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Search results for: numerical-analysis
Numerical analysis of a temporary steel grandstand
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the results of the numerical analysis focused on the response of the temporary steel scaffolding grandstand subjected to human-induced vibrations due to jumping. Shell as well as beam elements have been used in the numerical model. Its first stage has involved conducting modal analysis in order to determine the modes of free vibrations and the corresponding natural frequencies for the empty...
Numerical Analysis and Applications
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Numerical analysis of crack propagation in silicone nitride
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculation...
Numerical analysis of scale effects in open propellers
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia numeryczne badania efektu skali powodującego różnice w charakterystykach hydrodynamicznych śrub okrętowych wyznaczonych dla skali rzeczywistej i dla skali modelowej. Zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń dla trzech przykładowych śrub, pokazując poprawki na efekt skali wyznaczone według czterech różnych metod.
An Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Water Hammer Phenomenon in Slurries
PublicationThe analysis of slurry transportation in pressure pipelines is important both from practical and theoretical point of view. Due to the nature of the medium, the number of problems arising in the course of design, operation, measurements and mathematical modeling is much higher compared to the cases where the flowing liquid is homogeneous. The equations describing the flow are more complex, and higher number of the parameters is...
Numerical analysis of pile installation effects in cohesive soils
PublicationIn this thesis the empirical equation for radial effective stress calculation after displacement pile installation and following consolidation phase has been proposed. The equation is based on the numerical studies performed with Updated Lagrangian, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian formulations as well as the calibration procedure with database containing world-wide 30 pile static loading tests in cohesive...
Numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in unbounded structures
PublicationThe main objective of this paper is to show the effectiveness and usefulness of the concept of an absorbing layer with increasing damping (ALID) in numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in unbounded engineering structures. This has been achieved by the authors by a careful investigation of three different types of structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities....
Aluminium Profile Reinforced with Carbon Fibre: Numerical Analysis
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Numerical analysis of evaporation in microchannel under capillary pumping
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Numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in unbounded structures
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Numerical analysis of the influence of a Gyrotron's cavity walls curvature
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Numerical analysis of cylindrical shell subjected to explosive load
Experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation in ground anchors
PublicationThe article focuses on wave propagation phenomenon in ground anchors. The main aim of the investigation is the non-destructive diagnostics and the assessment of the state of ground anchors, using the guided wave propagation method. Laboratory models of anchors with different lengths of the anchor body were tested and voltage signals of propagating waves were registered at several locations. For all tested specimens corresponding...
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Discussion. Numerical analysis of thin-walled frames with flexible joints
PublicationPrzedstwiono uwagi do artkułu Tews R., Rachowicz W. ''Numerical Analysis of Thin-Walled Frames with Flexible Joints'', Archives of Civil Engineering, 51, 3, 2005, ss. 344-369.
Experimental and numerical analysis of an aluminum cantilevered beam with polymer adhesive
PublicationIn this paper, experimental and numerical investigation on a composite cantilevered aluminum beam has been conducted. The subject of the study consists of two plain aluminum elements bonded with polymer adhesive of different thickness. It has been proven in the previous study that this kind of material has high damping properties. During an experimental investigation, value of damping ratios have been obtained. The aim of a numerical...
A numerical analysis of the thermal effects in the jet impingement stagnation zone
PublicationMost of the flows occurring in the engineering systems are turbulent and their accurate numerical analysis is still challenging, especially when combined with the heat transfer. One of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied also in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to its...
Numerical analysis and in situ tests of the Grot Rowecki Bridge in Warsaw
PublicationThe paper presents the FEM analysis of the reconstructed the Grot-Rowecki Bridge over Vistula river in Warsaw. The bridge has seven spans and consists of two independent structures with the longest spans of 120 m. After reconstruction the bridge is over 10 m wider. The numerical, nonlinear analysis has been con-ducted on a global and local FEM models. These models are defined so as they strictly comply with global structural bridge...
Numerical analysis of the carpentry joints applied in the traditional wooden structures
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical analysis of the carpentry joints made from spruce wood. The material parameters of the wood have been calculated on the basis of nine independent material constants (an orthotropic material). The contact zone between the individual elements of the connection has been determined using Contact Tables in the MSC.Marc software. Five types of carpentry joints have been analyzed. The main aim of the research...
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannels heat exchanger performance
PublicationNowadays, the most difficult technological challenge in energy sector is connected with the gas micro-CHP units, dedicated to the distributed power generation. They are expected to be of high efficiency and at the same time of compact in size. Regarding the first reason, significant increase in microturbine efficiency can only be achieved by increase in the engine operating temperature. Therefore, one of the critical elements in...
A conceptual design and numerical analysis of the mixerless urea-SCR system
PublicationIn the present study, an innovative design of the urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system without conventional mixing elements was developed. The aim was to obtain a high degree of urea decomposition, and uniform ammonia distribution at the inlet to the catalyst, while minimising the liquid film deposition and keeping the compact design. The concept of the design was based on creating high turbulences and elongating...
Numerical Analysis of Flow in Building Arrangement: Computational Domain Discretization
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Numerical analysis of the finite amplitude plane wave propagation problem
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fali płaskiej o skończonej amplitudzie w środowisku wodnym. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie akustyki nieliniowej. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano wpływ wartości parametrów numerycznych na dokładność obliczeń oraz analizowano wpływ wartości parametrów fizycznych...
Numerical analysis of laminated shells under in-plane axial compression
PublicationW pracy analizowana jest stateczność powłoki warstwowej poddanej osiowemu ściskaniu. Badany jest wpływ wariantów uwarstwienia oraz warunków podparcia krawędzi obciążonej na zachowanie konstrukcji. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z eksperymentem.
PublicationProblem of collisions of neighbouring structures is one of the important issues related to the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of numerical investigation of dynamic behavior of closely-separated steel structures under seismic excitation. Modal and transient...
Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model
PublicationWe conduct computer-assisted analysis of a two-dimensional model of a neuron introduced by Chialvo in 1995 [Chaos, Solitons Fractals 5, 461–479]. We apply the method of rigorous analysis of global dynamics based on a set-oriented topological approach, introduced by Arai et al. in 2009 [SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 8, 757–789] and improved and expanded afterward. Additionally, we introduce a new algorithm to analyze the return times...
Numerical analysis of vacuum drying of a porous body in the integrated domain
Publicationn the present study, the vacuum drying process of an apple slice is numerically modeled based on a control volume method. Transient two-dimensional Navier– Stokes, energy, moisture, and Luikov equations are solved by numerical coding (Fortran) to simulate the simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the ambient and apple slice, respectively. The privilege of using Luikov's model is that the capillary forces are considered, and a...
Numerical analysis of the ostiomeatal complex aeration using the CFD method
PublicationWe aimed to analyse ostiomeatal complex (OMC) aeration using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method of simulation based on human craniofacial computed tomography (CT) scans. The analysis was based on CT images of 2 patients: one with normal nose anatomy and one with nasal septal deviation (NSD). The Reynolds-Average Simulation approach and turbulence model based on linear eddy viscosity supplemented with the two-equation...
Fast numerical analysis of dielectric resonators with perturbed rotational symmetry
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano metody szybkiej analizy rezonatorow o symetrii zblizonej do osiowej metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Dzięki użyciu techniki rozwinęć funkcyjnych w jednorodnych obszarach uzyskano redukcję rozmiaru i znaczne przyspieszenie zbieżności problemu własnego, reprezentującegowspomniane układy. Dzięki elastycznemu sposobowi łączenia dziedzin z i bez rozwinięć funkcyjnych możliwe było zaadaptowanie...
Theoretical and numerical analysis of free vibration of liquid-filled tanks
PublicationW pracy rozpatrywano drgania giętne belki o stałym przekroju prostokątnym wypełnionej cieczą idealną. Częstości drgań własnych i formy drgań belki wyznacza się z nieskończonych układów równań algebraicznych (30) i (54). Rozwiązania przedstawiono na wykresach.
Experimental and numerical analysis of streamwise vortex generator for subsonic flow
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników obliczeń numerycznych dwoma kodami (FLUENT i SPARC) na tle badań eksperymentalnych generatora wirów wzdłużnych. Przedstawiono wyniki dla liczb Macha przepływu głównego 0.3 i 0.8. Porównano ciśnienie całkowite w dwóch przekrojach za otworem przez który realizowany jest wydmuch. Przedstawiono strukturę wiru wzdłużnego uzyskaną dla obu programów. Średnica otworu jetu jest równa 1mm, co odpowiada...
Numerical analysis on axial capacity of steel built-up battened columns
PublicationThis paper deals with the numerical analysis aimed at study the bearing capacity of pinended steel built-up columns under axial compression. Finite element (FE) models were performed for the columns presented in the literature. The main problem discussed in the article is the shape and magnitude of geometric imperfections introduced into the numerical FE model, necessary to obtain the load capacity consistent with the experimental...
Numerical analysis of mechanical properties of an infill structure used in 3D printings
PublicationThe paper presents results of a numerical analysis focused on an identification of mechanical properties of an element created by using Fused Deposition Modelling additive manufacturing technique (FDM). There is presented a description of technology of the 3D printing, numerical model created by using the finite element method (FEM), as well as some problems referred to estimation of the mechanical properties of the printout. The...
PublicationThe article presents a comparative numerical analysis of various ways to strengthen historical brick arches. Five ways of strengthening brick arches with steel tie-rods have been proposed. Two of these involve the use of braces wrapped around pillars supporting the arch connected with a tie-rod; another two ways involve the use of the tie-rods with welded metal sheets of different sizes; the last way involves the use of the tie-rod...
Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics
PublicationMusical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...
Numerical Analysis of Seismic Pounding between Adjacent Buildings Accounting for SSI
PublicationThe structural pounding caused by an earthquake may damage structures and lead to their collapse. This study is focused on the pounding between two adjacent asymmetric structures with different dynamic properties resting on the surface of an elastic half-space. An exploration of the relationship between the effects of the seismic analysis with the impact response to the torsional pounding between adjacent buildings under different...
Numerical analysis of the influence of combustible material on the temperature field during fire
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Field investigation and numerical analysis of an inverted pavement system in Tennessee, USA
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Numerical analysis of CO2-water separation in a horizontal double T-junction
PublicationCarbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors leading to global warming. Considering the significant impacts of CO2 on climate change, various technologies have been developed in recent decades to control carbon emission, such as for example CO2 capture and storage. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant includes some devices, out of which, separator plays an indispensable role. To this end, T-junction...
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part II: Numerical analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych programem Fluent przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu różnych typów siatek obliczeniowych, różnych rodzajów "zszywek" oraz różnych metod obliczeniowych (Mixing Plane, Sliding Mesh, Multiple ReferenceFrame).
Numerical analysis of behaviour of reinforced concrete elements under eccentric compression
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania nośności elementów żelbetowych stosując metodę elementów skończonych. Do opisu betonu zastosowano sprężysto-plastyczne prawo materiałowe wg Druckera-Pragera. Do modelowania stali zbrojeniowej zastosowano sprężysto-plastyczne prawo materiałowe według von Misesa. Obliczenia wykonano dla ścian żelbetowych.
Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization
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International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
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Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank with Self-Supported Roof through Numerical Analysis
PublicationThe safety of civil engineering structures is one of the most important issues of building industry. That is why the assessment of the damage-involved structural response has recently become of major concern to engineers. Among a number of different approaches to diagnosis of damage, the method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is considered to be one of the most effective indicators of global damage. From the practical...
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannel heat exchanger for recuperative microturbine system
PublicationConsidering the development of energy sector, distributed small-scale power generation, e.g., gas micro-CHP, is attracting considerable interest. In such installations, the heat exchanger is one of the key components possessing a significant influence on overall performance. Most studies concentrate on units operating below 900C, which do not fulfil the requirements of gas micro-CHP. Therefore, there remains a challenge to design...
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublicationWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
Heat transfer intensification by jet impingement – numerical analysis using RANS approach
PublicationJet impingement is a method of the heat transfer enhancement applied in the engineering systems. The idea is to generate fast-flow fluid jet which impinge on the heated (or cooled) surface, causing significantly higher heat transfer rate. Although some flat surface jet impingement cases are described in the literature, the validated data is still limited. The reason is coming from the fact, that these flows are hydrodynamically...
Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...