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Search results for: SENSOR ECT
Investigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor
Open Research DataInvestigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a 200 nm ZnO ALD coating for the purpose of validation the design of the sensor, measurement setup and method of examination of electric cell materials.
The use of gas chromatography combined with chemical and sensory analysis to evaluate nuisance odours in the air and water environment
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Gradient-Index (GRIN) Matrices Based On Mosaic Assembling Technology (MAT) For Multichannel Fiberoptic Environmental Sensors
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Synthesizing of Sensitizing Glasses in Very Small Volumes and Strictly Controlled Atmospheres for Fiber and Integrated Optic Sensors
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Sensory Quality, Volatile Compounds, and Physical Properties of Sheep’s Milk Cheese with Herbs (Allium ursinum L.)
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GPU-Accelerated Finite-Element Matrix Generation for Lossless, Lossy, and Tensor Media [EM Programmer's Notebook]
PublicationThis paper presents an optimization approach for limiting memory requirements and enhancing the performance of GPU-accelerated finite-element matrix generation applied in the implementation of the higher-order finite-element method (FEM). It emphasizes the details of the implementation of the matrix-generation algorithm for the simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in lossless, lossy, and tensor media. Moreover, the impact...
Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...
Portable exhaled breath analyzer employing fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a portable exhaled breath analyser, developed to detect selected diseases. The set-up employs resistive gas sensors: commercial MEMS sensors and prototype gas sensors made of WO3 gas sensing layers doped with various metal ingredients. The set-up can modulate the gas sensors by applying UV light to induce physical changes of the gas sensing layers. The sensors are placed in a tiny gas chamber of a volume...
Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Gas Sensors: An Appraisal of Different Evaluation Techniques
PublicationVolatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, can be used as biomarkers in human exhaled breath in order to non-invasively detect various diseases, and the same compounds are of much interest also in the context of environmental monitoring and protection. Here, we report on a recently-developed gas sensor, based on surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles, which is able to generate voltage noise with a distinctly non-Gaussian...
An optimised placement of the hard quality sensors for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration in drinking water distribution systems
PublicationThe problem of an optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in drinking water distribution systemsunder several water demand scenarios for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration is formulatedin this paper. The optimality is understood as achieving a desired trade off between the sensors and theirmaintenance costs and the accuracy of estimation of the chlorine concentration. The contribution of thiswork is a comprehensive...
Currently Commercially Available Chemical Sensors Employed for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor and Indoor Air
PublicationThe paper presents principle of operation and design of the most popular chemical sensors for measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in outdoor and indoor air. It describes the sensors for evaluation of explosion risk including pellistors and IR-absorption sensors as well as the sensors for detection of toxic compounds such as electrochemical (amperometric), photoionization and semiconductor with solid electrolyte ones....
Koncepcja i analiza sensora/aktuatora piezoelektrycznego do pomiaru procesu starzenia się ludzkiej skóry
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł przedstawia nową koncepcję piezoelektrycznego sensora/aktuatora przeznaczonego do pomiaru właściwości mechanicznych tkanek miękkich a w szczególności skóry ludzkiej. Wyjaśnione jest analityczne podejście z wykorzystaniem schematu zastępczego Mason’a określającego aktuator w stanie rezonansu oraz opis metody impedancji elektromechanicznej wykorzystanej w systemie pomiarowym. Analiza z użyciem metody elementów...
Time window based features extraction from temperature modulated gas sensors for prediction of ammonia concentration
PublicationElectronic gas recognition systems, in literature commonly referred as electronic noses, enable the recognition of a type and a concentration of various volatile compounds. Typical electronic gas-analyzing device consists of four main elements, namely, gas delivery subsystem, an array of gas sensors, data acquisition and power supply circuits and data analysis software. The commercially available metal-oxide TGS sensors are widely...
Hybrid‐mode single‐slope ADC with improved linearity and reduced conversion time for CMOS image sensors
PublicationIn the paper, a single‐slope analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC) for integrated CMOS image sensor applications with an improved technique of conversion has been proposed. The proposed hybrid‐mode ADC automatically uses one of the following conversion techniques: time based (i.e. PWM) or voltage based (i.e. single‐slope). During the ADC operation, the clock frequency and reference voltage are modified in order to reduce the conversion...
Application of fiber optic sensors using Machine Learning algorithms for temperature measurement of lithium-ion batteries
PublicationOptical fiber sensorsusing low-coherence interferometry require processing ofthe output spectrum or interferogramto quickly and accurately determine the instantaneous value of the measured quantity, such as temperature.Methods based on machine learning are a good candidate for this application. The application of four such methods in an optical fiber temperature sensoris demonstrated.Using aZnO-coated...
Efficient Calibration of Cost-Efficient Particulate Matter Sensors Using Machine Learning and Time-Series Alignment
PublicationAtmospheric particulate matter (PM) poses a significant threat to human health, infiltrating the lungs and brain and leading to severe issues such as heart and lung diseases, cancer, and premature death. The main sources of PM pollution are vehicular and industrial emissions, construction and agricultural activities, and natural phenomena such as wildfires. Research underscores the absence of a safe threshold for particulate exposure,...
Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Sensors for the Detection of Toxins in Food: A Critical Mini-Review on the Applications and Mechanisms
PublicationUsing scientific technologies to detect toxins in food is significant to prevent food safety problems and protect people’s health. Recently, the rise of sensors has made rapid, efficient, and safe detection of food toxins possible. One of the key factors impacting the sensor’s performance is the nanomaterials employed. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), with high specific surface area, tunable composition, porous structure, and flexible...
The sensors-based artificial intelligence Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS) for managing the railway transport fleet
PublicationRailways deliver a safe and sustainable form of transport and are typically pointed as one the safest form of transportation. Nevertheless, train accidents still happen, and when they happen, the consequences concern serious fatalities and injuries. Since every case is unique, the most frequent causes of train accidents are mechanical derailments, failures, as well as human errors and ignorance. In order to mitigate the risks posed...
Application of computer assisted modified coupled mode method for the design of polarimetric sensors. Optical Fibres and Their Applications VIII. Białowieża 23-26 stycznia 2002. Ed. J. Dorosz, R.S. Romaniuk. Wykorzystanie zmodyfikowanej metody modów sprzężonych wspomaganej komputerem do projektowania sensorów polarymetrycznych.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozszerzenie zmodyfikowanej metody modów sprzężonych,dzięki, któremu możliwe jest modelowanie szerokiej klasy światłowodów poddanych jednoczesnemu działaniu wielu zaburzeń. W metodzie tej dokonuje się numerycznego rozwiązania równania modów sprzężonych, w wyniku czego możliwa jest analiza przypadków, w których współczynniki sprzężenia modów nie są stałe wzdłuż światłowodu. W wyniku umiejętnej modyfikacji...
International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing
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Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing
PublicationFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is an exciting and relatively new research field that promises to extend the range of information that can be extracted from a single sensor. In FES, the stochastic fluctuations of the sensor signal, rather than its average value, are recorded and analyzed. Typical components of such fluctuations are due to interactions at the microscopic level. Proper statistical analysis provides optimum sensory...
On Rapid Design Optimization and Calibration of Microwave Sensors Based on Equivalent Complementary Resonators for High Sensitivity and Low Fabrication Tolerance
PublicationThis paper presents the design, optimization, and calibration of multivariable resonators for mi-crowave dielectric sensors. An optimization technique for circular complementary split ring reso-nator (CC-SRR) and square complementary split ring resonator (SC-SRR) is presented to achieve the required transmission response in a precise manner. The optimized resonators are manufac-tured using a standard photolithographic technique...
The possibility of application of the potentiometric sensor with all-solid-state electrodes containing lipid-polymer membranes for classification of tested black leaf teas in terms of their quality
PublicationPotentiometric sensor with all-solid-state electrodes containing lipid-polymer membranes for a set of black leaf teas coming from four countries (China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenia) classification was applied. The tested tea samples were reassigned to quality classes marked with numbers I–V according to the information available. The sensor results of tea samples are presented in the form of radar charts. It was observed that, in...
Glossary to the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of February 22.2021, file ref. act I OPS 1/20, CBOSA
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Changes in subcellular localization of visfatin in human colorectal HCT-116 carcinoma cell line after cytochalasin B treatment
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Antibiotics Act with vB_AbaP_AGC01 Phage against Acinetobacter baumannii in Human Heat-Inactivated Plasma Blood and Galleria mellonella Models
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Innovative ICT Platform for Emerging eHealth Services: Towards Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers and Solving Grand Challenges in Medicine
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ICT for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: Economic, Cultural, and Social Innovations for Human Capital in Transition Economies
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Giving Moral Competence High Priority in Medical Education. New MCT-based Research Findings from the Polish Context
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Ecological bearing systems for water turbines - two research programs aimed at making water turbines more "eco-friendly".
PublicationW pracy opisano próby wyeliminowania ropopochodnych środków smarowych z układów łożyskowania turbin wodnych. Próby dotyczą zastosowania bezsmarowych łożysk kierownic i smarowanych wodą łożysk wałów turbin. Wprowadzanie bezsmarowych łożysk kierownic wymaga stworzenia metod prognozowania ich trwałości w warunkach małych oscylacji. Do stosowania w łożyskach wałów zaproponowano smarowane wodą łożyska ceramiczne o oryginalnej konstrukcji,...
Long-working-distance Raman system for monitoring of uPA ECR CVD process of thin diamond/DLC layers growth
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono konstrucję systemu optoelektronicznego do monitoringu ramanowskiego in-situ procesu μPA ECR CVD (ang.: Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition), stosowanego do osadzania cienkich warstw diamentowych i diamentopodobnych DLC. System ma budowę modułową i wyposażony jest w dedykowane sondy optyczne. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów testowych, potwierdzjące, że system posiada...
Zaawansowany system analizy kolorowych obrazów otrzymywanych metodą LCT podczas modelowania efuzyjnego chłodzenia łopatek turbin gazowych
PublicationArtykuł zawiera koncepcję oraz projekt zaawansowanego systemu analizy obrazów LCT w badaniach stanów nieustalonych, przydatnych przy optymalizacji geometrii różnego rodzaju aparatów i urządzeń przemysłowych. Proponowany system oparty będzie o autorskie rozwiązanie programistyczne do zbierania i analizy danych (przede wszystkim kolorowych obrazów) w czasie rzeczywistym. Koncepcja układu pomiarowego zostanie wykorzystana w badaniach...
Spatial characterization of H 2: CH 4 dissociation level in microwave ECR plasma source by fibre-optic OES
PublicationSpatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy (SR-OES) was used to investigate microwave activated H2/Ar/CH4 plasma under conditions of the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). The chemistry and composition of the gas phase were studied using self-designed fibre-optic system with echelle type spectrometer during CVD deposition of polycrystalline diamond. One-dimensional intensity profiles of the main species were collected along...
Analysis of pesticide residue in tomato samples using analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system
PublicationQuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in tomato samples, coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GCECD). The experimental parameters including oven temperature program, amount of the sample and purifying agent were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms of linearity, selectivity and recovery. The limits of detection (LODs) of the...
ICT technologies and financial innovations: The case of exchange traded funds in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and the United States
Badania nieniszczące jakości spoin szyn poddźwigowych na nabrzeżu przeładunkowym T1 w DCT w Porcie Północnym
PublicationCelem podstawowym niniejszego opracowania było sprawdzenie za pomocą NDT jakości spoin wykonanych w ramach prac naprawczych w DCT w roku 2017 (styki szyn poddźwigowych typu A120 na nabrzeżu T1 w DCT Port Północny Gdańsk). W ramach opracowania: 1) Ustalono zakres badań - na podstawie potrzeb Kierownictwa Infrastrukury DCT; b) Analizowano wyniki badań nieniszczących wykonanych w sierpniu 2017r.;...
Eco-Friendly Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials from Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide Filled Polycaprolactone/Polyaniline Nanocomposites
PublicationHybrid nanocomposites have the unique ability of enhancing material properties due to the existing synergistic effect of the fillers. In this study, the authors report such an eco-friendly hybrid nanocomposite comprising of polyaniline and reduced graphene oxide in polycaprolactone. The conducting polyaniline improved the processability of polycaprolactone, and the final composites were prepared by incorporating graphene oxide...
Reduction of exceeding the guaranteed service time for external trucks at the DCT Gdańsk container terminal using a six sigma framework
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this research was to investigate ways to reduce the average amount of exceeded guaranteed service time for external trucks at Deepwater Container Terminal Gdańsk Sp z o.o. (DCT Gdańsk) via dosing the gate activities, in particular IN-Gate entry process of trucks carrying import/export/transit containers. Design/methodology/approach A Six Sigma methodology with the DMAIC methods along with the SIPOC chart,...
High-temperature Corrosion of ~ 30 Pct Porous FeCr Stainless Steels in Air: Long-Term Evaluation Up to Breakaway
PublicationIn this work, a long-term (up to 6000 hours) corrosion evaluation of three porous (~ 30 pct of initial porosity) ferritic iron-chromium alloys with different Cr contents (20, 22, and 27 wt pct of Cr) was carried out at 600 C, 700 C, 800 C, and 900 C in air. Mass gain measurements and SEM analyses revealed that at temperatures above 600 C, all alloys exhibit breakaway corrosion, whereas at 600 C, none of the alloys were heavily...
Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using FEM and DEM based on X-ray uCT images of internal structure
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem pękania w zginanych belkach betonowych. Proces pękania był obserwowany przy zastosowaniu mikrotomografii . Zaobserwowany proces był symulowany numerycznie przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i metody elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych z doświadczalnymi.
Modelowanie światłowodowych sensorów polarymetrycznych za pomocą oprogramowania LabVIEW
PublicationW komunikacie opisano aplikację umożliwiającą modelowanie pracy polarymetrycznych sensorów światłowodowych. Aplikacja ta, napisana w oparciu o platformę LabVIEW, umożliwia wyznaczenie odpowiedzi rzeczywistego sensora polarymetrycznego wykorzystującego monochromatyczne źródło światła. Omówiono problemy występujące w tworzeniu aplikacji do modelowania w graficznym środowisku do tworzenia aplikacji i zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki...
Vendor credibility in e-shops design in Poland : an empirical study
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora dotyczących czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych oferentów internetowych postrzeganą przez polskich klientów.Przedstawiono także model budowy wiarygodności oferenta internetowego, opracowany na podstawie wyników badań.
Mercury concentration in phytoplankton in response to warming of an autumn – winter season
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Analysis of the Interdependence between the Economic Growth and the Development of the Railway Sector
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Struktura Farrowa a filtry opóźniające optymalne w sensie Czebyszewa.
PublicationW pracy przybliżono zagadnienie implementacji filtrów ułamkowo-opóżniających o zmiennym opóźnieniu ułamkowym za pomocą struktury Farrowa. Istotą tej struktury jest to, że współczynniki odpowiedzi impulsowej filtru opóźniającego wyznaczane są na bieżąco za pośrednictwem wielomianów aproksymujących na podstawie zadanego opóźnienia ułamkowego. Podejście takie pozwala na znaczące zmniejszenie złożonosci numerycznej implementacji filtru...
Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Management in SMEs in the KIBS Sector
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to examine knowledge management practices and critical success factors (CSFs) for their introduction in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Methodology: The paper is based on the results of an exploratory qualitative survey involving owners and managers of small and medium-sized companies operating in the KIBS sector. In the survey, eight...
Investigating the role of knowledge-based technologies in the sector of nongovernmental organizations
PublicationZbadano rolę technologii opartych na wiedzy w obszarze organizacji pozarządowych. Zaproponowano model opisujący wykryte zalezności.
Practises of entrepreneurs from SMEs sector related to risk management
PublicationWyniki badań MSP dotyczące praktyk ubezpieczeniowych. Właściciele małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wykazują się niewielką znajomością procesów zarządzania ryzykiem. Ich działania na rzecz ograniczania ryzyk w działalności gospodarczej dają podstawę do oceny poziomu świadomości ubezpieczeniowej tej grupy przedsiebiorców.