Search results for: ZERO-POLE GOAL FUNCTION
Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Multimodal Particle Swarm Optimization with Phase Analysis
PublicationIn this paper, a novel meta-heuristic method for evaluation of digital filter stability is presented. The proposed method is very general because it allows one to evaluate stability of systems whose characteristic equations are not based on polynomials. The method combines an efficient evolutionary algorithm represented by the particle swarm optimization and the phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation....
Modified SPWM Technique with Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection for a Five-Phase, Three-Level NPC Inverter
PublicationThis article presents a modified sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) scheme for a five-phase, three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The modulation scheme deploys a modified min–max function to inject the zero-sequence components into the reference modulating signals; hence enabling the effective utilization of the DC-link voltage. Balanced split-input DC-link voltages were achieved through further incorporation of adjustable...
Novel topology of compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell low-pass filter
PublicationIn this study, a novel pseudoelliptic function low-pass filter (LPF) constituted by a compact coplanar waveguide resonant cell has been designed and manufactured. The lumped-element seven-pole prototype has been adequately realized by using complementary perturbations located both in signal line and ground plane metallization. The fabricated uniplanar LPF offers a compact size of 5.6 x 9.8 mm2, return loss better than 26 dB over...
Comments on various extensions of the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives : About the Leibniz and chain rule properties
PublicationStarting from the Riemann–Liouville derivative, many authors have built their own notion of fractional derivative in order to avoid some classical difficulties like a non zero derivative for a constant function or a rather complicated analogue of the Leibniz relation. Discussing in full generality the existence of such operator over continuous functions, we derive some obstruction Lemma which can be used to prove the triviality...
Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PublicationThe presented work explores the simulation test results of using nonlinear model predictive control algorithm for ship dynamic positioning. In the optimization task, a goal function with a penalty was proposed with a variable prediction step. The results of the proposed control algorithm were compared with backstepping and PID. The effect of estimation accuracy on the control quality with the implemented algorithms was investigated....
Application of sliding switching functions in backstepping based speed observer of induction machine
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping and sliding mode approach. The speed observer structure is based on the extended mathematical model of an induction machine. The observer structure is based on the measured phase stator currents and transformed to ( αβ ) coordinate system. The stator voltage vector components are treated as known values. Additionally, such an observer structure...
The accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to analyze the accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images. Simulated and real signals were used to evaluate two pulse rate estimators; one for frequency domain and the second one for time domain using the autocorrelation function. The results show that the mean difference between the reference measurements and estimated pulse rate values are about 2bpm. In the analysis of short...
Novel Analytic-Numerical Model of Free Convection: with Leading Edge Considered
PublicationA novel solution of the free convection boundary problem is represented in analytical form for velocity and temperature for an isothermal vertical plate, as an example. These fields are built as a Taylor Series in the x coordinate with coefficients as functions of the vertical coordinate (y). We restrict ourselves by cubic approximation for both functions. The basic Navier-Stokes and Fourier-Kirchhoff equations and boundary conditions...
Calculation of electron scattering lengths on Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn and Og atoms
PublicationFocusing on the noble gases, we calculate the scattering potential using the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian supplemented with a model polarization potential. We determine the scattering lengths using two methods, namely phase shifts for very small scattering energies and the shape of the wave function for zero scattering energy. We compare our theoretical electron scattering length results on Ar, Kr and Xe atoms with existing experimental...
Metrisability of managing of stream-systemic processes
PublicationTo achieve the planned goal, in order to properly describe the manufacturing system management, six process stream functions were introduced. Non-dimensional flows of these functions in time can be empirically defined during the manufacturing process. They are interpreted as non-dimensional expenses. Maximum values for these functions in properly-managed processes equal one. Also, a global management function was introduced, being...
A FPTAS for minimizing total completion time in a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem
PublicationIn this paper a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are given n jobs J1,…,Jn and the processing time pi of the ith job is given by pi=a+bisi, where si is the starting time of the ith job (i=1,…,n),bi is its deterioration rate and a is the common base processing time. If all jobs have deterioration rates different and not smaller than a certain constant u>0,...
Evaluation of apparent Young׳s modulus of the composite polymer layers used as sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic thrust bearings
PublicationHydrodynamic bearings with a polymer sliding layer are able to operate in severe conditions, mainly due to favorable properties of the polymers. The goal of this research was to evaluate apparent Young׳s modulus of two types of the polymer composite layers used for sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic bearings, as a function of temperature. The Young׳s modulus was evaluated on the basis of compression tests carried out on samples obtained...
Selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering
PublicationThe paper presents the selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering specially investment risk evaluation methods. The proposed model can be used in the range programming the development and investing process in power engineering. Decision making problems in power engineering and the evaluation of investment effectiveness in particular are closely related to modelling which relatively accurately reflects...
Superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism of Y9Co7 probed by ac susceptibility
PublicationThe ac magnetic susceptibility of a single crystal sample of the compound Y9Co7 has been measured in applied dc fields ranging from 0–6.7 kOe by utilizing a tunnel diode resonator circuit. In agreement with previous measurements on this material, a superconducting transition has been observed to occur at TSC ≈ 2.5 K. A broad maximum has been observed in the zero field susceptibility measurements from 2.5 K < T < 8 K and its behavior...
Half-Order Modeling of Saturated Synchronous Machine
PublicationNoninteger order systems are used to model diffusion in conductive parts of electrical machines as they lead to more compact and knowledge models but also to improve their precision. In this paper a linear half-order impedance model of a ferromagnetic sheet deduced from the diffusion of magnetic field is briefly introduced. Then, from physical considerations and finite elements simulation, the nonlinear half-order impedance model...
Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and FDTD-based Simulation Applied to Schroeder Diffuser Design Optimization
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to propose a novel approach to the algorithmic design of Schroeder acoustic diffusers employing a deep learning optimization algorithm and a fitness function based on a computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves. The deep learning method employed for the research is a deep policy gradient algorithm. It is used as a tool for carrying out a sequential optimization process the goal of which is...
Wykorzystanie algorytmów ewolucyjnych do doboru wzmocnień rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości maszyny indukcyjnej
PublicationW pracy opisano sposób doboru wzmocnień rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Zaproponowano funkcję celu opartą na rozkładzie biegunów obserwatora. Ze względu na wpływ prędkości maszyny na dynamikę obserwatora zaproponowano dobór wzmocnień obserwatora dla różnych przedziałów prędkości. Dla poszczególnych przedziałów zaprezentowano wyniki doboru wzmocnień w postaci tabel...
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Another way is to forecast cutting power consumption on...
Non-Destructive Testing of a Sport Tribune under Synchronized Crowd-Induced Excitation Using Vibration Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of repairing the stand of a motorbike speedway stadium. The synchronized dancing of fans cheering during a meeting brought the stand into excessive resonance. The main goal of this research was to propose a method for the structural tuning of stadium stands. Non-destructive testing by vibration methods was conducted on a selected stand segment, the structure of which recurred on the remaining stadium...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: improving the method by adjusting evolutionary techniques and parameters
PublicationThe paper presents some of the evolutionary techniques used by the evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories method. In general, this method utilizes a customized evolutionary algorithm to solve a constrained optimization problem. This problem is defined as finding a set of cooperating trajectories (here the set is an evolutionary individual) of all the ships involved in the encounter situation. The resulting trajectories are...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: development of the method
PublicationThe Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories is a method solving ship encounter situations. The method combines evolutionary approach to planning ship trajectory with some of the assumption of game theory. For given positions and motion parameters the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The version presented here is an updated one and its authors have tested extensively...
Speed observer of induction machine based on backstepping and sliding mode for low‐speed operation
PublicationThis paper presents a speed observer design based on backstepping and slidingmode approaches. The inputs to the observer are the stator current and thevoltage vector components. This observer structure is extended to the integra-tors. The observer stabilizing functions contain the appropriate sliding surfaceswhich result from the Lyapunov function. The rotor angular speed is obtainedfrom the non‐adaptive formula with a sliding...
Buckling and shape control of prestressable trusses using optimum number of actuators
PublicationThis paper describes a method to control the nodal displacement of prestressable truss structures within the desired domains. At the same time, the stress in all members is unleashed to take any value between the allowable tensile stress and critical buckling stress. The shape and stresses are controlled by actuating the most active members. The technique considers the members’ initial crookedness, residual stresses, and slenderness...
Size reduction of ultra-wideband antennas with efficiency and matching constraints
PublicationAntenna design is a multifaceted task that involves handling of various performance figures concerning both electrical performance of the structure as well as its geometry. Simultaneous control of several objectives through rigorous optimization is very challenging and virtually impossible through conventional approaches such as parameter sweeping. In this work, we investigate size reduction of ultra‐wideband antenna structures...
Partial dominated schedules and minimizing the total completion time of deteriorating jobs
PublicationA problem of scheduling deteriorating jobs on a single processor is considered. The processing time of a job is given by a function pi=ai+bisi, where si is the starting time of the job, ai>=0, bi>=0, for i=1,...,n. Jobs are non-preemptive and independent and there are neither ready times nor deadlines. The goal is to minimize the total weighted completion time. We show how to employ the concept of non-dominated schedules to construct...
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm in C × R Domain
PublicationAn algorithm to find the roots and poles of a complex function depending on two arguments (one complex and one real) is proposed. Such problems are common in many fields of science for instance in electromagnetism, acoustics, stability analyses, spectroscopy, optics, and elementary particle physics. The proposed technique belongs to the class of global algorithms, gives a full picture of solutions in a fixed region ⊂ C × R and...
Hydrological indicators of water zones in inundation, historical water levels, and forcing data for the 1881-2099 period in the lower Biebrza valley
Open Research DataThis data set contains hydrological (1) indicators of water source extents in the Biebrza River floodplain (NE Poland) simulated using an integrated hydrological model (IHM), (2) forcing data for the IHM, and (3) water levels in the Osowiec station from the period 1881-1910.
Thermal visualization of Ostwald-de Waele liquid in wavy trapezoidal cavity: Effect of undulation and amplitude
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the numerical simulations of Ostwald-de Waele fluid flow in a wavy trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a heated cylinder situated at the center of the cavity. The work consists in characterizing the mixed convection as a function of the intensity of heat flow. The flow behaviour and temperature distribution in a cavity are the main focus of this study. The lower wall of the cavity is fixed...
PublicationThis work describes the application of mandarin peel (MP) as a waste filler for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites. The main goal was to investigate the impact of the filler's essential oils, which include multiple terpenes and terpenoids, on the processing, physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the composites as a function of different filler content (1 – 10 wt%), as well as its effect on the color and...
Estimation of zero buoyancy of the batyscaphe. Pneumatic buoyancy control of the bathyscaphe
PublicationThe subjects of this work are matters concerning the batyscaphe designed and constructed by the Scientific Circle of Young Constructors (SCoYC) acting at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Olsztyn University of Warmia and Mazury.The goal od the remote-controlled batyscaphe is an underwater exploration of water resorvoirs in Poland. Design and construction of the unmanned watercraft, also known as a batyscaphe, required the...
ELECTIVE PROJECT II Waterfront Pavilion – Story for the Shipyard
e-Learning CoursesThe topic of the course – Waterfront Pavilion – Story for the Shipyard, is describing the task for architectural space located in the post-industrial area of the Shipyard in Gdansk.. The goal of the task is to design the space oriented on the goals of the Sustainable Development and the problems related to the Climate Changes. The idea is to use green and blue solutions, to think about energy and recycled materials, to be close...
Anterior prefrontal EEG theta activities indicate memory and executive functions in epilepsy patients
PublicationObjective: Cognitive deficits are one of the most debilitating comorbidities in epilepsy and other neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, and neurodevelopmental brain disorders. Current diagnostic and therapeutic options are limited and lack objective measures of the underlying neural activities. In this study, electrophysiological biomarkers that reflect cognitive functions in clinically validated batteries were determined to aid...
Capacity of Surface Production of Band Sawing in Manufacture of Oak Floor Upper Layers
PublicationThin lamellae, corresponding to the layer components of structural glued members, i.e., 2-ply or 3-ply glued flooring, can be manufactured in re-sawing operations of kiln-dried wood blocks or in wet technologies, which currently seem to be more common because of the shorter drying time. The re-sawing process in wet technology is conducted on dedicated thin-cutting band sawing machines with stellite-tipped band saws. The goal of...
Exploring the interfacial effects at the ETL/perovskite boundary in the semitransparent perovskite solar cells
PublicationThe recent focus has been made on the perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with an inverted configuration, where substantial improvements have been already achieved. However, the p–i–n structure needs a buffer layer for most of the configurations to modify the work-function of a deposited electrode. Additionally and very importantly, such a layer can also serve as a protective film that improves a stability of solar cells. Here, we study...
Cavity-expansion approximation for projectile impact and penetration into sand
PublicationA one-dimensional problem of a spherical cavity expanding at a constant velocity from zero initial radius in an infinite granular medium, which has the first-kind self-similar solution, is considered. We are solving this dynamic spherical cavity-expansion problem to model rigid spheres penetrating into a granular media. Elastic–plastic deformation of the granular media is described in a barotropic approximation, using the high-pressure...
Static magnetic multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe study far- and near-field magnetic and electric multipole moments induced in the ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak 2L-pole magnetostatic field. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the first-order Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B 30, 825 (1997);J. Phys. B 30, 2747(E)...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublicationInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublicationIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
Absolute Photoabsorption Cross-Sections of Methanol for Terrestrial and Astrophysical Relevance
PublicationWe investigate the methanol absorption spectrum in the range 5.5–10.8 eV to provide accurate and absolute cross-sections values. The main goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of methanol electronic-state spectroscopy by employing high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption measurements together with state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculation methods. The VUV spectrum reveals several new features...
Model organizacji ruchu na sieci kolejowej z uwzględnieniem rekuperacji energii
PublicationNa wstępie przeanalizowano aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu metod wykorzystywania energii z rekuperacji oraz istniejących modeli optymalizujących ich efektywność. Na tej podstawie za główny cel pracy wyznaczono opracowanie metody modyfikacji kolejowego rozkładu jazdy, która doprowadzi do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z rekuperacji. W związku z powyższym postawiono tezę, że możliwe jest zwiększenie efektywności...
Negative impact of constant RPM control strategy on ship NOx emission in waves
PublicationIn severe wave conditions, the ship propulsion system is loaded with high fluctuations due to external disturbances. The highly fluctuating loads enforce radical changes in the main engine torque, which in turn demands variation of the fuel rate injected into the cylinders if a constant rotational speed strategy is applied. Therefore, the temperature of gases varies to a large extent during the combustion process in the cylinders....
Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods
PublicationIn the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...
Chromogeniczne pochodne azoli jako składniki warstw receptorowych czujników optycznych
PublicationGłównym celem badań prowadzonych w ramach studium doktoranckiego była synteza oraz badanie właściwości chromogenicznych pochodnych azoli, makrocyklicznych i acyklicznych, jako składników warstw receptorowych czujników optycznych. Otrzymane związki zawierają w swojej strukturze resztę heterocykliczną – azol, który może uczestniczyć w tworzeniu kompleksów z jonami metali ciężkich oraz co najmniej jedno ugrupowanie azowe. Obecność...
Empirical analysis of tree-based classification models for customer churn prediction
PublicationCustomer churn is a vital and reoccurring problem facing most business industries, particularly the telecommunications industry. Considering the fierce competition among telecommunications firms and the high expenses of attracting and gaining new subscribers, keeping existing loyal subscribers becomes crucial. Early prediction of disgruntled subscribers can assist telecommunications firms in identifying the reasons for churn and...
Poprawa jakości klasyfikacji głębokich sieci neuronowych poprzez optymalizację ich struktury i dwuetapowy proces uczenia
PublicationW pracy doktorskiej podjęto problem realizacji algorytmów głębokiego uczenia w warunkach deficytu danych uczących. Głównym celem było opracowanie podejścia optymalizującego strukturę sieci neuronowej oraz zastosowanie uczeniu dwuetapowym, w celu uzyskania mniejszych struktur, zachowując przy tym dokładności. Proponowane rozwiązania poddano testom na zadaniu klasyfikacji znamion skórnych na znamiona złośliwe i łagodne. W pierwszym...
Continuum orbitals in low energy scattering of electrons from Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn and Og atoms
Open Research DataThe dataset includes relativistic continuum electron wave functions (continuum orbitals, continuum spinors) for elastic scattering of electrons from Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), Radon (Rn) and Oganesson (Og) atoms, calculated using the Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method (MCDHF), at very low electron energies (0.0001 - 0.001 eV). Only...
Modernization of historic healthcare buildings
PublicationThe practice of transforming and adapting the existing healthcare facilities to meet the growing demands of modern medicine applies not only to buildings of historical value. Of course, one can set a time point from which hospitals, erected mostly with industrialized technologies, undergo upgrades for better or worse effect. Existing healthcare buildings or facilities, including historic ones, have to be refurbished and adapted...
Li nucleation on the graphite anode under potential control in Li-ion batteries
PublicationApplication of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles requires improved safety, increased lifetime and high charging rates. One of the most commonly used intercalation anode material for Li-ion batteries, graphite, is vulnerable to Li nucleation, a side reaction which competes with the intercalation process and leads to loss of reversible capacity of the battery, ageing and short-circuits. In this study, we deploy a combined grand...
Effects of Deck-Abutment Pounding on the Seismic Fragility Curves of Box-Girder Highway Bridges
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding in bridges is a complex contact phenomenon in which the dynamic responses of structures, including collisions between deck and abutments, are strongly related to structural properties and earthquake excitation. The goal of this study is to develop and compare the seismic fragility curves of overall system and individual components of regular and irregular box-girder highway bridges in two cases: with...
Improved finite element method for flow, heat and solute transport of Prandtl liquid via heated plate
PublicationIn the current study, a vertical, 3D-heated plate is used to replicate the generation of heat energy and concentration into Prandtl liquid. We discuss how Dufour and Soret theories relate to the equations for concentration and energy. In order to see how efectively particles, interact with heat and a solvent, hybrid nanoparticles are used. It does away with the phenomena of viscous dissipation and changing magnetic felds. The motivation...