total: 443
Search results for: stability limit
Experiments and Analysis of the Limit Stresses of a Magnetorheological Fluid
PublicationPaper presents the results of a rheological test of a commercial magnetorheological (MR) fluid (MRF-132DG). The researchincludes the problem of measuring and interpreting limit stresses under conditions close to the magnetic saturation of the fluid. Fourdifferent limit stresses were determined, two related to the yield point and two related to the flow point. Methods for determining limitstresses, especially due to excitation...
Topological, nonreciprocal, and multiresonant slow light beyond the time-bandwidth limit
PublicationTopologically protected transport has recently emerged as an effective means to address a recurring problem hampering the field of slow light for the past two decades: its keen sensitivity to disorders and structural imperfections. With it, there has been renewed interest in efforts to overcome the delay-time-bandwidth limitation usually characterizing slow-light devices, on occasion thought to be a fundamental limit. What exactly...
Bell-Type Inequalities from the Perspective of Non-Newtonian Calculus
PublicationA class of quantum probabilities is reformulated in terms of non-Newtonian calculus and projective arithmetic. The model generalizes spin-1/2 singlet state probabilities discussed in Czachor (Acta Physica Polonica:139 70–83, 2021) to arbitrary spins s. For s → ∞ the formalism reduces to ordinary arithmetic and calculus. Accordingly, the limit “non-Newtonian to Newtonian” becomes analogous to the classical limit of a quantum theory
Impact of Geometrical Imperfections on Estimation of Buckling and Limit Loads in a Silo Segment Using the Vibration Correlation Technique
PublicationThe paper examines effectiveness of the vibration correlation technique which allows determining the buckling or limit loads by means of measured natural frequencies of structures. A steel silo segment with a corrugated wall, stiffened with cold-formed channel section columns was analysed. The investigations included numerical analyses of: linear buckling, dynamic eigenvalue and geometrically static non-linear problems. Both perfect...
Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation
PublicationDesign sensitivity deals with the variation of structural response, implicitly dependent on the design variables of the problem. An attempt is made to implement probabilistic notation in engineering sensitivity analysis. The procedure to implement the sensitivity of a structural limit state to a given basic variable is described in the paper - its main idea, depicted by a flowchart and numerical examples of engineering analysis....
Load capacity and serviceability conditions for footbridges made of fibre-reinforced polymer laminates = Warunki nośności i użytkowalności w odniesieniu do kładek z laminatów polimerowych
PublicationThe contribution is focused on derivation of the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS) design criteria for footbridges built of fibre-reinforced polymer matrix (FRP) laminates. The ULS design criterion is based on the design guidelines for above-ground, pressure, FRP composite tanks and the Tsai-Wu failure criterion, which is used to predict the onset of FRP laminates damage. The SLS criterion is based...
The Effect of Minimum Actuation Limit in Shape Control of a Single-Layer Dome Frame
PublicationThis paper describes the significance of the minimum actuation limit per actuator while controlling the shape of a single-layer frame dome. The algorithms that perform optimum shape controlling allow the user to assign the minimum allowable actuation per actuator, which means the actuators with an actuation of less than the assigned amount are assumed to be passive; thus, they are excluded. In this study, the deformed shape of...
Optimal bandgap of a single-junction photovoltaic cell for the mobile Internet-of-Things
PublicationThe procedure for determining the maximum power of a single-junction photovoltaic cell operating in various types of lighting is presented. This is a key issue for photovoltaics powering the mobile Internet-of-Things (IoTs). The simulations performed are based on the detailed balance principle, without any of simplifying assumptions included in the Shockley-Queisser model. Optimal energy bandgap for diffuse solar light was found...
Modeling the application of steel slag in stabilizing expansive soil
PublicationThe objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of steel slag as an additive to the engineering properties of weak clay soil. Different geotechnical laboratory tests were conducted on both stabilized and natural soils. Steel slag (SS) was added at a rate of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% to the soil. Specific gravity, grain size analysis, Atterberg limit test, compaction test, free swell, California bearing ratio (CBR),...
Probabilistic sensitivity of the limit states of structures using Monte Carlom simulation
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of probabilistic sensitivity of structural limit states with respect to given design variables. A general idea is presented, illustrated by a simple case solved in an analytical way. More general approach is presented for the engineering structures, in this case a dedicated Monte Carlo simulation procedure is involved as part of the methodology. Illustration of the engineering case is done, by means...
The impact of footing conditions of a vertical-axis floating-roof tank on structural shell deformation
PublicationStructural shells of fuel tanks are often subjected to geometric imperfections which may lead to exceeding the ultimate and serviceability limit states. One of the means triggering shell deformation is non-uniform settlement caused by incoherent soil conditions. Analysis carried out in the work concerns of vertical-axis, floating-roof cylindrical shell which volume is 50.000 m3, founded on a complex multi-layered soil. The sensitivity...
Ultrasound assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction using polystyrene-polyoleic acid graft copolymer for determination of Sb(III) in various bottled beverages by HGAAS
PublicationA new polyoleic acid-polystyrene (PoleS) block/graft copolymer was synthesized and applied as adsorbent for ultrasound assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction (UA-DSPME) of Sb(III) in different bottled beverages and analysis using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS). Adsorption capacity of the PoleS was 150 mg g−1. Several sample preparation parameters such as sorbent amount, solvent type, pH, sample...
Limits Theorems for Random Walks on Homeo(S1)
PublicationThe central limit theorem and law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains corresponding to random walks on the space Homeo(S1) of circle homeomorphisms for centered Lipschitz functions and every starting point are proved.
Prototype of electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds in gases
PublicationThe paper presents a laboratory prototype of an electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gases, utilizing ionic liquids and commercial screen printed electrodes by DropSens. The following ionic liquids have been tested as the electrolyte and redox reaction environment: 1-butyl, 3-methylimidazolium dicyanoamide ([BMIM][N(CN)2]), 1-octyl, 3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([OMIM][BF4]),...
Enhancing Seismic Performance of Semi-rigid Connection Using Shape Memory Alloy Bolts Considering Nonlinear Soil–Structure Interaction
PublicationSteel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) have their lateral resistance for their rigid connections, while real conditions have shown that the rigidity of a connection depends on the bolts and the end-plate thickness, which may not provide the assumed rigidity in design process. In this research, the main goal is to enhance the semi-rigid connections using shape memory alloy (SMA) bolts and explore their effects on the seismic limit-state...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublicationThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Machine learning-based prediction of seismic limit-state capacity of steel moment-resisting frames considering soil-structure interaction
PublicationRegarding the unpredictable and complex nature of seismic excitations, there is a need for vulnerability assessment of newly constructed or existing structures. Predicting the seismic limit-state capacity of steel Moment-Resisting Frames (MRFs) can help designers to have a preliminary estimation and improve their views about the seismic performance of the designed structure. This study improved data-driven decision techniques in...
Ergonomic Aspects of Development of Architecture in the Context of Sanitary and Hygiene Safety
PublicationAbstract Ergonomics answers the need of safe development of space by creating spatial forms which help to implement the safety procedures and limit the threats involved both in ordinary use of the spaces and in case of unforeseen events. Using the knowledge of ergonomics and architecture on the basis of defining the routes of germ transmission, allows to limit the spread of those organisms. Ergonomics of developing architectural...
Design, Synthesis, and Enzymatic Evaluation of Novel ZnO Quantum Dot-Based Assay for Detection of Proteinase 3 Activity
PublicationHerein, the synthesis and application of functionalized quantum dot-based protease probes is described. Such probes are composed of nontoxic ZnO nanocrystals decorated by amino groups followed by linker and labeled peptide attachment. Spherical NH2-terminated ZnO quantum dots (QDs) with the average size ranging from 4 to 8 nm and strong emission centered at 530 nm were prepared using the sol−gel method. The fluorescence of ZnO...
On the existence of homoclinic type solutions of inhomogenous Lagrangian systems
PublicationWe study the existence of homoclinic type solutions for a class of inhomogenous Lagrangian systems with a potential satisfying the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz superquadratic growth condition and a square integrable forcing term. A homoclinic type solution is obtained as a limit of periodic solutions of an approximative sequence of second order differential equations.
Numerical Modelling for Prediction of Compression Index from Soil Index Properties in Jimma town, Ethiopia
PublicationIn this study, correlations are developed to predict compression index (Cc) from index parameters so that one can be able to model Jimma soils with compression index using simple laboratory tests. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples from twelve different locations in Jimma town were collected. Laboratory tests like specific gravity, grain size analysis, Atterberg limit, and one-dimensional consolidation test for a total of twenty-four...
Experimental Determination of Limit Adhesive Shear Strtess between Solid Wall and Liquid
PublicationTheoretically slip of a fluid with respect to the solid wall should occur even at a very low velocity of motion. However theoretical analysisand some empirical data suggest that there must be a limit value of shear stress, below which the slip does not appear. A simple metyhod of this stress determination was proposed in the paper.
The electrochemical determination of isatin at nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes: stress monitoring of animals
PublicationUltra-thin nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes (B:NCD) were used for the electrochemical determination of isatin in dog urine samples using cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry in a phosphate buffer saline, pH = 7.2. No additional modification or pretreatment of the electrode surface was required in this approach, being of high importance for the facile detection procedure. The increase of the peak current...
Ellipse-fitting algorithm implementation in the impedance measurement system based on DAQ card with FPGA
PublicationThe paper presents an implementation of the ellipse-fitting algorithm in the impedance measurement system based on DAQ card equipped with FPGA chip. The method implementation was tested by simulation means as well as experimentally in the designed and presented measurement system. Finally, the limit values of sampling parameters which assures satisfying accuracy were given.
PublicationThe paper presents methods of determination of analytes of the cation group (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium (BDDA-C12-C16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (TMA), hexadecyl piridinium (HP)) in surface water and bottom sediment samples. In the sample preparation phase the solid phase extraction (SPE) or accelerated solvent extraction/ultrasound assisted extraction (ASE/UAE)-SPE technique was used and in the identification phase and quantitative...
Method for the simultaneous determination of monoaromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with GC-MS
PublicationWe present a new method for simultaneous determination of 22 monoaromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumen using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The eight extraction parameters including the type and volume of extraction and disperser solvent, pH, salting out effect, extraction and centrifugation...
Average Redundancy of the Shannon Code for Markov Sources
PublicationIt is known that for memoryless sources, the average and maximal redundancy of fixed–to–variable length codes, such as the Shannon and Huffman codes, exhibit two modes of behavior for long blocks. It either converges to a limit or it has an oscillatory pattern, depending on the irrationality or rationality, respectively, of certain parameters that depend on the source. In this paper, we extend these findings, concerning the Shannon...
Comprehensive determination of flavouring additives and nicotine in e-cigarette refill solutions. Part I: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis
PublicationLiquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (HPLC-ESI–MS/MS) methods were developed for the simultaneous determination of 42 flavouring compounds and nicotine in liquids for e-cigarettes. The chromatographic separation was performed using an Ace® Ultracore™ SuperC18™ (100 × 2.1 mm, 2.5 μm) column in both acidic and alkaline pH conditions to separate all the compounds. A simple “dilute & shoot” approach...
Chromium‑based metal organic framework for pipette tip micro‑solid phase extraction: an effective approach for determination of methyl and propyl parabens in wastewater and shampoo samples
PublicationAbstract Background A chromium-based metal organic framework was synthesized and employed as an efficient sorbent for pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction and preconcentration of parabens from wastewater and shampoo samples up to sub-ppb level before their spectrophotometric analysis. Results Factors affecting preconcentration including volume and type of solvent, amount of sorbent, number of extraction, and volume and pH of...
Extraction and Analysis of Bisphenols and Their Derivatives in Infant and Toddler Ready-to-feed Meals by Ultrasound-assisted Membrane Extraction Followed by LC MS/MS
PublicationThis research developed an ultrasound-assisted membrane extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of nineteen bisphenols and their derivatives in infant and toddler ready-to-feed meals. The calibration curves for all analytes were linear in the tested range, and the limit of detection and limit of quantitation were in the range 0.27 to 0.79 ng/g and 0.80 to 2.4 ng/g, respectively....
Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries
PublicationIn 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed...
Optimal retrofit strategy using viscous dampers between adjacent RC and SMRFs prone to earthquake‑induced pounding
PublicationNowadays, retrofitting-damaged buildings is an important challenge for engineers. Finding the optimal placement of Viscous Dampers (VDs) between adjacent structures prone to earthquake-induced pounding can help designers to implement VDs with optimizing the cost of construction and achieving higher performance levels for both structures. In this research, the optimal placement of linear and nonlinear VDs between the 3-story, 5-story,...
Generation of random fields to reflect material and geometric imperfections of plates and shells
PublicationThe paper covers two patterns of random field generation: conditional acceptance – rejection method and Karhunen – Loève expansion. The generation of two-dimensional random fields is essential in plates and shells analysis, allowing for a relevant limit and critical state assessment of geometrically and ma-terially imperfect structures. The features of both generation methods dedicate them to selected problems.
PublicationWireless power transfer technology is becoming widespread in last few years. In comparison to conventional solutions this technology can significantly increase maintainability and safety of charging systems. From the other side there are list of factors that limit efficiency of wireless systems. One of them is low coupling between coils caused by comparably high leakage inductance in comparison to regular transformer.
Determination of Earth Pressure and Displacement of the Retaining Structure According to the Eurocode 7-1
PublicationComparative analysis of standard guidelines and findings given in EC7-1 and in Polish Standard PN-83/B-03010. Discussed guidelines concerning active and passive earth pressure as well as at rest pressure state. Wall displacement causing limit states of earth pressure and resistance. Interactive assumptions concerning intermediate earth pressure and resistance values. Conclusions and final remarks.
Analiza numeryczna i badania doświadczalne wpływu usytuowania stężeń na nośność wyboczeniową modelu kratownicy
PublicationIn the present research the results of experimental test and numerical analyses of a model of a typical truss are presented. The truss linear buckling analysis and non linear static analyses with respect to material and geometrical nonlinearity are conducted. For different stiffnesses and location of braces, the critical load and limit load for the truss are calculated and the threshold bracing stiffness is found. The results of...
Investigation of vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for separation and determination of vanadium from water and food matrices: Multivariate analysis
PublicationA new and simple vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction procedure (VA-MDES-DLLME) was developed for the determination of vanadium (V) in food and water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the extraction medium, a bis(acetylpivalylmethane) ethylenediimine (H2APM2en) was used for the complexation of V(V) in sample solution at pH 6. The VA-MDES-DLLME was optimized...
Deformation mitigation and twisting moment control in space frames
PublicationOver the last five decades, space frames have centered on the modernization of touristic zones in view of architectural attractions. Although attempts to control joint movement and minimize axial force and bending moment in such structures were made sufficiently, twisting moments in space frames have been underestimated so far. In space frames, external load or restoring the misshapen shape may cause twisting in members. We herein...
The influence of intermolecular correlations on the infrared spectrum of liquid dimethyl sulfoxide
PublicationDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is routinely applied as an excellent, water-miscible solvent and chemical reagent. Some of the most important data concerning its liquid structure were obtained using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. However, the actual extent of intermolecular correlations that connect the isolated monomer spectrum to the IR response of the bulk liquid is poorly studied thus far. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations,...
Vibro piles performance prediction using result of CPT
PublicationVibro piles belong to the group of full displacement piles with an expanded base, characterised by a very high load capacity, especially in non-cohesive soils. The problem is to adopt a reliable method for the determination of full load–settlement (Q–s) curve. A frequent difficulty is the determination of the load capacity limit based on the static load test because the course of the load–settlement curve is of a linear nature....
The Point Estimate Method in a Reticulated Shell Reliability Analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) to determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. Reliability analysis is illustrated by two examples: an estimation of the critical force in linear elastic buckling analysis and a reticulated shell limit load determinations. Calculations were also made using Monte Carlo method. It has been shown the practical usefulness...
Application of a catalytic combustion sensor (Pellistor) for the monitoring of the explosiveness of a hydrogen-air mixture in the upper explosive limit range
PublicationA new technique is presented for continuous measurements of hydrogen contamination by air in the upper explosive limit range. It is based on the application of a catalytic combustion sensor placed in a cell through which the tested sample passes. The air content is the function of the quantity of formed heat during catalytic combustion of hydrogen inside the sensor. There is the possibility of using the method in industrial installations...
3D buckling analysis of a truss with horizontal braces
PublicationThe present research is devoted to the study of out-of-plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. A linear buckling and a non-linear analysis with geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness...
Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities. II. Direct test of uniqueness of vacuum
PublicationThe paper continues the analysis of vacuum Rabi oscillations we started in part I [Phys. Rev. A 79, 033836 (2009)]. Here we concentrate on experimental consequences for cavity QED of two different classes of representations of harmonic-oscillator Lie algebras. The zero-temperature master equation, derived in part I for irreducible representations of the algebra, is reformulated in a reducible representation that models electromagnetic...
Application of chemometric modeling for ionic liquid-based ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction: Analysis of fosetyl-aluminum in fruit and vegetable samples
PublicationThis manuscript presents a new method for selective extraction and determination of fosetyl-aluminum in fruits and vegetable samples based on ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method using ionic liquids (IL-UA-DLLME). A UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used for detection and quantification. Plants used for sample collection were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Central composite design...
Comparison of the paracetamol electrochemical determination using boron-doped diamond electrode and boron-doped carbon nanowalls
PublicationTwo different type of electrodes, boron-doped diamond electrode (BDD) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNW) electrode, were used for the electrochemical determination of paracetamol using the cyclic voltammetry and the differential pulse voltammetry in phosphate buffered saline, pH = 7.0. The main advantage of these electrodes is their utilization without any additional modification of the electrode surface. The peak current...
Natural deep eutectic solvent based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction method for methyl violet dye determination in contaminated river water
PublicationSimple and green natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction (UA-LLME) method was developed for extraction and determination of methyl violet dye in contaminated river water samples using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Choline chloride - decanoic acid based natural deep eutectic solvent was used for extraction. Important analytical parameters like pH, deep eutectic solvent volume/phase...
3D Buckling Analysis of a Truss with Horizontal Braces
PublicationThe present research is devoted to the study of out–of–plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor 1=4. A linear buckling and a non–linear analysis with geometric and material non–linearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness condition...
Simple SIR models with Markovian control
PublicationWe consider a random dynamical system, where the deterministic dynamics are driven by a finite-state space Markov chain. We provide a comprehensive introduction to the required mathematical apparatus and then turn to a special focus on the susceptible-infected-recovered epidemiological model with random steering. Through simulations we visualize the behaviour of the system and the effect of the high-frequency limit of the driving...
Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System
PublicationA voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the...