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The non-invasive evaluation of heart function in patients with an acute myocardial infarction: The role of impedance cardiography
PublicationBackground: The purpose of this study was to analyze hemodynamic changes in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) at an early stage of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and at one-month follow-up. Methods: Patients with AMI (n = 27) who underwent PCI were analyzed using impedance cardiography (ICG). ICG data were collected continuously (beat by beat) during the whole PCI procedure and thereafter at every...
Tuning transfer function of fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer via introduction of birefringence in the cavity
PublicationThe study investigates the impact of birefringence exhibited by the cavity material of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer on its transfer function. The theoretical approach to analyze the effect of birefringence in the cavity of a plane Fabry-Pérot interferometer is described. The case of high- and low-finesse interferometer is investigated. It is shown that introduction of a birefringent medium of optimized parameters can...
Chemometric Assessment and Best-Fit Function Modelling of the Toxic Potential of Selected Food Packaging Extracts
PublicationFood packaging materials constitute an ever more threatening environmental pollutant. This study examined options to specifically assess the ecotoxicity of packaged wastes, such as cans, subjected to various experimental treatments (in terms of extraction media, time of exposure, and temperature) that imitate several basic conditions of the process of food production. The extracts were studied for their ecotoxicity with bioluminescent...
Improved-Efficacy EM-Based Antenna Miniaturization by Multi-Fidelity Simulations and Objective Function Adaptation
PublicationThe growing demands for integration of surface mount design (SMD) antennas into miniatur-ized electronic devices have been continuously imposing limitations on the structure dimen-sions. Examples include embedded antennas in applications such as on-board devices, picosatel-lites, 5G communications, or implantable and wearable devices. The demands for size reduction while ensuring a satisfactory level of the electrical and field...
Self-assembly, stability and conductance of amphotericin B channels: bridging the gap between structure and function
PublicationAmphotericin B (AmB), one of the most powerful but also toxic drugs used to treat systemic mycoses, is believed to selectively permeabilize fungal cell membranes to ions in a sterol-dependent manner. Unfortunately, the structure of the biologically active AmB channels has long eluded researchers, obstructing the design of safer alternatives. Here, we investigate the structural and thermodynamic aspects of channel formation, stability,...
Cascade Object Detection and Remote Sensing Object Detection Method Based on Trainable Activation Function
PublicationObject detection is an important process in surveillance system to locate objects and it is considered as major application in computer vision. The Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based models have been developed by many researchers for object detection to achieve higher performance. However, existing models have some limitations such as overfitting problem and lower efficiency in small object detection. Object detection in remote...
Exposure to Bisphenol A Analogs and the Thyroid Function and Volume in Women of Reproductive Age—Cross-Sectional Study
PublicationBisphenols (BPs) are commonly known plastifiers that are widely used in industry. The knowledge about the impact of BPs on thyroid function is scarce. Proper thyroid functioning is especially important for women of reproductive age, as hypothyroidism affects fertility, pregnancy outcomes and the offspring. There are no studies analyzing the influence of BPs on thyroid function and volume in non-pregnant young women. The aim of...
GTR/NBR/Silica Composites Performance Properties as a Function of Curing System: Sulfur versus Peroxides
PublicationIn this work, conventional sulfur and two types of organic peroxides (dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB)) curing systems were used to investigate the possibility for tailoring of the performance properties of GTR/NBR blends reinforced with a variable content of highly dispersive silica (0–30 phr). The curing characteristics, static mechanical and acoustical properties, swelling behavior,...
IL-33 and IL-4 impair barrier functions of human vascular endothelium via different mechanisms
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Modification of structured bio‑carbon derived from spongin-based scaffolds with nickel compounds to produce a functional catalyst for reduction and oxidation reactions: Potential for use in environmental protection
PublicationThree different 3D fibrous-like NiO/Ni(OH)2/Ni‑carbonized spongin-based materials were prepared via a simple sorption–reduction method. Depending on the support used, the catalysts were composed of carbon, nickel oxide, nickel hydroxide and zero-valent nickel, with the surface content of the nickel-containing phase in the range 15.2–26.0 wt%. Catalytic studies showed promising activity in the oxidation of phenolic compounds in water...
Nickel Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Nitrogen‐Doped Carbon Nanofibers as Excellent Bifunctional Catalyst for Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Processes
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Nonlocal three-dimensional theory of elasticity for buckling behavior of functionally graded porous nanoplates using volume integrals
PublicationIn this paper, the buckling of rectangular functionally graded (FG) porous nanoplates based on threedimensional elasticity is investigated. Since, similar researches have been done in two-dimensional analyses in which only large deflections with constant thickness were studied by using various plate theories; therefore, discussion of large deformations and change in thickness of plates after deflection in this study is examined....
Bifunctional Opioid/Melanocortin Peptidomimetics for Use in Neuropathic Pain: Variation in the Type and Length of the Linker Connecting the Two Pharmacophores
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Computing dynamical curlicues
Open Research DataA curlicue is a piece-wise linear curve in the complex plane which can be generated by an arbitrary sequence of real numbers u_n. It can be interpreted as a trajectory of a particle in the plane which starts in the origin at time t=0 and moves with a constant velocity, changing its direction at instances t=0,1,2,3,..., where the new direction is given...
Permanent dipole moment functions of the KRb molecule
Open Research DataElectronic permanent dipole moment functions (PDMF) have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Sigma-, Pi, and Delta electronic states of the KRb molecule. PDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. All results of the permanent dipole moments have been...
Transition dipole moment functions of the KRb molecule
Open Research DataElectronic transition dipole moment functions (TDMF) have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+ (S+), Pi (P), and Delta (D) electronic states of the KRb molecule. TDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. All results of the transition dipole moments...
Elastic wave propagation signals in concrete cube (experimental and calculated using discrete element method)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the elastic wave propagation. Both experimental and numerical signals were obtained for the concrete cube with dimensions of 50 × 50 × 50 mm3. The specimen was made of concrete with called mortar concrete. The ingredients of the concrete mix were as follows: CEM I 42.5R (500 kg/m3), sand 0 – 2 (1500 kg/m3) and water...
The European Training Network ETUDE (Encompassing Training in fUnctional Disorders across Europe): a new research and training program of the EURONET-SOMA network recruiting 15 early stage researchers
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Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Electrocatalytic water splitting by bifunctional Zircon-doped borophene
Open Research DataThe data in the folder represent modified boron for use in electrochemical water splitting half reactions. The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) play a vital role in renewable energy applications such as water splitting. Borophene, a two-dimensional (2D) boron-based material, has garnered significant attention due...
Continuum wave functions for estimating the electric dipole moment: Calculation based on a multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock approximation
PublicationThe multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method is employed to calculate the continuum electron wave functions, which are then used to estimate their contribution to the atomic electric dipole moment (EDM) of 129Xe. The EDM arises from (P,T)-odd electron-nucleon tensor-pseudotensor and pseudoscalar-scalar interactions, the nuclear Schiff moment, the interaction of the electron electric dipole moment with nuclear magnetic moments,...
Local heaviside weighted mlpg meshless method approach to extended flamant problem using radial basis functions
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie uogólnionego zagadnienia Flamanta za pomocą bezsiatkowej metody MLPG z wykorzystaniem funkcji o bazie radialnej. Sprawdzono wydajność metody dla dwóch klas funkcji kształtu: klasycznych funkcji radialnych i lokalnych funkcji radialnych. Porównano wyniki obliczeń oraz przedstawiono wnioski.
Differences in the verbal fluency, working memory and executive functions in alcoholics: Short-term vs. long-term abstainers
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Non-disjoint Decomposition Using r-admissibility and Graph Coloring and Its Application in Index Generation Functions Minimization
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A method for optimizing potential-energy functions by a hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape: Application to the UNRES force field
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Erratum to "Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics" by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, R. P. Soni
PublicationWe correct a number of misprints in the handbook "Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematial physics" (3rd edition) by Magnus, Oberhettinger and Soni.
Performance properties of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate/brewers’ spent grain foamed composites as function of isocyanate index
PublicationIn the presented work, rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams filled with brewers’ spent grain (BSG) were prepared. The influence of the isocyanate index (II) on its performance was investigated. Foams obtained with higher isocyanate index required a higher amount of hydrofluorocarbon physical blowing agent to provide the same apparent density of material. An increase of isocyanate index resulted in a slight decrease...
Utilization of a Non-Linear Error Function in a Positioning Algorithm for Distance Measurement Systems Designed for Indoor Environments
PublicationA new positioning algorithm for distance measurement systems is outlined herein. This algorithm utilizes a non-linear error function which allows us to improve the positioning accuracy in highly difficult indoor environments. The non-linear error function also allows us to adjust the performance of the algorithm to the particular environmental conditions. The well-known positioning algorithms have limitations, mentioned by their...
Mercury concentration in the sediments as a function of changing climate in coastal zone of Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results
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Assessment of the Global and Regional Land Hydrosphere and Its Impact on the Balance of the Geophysical Excitation Function of Polar Motion
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Mercury concentration in the sediments as a function of changing climate in coastal zone of Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results
PublicationMercury, despite of its many uses in industry, is also highly toxic. It is highly neurotoxic, and because of the ability of mercury to penetrate placental barrier, in some countries ban on predatory fish consumption (the main route of mercury into human organism) by pregnant women was introduced. There are very little publications describing the consequences of weather anomalies on contaminants cycles. No research was published...
A Potential Relationship Between Estrogen Receptors Polymorphisms, Sperm Function and in vitro Fertilization Success: A Preliminary Study*
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P1471Multimodality imaging of left ventricular function and volumes in patients with acute and chronic myocardial injury - Novel insights
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The molecular function of kallikrein‐related peptidase 14 demonstrates a key modulatory role in advanced prostate cancer
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Robust local basis function algorithms for identification of time-varying FIR systems in impulsive noise environments
PublicationWhile local basis function (LBF) estimation algorithms, commonly used for identifying/tracking systems with time-varying parameters, demonstrate good performance under the assumption of normally distributed measurement noise, the estimation results may significantly deviate from satisfactory when the noise distribution is of impulsive nature, for example, heavy-tailed or corrupted by outliers. This paper introduces a computationally...
Green`s function methods for Mathematical modeling of unidirectional diffusion process in isothermal metals bonding process
PublicationPodano wykorzystanie funkcji Greena w rozwiązaniu matematycznego modelu dyfuzji jednowymiarowej podczas izotermicznego łączenia metali.
Site-to-site distance distribution in flexible molecules: theoretical evaluation of the donor and/or acceptor fluorescence decay function
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyrażenie teoretyczne opisujące zależność funkcji zaniku fluorescencji od rozkładu odległości P(r) pomiędzy donorami i akceptorami w giętkich molekułach dwuchromoforowych. Wyrażenie uwzględnia wiekoeksponencjalny zanik izolowanych donorów i akceptorów, a także możliwość niekompletnego oznakowania molekuł akceptorami. Przyjęto, że względne zmiany odległości donorów i akceptorów w czasie życia fluorescencji donora mogą...
Winding function approach based design of novel five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of the new design of the five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator. The generator is dedicated to the modern wind turbine. The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the stator control winding side of the generator with a stator three-phase classic power winding. The research results presented indicate that the electromagnetic coupling between the control and power...
New Two-center Ellipsoidal Basis Function Neural Network for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Electronic Circuits
PublicationIn the paper a new fault diagnosis-oriented neural network and a diagnostic method for localization of parametric faults in Analog Electronic Circuits (AECs) with tolerances is presented. The method belongs to the class of dictionary Simulation Before Test (SBT) methods. It utilizes dictionary fault signatures as a family of identification curves dispersed around nominal positions by component tolerances of the Circuit Under Test...
Entropy function application within the selection process of diagnostic parameters of marine diesel and gas turbine engines
PublicationThe paper presents the method of conducting an analysis of the diagnostic informativeness among the parameters characterizing the observed gas dynamic processes carried out within working spaces of marine diesel and gas turbine engines. An entropy function, as the measure of uncertainty of the identified states' set of the engine unfitness was applied. Having evaluated the diagnostic information the most adequate parameters were...
Inverse method for 2D viscous flow design problem using stream-function coordinates for axisymmetric model
PublicationOpracowano metodę odwrotną dla przepływów lepkich nieściśliwych w osiowosymetrycznej konfiguracji. Użyto współrzędnych funkcji prądu mających tą właściwość, iż możliwe jest zastapienie jednej współrzędnej geometrycznej zmienną zależną od prędkości przepływu. W związku z czym możliwe jest rozwiązanie zadania projektowego. Metodę rozwiązano numerycznie dla przypadku testowego jak i pokazano możliwości metody dla bardziej skomplikowanego...
A New Expression for the 3-D Dyadic FDTD-Compatible Green's Function Based on Multidimensional Z-Transform
PublicationIn this letter, a new analytic expression for the time-domain discrete Green's function (DGF) is derived for the 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid. The derivation employs the multidimensional Z-transform and the impulse response of the discretized scalar wave equation (i.e., scalar DGF). The derived DGF expression involves elementary functions only and requires the implementation of a single function in the multiple-precision...
Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle efficiency and vapor generator heat transfer surface in function of the reduced pressure
PublicationIn the paper presented is analysis of the influence of reduced pressure on efficiency and heat transfer area of vapor generator of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in case of subcritical and supercritical parameters of operation. Compared are two cases of subcritical and supercritical ORC featuring a similar arrangement of heat source supply and heat removal, that is featuring the same temperatures of working fluid before the turbine,...
PublicationNowadays, it is essential to reduce the environmental impact of products and technologies. Such an approach should be highlighted in all research activities. In the case of polymer composites, it can be realized by introducing by-products or waste materials as fillers. An auspicious example of such material is the brewers’ spent grain, the major byproduct of the beer production. Its chemical composition, relatively similar to conventional...
Amino-modified mesoporous silica SBA-15 as bifunctional drug delivery system for cefazolin: Release profile and mineralization potential
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Bifunctional sulfur-silicon podands as new nucleophilic ionophores in acyl transfer reactions. Influence of monovalent cations on the reaction kinetics
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An optimal nonlinear fractional order controller for passive/active base isolation building equipped with friction-tuned mass dampers
PublicationThis paper presents an optimal nonlinear fractional-order controller (ONFOC) designed to reduce the seismic responses of tall buildings equipped with a base-isolation (BI) system and friction-tuned mass dampers (FTMDs). The parameters for the BI and FTMD systems, as well as their combinations (BI-FTMD and active BI-FTMD or ABI-FTMD), were optimized separately using a multi-objective quantum-inspired seagull optimization algorithm...
Bending analysis of functionally graded nanoplates based on a higher-order shear deformation theory using dynamic relaxation method
PublicationIn this paper, bending analysis of rectangular functionally graded (FG) nanoplates under a uniform transverse load has been considered based on the modified couple stress theory. Using Hamilton’s principle, governing equations are derived based on a higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT). The set of coupled equations are solved using the dynamic relaxation (DR) method combined with finite difference (FD) discretization technique...
Edible black ant Smith (Carebara vidua) as human food – A systematic review
PublicationMeeting food security is one of the major global challenges to ensure sufficient supply of food for current and future generations, considering increasing population growth and climate change issues. Consequently, the consumption of edible insects as an alternative food source has recently gained global attention for combating global food insecurity. The present review aims to provide information on the recent progress in consumption...
Determining required safety integrity level
PublicationOne of the most important stage of technical system functional safety analysis is defining the safety-related functions as well as determining safety integrity level (SIL) for each defined function. A properly carried out hazard identyfication process is the necessary condition for correct definition of the safety-related functions. Determining the safety integrity level (SIL) is based on risk assessment taking into account risk...