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Position and Orientation Estimation in Radio Network With Groups of Locally Synchronized Nodes
PublicationThis article presents a positioning system with groups of locally synchronized nodes. A mobile object is equipped with a group of several synchronized receivers that are able to measure the difference in the time of arrival of signals from reference transmitters. The reference transmitters are synchronized only in local groups, with no global synchronization between groups. It is assumed that the synchronous operation of transmitters...
Impact of Microphytobenthos Photosynthesis on the Characteristics of the Echo Signal from Baltic Sandy Sediments
PublicationThe understanding the influence of biological processes on the characteristics of the signals backscattered by the sea floor is crucial in the development of the hydroacoustical benthic habitat classification techniques. The impact of the microphytobenthos photosynthesis on the acoustical backscattering properties of the Atlantic sandy sediments was previously demonstrated by Holliday et al. (2004) and Wildman and Huettel (2012). To...
Two kinds of oxygen vacancies in lithium titaniate doped with copper as detected by EPR
PublicationLithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4) doped with Cu2+ ions was synthesized by sol-gel processing method. The structure and morphology are characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Spin Hamiltonian parameters describing Zeeman and hyperfine interaction for 63Cu2+ ions were obtained from EPR spectra simulations. The spectra...
Study of probe signal bandwidth influence on estimation of coherence bandwidth for underwater acoustic communication channel
PublicationA signal transmitted in a shallow Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) channel suffers from time dispersion due to the multipath propagation and the refraction phenomena. This causes intersymbol interference of the received signal and frequency-selective fading observed in its spectrum. Coherence bandwidth is one of the key transmission parameters used for designing the physical layer of a data transmission system to minimise...
A Novel Approach to the Assessment of Cough Incidence
PublicationIn this paper we consider the problem of identication of cough events in patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. The information about frequency of cough events is necessary to medical treatment. The proposed approach is based on bidirectional processing of a measured vibration signal - cough events are localized by combining the results of forward-time and backward-time analysis. The signal is at rst transformed...
Quality Evaluation of Novel DTD Algorithm Based on Audio Watermarking
PublicationEcho cancellers typically employ a doubletalk detection (DTD) algorithm in order to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the presence of near-end speech signal or other disruptive sounds in the microphone signal. A novel doubletalk detection algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation...
Extracting concepts from the software requirements specification using natural language processing
PublicationExtracting concepts from the software require¬ments is one of the first step on the way to automating the software development process. This task is difficult due to the ambiguity of the natural language used to express the requirements specification. The methods used so far consist mainly of statistical analysis of words and matching expressions with a specific ontology of the domain in which the planned software will be applicable....
Preliminary study on icebreaking operation on the Middle and Lower Odra River
PublicationThe Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project (OVFMP) is implemented with the assistance of international financial institutions, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Council of Europe Development Bank, as well as with the support of funding from the Cohesion Fund and the state budget. Aside from others, the objective of the OVFMP is to increase flood protection for people living in selected areas...
Performance of DS-CDMA Radionavigation Receiver with Subsample Time Measurement Resolution in Various Environments
PublicationThis paper presents results of investigation of position estimation performance in TDOA radionavigation system with receiver containing code tracking loop with subsample time measurement resolution. Position estimation accuracy was evaluated using real signals from CDMA base stations, recorded during measurement campaigns in various environments: on sea, flat terrain and hilly terrain.
Measurements of acoustic crosstalk cancellation efficiency in mobile listening conditions
PublicationThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. The implementation of the crosstalk cancellation algorithm in Matlab is introduced. The measurement signals and equipment are described. A practical setup employing a mobile computer and a head and torso simulator is employed. The results of the measurements provided conclusions regarding the employment of acoustic crosstalk...
PublicationIt has been shown that by creating a network of small airports, it is possible to increase the communication accessibility of large population groups and the country's security, including safety at sea. The airports mentioned above may also be located on land considered to be weak from an engineering point of view. These include, for example, wetlands, swamps, flood embankments, poor coastal belt grounds, and reclaimed land. A...
3D Imaging Of Underwater Objects Using Multi-Beam Data
PublicationOne of the main applications of multibeam sonars is high resolution bathymetry measurement, as well as detecting and imaging of underwater objects like shipwrecks. In order to obtain the visualisation quality good enough to allow the researcher to investigate an object in more detail, the approach relying on construction of three-dimensional model of an imaged object, e.g. consisting of nodes, edges and plane elements (facets)...
A Numerical Model Study on Grasse River Ice Control Structures
PublicationIce jams in the Grasse River have caused the erosion of capping material designed to prevent the resurfacing of the bed sediment in the PCB-contaminated area. Two in-stream ice-control structures are proposed to avoid the jam-induced erosion of the capping material. These two ice-control options are a pier-type ice-control structure and a reconstruction of a small hydropower dam upstream of the capping site. A numerical model study...
Targ Węglowy as the keystone of two ring road complexes of Gdańsk city centre
PublicationThe urban structure of Gdansk city centre is determined by two ring road complexes. The first of them, the Gdansk Ring, has been created as a result of a city defortification at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and has been destroyed in the end of World War Two with the rest of Gdansk. The second, the Main Town Green Belt, has been formed in place of the medieval fortification system of the city’s most important historical...
Detailed investigation of the phase transition inKxP4W8O32and experimental arguments for a charge density wave due to hidden nesting
PublicationDetailed structural and magnetotransport properties of monophosphate tungsten bronze Kx(PO2)4(WO3)8 single crystals are reported. Both galvanomagnetic and thermal properties are shown to be consistent with a charge density wave electronic transition due to hidden nesting of the quasi-1D portion of the Fermi surface. We also observe the enhancement of electronic anisotropy due to reconstruction of the Fermi surface at the Peierls...
Proximal primal–dual best approximation algorithm with memory
PublicationWe propose a new modified primal–dual proximal best approximation method for solving convex not necessarily differentiable optimization problems. The novelty of the method relies on introducing memory by taking into account iterates computed in previous steps in the formulas defining current iterate. To this end we consider projections onto intersections of halfspaces generated on the basis of the current as well as the previous...
Comparison of the effectiveness of automatic EEG signal class separation algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, an algorithm for automatic brain activity class identification of EEG (electroencephalographic) signals is presented. EEG signals are gathered from seventeen subjects performing one of the three tasks: resting, watching a music video and playing a simple logic game. The methodology applied consists of several steps, namely: signal acquisition, signal processing utilizing z-score normalization, parametrization and...
PublicationThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. Hydraulic fracturing is a method of reservoir stimulation used especially for unconventional gas recovery. A matrix of several thousand geophones is placed on the surface of earth to record every little tremor of ground induced by fracturing process. Afterwards, the signal is analysed and the place of tremor occurrence...
Evaluation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection in reinforced concrete beams using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe development of the nondestructive diagnostic methods is of significant importance in the last decades. A special attention is paid to diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, which are very popular in the civil engineering field. A possible use of the guided waves in the estimation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection is studied in the following paper. The relationships relating adhesive connection...
Bimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Vocal and Facial Features
PublicationEmotion recognition is a crucial aspect of human communication, with applications in fields such as psychology, education, and healthcare. Identifying emotions accurately is challenging, as people use a variety of signals to express and perceive emotions. In this study, we address the problem of multimodal emotion recognition using both audio and video signals, to develop a robust and reliable system that can recognize emotions...
Failure Monitoring and Condition Assessment of Steel-Concrete Adhesive Connection Using Ultrasonic Waves
PublicationAdhesive bonding is increasingly being incorporated into civil engineering applications. Recently, the use of structural adhesives in steel-concrete composite systems is of particular interest. The aim of the study is an experimental investigation of the damage assessment of the connection between steel and concrete during mechanical degradation. Nine specimens consisted of a concrete cube and two adhesively bonded steel plates...
Balance recognition on the basis of EEG measurement.
PublicationAlthough electroencephalography (EEG) is not typically used for verifying the sense of balance, it can be used for analysing cortical signals responsible for this phenomenon. Simple balance tasks can be proposed as a good indicator of whether the sense of balance is acting more or less actively. This article presents preliminary results for the potential of using EEG to balance sensing....
Selective jamming of OFDM transmission in NB-IoT radio interface
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of smart jamming, which involves selective interference aimed at critical components of the OFDM signal. Research verifying the feasibility of this type of electronic attack are described. A realized testbed for jamming real NB-IoT signals in a downlink is presented. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of realizing selective jamming and its greater effectiveness compared to barrage interference.
Tomasz Sidorko mgr inż.
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Marcin Pazio dr inż.
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Impact of the glazed roof on acoustics of historic interiors
PublicationThe paper discusses the adverse acoustic phenomena occurring in the semi-open interiors (courtyards, yards) covered with a glass roof. Particularly negative is the rever-beration noise, which leads to the degradation of the utility functions of the resulting spaces. It involves the drastically reducing the intelligibility of speech, loss of natural sounding of music, problems with the sound system, as well as disturbances in the...
Analysis of a caustic formed by a spherical reflector: Impact of a caustic on architectural acoustics
PublicationFocusing sound in rooms intended for listening to music or speech is an acoustic defect. Design recommendations provide remedial steps to effectively prevent this. However, there is a category of objects of high historical or architectural value in which the sound focus correction is limited or even abandoned. This also applies to indoor or outdoor concert shells, installations for teaching and acoustic presentations, etc. The...
Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces
PublicationDeveloped multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...
Measurement Performance Verification of Asynchronous Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Object Position and Orientation
PublicationThe paper describes the results of a measurement verification of the effectiveness of an asynchronous method of locating an object on a plane using localization signals sent simultaneously from two transmitters placed on that object at a known distance from each other. The advantage of proposed solution is ability to estimate position of mobile object by set of reference receivers that can work asynchronously, which simplifies...
Analysis and assessment of the acoustic emission suitability for determination of the energy states of a tribological system in the form of a four-ball tester friction node
PublicationThe present operating safety and cost reduction requirements of the compression ignition engines make it necessary to search for new methods of detecting their defects, e.g. by the analysis of acoustic emission signals coming from the slide bearings. The paper presents non-destructive measurements of acoustic emission (AE) in order to obtain information on the processes taking place in a tribological system under the continuously...
Influence of accelerometer signal pre-processing and classification method on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy. In the test four methods of classification were used: support vector machine, decision trees, neural network, k-nearest neighbor.
Smart acoustic band structures
PublicationSmart acoustic band structures exhibit very interesting and non-standard physical properties due to the periodic nature of their certain characteristic on different scale levels. They manifest mostly in their frequency spectra as socalled frequency band-gaps or stop-bands, what has a great impact on the behaviour of these structures in relation to the propagation of vibro-acoustic signals that can be transmitted through the structures...
Crack monitoring in concrete beams under bending using ultrasonic waves and coda wave interferometry: the effect of excitation frequency on coda
PublicationConcrete is one of the most widely used construction materials in the world. In recent years, various non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques have been investigated to improve the safety and control of the current condition of concrete structures. This study focuses on micro-crack monitoring in concrete beams. The experimental analysis was carried out on concrete elements subjected to three-point...
Propagation Characteristics of Partial Discharges in an Oil-Filled Power Transformer
PublicationPower transformers are among the most important assets in the power transmission and distribution grid. However, they suffer from degradation and possible faults causing major electrical and financial losses. Partial discharges (PDs) are used to identify the insulation health status and their degradation level. PDs are incipient, low-magnitude faults caused by localized dielectric breakdown. Those activities emit signals in many...
The contactless method of chip-to-chip high-speed data transmission monitoring
PublicationThis paper presents a technique of decoupling differential signals transmitted in a pair of microstrip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB), using dedicated coupler for high speed data transmission monitoring in chip-to-chip interconnections. The coupler used for signal probing is overlayed on the pair of microstrip lines under test, and provides a signal to the next blocks of the measurement system without disturbing transmission...
Raman miniaturised system for field applications
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a powerful and versatile research technique with a broad range of potential applications, which includes laboratory studies, on-line industrial process monitoring and field measurements. Scope of the field applications includes environment monitoring, detection of dangerous or prohibited materials and rapid identification of unknown samples. It stimulates development of dedicated Raman measurement equipment...
Tropospheric delays derived from GNSS observations during the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017
Open Research DataPropagation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) radio signals is disturbed by the current state of the Earth's atmosphere. For this reason, advances processing of GNSS signals can be used for investigation of the atmospheric condition. In case of troposphere, the GNSS signals allow for obtain information of tropospheric delay, which is mainly...
Orken Mamyrbayev Professor
People1. Education: Higher. In 2001, graduated from the Abay Almaty State University (now Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University), in the specialty: Computer science and computerization manager. 2. Academic degree: Ph.D. in the specialty "6D070300-Information systems". The dissertation was defended in 2014 on the topic: "Kazakh soileulerin tanudyn kupmodaldy zhuyesin kuru". Under my supervision, 16 masters, 1 dissertation...
Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety
PublicationIn this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...
Research and Analysis of High-Speed Data Transmission Radio Link Designed for Maritime Environment
PublicationIn these article, the realization of digital radio link for high-speed data transmission was presented. Its concept and practical realization, using USRP devices from National Instruments, were described. Developed software for generation and reception of digital signals in baseband, including description of modulation types, and time and frequency synchronization mechanisms, was presented. Moreover, an operation of designed radio...
Research and analysis of high-speed data transmission radio link designed for maritime environment
PublicationIn these article the realization of digital radio link for high-speed data transmission was presented. Its concept and practical realization, using USRP devices from National Instruments, were described. Developed software for generation and reception of digital signals in baseband, including description of modulation types, and time and frequency synchronization mechanisms, was presented. Moreover, an operation of designed radio...
Problems of Selecting Protection for Shunt Reactors Working in Extra-High Voltage Grids
PublicationThis paper presents difficulties encountered when designing protection devices for shunt reactors connected directly to extra-high voltage grids. Using the example of the 400 kV Ełk Bis substation, it has been demonstrated that protection of a shunt reactor based on equipment using measurements of electrical signals from voltage and current transformers has its limitations and, in some cases, may be insufficient.
Efficient Usage of Dense GNSS Networks in Central Europe for the Visualization and Investigation of Ionospheric TEC Variations
PublicationThe technique of the orthogonal projection of ionosphere electronic content variations for mapping total electron content (TEC) allows us to visualize ionospheric irregularities. For the reconstruction of global ionospheric characteristics, numerous global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers located in different regions of the Earth are used as sensors. We used dense GNSS networks in central Europe to detect and investigate...
An observability and detectability analysis for non-linear uncertain CSTR model of biochemical processes
PublicationThe problem of proving observability/detectability properties for selected non-linear uncertain model of biochemical processes has been addressed in this paper. In particular, the analysis of observability/detectability in the face of parametric and unstructured uncertainty in system dynamics transformed into unknown inputs, and unknown initial conditions has been performed. Various sets of system measured outputs were taken into...
An Island of Connectedness: Intra-Insular and Inter-Regional Communications of Rab Island (North-East Adriatic, Kvarner Gulf), Croatia
PublicationDrawing from archaeological data on Prehistoric and Roman settlement patterns, and respective sepulchral features, just as on later historic and cartographic sources, in this contribution it will be shown how movement along with mobility influenced on and were an integral part of settlement dynamics on the island of Rab (NE Adriatic, Croatia). The employed approach sees the practice of movement as dependent on specific social...
Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....
Potential and Use of the Googlenet Ann for the Purposes of Inland Water Ships Classification
PublicationThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using the pre-degraded GoogLeNet artificial neural network to classify inland vessels. Inland water authorities monitor the intensity of the vessels via CCTV. Such classification seems to be an improvement in their statutory tasks. The automatic classification of the inland vessels from video recording is a one of the main objectives of the Automatic Ship Recognition and...
Przesył energii elektrycznej - potrzeby,progi i bariery
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano stan aktualny i kierunki rozwoju krajowego systemu przesy ł owego w kontek ś cie potrzeb gospodarki krajowej. Przedstawiono znaczenie sieci przesy ł owych oraz rol ę operatorów systemu przesy ł owego i systemów dystrybucyjnych w sektorze energetycznym. Oceniono mo ż liwo ś ci rozwoju przy uwzgl ę dnieniu aktualnych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energi ę , wytyczono potencjalne...
Modelling Signalised Intersections Reliability of Functioning
PublicationThe article addresses a fundamental aspect of traffic, i.e. the operation of traffic signals at intersections, in reference to the reliability theory. In many cases, when intersections carry substantial amounts of traffic, selecting control parameters to produce satisfactory traffic conditions is quite difficult. Design methods do not cover all possible situations which are the result of intersection geometry and location...
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...