Search results for: CARRY-LOOKAHEAD ADDER
Effect of Coating Material Properties on Tilting-pad Thrust Bearing Performance
PublicationPolymer lined tilting-pad bearings demonstrate many advantages over traditional bearing systems. Bearings with a polymer layer in comparison with a babbitted layer show, for example: lower value of friction coefficient (important during start/stops), higher fatigue strength of the coating, better distribution of the load on individual pads due to lower elasticity of the polymers, wider range of operational temperatures or the ability...
Oil refinery dusts: morphological and size analysis by TEM
PublicationThe objectives of this work were to develop a means of sampling atmospheric dusts on the premises of an oil refinery for electron microscopic study to carry out preliminary morphological analyses and to compare these dusts with those collected at sites beyond the refinery limits. Carbon and collodion membranes were used as asupport for collection of dust particles straight on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids. Micrographs...
Statistical Method for Analysis of Interactions Between Chosen Protein and Chondroitin Sulfate in an Aqueous Environment
PublicationWe present the statistical method to study the interaction between a chosen protein and another molecule (e.g., both being components of lubricin found in synovial fluid) in a water environment. The research is performed on the example of univariate time series of chosen features of the dynamics of mucin, which interact with chondroitin sulfate (4 and 6) in four different saline solutions. Our statistical approach is based on recurrence...
High-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine with flow bleeding in a novel thermodynamic cycle for decarbonizing power generation
PublicationIn the global pursuit of sustainable energy and reduced carbon footprints, advances in power generation techniques play a crucial role, not only in meeting the ever-increasing energy demands but also in ensuring that environmental standards are maintained and that the health of our planet is prioritized for future generations. In the ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, novel high-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine...
Design and material selection for a patient transport device in field hospitals
PublicationACKGROUND: A major cause of patient and hospital worker injuries occurs transferring patients between two planes. The main aim of this paper was to propose a design of patient’s lift and transfer apparatus for use in field hospitals. The assumption was to design lightweight, durable and ergonomic device using innovative material. The authors concentrated on partial elimination of manual lifting in order to device could work both...
Low-cost performance-driven modelling of compact microwave components with two-layer surrogates and gradient kriging
PublicationUtilization of electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become indispensable for reliable evaluation of microwave components. As the cost of an individual analysis may already be considerable, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive simulations (e.g., optimization) may turn prohibitive. One of mitigation methods is the employment of equivalent network models. Yet, they are incapable of accounting...
Load effect impact on the exploitation of concrete machine foundations used in the gas and oil industry
PublicationMachine foundations is a critical topic in the gas and oil industry, which design and exploitation require extensive technical knowledge. Machine foundations are the constructions which are intended for mounting on it a specific type of machine. The foundation has to transfer dynamic and static load from machine to the ground. The primary difference between machine foundations and building foundations is that the machine foundations...
Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego
PublicationCelem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...
Jakość oprogramowania w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami informatycznymi
PublicationCel: Celem artykułu jest ocena, czy wykorzystanie podejścia zwinnego Scrum w organizacji podnosi jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania oraz próba uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak nowelizacja Przewodnika po Scrumie (Scrum Guide) z listopada 2020 roku wpłynęła na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Przyjętą metodyką badawczą jest przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz badania własne autora....
White light thermoplasmonic activated gold nanorod arrays enable the photo-thermal disinfection of medical tools from bacterial contamination
PublicationThe outspread of bacterial pathogens causing severe infections and spreading rapidly, especially among hospitalized patients, is worrying and represents a global public health issue. Current disinfection techniques are becoming insufficient to counteract the spread of these pathogens because they carry multiple antibiotic-resistance genes. For this reason, a constant need exists for new technological solutions that rely on physical...
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on SEC outlet conditions in nCO2PP
PublicationUtilization of spray ejector condenser in order to carry out direct-contact condensation of vapour with inert gas (CO2) on a spray of subcooled liquid integrated with separator (to make pure CO2) has been proposed for the task of condensation and CO2 separation in the negative CO2 emission gas power plant. Condensation and separation has a significant impact on the thermodynamic efficiency of the entire negative CO2 emission gas...
Modelling Signalised Intersections Reliability of Functioning
PublicationThe article addresses a fundamental aspect of traffic, i.e. the operation of traffic signals at intersections, in reference to the reliability theory. In many cases, when intersections carry substantial amounts of traffic, selecting control parameters to produce satisfactory traffic conditions is quite difficult. Design methods do not cover all possible situations which are the result of intersection geometry and location...
Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Educational Path Within "Glassworks in Pomerania Region, Crafts and Industry" Project
PublicationTeaching practical skills for work in field during academic lessons for students of geodesy and cartography and students of archaeology is crucial to prepare young students of the profession to participate in apprenticeships, professional realizations excavations and carry out their geodetic services. Another aspect of teaching of future archaeologists and surveyors working with them, is the ability to mutual understanding between...
Optimization-Based Robustness Enhancement of Compact Microwave Component Designs with Response Feature Regression Surrogates
PublicationThe ability to evaluate the effects of fabrication tolerances and other types of uncertainties is a critical part of microwave design process. Improving the immunity of the device to parameter deviations is equally important, especially when the performance specifications are stringent and can barely be met even assuming a perfect manufacturing process. In the case of modern miniaturized microwave components of complex topologies,...
Seaweed utilization issues in biogas production
PublicationMacroalgae can be seen as a renewable feedstock for the production of biofuels in many coastal areas around the World and especially in Baltic Sea region where the eutrophication is particularly troublesome. The investigation of anaerobic digestion technologies for extracting inexhaustible bioenergy from seaweed was conducted in many research institutions mainly in laboratory scale. Although seaweeds seem to have a great potential...
Rapid Design Centering of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Models and Response Features
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances as well as uncertainties concerning operating conditions and material parameters is one of the important yet often neglected aspects of antenna development. Appropriate quantification of uncertainties allows for estimating the fabrication yield but also to carry out robust design (e.g., yield maximization). For reliability reasons, statistical analysis should be executed at the accuracy level...
PublicationThe article describes the methodology of engine tests on new types of low-sulphur marine fuels in laboratory conditions in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their suitability for powering full-size marine engines. The innovativeness of the proposed solution consists of adapting the laboratory Diesel Engine Test Bed to carry out experimental tests using residual and alternative fuels so that it is possible to imitate...
Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku
PublicationStreszczenie: Rola inicjatyw społecznych w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego na przykładzie mozaiki Anny Fiszer na ścianie kina Neptun w Gdańsku. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli inicjatyw społecznych w budzeniu poczucia odpowiedzialności za dziedzictwo materialne i kulturowe. Przyjęto założenie, że dla lokalnych społeczności miasto jest przestrzenią pamięci. Nastrój, atmosfera i klimat miejsca to słowa, które określają fizyczny...
On the Possibilities of Decreasing Power Loss in Large Tilting Pad Thrust Bearings
PublicationJournal Menu About this Journal Abstracting and Indexing Aims and Scope Article Processing Charges Articles in Press Author Guidelines Bibliographic Information Citations to this Journal Contact Information Editorial Board Editorial Workflow Free eTOC Alerts Publication Ethics Submit a Manuscript Table of Contents Abstract Full-Text PDF Full-Text HTML...
PublicationThe conducted research investigations aimed to carry out an identification of the constructional materials fatigue state of the ship propulsions’ rotational mechanical units for diagnostic purposes. The fatigue cracks of the elements transmitting mechanical energy streams from the propulsion engines to the ship propellers or to the generators of the ship’s electric power station stand for a primary reason for the secondary, usually...
System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing
PublicationThe authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...
Wstępna ocena wielkości stężeń związków azotu i fosforu odprowadzanych z wodami powierzchniowymi do Zatoki Puckiej z terenu gminy Puck
PublicationThe ferilizers used in agriculture negatively affect the surface and groundwater quality. The Bay of Puck is a semi-closed part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication caused by the inflow of nutrient substances. The Bay is surrounded by the lands intensively used in agriculture. Also a number of touristic resorts is located on its coast. The streams and rivers carry the load of nitrogen and phosphorus...
UUV and AUV Vehicles as the autonomous systems for naval applications
PublicationThere is a growing pressure to investigate how to design and build the unmanned underwater vehicles of different types which are devoted towards performing many tasks under the water surface according to the data missions. During the recent years the Department of Ship Design and Subsea Robotics, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology designed and built a few types of unmanned underwater...
Failure probability of tall buildings with TMD in the presence of structural, seismic, and soil uncertainties
PublicationThe seismic performance of the tall building equipped with a tuned mass damper (TMD) considering soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects is well studied in the literature. However, these studies are performed on the nominal model of the seismic-excited structural system with SSI. Hence, the outcomes of the studies may not valid for the actual structural system. To address the study gap, the reliability theory as a useful and...
Investigation of the thermal effects in water-lubricated journal bearings with axial grooves
PublicationWater-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearings are frequently applied as stern tube bearings due to their advantages over other bearing types. They are environmentally friendly, can operate without sealings and in conditions of low friction losses. The most popular are bearings with open axial grooves, which require, for proper operation, forced axial flow of the lubricating water. Correctly designed and operated stern tube bearings...
Rapid and simple multi-analyte LC–MS/MS method for the determination of benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotic drugs in blood samples: Development, validation and application based on three years of toxicological analyses
PublicationBenzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs have been particularly important treatments for sleeping and anxiety disorders for many years. However, recently, a number of new benzodiazepines (named designer benzodiazepines, DBZDs) were synthesised, but some of them have never been used in the clinic; they reached the black drug market as new psychoactive substances and are used for recreational purposes. The abuse of these substances has...
Simultaneous determination of ibuprofen and its metabolites in complex equine urine matrices by GC-EI-MS in excretion study in view of doping control
PublicationA novel assay for the simultaneous determination of ibuprofen (IBU) and its four probable metabolites, 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU), 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2-OH IBU), 3-hydroxyibuprofen (3-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in equine urine samples with the application of Gas Chromatography-Electron Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (GC-EI-MS) has been developed and elaborated. The new approach for sample preparation including minimizing...
How to Meet the Green Deal Objectives—Is It Possible to Obtain 100% RES at the Regional Level in the EU?
PublicationThe subject matter discussed in the article concerns the problem of the energy transformation of the European Union (EU) countries. In the case of the EU, the energy transformation has specific characteristics due to formal legal and institutional provisions. This means that the member states are obliged to implement the adopted Community Energy Strategy, which was defined under the European Green Deal. According to the EU policy,...
Przygotowanie, realizacja i ocena pomiarów terenowych do identyfikacji oporności hydraulicznej sieci wodociągowej
PublicationW procesie tworzenia komputerowego modelu przepływów (KMP) jednym z wiodących zadań jest przygotowanie i realizacja pomiarów terenowych w celu identyfikacji oporności hydraulicznej czynnej sieci wodociągowej. Motywacją autora do przedstawienia zasad postępowania w tym zakresie jest narastająca niefrasobliwość twórców KMP, którzy w nieuprawniony sposób używają paramodeli do rozwiązywania problemów inżynierskich. W pracy zdefiniowano...
Ways of performing judo throws, and their efficiency, assessed in the open weight category in All-Japan Judo Championships
PublicationThere is no indication that earlier individual attempts in this area have been carried out in Japan. Judo masters including Kano, Koizumi, Kudo, Mifune, Tomiki and others have tried to introduce additional criteria to the classification. The need for so many modifications is a result of the many sport and referee rule changes, as well as to ensure the safety of competitors and to increase the attractiveness of judo contests. Purpose...
A new model of fuel spray shape at early stage of injection in a marine Diesel engine
PublicationIn the cylinders of a marine diesel engine, self-ignition occurs in very shortly time after the fuel injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the paper present was to develop a model of diesel fuel spray for the early stage of fuel spray for in marine diesel engine. There were taken into consideration the main aspects technical such as nozzle diameter of marine engine injector and backpressure in combustion chamber. In...
Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 1 Morrison Forensic
e-Learning CoursesInter Applied Chemistry Programme 1 Lecture 1 background reading Read the following : Chapter 1 Introduction to Forensic Science ( From Jackson, Jackson, Mountain and Brealey, Forensic Science, Pearson 4th Ed (2016)) Very general professional guidance/Introduction United Nations can be found within these guides, (these are mainly for reference purposes) Task...
Silent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future
PublicationSilent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future In a world dominated by information flow and rapid technological advancements, the existence of hidden networks and unseen influences has never been more relevant. "Silent Signals: The Covert Network Shaping the Future" delves deep into the mysterious and often opaque world of covert communication networks. This influential work sheds light on the silent...
Open Research DataThere is a series of datasets containing feature vectors derived from music tracks. The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 48-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier...
SYNAT Music Genre Parameters PCA 19
Open Research DataThe dataset contains feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11 music genres and 19-element vector derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of 52532 music excerpts described...
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of more than...