Organic Supercritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Isothermal Turbine
PublicationOrganic Rankine cycles (ORC) are quite popular, but the overall efficiencies of these plants are rather very low. Numerous studies have been conducted in many scientific centers and research centers to improve the efficiency of such cycles. The research concerns both the modification of the cycle and the increase in the parameters of the medium at the inlet to the turbine. However, the efficiency of even these modified cycles rarely...
Ocena stanu technicznego rurociągu przesyłowego zawiesiny popiołów w Elektrowni Ostrołęka B
PublicationPrzedmiotem pracy był rurociąg przesyłowy zawiesiny popiołów przesyłanych z Elektrowni Ostrołęka B. Celem pracy było potwierdzenie przynależności próbek yvyciętych z rurociągu do określonego gatunku stali i ocena stanu materiału po eksploatacji. Dla zrealizowania tego celu wykonano: - analizę składu chemicznego materiału pobranego ze stalowych rur, - mikroanalizę warstw wierzchnich na powierzchni wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, -...
Numerical analysis of CO2-water separation in a horizontal double T-junction
PublicationCarbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors leading to global warming. Considering the significant impacts of CO2 on climate change, various technologies have been developed in recent decades to control carbon emission, such as for example CO2 capture and storage. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant includes some devices, out of which, separator plays an indispensable role. To this end, T-junction...
Areas of Fan Research—A Review of the Literature in Terms of Improving Operating Efficiency and Reducing Noise Emissions
PublicationFans as industrial devices are among the most significant single recipients of driving energy. Therefore, they represent an important area of energy savings to reduce CO2 emissions. The ubiquity of fans and their operation under conditions different from the optimum provides an opportunity for more significant global reductions in the energy used to drive them. The second important aspect, besides energy efficiency, related to...
Prowadzenie ruchu małej elektrociepłowni gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublicationCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
Prowadzenie ruchu małego źródła kogeneracji gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublicationCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
Sustainable recovery of plant essential Nitrogen and Phosphorus from human urine using industrial coal fly ash
PublicationCoal-based thermal power plants play a pivotal role in meeting global energy demand. The amount of fly ash generated from these plants increases every year, and its successful use has posed a significant environmental risk in the last decade. In this study, coal fly ash was packed in a fixed-bed adsorption column to remove Urea–N from synthetic human urine. To assess the efficacy of fly ash in the removal of Nitrogen, various process...
Metoda diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej turbin parowych wykorzystująca elementy algorytmów genetycznych
PublicationRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest opisowi budowania metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej z wykorzystaniem elementów algorytmów genetycznych. Do tworzenia założeń i algorytmów metody posłużono się przykładem funkcjonowania bloku elektrowni kondensacyjnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem układu łopatkowego turbiny parowej. Celem pracy jest zbudowanie metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej. Zadaniem metody jest przeprowadzenie procesu...
Fault detection in measuring systems of power plants
PublicationThis paper describes possibility of forming diagnostic relations based on application of the artifical neural networks (ANNs), intended for the identifying of degradation of measuring instruments used in developed power systems. As an example a steam turbine high-power plant was used. And, simulative calculations were applied to forming diagnostic neural relations. Both degradation of the measuring instruments and simultaneously...
Analysis of the possibility of creep damage detection in T24 heat resistant steel with the help of magnetic nondestestructive testing methods
PublicationThe paper presents the result of an analysis of applicability of various electromagnetic methods of nondestructive evaluation for creep damage detection in a novel heat resistant steel - T24 grade. Two sample sets, cut out from membrane wall tubes, were investigated – the as-delivered one and another exploited for 36,000 h in a power plant. There are described results of magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), Barkhausen noise (BN) and...
Napęd z silnikiem indukcyjnym i 4-gałęziowym falownikiem SiC do turbosprężarek powietrza ogniw paliwowych dużej mocy
PublicationWysoka cena ogniw paliwowych utrudnia ich szerokie zastosowanie w transporcie i przemyśle. Należy szukać możliwości obniżenia ich kosztu również poprzez obniżenie kosztu i zwiększenie wydajności urządzeń pomocniczych ogniwa paliwowego (Balance of the Plant). Autorzy proponują aby w napędzie sprężarki powietrza, zastosować wysokoobrotowy silnik indukcyjny, który jest tańszy od stosowanych obecnie silników PMSM. W referacie zaproponowano...
Application of soil nailing technique for protection and preservation historical buildings
PublicationSoil nailing is one of the recent in situ techniques used for soil improvement and in stabilizing slopes. The process of soil nailing consists of reinforcing the natural ground with relatively small steel bars or metal rods, grouted in the pre-drilled holes. This method has a wide range of applications for stabilizing deep excavations and steep slopes. Soil nailing has recently become a very common method of slope stabilisation...
Study on Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of GTAW Dissimilar Joints of P91 and P22 Steels
PublicationThis article deals with the dissimilar joining of two different grade Cr-Mo steel (2.25Cr-1Mo: P22 and modified 9Cr-1Mo: P91) for power plant application. The dissimilar butt-welded joint was produced for conventional V groove design by using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with the application of an ERNiCrMo-3 Ni-based super alloy filler. A microstructure characterization was performed to measure the inhomogeneity...
Multicriteria Optimization Approach to Design and Operation of District Heating Supply System over its Life Cycle
PublicationDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). In the paper a method for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS) is proposed. The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectivity of heat transportation...
Genetic Hybrid Predictive Controller for Optimized Dissolved-Oxygen Tracking at Lower Control Level
PublicationA hierarchical two-level controller for dissolvedoxygenreference trajectory tracking in activated sludge processeshas been recently developed and successfully validated on a realwastewater treatment plant. The upper level control unit generatestrajectories of the desired airflows to be delivered by theaeration system to the aerobic zones of the biological reactor. Anonlinear model predictive control algorithm is applied to designthis...
Extremal thermal loading of a bifurcation pipe
PublicationThe subject of considerations is a spherical bifurcation pipe of a live steam made of steel P91, which is an element of a block of coal-fired power plant working with a 18K370 turbine. As experience shows, it is a very sensitive element of the boiler pipelines. An extreme work scenario for such a block has been adopted, in which the turbine is shutting down to a warm state three times in 24 hours. This is an action dictated by...
PublicationNowadays, fossil fuels are the main sources of energy from which electricity is obtained. But these sources will not last forever, so in due course renewable energies will have to replace them in this role. One of these new sources is solar energy. To generate electricity from sunlight, solar (photovoltaic - PV) cells and modules are used. The increasing interest in PV cells and modules worldwide is due mainly to the fact that...
Decision support system for design of long distance heat transportation system
PublicationDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). The paper proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of a long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS). The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectiveness...
Recent advances in hydrogen production from biomass waste with a focus on pyrolysis and gasification
PublicationThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
Kriging-assisted hybrid reliability design and optimization of offshore wind turbine support structure based on a portfolio allocation strategy
PublicationIn recent years, offshore wind power generation technology has developed rapidly around the world, making important contributions to the further development of renewable energy. When designing an Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) system, the uncertainties in parameters and different types of constraints need to be considered to find the optimal design of these systems. Therefore, the Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) method...
Tuning the Laser-Induced Processing of 3D Porous Graphenic Nanostructures by Boron-Doped Diamond Particles for Flexible Microsupercapacitors
PublicationCarbon (sp3)-on-carbon (sp2) materials have the potential to revolutionize fields such as energy storage and microelectronics. However, the rational engineering and printing of carbon-on-carbon materials on flexible substrates remains a challenge in wearable electronics technology. This study demon-strates the scalable fabrication of flexible laser-induced graphene (LIG)-boron doped diamond nanowall (BDNW) hybrid nanostructures...
Flexible syngas-biogas-hydrogen fueling spark-ignition engine behaviors with optimized fuel compositions and control parameters
PublicationThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
Dobór głównych parametrów instalacji grzewczych spalinowych siłowni okrętowych z wykorzystaniem metod i modeli probabilistycznych
PublicationPraca doktorska przedstawia nowatorską metodę projektowania okrętowych instalacji grzewczych. Metoda ta powstała dzięki analizie statystycznej danych zebranych z kilkunastu statków dotyczących między innymi wytwarzania pary w kotłach utylizacyjnych i zapotrzebowania na ciepło przez odbiorniki pary. Zaproponowany w pracy proces projektowy wykorzystuje równania korelacji wynikające z analizy statystycznej. Wytwarzanie ciepła oraz...
Effect of presence of lifting pocket on the THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing
PublicationHydrostatic assistance is a commonly used method to improve limited load carrying ability of tiltingpad thrust bearings during transient states of operation of vertical shaft hydro-generators. Despite of special hydraulic equipment (as pumps, valves, etc.), it also requires manufacturing of special recesses/pockets at pad sliding surfaces, into which oil is injected under high pressure. It allows to lift the rotor before start-up...
Investigation of the Efficiency of a Dual-Fuel Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber with a Plasma‒Chemical Element
PublicationThe study is devoted to the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the working process in dual-fuel combustion chambers of gas turbine engines for FPSO vessels. For the first time, it is proposed to use the advantages of plasma‒chemical intensification of the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the dual-fuel combustion chambers, which can simultaneously operate on gaseous and liquid fuels. A design scheme of a combustion chamber...
Integrated plant-wide modelling for evaluation of the energy balance and greenhouse gas footprint in large wastewater treatment plants
PublicationModern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) should maintain a balance between three combined sustainability criteria, including effluent quality, energy performance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. All of these criteria were considered in the integrated plant-wide model developed in this study. The proposed model incorporates new features, including: (i) the addition of associated facilities to the overall energy balance and...
Trace Metal Contamination of Bottom Sediments: A Review of Assessment Measures and Geochemical Background Determination Methods
PublicationThis paper provides an overview of different methods of assessing the trace metal (TM) contamination status of sediments affected by anthropogenic interference. The geochemical background determination methods are also described. A total of 25 papers covering rivers, lakes, and retention tanks sediments in areas subjected to anthropogenic pressure from the last three years (2019, 2020, and 2021) were analysed to support our examination...
Techno-economic analysis of a hybrid energy system for electrification using an off-grid solar/biogas/battery system employing HOMER: A case study in Vietnam
PublicationThe electrification of off-grid /island villages is a critical step towards improving the techno-economic circumstances of rural regions and the overall general growth of the country. However, consistent supply from a single source is not possible in these areas. Thus, a hybrid renewable energy system performs better in these conditions. The research challenge now is to identify the optimal combinations of HRES from the available...
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluids in chain microchannel under electrohydrodynamic actuator
PublicationEnergy efficiency enhancement methods have received considerable attentionwithin the industry and scientific community, owing to the rising concern ofglobal energy sustainability. The present article attempts to scrutinize the effectsof electrohydrodynamics and nanofluids on the rate of heat transfer and fluidflow in the 3-D chain microchannels. Improved heat exchangers (e.g., chainmicrochannel) would have a key role in increasing...
The Application of Satellite Image Analysis in Oil Spill Detection
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an increasing use of satellite sensors to detect and track oil spills. The satellite bands, namely visible, short, medium infrared, and microwave radar bands, are used for this purpose. The use of satellite images is extremely valuable for oil spill analysis. With satellite images, we can identify the source of leakage and assess the extent of potential damage. However, it is not yet clear how to...
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy SMC with Adaptive Fuzzy PID for Sensorless Speed Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor
PublicationMulti-phase motors have recently replaced three-phase induction motors in a variety of applications due to the numerous benefits they provide, and the absence of speed sensors promotes induction motors with variable speed drives. Sensorless speed control minimizes unnecessary speed encoder cost, reduces maintenance, and improves the motor drive’s reliability. The performance comparison of the fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC)...
Microstructure degradation and creep failure study of the dissimilar metal welded joint of heat-resistant steel and Inconel 617 alloy tested at 650 °C and applied stress range of 100–150 MPa
PublicationThe advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant system is anticipated to become India's next-generation base-load power station. To adopt AUSC technology, dissimilar welded joints (DWJs) between heat-resistant steels and the nickel-based alloys, using the nickel-based fillers, will need to be implemented. However, failure of dissimilar welded joints from P92 steel base metal or the heat affected zone (HAZ) has been commonly...
LC–MS/MS analysis, antioxidant and anticholinergic properties of galanga (Alpinia officinarum Hance) rhizomes
PublicationGalanga (Alpinia officinarum Hance) is a pungent and aromatic rhizome, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The rhizomes of this plant have been used as a traditional medicine in far east countries for relieving stomach ache, invigorating the circulatory system, treating colds, and reducing swelling. The aim of this study was to investigate antioxidant and anticholinergic properties of galanga. For this purpose,...
CO2 capture using steam ejector condenser under electro hydrodynamic actuator with non-condensable gas and cyclone separator: A numerical study
PublicationThe concept for condensation of steam and CO2 separation in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant involves the utilization of a steam ejector condenser (SEC) for direct-contact condensation of vapor with inert gas (CO2) on a spray of subcooled liquid, integrated with a separator to produce pure CO2. Due to the increasing diffusion resistance and reduced convective heat transfer between the steam and subcooled water phases...
Research solar power plant
offerResearch solar power plant -
Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublicationExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on spray ejector condenser conditions
PublicationThe core design strategy for minimizing CO2 emissions in gas power plant entails combining a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator to accomplish steam condensation and CO2 purification. This innovative process involves direct-contact condensation of steam with CO2, facilitated by interaction with a subcooled water spray, along with a cyclone separator mechanism intended for generating pure CO2. The investigation of the SEC...
CO2 capture through direct-contact condensation in a spray ejector condenser and T- junction separator
PublicationThe design principle underlying the steam condensation and CO2 purification in a gas power plant with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions encompasses the deployment of a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator. This innovative system facilitates direct-contact condensation of steam with non-condensable gas (CO2) by inter acting with a spray of subcooled water, seamlessly integrated with a T-junction separator mechanism aimed...
Evaluating the effect of different operational strategies on the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment plants – case studies from northern Poland
PublicationNowadays, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is expected at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, emission quantification and evaluation still faces difficulties related to data availability and uncertainty. The objective of this study was to perform carbon footprint (CF) analysis for two municipal WWTPs located in northern Poland. Slupsk WWTP is a large biological nutrient removal (BNR) facility (250,000 PE) which benefits...
PublicationПоказано, що відновлені джерела енергії (ВДЕ) у багатьох країнах дедалі більше домінують на ринку електроенергії, при цьому обсяги генерації електроенергії сонячними електростанціями (СЕС) останніми роками зростають рекордними темпами. Зазначено, що хоча частка ВДЕ продовжує зростати і фотоелектрична індустрія стрімко розвивається, однак галузь все ще стикається з багатьма проблемами, зокрема як продовжувати знижувати нормовану...
Computer controlled systems - 2022/2023
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization...