Search results for: 2d materials
Analysis of a high-quality photonic crystal resonator
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia kompleksową analizę rezonatora 2D o wysokiej dobroci uzyskanego dzięki zastosowaniu fotonicznych kryształów. Struktura rezonatora została zoptymalizowana w celu osiągnięcia maksymalnej dobroci. Analiza została wykonana przy pomocy metody FDTD z zaimplementowanymi makromodelami, a wyniki poddano następnie obróbce cyfrowej w oparciu o technikę GPOF. Taka kombinacja zastosowanych metod okazała się bardzo efektywna...
Blade Section Prpfile Array Lifting Surface Design Method for Marine Screw Propeller Blade
PublicationThe lifting surface model is widely used in screw propeller design and analysis applications. It serves as a reliable tool for determination of the propeller blade mean line and pitch distribution. The main idea of this application was to determine the blade shape that would satisfy the kinematic boundary condition on its surface with the prescribed bound circulation distribution over it. In this paper a simplified lifting surface...
Recent Applications of 1D GC-MS and 2D GC-MS in Foodomics Studies
PublicationGas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and food chemistry have been tightly linked since the 1960s. This setup is also an integral part of the omics studies when it comes to low mass metabolites. Therefore, the marriage of GC-MS and foodomics is obvious. Two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry fits perfectly within the latest trends in foodomics, since it is tailored for holistic food analysis....
Evaluation of respiration capacity of VF in hybrid constructed wetland systems.
PublicationThree VF-beds operating in hybrid constructed wetlands in configuration HF-VF-HF were analysed. These hybrid constructed wetlands provide the II stage biological treatment. They are located in Pommerania voivodship, in Sarbsk, Wiklino and Wieszyno, and their capacities are 29.5, 14.2 and 21.6 m3/d, respectively. The article focuses on performance and operation of VF-CW plants during one year. Based on removal of organic matter...
Modelling method for a class of distributed-lumped parameter systems
PublicationThe paper presents an alternative approach for modelling and order reduction of continuous system. The proposed methodology combines application of two methods: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The given continuous structure is divided into 1D continuous substructures. For each 1D substructure modal decomposition and reduction procedure is applied. Interactions between substructures are described...
Diagnostyka toksoplazmozy u kobiety ciężarnej, płodu i noworodka — stan obecny i nowe możliwości
PublicationW artykule opisano problem toksoplazmozy, skutki oraz obecną diagnostykę. Przedstawiono metody serologiczne pozwalające wykryć pierwotne zarażenie T. gondii u kobiet ciężarnych oraz szereg technik pośrednich i bezpośrednich wykorzystywanych w celu potwierdzenia bądź wykluczenia toksoplazmozy wrodzonej u noworodka. Ponadto wskazano potencjalne możliwości w diagnostyce toksoplazmozy, jakie niosą za sobą nowe techniki (np. 2D Western-blotting),...
Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification
PublicationMappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...
Optymalizacja izolatora przepustowego średniego napięcia do zastosowań technologicznych
PublicationW publikacji podjęto się rozpoznania przyczyn uszkodzeń izolatora przepustowego średniego napięcia (SN) stosowanego w procesie technologicznym oczyszczania ropy naftowej. Z uwagi na skomplikowany model izolatora wykonano obliczenia symulacyjne w układzie 2D na podstawie których wyznaczono charakterystyki natężenia pola elektrycznego. W obszarach wtrącin powietrznych lub nieprawidłowo dobranej izolacji promieniowej wartości natężenia...
3D PCB package for GaN inverter leg with low EMC feature
PublicationThis paper presents the adaptation of a 3D integration concept previously used with vertical devices to lateral GaN devices. This 3D integration allows to reduce loop inductance, to ensure more symmetrical design with especially limited Common Mode emission, thanks to a low middle point stray capacitance. This reduction has been achieved by both working on the power layout and including a specific shield between the devices and...
Implementation of an input-output method of diagnosis of analog electronic circuits in embedded systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono implementację zmodyfikowanej metody 2D detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń sieci analogowych z uwzględnieniem tolerancji elementów nieuszkodzonych w systemach wbudowanych bazujących na mikrokontrolerach. Metoda składa się z dwóch etapów: przedtestowego - tworzenie słownika uszkodzeń i testowego, w którym dokonywany jest pomiar przez mikrokontroler amplitudy i przesunięcia fazowego odpowiedzi na pobudzenie przebiegiem...
Genetic programming extension to APF-based monocular human body pose estimation
PublicationNew method of the human body pose estimation based on a single camera 2D observation is presented, aimed at smart surveillance related video analysis and action recognition. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, new motion cost metric is employed, considering current...
Chemical Pressure Tuning Magnetism from Pyrochlore to Triangular Lattices
PublicationGeometrically frustrated lattices combined with magnetism usually host quantum fluctuations that suppress magnetic orders and generate highly entangled ground states. Three-dimensionally (3D) frustrated magnets generally exist in the diamond and pyrochlore lattices, while two-dimensionally (2D) frustrated geometries contain Kagomé, triangular, and honeycomb lattices. In this work, we reported using chemical pressure to tune the magnetism...
Synthesis of some quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts
PublicationOpisano matodę pomyślnego usuwania izopropylidenowych grup ochronnych z 1,4-anhydro-2,3-O-izopropylideno-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i czwartorzędowych soli N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoksy-D,L-rybitolo-5-yl)amoniowych. Struktury otrzymanych związków zostały określone przy pomocy analizy spektralnej, w tym 2D NMR. Otrzymano także dane dyfrakcyjne dla monokryształów 1,4-anhydro-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i jego pochodnych 2,3-O-izopropylidenowych.
Modelling of in-plane wave propagation in a plate using spectral element method and Kane-Mindlin theory with application to damage detection
PublicationThis paper presents results of experimental and numerical analyses of in-plane waves propagatingin a 5 mm-thick steel plate in the frequency range of 120-300 kHz. For such a thickness/frequency ratio,extensional waves reveal dispersive character. To model in-plane wave propagation taking into account thethickness-stretch effect, a novel 2D spectral element, based on the Kane-Mindlin theory, was formulated. Anapplication of in-plane...
Two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field
PublicationWe consider a non-relativistic two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane. Within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schr¨odinger perturbation theory, using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized radial Coulomb Green function, we derive explicit analytical expressions for corrections to an arbitrary planar hydrogenic bound-state energy level, up to the fourth...
Analiza procesu asymetrycznego walcowania blachy bimetalowej Al-Cu
PublicationW pracy określono wpływ asymetrii prędkości obwodowej walców na wygięcie blachy bimetalowej Al-Cu. Wprowadzenie asymetrycznego procesu walcowania do wytwarzania blach bimetalowych ma na celu zwiększenie prędkości płynięcia warstwy o większym oporze odkształcenia oraz zwiększenie równomierności rozkładu odkształcenia całkowitego na warstwy pasma. Ponadto w pracy określono optymalne wartości współczynnika asymetrii av, dla których...
Dynamic effect of the vehicle passing under lightweight footbridge.
PublicationThe paper describes a numerical study of dynamic response of cable-stayed steel footbridge for a big lorry passing underneath. The footbridge is an existing object crossing Wolska street in Warsaw. The structural model of footbridge was verified by dynamic test loading. A numerical study of a vehicle passing under footbridge is presented. 2D and 3D incompressible flow fields are modeled using sliding mesh in transient CFD computation....
Numerical investigations on early indicators of fracture in concrete at meso-scale.
PublicationFracture is a major reason of the global failure of concretes. The understanding of fracture is important to ensure the safety of structures and to optimize the material behaviour. In particular an early prediction possibility of fracture in concretes is of major importance. In this paper, concrete fracture under bending was numerically analysed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The real mesoscopic structure of a concrete...
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału...
Electrohydrodynamic Secondary Flow and Particle Collection Efficiency in Spike-Plate Multi-Electrode Electrostatic Precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flowmeasurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIVmeasurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
Electrohydrodynamic secondary flow and particle collection efficiency in spike-plate multi-electrode electrostatic precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flow measurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIV measurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
Numeryczna analiza wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Numerical analysis the influence of the direction of explosion wave at the curvature of asymmetrical rolling of bimetallic plate.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono numeryczną analizę wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Przeprowadzono symulacje dla procesu walcowania w temperaturze 20 C. Proces walcowania prowadzono w walcarce duo D 150 mm, o prędkości obwodowej 18,5 obr/min. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch stosunków grubości warstw 2/10 i 4/8. Symulację procesu przeprowadzono dla trzech gniotów 10%, 20%,...
Implementacja zmodyfikowanej metody biliniowej 2D w elektronicznym systemie wbudowanym
PublicationPrzedstawiono implementację zmodyfikowanej metody biliniowej 2D diagnostyki sieci analogowych we wbudowanych mikrosystemach mieszanych sygnałowo sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Metoda cechuje się prostym algorytmem diagnostycznym, który z powodzeniem można zaimplementować w 8-bitowych, powszechnie stosowanych mikrokontrolerach z interfejsem SPI, oraz nie wymaga nadmiernej rozbudowy mikrosystemu o część testującą (BIST). Zaletą metody...
2D Mathematical Model of the Commutator Sliding Contact of an Electrical Machine
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny 2D komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego z wieloma stopniami swobody. W modelu uwzględniono zmienne wymuszenia działające na szczotkę. Wymuszenia te są wynikiem falistości wirującego komutatora. Szczotka została zamodelowana jako system wielu mas, elementów sprężystych i tłumików rozłożonych w kierunku stycznym i promieniowym. Zamodelowano wszystkie oddziaływania lepkosprężyste pomiędzy komutatorem...
Application of gas chromatographic data and 2D molecular descriptors for accurate global mobility potential prediction
PublicationMobility is a key feature affecting the environmental fate, which is of particular importance in the case of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging pollutants (EPs). In this study, the global mobility classification artificial neural networks-based models employing GC retention times (RT) and 2D molecular descriptors were constructed and validated. The high usability of RT was confirmed based on the feature selection...
Simulations of high-pressure fluid flow in a pre-cracked rock specimen composed of densely packed bonded spheres using a 3D CFD model and simplified 2D coupled CFD-DEM approach
PublicationW artykule zastosowano dwa różne podejścia do opisu jednofazowego przepływu płynu w wstępnie spękanej próbce skały o niskiej porowatości pod wysokim ciśnieniem. Głównym celem pracy było bezpośrednie porównanie rozkładu ciśnień, gęstości i prędkości płynów we wstępnie pękniętej próbce. Zachowanie próbki imitującej skałę zostało opisane przez gęsto upakowane połączone kohezją kulki z nakładającymi się na siebie elementami. Pierwsze...
Fracture simulations in concrete beam under bending using a mesoscopic model with cohesive elements
PublicationThe main aim of this paper was to investigate a complex fracture process in a concrete beam subjected to 3-point bending test by means of the 2D meso-scale FEM with 4-node cohesive elements embedded in the initial mesh of 3-node solid elements. The material heterogeneity was taken into account by considering 3 different phases (aggregate, cement matrix, ITZs) on the basis of randomly generated internal structure of concrete and...
Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Airflow in Electrohydrodynamic Device for Dust Particle Collection
PublicationIn this paper the electrohydrodynamic (EHD)device for gas pumping and cleaning is presented. To induce an airflow in this EHD device corona discharge was used. The discharge was generated between the one-sided spike electrodes and the plate electrodes. An asymmetric electric field and generated discharge result in unidirectional gas flow through the EHD device. The current-voltage characteristics were measured and the corona discharge...
Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Airflow in Electrohydrodynamic Device for Dust Particle Collection
PublicationIn this paper the pumping effect of air in the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) device for dust particle collection is presented. To induce an airflow in this EHD device corona discharge was used. The discharge was generated between the one-sided spike electrodes and the plate electrodes. The asymmetric electric field and generated discharge resulted in a unidirectional airflow through the EHD device. The current-voltage characteristics...
Robustness of contact-less optical method, used for measuring contact wire position in changeable lighting conditions
PublicationThe article presents verification of robustness of contactless method based on 2D image camera, which is used to measure catenary contact wire position in changeable ambient lighting conditions. Robustness in changeable lighting conditions is ensured through the combination of advanced image processing for background information removal and the algorithm of error correction. This algorithm detects incorrect images and substitutes...
A three-dimensional meso-scale approach to concrete fracture based on combined DEM with x-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne uzyskane stosując 3-wymiarowy mezoskopowy model do opisu pękania w betonie na poziomie kruszywa w belce z nacięciem podczas zginania. Do obliczeń użyto metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton został opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy złożony z kruszywa, zaprawy, makro-porów i stref przejściowych miedzy kruszywem a zaprawą. Kształt i położenia kruszywa przyjęto na podstawie skanów z mikro-tomografu. Uzyskano...
ECT image analysis methods for shear zone measurements during silo discharging process
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w cylindrycznym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie, w którym występowały silne efekty dynamiczne. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania przeprowadzono dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczegółowej analizie poddano zmianę koncentracji materiału sypkiego...
Optimizing the computation of a parallel 3D finite difference algorithm for graphics processing units
PublicationThis paper explores the possibilities of using a graphics processing unit for complex 3D finite difference computation via MUSTA‐FORCE and WENO algorithms. We propose a novel algorithm based on the new properties of CUDA surface memory optimized for 2D spatial locality and compare it with 3D stencil computations carried out via shared memory, which is currently considered to be the best approach. A case study was performed for...
PublicationOne of the features for music recommendation, which is useful and intuitive for music listen-ers, is “mood”. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of music pieces. Subjective evaluation based on listening tests is performed for assigning mood labels of 150 pieces of music and placing them on the 2D mood plane. As a result, a map of songs is created, where music excerpts with similar mood are organized...
An Innovative Floating System with a Savonius Rotor as a Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine
PublicationIn this project, an innovative wind turbine was designed for a floating plant. A large Savonius rotor was replaced with a double-rotor wind turbine implemented as a horizontal-axis turbine. This double rotor was positioned on the tip of a thrust plate and fixed to the deck of a catamaran. Simple 2D numerical simulations were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the concept. An analysis of the floating system configuration...
Defining the thermal conductivity of thermally heterogeneous hollow wall bricks used as elements for increasing the comfort of buildings
PublicationThe article presents numerical calculation analysis in the scope of determining thermal conductivity coefficientλeq[W/(m·K)] of thermally heterogeneous hollow bricks of thermally heterogeneous structure (a combinationof structural material with thermal insulation material). Numerical calculations were conducted by means ofprofessional software TRISCO-KOBRU 86, serving thermal circulation analysis in a 2D field in stationary approach.The...
Determination of the refractive index and wavelength‐dependent optical properties of few‐layer CrCl3 within the Fresnel formalism
PublicationBased on previous reports on the optical microscopy contrast of mechanically exfoliated few layer CrCl3 transferred on 285 nmand 270 nmSiO2 on Si(100), we focus on the experimental determination of an effective mean complex refractive index via a fitting analysis based on the Fresnel equations formalism. Accordingly, the layer and wavelength-dependent absorbance and reflectance are calculated. Layer and wavelength-dependent optical...
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...
A new concept of PWM duty cycle computation using the Barycentric Coordinates in a Three-Dimensional voltage vectors arrangement
PublicationThe paper presents a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing for complex or irregular voltage vector arrangements in the two (2D) and three–dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate systems. The given vectors arrangement can be built using at least three vectors or collections with variable number of involved vectors (i.e. virtual vectors). Graphically, these vectors form a convex figure, in particular,...
Conception and design of a hybrid exciter for brushless synchronous generator. Application for autonomous electrical power systems = Koncepcja i projekt hybrydowej wzbudnicy bezszczotkowego generatora synchronicznego. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych.
PublicationThis paper covers a subject of a hybrid excitation system for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid). A hybrid excitation system (hybrid exciter) means a synchronous machine with wound-field and permanent magnet excitation. The hybrid exciter supply a dc field current to the synchronous generator field winding through a rotating rectifier....
Wpływ parametrów asymetrycznego walcowania na krzywiznę walcowanej blachy bimetalowej = The influence of parameters of assymetric rolling on the curvature of bimmetal plate
PublicationWyginanie się bimetalowych blach grubych po wyjściu z kotliny walcowniczej jest zjawiskiem utrudniającym bezawaryjne prowadzenie procesu technologicznego. Na podstawie licznych prac [1¸4] można stwierdzić, że zastosowanie walcowania asymetrycznego jest jedną z metod pozwalających na wyeliminowanie niekorzystnego wpływu wyginania się dwuwarstwowej blachy po procesie walcowania. Do badań numerycznych asymetrycznego procesu walcowania...
The complete stereochemistry of the antibiotic candicidin A3 (syn. ascosin A3, levorin A3)
PublicationHerein, the stereostructure of the aromatic heptaene macrolide (AHM) antifungal antibiotic candicidin A3 (syn. ascosin A3, levorin A3) has been established upon the 2D NMR studies, consisting of DQF-COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, HSQC and HMBC experiments, as well as upon extensive molecular dynamics simulations. The geometry of the heptaenic chromophore was defined as: (22E, 24E, 26Z, 28Z, 30E, 32E, 34E). The previously unreported absolute...
Light-Induced Transformation of the Aromatic Heptaene Antifungal Antibiotic Candicidin D into Its All-Trans Isomer
PublicationIllumination of the aromatic heptaene macrolide antifungal antibiotic candicicin D with UV light results in an isomerization of the molecule. The product formed after irradiation of the candicidin complex with UV light (λ=365nm), namely, iso-candicidin D, was isolated and subjected to 2D NMR studies, consisting of DQF-COSY, ROESY, TOCSY, HSQC, and HMBC experiments. The obtained spectral data unambiguously evidenced that iso-candicidin...
PublicationThe article proposes an efficient line detection method using a 2D convolution filter. The proposed method was compared with the Hough transform, the most popular method of straight lines detection. The developed method is suitable for local detection of straight lines with a slope from -45˚ to 45˚. Also, it can be used for curve detection which shape is approximated with the short straight sections. The new method is characterized...
Heating of fuse - elements in transient and steady - state
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych nagrzewania topików bezpieczników w stanach nieustalonych i ustalonych i wykonanych w pakiecie FLUX 2D. W obliczeniach uwzględniono nagrzewania całej wkładki bezpiecznikowej. Do analizy wybrano temperaturę w przewężeniu topika. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że przy obliczaniu parametrów przedłukowych należy uwzględniać przewodzenie ciepła w topiku oraz brać pod uwagę zmienną...
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
Mesoscopic simulations of crack propagation in concrete using cohesive elements
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-and three-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 3-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix with Interfacial Transitional Zones (ITZs) between then. In 2D simulations macro-voids were also taken into account. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams...
Modeling of capillary fluid flow in concrete using a DEM-CFD approach
PublicationSformułowano połączone podejście do modelowania dwufazowego przepływu wody napędzanego hydraulicznie i kapilarnie w nienasyconym betonie. Proces przepływu analizowano numerycznie w mezoskali w warunkach dwuwymiarowych (2D), łącząc metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w warunkach izotermicznych. Przeprowadzono w pełni sprzężone hydromechaniczne testy symulacyjne na małych próbkach betonu o uproszczonej...
Structural Variety of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Zinc(II), and Cadmium(II) Complexes with 4,4′-Azopyridine: Synthesis, Structure and Luminescence Properties
PublicationSelf-assembled bi- and polymetallic complexes of CoII, NiII, ZnII, and CdII were obtained by the reaction of 4,4′-azopyridine (azpy) with metal tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates (Co, 1; Cd, 2), acetylacetonates (Ni, 3; Zn, 4), and acetates (Cd, 5). All compounds were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis, elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry. Complexes 1, 2 and 4, 5 exhibit diverse structural...
Reconstruction of 3D structure of positive corona streamer by local methods
PublicationThe computer algorithms were used for reconstruction of streamer 3D structure. We propose the 3D tree structure model of corona discharge streamer composed with nodes and edges between chosen couples of nodes, which enables easy computation of some important parameters ofstreamers. The 3D model can be derived directly from two projection images by global methods like evolutionary searching or particle simulations. In this paper...