in disordered solids on initial trap occupancy
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano numeryczne badania prądów termicznie stymulowanych (TSC) w nieuporządkowanych ciałach stałych o ciągłym rozkładzie stanów pułapkowych. Układ sztywnych równań różniczkowych opisujących prądy został rozwiązany za pomocą algorytmu Geara. Zbadano zależność TSC od początkowego zapełnienia pułapek i czasu rekombinacji nośników. Z badań wynika, że metoda Fritzschego-Ibaraki, ulepszona przez innych autorów, może...
Stability and bearing capacity of arch-shaped corrugated shell elements: experimental and numerical study
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Test-supported numerical analysis for evaluation of the load capacity of thin-walled corrugated profiles
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A comparison of the target tracking in marine navigational radars by means of GRNN filter and numerical filter
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Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Steel under Action of Electron Beam Heating Source
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The 4th Generation of CeSFaMB in numerical simulations for CuO-based oxygen carrier in CLC system
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Numerical Analysis of Twist Extrusion Pressing of Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr Scalmalloy
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Numerical calculations of wall pressures and stresses in steel cylindrical silos with concentric and eccentric hoppers
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia numeryczną analize naprężeń w płaszczu silosa. Porównane zostały wyniki dla silosów o przepływie centrycznym i mimośrodowym.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part III: Numerical calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego, przeprowadzonych na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Rezultaty te porównano z wynikami badań numerycznych z zastosowaniem programu Fluent.
Numerical simulations of sand behavior using DEM with 2 different descriptions of grain roughness
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki dyskretnych symulacji jednorodnego trójosiowego ściskania piasku przy zastosowaniu metody elementów dyskretnych. Obliczenia wykonano stosując 2 różne opisy szorstkości ziaren: kule z uwzględnieniem momentów kontaktu oraz grona kul. Obliczono energię sprężystą i dysypację plastyczną. Wyniki symulacji numerycznych porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Behaviour of deformed steel columns exposed to impact load during earthquakes: numerical analysis
PublicationIt has been observed during earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a building leads to considerable vertical impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. The aim of this paper is to investigate numerically the behaviour of horizontally deformed columns (deformation as the result of earthquake loading) that are additionally subjected to vertical impact load. In the first stage of...
Numerical simulation of transient flow in storm sewers using standard and improved mccormack scheme
PublicationProblem przepływu wody w rurach kanalizacji deszczowej wiąże się z pewnymi specyficznymi zjawiskami zachodzącymi w przewodach podczas zjawisk burzowych. Jeśli rury zaczynają być całkowicie wypełnione wodą, można zaobserwować przejście z ruchu ze swobodną powierzchnią do ruchu pod ciśnieniem i odwrotnie. Takie zjawisko można zaobserwować również w kanałach kontrolowanych przez urządzenia sterujące, np. zasuwy. Ponadto ruch szybkozmienny...
Numerical investigations of the engine cooling system in a small power vesel pod propulsion system
PublicationThe development of electronics and electrotechnology enabled to put electric motors of the alternating current in the pod and to use them for the main drive of ships. A lot of heat which must be picked up from the system is a problem which is turning up at applying the system of this type. Many big ships lately contended with these problems. Building the small propeller for the boat powered with solar power we decided to check...
Certain numerical issues of wave propagation modelling in rods by the Spectral Finite Element Method
PublicationW pracy omówiony zagadnienia związane z modelowaniem propagacji fal sprężystych metodą Spektralnych Elementów Skończonych. Przedstawiono wpływ postaci macierzy mas na błędy rozwiązania. Omówiono zakres stosowalności modeli.
Numerical investigation on behaviour of cylindrical steel tanks during mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are important components of industrial facilities. Their safety becomes a crucial issue since any failure may cause catastrophic consequences. The aim of the paper is to show the results of comprehensive FEM numerical investigation focused on the response of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes. The effects of different levels of liquid filling, the influence of non-uniform...
Numerical investigation on dynamic response of a steel lattice tower under various seismic events
PublicationThe present paper presents the results of the numerical study designed to investigate the soil-structure flexibility effects on modal parameters (i.e. fundamental frequencies) and time-history analysis response (represented by the top relative displacements) of a 46.8 m high steel lattice tower subjected to a number of ground motions including also one mining tremor. In addition to the fixed-base condition, three different soil...
Numerical Analysis of Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
PublicationIn this paper, a method for numerical analysis of steady gradually varied fl ow in channel networks with hydraulic structures is considered. For this purpose, a boundary problem for the system of ordinary differential equations consisting of energy equation and mass conservation equations is formulated. The boundary problem is solved using fi nite difference technique which leads to the system of non-linear algebraic equations....
Operational Enhancement of Numerical Weather Prediction with Data from Real-time Satellite Images
PublicationNumerical weather prediction (NWP) is a rapidly expanding field of science, which is related to meteorology, remote sensing and computer science. Authors present methods of enhancing WRF EMS (Weather Research and Forecast Environmental Modeling System) weather prediction system using data from satellites equipped with AMSU sensor (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit). The data is acquired with Department of Geoinformatics’ ground...
Experimental and numerical study on damage detection in an L-joint using guided wave propagation
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano metodę wykrywania i lokalizacji uszkodzeń w konstrukcji ramowej za pomocą podłużnych i poprzecznych fal sprężystych. Przeprowadzono badania numerczyne i eksperymentalne na modelu bez uszkodzenia oraz na modelu z wsprowadzonym nacięciem. Do modelowania zastosowano metodę elementów spektralnych. W pracy przedstawiono sformułowanie nowego element spektralnego dla ram płaskich bazującego na teorii pręta Mindlina...
Comparison of strain results at a laser weld notch obtained by numerical calculations and experimental measurements
PublicationIn the development of ship structures applying new materials and it’s purposeful placement play an important role. During the last years, especially in a construction of ro-ro type vessels, the usage of novel sandwich structures in cargo decks is profitable. Steel sandwich panel is an innovative solution which at a todays state of development can be used for the construction of any members not taking part in a global bending of...
PublicationA theoretical base of SPH method, including the governing equations, discussion of importance of the smoothing function length, contact formulation, boundary treatment and finally utilization in hydrocode simulations are presented. An application of SPH to a real case of large penetrations (crater creating) into the soil caused by falling mass in Dynamic Replacement Method is discussed. An influence of particles spacing on method...
FEM-based wave propagation modelling for SHM: Certain numerical issues in 1D structures
PublicationThe numerical modelling of structural elements is an important aspect of modern diagnostic systems. However, the process of numerical implementation requires advanced levels of consideration of multiple aspects. Important issues of that process are the positive and negative aspects of solution applied methods. Therefore the aim of this article is to familiarise the reader with the most important aspects related to the process of...
Application of non-classical operational calculus to indicate hazards in numerical solutions of engineering problems
PublicationThe article addresses the application of non- classical operational calculus to approximative solutions of engineering problems. The engineering-sound examples show that a continuous–discrete problem transformation from differential unequivocal problem to a differential wildcard problem, triggering a change in solution quality. A number of approximative methods are capable to alter both quantitative and qualitative...
Novel strategies to enhance hydrodynamic cavitation in a circular venturi using RANS numerical simulations
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation is a popular advanced oxidation technique and it has received wide range of applications from waste water treatment to the nanoparticles synthesis in recent years. The enhancement of the intensity of the hydrodynamic cavitation is always been an emerging field of research. Within this framework, we have proposed and investigated three distinct strategies to enhance the intensity of cavitation in a circular...
Experimental and numerical study on polymer element used for reduction of temporary steel grandstand vibrations
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to analyse the effectiveness of a polymer damper in reduction of a temporary steel grandstand vibrations through the experimental and numerical study. The damper considered in the investigation is constructed out of two L-shape steel members bonded with polymer mass of high damping properties. The element has been installed as a diagonal one at the back part of the structure. The method has been compared...
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluids in chain microchannel under electrohydrodynamic actuator
PublicationEnergy efficiency enhancement methods have received considerable attentionwithin the industry and scientific community, owing to the rising concern ofglobal energy sustainability. The present article attempts to scrutinize the effectsof electrohydrodynamics and nanofluids on the rate of heat transfer and fluidflow in the 3-D chain microchannels. Improved heat exchangers (e.g., chainmicrochannel) would have a key role in increasing...
A Numerical Study on Baseline-Free Damage Detection Using Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducers
PublicationIn structural health monitoring (SHM) a considerable amount of damage detection algorithms based on guided waves (GW) have been developed. Most of them rely on extensive transducer networks, besides preliminary reference measurements of the structures. This originated a growing demand for hardware simplification and cost reduction of the wave-based SHM methods, driving the conception of new solutions enabling both: the reduction...