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Search results for: dh network
Metadata harvesting in regional digital libraries in the PIONIER network
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Cellular neural network application to moire pattern filtering
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Automatic Image and Speech Recognition Based on Neural Network
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Network Of Perceptions On Water Services In The COVID-19 Era
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Neural-Network-Based Parameter Estimations of Induction Motors
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Investigation of Continuous Wave Jamming in an IEEE 802.15.4 Network
PublicationThis paper presents how continuous wave jamming affects IEEE 802.15.4 network. To this end, an office-based measurement setup has been proposed. Within the measurement area, 25 nodes have been set up in order to create a IEEE 802.15.4 tree-based test network structure. A dedicated jamming device that generates and transmits a continuous wave signal has been developed. Several tests have been conducted and presented to demonstrate...
A Backtracking Search Algorithm for Distribution Network Reconfiguration Problem
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International Network Optimization Conference, Warsaw, Poland 2015
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Traffic routing in the Warsaw metropolitan network: a deployment strategy
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Profitable areas in large-scale FTTH network optimization
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Analysis of the reliability 0f any-hop star network.
PublicationZałożono, że sieć ma wielostopniową strukturę gwiaździstą. Jako oceny niezawodności tych sieci przyjęto: 1) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się wzajemnie; 2)średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się poprzez węzeł centralny; 3) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się z węzłem centralnym; 4) prawdopodobieństwo zdarzenia, że sprawne węzły mogą komunikować się...
Comparative study of methods for artificial neural network training.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań porównawczych następujących metod uczenia sieci neuronowych: propagacji wstecznej błędów, rekursywnej metody najmniejszych kwadratów, metody Zangwill'a i algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Badania dotyczyły projektowania adaptacyjnego regulatora neuronowego napięcia generatora synchronicznego.
Research on protection mechanisms of Resilient Packet Ring Network.
Research on protection mechanisms of Resilient Packet Ring Network.
PublicationPaper describes iSteering - a new method to control traffic in case of RPR network failure. There's comparison of packet wrapping, steering and our proposed method iSteering, which can be used in case of transmitter/receiver or fiber failure. Numerical analysis for even and random traffic flow has been made in order to compare packet wrapping, steering and iSteering. The results of all the tests are included.
Technological logistics HL as a factor in distribution network effectivness
PublicationPrzedstawiono podział kompetencyjny logistyki i wskazano na znaczenie logistyki technicznej HL (HardLogistics). Jako przykład wpływu logistyki HL na efektywność ekonomiczną systemu dystrybucji zamieszczono wyniki symulacji wyniku eksploatacji pojazdów samochodowych o różnym wyposażeniu w urządzenia przeładunkowe.
Neural network breast cancer relapse time prognosis
PublicationPrzedstawiono architekturę i wyniki testowania sztucznej sieci neuronowej w prognozowaniu czasu nawrotu choroby u kobiet chorych na raka piersi. Sieć neuronowa uczona była na danych zgromadzonych przez 20 lat. Dane opisują grupę 439 pacjentów za pomocą 40 parametrów. Spośród tych parametrów wybrano 6 najistotniejszych: liczbę przerzutowych węzłów chłonnych, wielkość guza, wiek, skalę według Blooma oraz stan receptorów estrogenowych...
Neural network agents trained by declarative programming tutors
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study on the development of a neural network-based agent, trained using data generated using declarative programming. The focus of the study is the application of various agents to solve the classic logic task – The Wumpus World. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of neural-based agents across different map configurations, offering a comparative analysis to underline the strengths and limitations...
A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management
PublicationIn this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...
The concept of intergenerational cooperation network - the transfer of knowledge and skills
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the idea of networking with regard to the exchange of knowledge between generations.
Cryptographic Protocols' Performance and Network Layer Security of RSMAD
PublicationW artykule omówiono architekturę bezpieczeństwa warstwy sieciowej Radiowego Systemu Monitorowania i Akwizycji Danych z urządzeń fotoradarowych (w skrócie RSMAD). Bezpieczeństwo w warstwie sieciowej tego systemu jest zapewniane przede wszystkim dzięki wykorzystaniu Virtual Private Network (w skrócie VPN). W tym celu zaimplementowano dwa protokoły IPsec i L2TP.Zastosowane mechanizmy ochrony danych, w tym typy i parametry VPNów zostały...
Controlling computer by lip gestures employing neural network
PublicationResults of experiments regarding lip gesture recognition with an artificial neural network are discussed. The neural network module forms the core element of a multimodal human-computer interface called LipMouse. This solution allows a user to work on a computer using lip movements and gestures. A user face is detected in a video stream from a standard web camera using a cascade of boosted classifiers working with Haar-like features....
Compact Planar Balun for the UWB Dipole Feeding Network
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki z badań numerycznych ultra szerokopasmowego symetryzatora planarnego o zredukowanych wymiarach. Układ został zaprojektowany w oparciu o konfigurację opisaną w literaturze. Względem konfiguracji bazowej, układ przeprojektowano na inne podłoże. W celu weryfikacji przydatności układu, przeprowadzono symulację anteny dipolowej zasilanej opisywanym symetryzatorem. Na podstawie otrzymanych rezultatów przekazano...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Intelligent turbogenerator controller based on artifical neural network
PublicationThe paper presents a desing of an intelligent controller based on neural network (ICNN). The ICNN ensures at the same time two fundamental functions : the maintaining of generator voltage at the desired value and the damping of the electromechanical oscillations. Its performance is evaluted on a single machine infinite bus power system through computer simulations. The dynamic and transient operation of the proposed controller...
Neural Network - Based Parameters Estimations Of Induction Motors
PublicationW artykule przedstwaiono algorytmy estymacji rezystancji wirnika i indukcyjności wzajemnej w zamkniętym układzie sterowania prędkości silnika indukcyjnego klatkowego. Do wyznaczenia rezystancji wykorzystano algorytm oparty na porównaniu modelu napięciowego i prądowego silnika. Do wyznaczania indukcyjności wykorzystano, znaną z literatury, zależność modelu multiskalarnego. Wyznaczane w stanie ustalonym parametry zapisywane są w...
Injury Prediction Models for Onshore Road Network Development
PublicationIntegrating different modes of transport (road, rail, air and water) is important for port cities. To accommodate this need, new transport hubs must be built such as airports or sea ports. If ports are to grow, they must be accessible, a feature which is best achieved by building new roads, including fast roads. Poland must develop a network of fast roads that will provide good access to ports. What is equally important is to upgrade...
The Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) dataset
PublicationThe Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) collects GNSS data since 1994 from contributors which today include 42 Institutions in 33 Countries. CEGRN returns a dataset of coordinates and velocities computed according to international standards and the most recent processing procedures and recommendations. We provide a dataset of 1229 positions and velocities resulting from 3 or more repetitions of coordinate measurements...
NetBaltic System-Heterogenous Wireless Network for Maritime Communications
PublicationIn case of maritime communications, we observe a growing interest in deployment of multitask satellite-based solutions and development of new maritime-specific systems intended for improvements in safety of e-navigation. Analysis of different types of currently used maritime communication systems leads, however, to a conclusion that neither global and still very expensive satellite systems nor cheaper, but short-ranged transmission...
Application of BAN Network to Increase Security in Transport Systems
PublicationIn the article general characteristics of the BAN network with M2M communications are presented. These are networks that enable the implementation of wireless transmission of signals using special sensors located on the body or implanted subcutaneously. These sensors allow monitoring of different type life parameters of a human. In the next part of work there is proposed the implementation of BAN networks to transport systems as...
Digits Recognition with Quadrant Photodiode and Convolutional Neural Network
PublicationIn this paper we have investigated the capabilities of a quadrant photodiode based gesture sensor in the recognition of digits drawn in the air. The sensor consisting of 4 active elements, 4 LEDs and a pinhole was considered as input interface for both discrete and continuous gestures. Index finger and a round pointer were used as navigating mediums for the sensor. Experiments performed with 5 volunteers...
Testing Situation Awareness Network for the Electrical Power Infrastructure
PublicationThe contemporary electrical power infrastructure is exposed to new types of threats. The cause of such threats is related to the large number of new vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses introduced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in such complex critical systems. The power grid interconnection with the Internet exposes the grid to new types of attacks, such as Advanced Persistent...
Digital Audio Broadcasting or Webcasting: A Network Quality Perspective
PublicationIn recent years, many alternative technologies of delivering audio content have emerged, with different advantages and disadvantages. In this paper pros and cons of digital audio broadcasting and webcasting transmission techniques in a network quality perspective are described. A case study of user expectations with respect to currently available services is analyzed, and the perceived quality of real digital broadcasted and webcasted...
The Optical Transport Network Control Based on SDN Architecture
PublicationThe aim of this publication is to present research results on the usability of the Software-Defined Networking concept to control transport networks. For this purpose, an easy-to-use connection scheduler was developed capable of controlling connections in optical transport networks. The authors would like to present this solution and details of constructed SDN architecture implemented for modern optical transport solutions based...
More Just Measure of Fairness for Sharing Network Resources
PublicationA more just measure of resource distribution in computer networks is proposed. Classic functions evaluate fairness only “on average”. The proposed new fairness score function ensures that no node is left without resources while on average everything looks good. It is compared with well-known and widely adopted function proposed by Jain, Chiu and Hawe and another one recently proposed fairness function by Chen and Zhang. The function...
The secure transmission protocol of sensor Ad Hoc network
PublicationThe paper presents a secure protocol of radio Ad Hoc sensor network. This network operates based on TDMA multiple access method. Transmission rate on the radio channel is 57.6 kbps. The paper presents the construction of frames, types of packets and procedures for the authentication, assignment of time slots available to the node, releasing assigned slots and slots assignment conflict detection.
Cognitive network model dedicated to transport system telematics
PublicationThe paper defines the concept of cognitive radio, in the context of transport systems, with particular emphasis on modern ecological concept of “green cognitive radio”. In addition, in the paper a modified cognitive network model dedicated to transport system telematics is proposed and presented. Algorithms to support the functioning of the cognitive radio are discussed. Sensors necessary to use the network to support cognitive...
PublicationQatar: A country which had to be associated with neighboring countries like UAE or Saudi Arabia for people to know about it, stands proud today due to the ample production and exporting of Black Gold. A country with almost no vegetation or suitable weather to harvest crops, turned from being heavily dependent on trading Pearls to exporting natural oil and gas to all over the globe. The paper outlines in details the history of the...
Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network
PublicationRising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...
A Simple Neural Network for Collision Detection of Collaborative Robots
PublicationDue to the epidemic threat, more and more companies decide to automate their production lines. Given the lack of adequate security or space, in most cases, such companies cannot use classic production robots. The solution to this problem is the use of collaborative robots (cobots). However, the required equipment (force sensors) or alternative methods of detecting a threat to humans are usually quite expensive. The article presents...
DWDM Network Laboratory Solution for Telecommunication Education Engineering
PublicationDevelopment of network architectures in the field of optical telecommunications technologies is an indicator of changes in telecommunication education engineering. Conducting didactic classes requires hardware infrastructure and research in terms of teaching needs. In the paper we present DWDM network laboratory solution for telecommunication education engineering on the basis of the ADVA Optical Networking equipment. We have to...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublicationInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Investigation of continuous wave jamming in an IEEE 802.15.4 network
PublicationThis paper presents how continuous wave jamming affects IEEE 802.15.4 network. To this end, an office-based measurement setup has been proposed. Within the measurement area, 25 nodes have been set up in order to create a IEEE 802.15.4 tree-based test network structure. A dedicated jamming device that generates and transmits a continuous wave signal has been developed. Several tests have been conducted and presented to demonstrate...
Pathological brain network activity: memory impairment in epilepsy
PublicationOur thinking, memory and cognition in general, relies upon precisely timed interactions among neurons forming brain networks that support cognitive processes. The surgical evaluation of drug-resistant epilepsy using intracranial electrodes provides a unique opportunity to record directly from human brain and to investigate the coordinated activity of cognitive networks. In this issue of Neurology®, Kleen and colleagues1 implicate...
How to Sort Them? A Network for LEGO Bricks Classification
PublicationLEGO bricks are highly popular due to the ability to build almost any type of creation. This is possible thanks to availability of multiple shapes and colors of the bricks. For the smooth build process the bricks need to properly sorted and arranged. In our work we aim at creating an automated LEGO bricks sorter. With over 3700 different LEGO parts bricks classification has to be done with deep neural networks. The question arises...
Neural network training with limited precision and asymmetric exponent
PublicationAlong with an extremely increasing number of mobile devices, sensors and other smart utilities, an unprecedented growth of data can be observed in today’s world. In order to address multiple challenges facing the big data domain, machine learning techniques are often leveraged for data analysis, filtering and classification. Wide usage of artificial intelligence with large amounts of data creates growing demand not only for storage...
Network effects—do they matter for digital technologies diffusion?
PublicationPurpose The main research target of this paper is to capture the network effects using the case of mobile cellular telephony, identified in European telecommunication markets, and its determinants enhancing the process of digital technologies diffusion. Design/methodology/approach This research relies on panel and dynamic panel regression analysis. The empirical sample covers 30 European countries, and the period for the analysis...
Neural Network Subgraphs Correlation with Trained Model Accuracy
PublicationNeural Architecture Search (NAS) is a computationally demanding process of finding optimal neural network architecture for a given task. Conceptually, NAS comprises applying a search strategy on a predefined search space accompanied by a performance evaluation method. The design of search space alone is expected to substantially impact NAS efficiency. We consider neural networks as graphs and find a correlation between the presence...
Neuromorphic Binarized Polariton Networks
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Comments on "Decomposition of Permutation Networks"
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VNFs reconfiguration in 5G networks