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Search results for: CORTEN PLATES
Calcification Alters the Viscoelastic Properties of Tendon Fascicle Bundles Depending on Matrix Content
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Antioxidant properties and resveratrol content of Polish Regent wines from Podkarpacie region
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Content of macroelements in tubers of several potato varieties depending on the foliar fertilization applied
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Local atomic order in low Pt-content nanocatalysts investigated in situ by XAS
PublicationThe unique features of X-ray absorption spectroscopy allow investigations of nanosized catalysts for fuel cells under working conditions. We present the results of an experiment carried out on a low Pt content electrocatalyst supported by a mesoporous heteropolyacid salt and used at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The analysis of the EXAFS signal at the Pt L3-edge indicates that upon operating the fuel...
The content of high-intensity sweeteners in different categories of foods available on the Polish market
PublicationThe objective of this study was to measure the concentrations of nine high-intensity sweeteners (acesulfame-K, aspartame, alitame, cyclamate, dulcin, neohesperidin DC, neotame, saccharin and sucralose) in different categories of food available on the Polish market. Over 170 samples of different brands of beverages, yoghurts, fruit preparations, vegetable preserves and fish products were analysed using an analytical procedure based...
Characterization of white cabbages from different cultivations by isothiocynates content and antioxidant activities
PublicationBadania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że wraz z zwiększeniem spożywania kapusty maleje ryzyko zachorowania na niektóre nowotwory. Mechanizmy przeciwrakotwórczego działania nie są do końca wyjaśnione, jednak wiele badań przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem zwierząt i ludzi sugeruje, że substancje występujące w tych roślinach, szczególnie izotiocyjaniany (ITC) modulują aktywność enzymów I i II fazy. Aktywność przeciwutleniająca jest innym...
Increased water content in bacterial cellulose synthesized under rotating magnetic fields
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SEM investigations of the mechanism of formation and growth of nanohydroxyapatite layers coated with ultrasonic method
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Artificial Intelligence and Reengineering Educational Content and Resources for Industrial Transformation in a Depressing Economy
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The Scalable Distributed Two-layer Content Based Image Retrieval Data Store
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Query-by-Shape Interface for Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Shape Analysis
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Experimental analysis on the risk of vortex ventilation and the free surface ventilation of marine propellers
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The impact of cultivation systems on the nutritional and phytochemical content, and microbiological contamination of highbush blueberry
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Effects of Fermentation Time and Type of Tea on the Content of Micronutrients in Kombucha Fermented Tea
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Fluoride Content of Matcha Tea Depending on Leaf Harvest Time and Brewing Conditions
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Vortex cavitation as a source of high level acoustic pressure generated by ship propellers
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nad mechanizmami fizycznymi generowania wysokiego ciśnienia akustycznego przez kawitujące wiry wierzchołkowe powstające na śrubach okrętowych
A new scuffing shock test method for the determination of the resistance to scuffing of coated gears
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Does the addition of spices change the content of fluoride and antioxidants in black tea infusions?
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Application of carbon-coated TiO2 for decomposition of methylene blue in a photocatalytic membrane reactor
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Evaluation of ferrofluid-coated rotating magnetic field-assisted bioreactor for biomass production
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Free-ranging domestic cats are characterized by increased metal content in reproductive tissues
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Freezing enhances the phytocompound content in cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) liqueur
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Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to evaluate cathodically protected coated steel in seawater
PublicationTwo types of organic coated carbon steel (S235JR2 grade) electrodes were exposed to artificial seawater environment. One prepared type was defect free while the other one had an intentionally introduced φ0,5 cm coating defect. Both kinds of samples were polarized during the exposure to four potentials corresponding to four different cathodic protection levels. Evolution of their EIS spectra is presented in this paper. Results obtained...
Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...
Moisture content during and after high- and normal-temperature drying processes of wood
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the results of moisture content of wood during and after the high-temperature steam and air–steam mixture drying processes and after an open air-drying process. The knowledge of moisture content changes of wood in the process of its drying is one of the important parameters to economy drying process and to keep the quality of dried wood. Wood samples, namely, spruce (Picea abies K.) and beech...
Visual Content Learning in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationThis work is part of an effort for the development of a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) for applications in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the nonuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). Given the results of previous analysis of supervised techniques for the problem of classification of a few PPE (boots, hard hats, and gloves...
Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of highly dispersible superparamagnetic silica coated magnetite nanoparticles
PublicationSuperparamagnetic behavior in aqueously well dispersible magnetite core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles is presented. The magnetic properties of core-shell nanoparticles were measured with use of the DC, AC magnetometry and EPR spectroscopy. Particles were characterized by HR-TEM and Raman spectroscopy, showing a crystalline magnetic core of 11.5 ± 0.12 nm and an amorphous silica shell of 22 ± 1.5 nm in thickness. The DC, AC magnetic...
Free convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal porous coated tube
PublicationNanofluids are expected to enhance heat transfer in many thermal systems. Present efforts are concentrated on boiling heat transfer of nanofluids, although single phase convection is of key importance in various appliances such as car radiators or heating systems. This paper presents experimental results of heat transfer during free convection of water-Al3O3 nanofluid from horizontal tube covered with metallic porous coating. Contrary...
Mechanical properties for preliminary design of structures made from PVC coated fabric
PublicationIn this paper, laboratory tests necessary for the identification of non-linear elastic immediate properties of the PVC coated polyester fabric (like AF 9032) are described. The material parameters are specified on the basis of the uniaxial tensile tests in the warp and weft directions as well as on the base of the biaxial tensile tests. For the identification process techniques based on the least squares method are used. The authors...
The influence of roasting and additional processing on the content of bioactive components in special purpose coffees
PublicationCoffee being the beverage consumed worldwide is also a very competitive commodity. Consequently, producers seek ways of attracting consumers by proposing e.g. novel ingredient combinations usually without evaluating their health quality. In this study, variations in health-promoting determinants for five special purpose coffee brews were characterized. The major bioactive components - chlorogenic acids (CAs) - detected by HPLC-DAD-MS...
Effect of underwater wet welding conditions on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationIn the study mercury displacement method was used for determination of diffusible hydrogen amount in deposited metal obtained during underwater wet welding with covered electrodes in laboratory conditions according to a two-level full factorial design for three factors. The factors and their levels were chosen among conditions and parameters of welding in accordance with the results of own preliminary studies. A statistical analysis...
Free convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal porous coated tube
PublicationThe main aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of nanoparticles on heat transfer coefficients during free convection of water-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal porous coated tube under atmospheric pressure for nanoparticle concentration of 0.01% by weight. Contrary to published data present study concerns on free convection of nanofluids in extensive, quiescent fluid.
PublicationThe presence of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints is one of the causes of formation the welding imperfections. Improvement of weldability can be achieved by reducing the hydrogen amount in welded joints. This requires, among others, the finding of sources of hydrogen. For high hydrogen processes the commonly used method of determining the diffusible hydrogen amount is the glycerin method. This paper concerns issues related to...
Audio Content and Crowdsourcing: A Subjective Quality Evaluation of Radio Programs Streamed Online
PublicationRadio broadcasting has been present in our lives for over 100 years. The transmission of speech and music signals accompanies us from an early age. Broadcasts provide the latest information from home and abroad. They also shape musical tastes and allow many artists to share their creativity. Modern distribution involves transmission over a number of terrestrial systems. The most popular are analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and...
Artificial Thermal Ageing of Polyester Reinforced and Polyvinyl Chloride Coated Technical Fabric
PublicationArchitectural fabric AF9032 has been subjected to artificial thermal ageing to determine changes of the material parameters of the fabric. The proposed method is based on the accelerated ageing approach proposed by Arrhenius. 300 mm x 50 mm samples were cut in the warp and fill directions and placed in a thermal chamber at 80 °C for up to 12 weeks or at 90 °C for up to 6 weeks. Then after one week of conditioning at ambient temperature,...
ZnO coated fiber optic microsphere sensor for the enhanced refractive index sensing
PublicationOptical fiber-based sensors are expected to become key components in the control of industrial processes,and the tuning and the enhancement of their sensing properties are crucial for the further developmentof this technology. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a vapor phase technique allowing for the deposition ofconformal thin films, is particularly suited for the deposition of controllable thin films on challenging sub-strates....
PublicationGoal of the present research was to study immittance properties of BiNbO4 ceramics fabricated by the solid state reaction route followed by pressureless sintering. Four sets of samples were examined, namely the one fabricated from the stoichiometric mixture of oxides, viz. Bi2O3 and Nb2O5 as well as the ones with an excess of 3%, 5% and 10% by mole of Bi2O3. The immittance properties were studied by impedance spectroscopy. Measurements...
Trace elements content of surface peat deposits in the Solovetsky Islands (White Sea)
PublicationPeatlands form environmental archives of trace element deposition. In this regard they are particularly valuable for areas such as the Arctic, where regular pollution monitoring is either impossible or extremely costly. The aim of this study was to assess pollution in the Solovetsky Islands (65° 05' N, 35° 53' E) by examining the spatial variability in trace element content of the uppermost layer of peat, immediately below the...
Determination of Metals Content in Wine Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
PublicationKnowledge about the metal content of wine is very important, for many reasons. Depending on the element, its quantity varies in wine from ng/L to mg/L. Despite the fact that metals are not directly connected to the taste and aroma of the wine, their content should be determined and controlled, because excess is undesirable, and in some cases prohibited, due to potential toxicity. Several analytical procedures for metal determination...
The impact of cold plasma on the phenolic composition and biogenic amine content of red wine
PublicationThe effect of cold plasma (CP) on phenolic compound (PC) and biogenic amine (BA) contents of red wine was investigated for the first time. The influence of CP was compared with the effects of a wine preservation using potassium metabisulfite and a combined method. The PC profile was determined by UPLC-PDA-MS/MS while BAs using DLLME-GC–MS. Chemometric analysis also was used. The content of PCs was 3.1% higher in the sample preserved...
Viscoplastic properties of coated textile material ''Panama'' and its usage for hanging roofs.
PublicationPodano sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych lepkoplastycznego prawa Bodnera-Partoma i prawa Chaboche´a. Przedstawiono model sieci gęstej pozwalający na zastosowanie wyników prób jednoosiowego rozciągania do rzeczywistej tkaniny. Pokazano zastosowanie wyników w analizie statycznej i dynamicznej przekrycia wiszącego typu hypar poddanego wstępnemu naprężaniu. Przeanalizowano zmianę geometrii i częstości drgań własnych.
Oznaczanie fazy stałej w tłuszczach. Determination of solid fat content in fats.
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu metod oznaczania indeksu fazy stałej (SFI - solid fat index) oraz zawartości fazy stałej (SFC - solid fat content) w tłuszczach. Obok metody NMR, obecnie powszechnie stosowanej i zalecanej przez normy, przedstawiono też inne metody analityczne które stosowano, lub stosuje się do tego typu analiz.
Analysis of non-linear elastic material properties of PVC-coated Panama fabric.
PublicationW pracy omówiono proces identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych dla wybranej tkaniny technicznej typu Panama. Zaproponowano metodę identyfikacji nieliniowo sprężystych właściwości tkaniny Panama. Określono zakres stosowalności nieliniowo sprężystych parametrów, w oparciu o doraźną wytrzymałości tkaniny na rozciąganie (UTS), która poddana redukcji określa tzw. wytrzymałość długoterminową (LTS). Opisano doświadczenia niezbędne do...
Adsorption properties of Triton X-100 and rhamnolipid biosurfactant in the contex of soil remediation
PublicationZbadano adsorpcję surfaktantu syntetycznego Triton X-100 i biosurfaktantu z grupy ramnolipidów oraz ich koadsorpcję na granicy faz powietrze/woda oraz olej/woda. Jako fazę organiczną wybrano dodekan oraz syntetyczny olej bazowy na bazie polialfaolefin (PAO). Te same surfaktanty użyto do zbadania zwilżalności powierzchni stałych pokrytych cieńką warstwą substancji hydrofobowej. Na podstawie badań fizykochemicznych nie zauważono...
Nanocomposite nickel ceria cermet with low nickel content for anode-supported SOFCs
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania nanokompozytowego cermetu z zawartościa niklu 7.5, 11, 14% niklu w cermecie. Cermet przygotowno z wykorzystanim technologii net shape.
Investigations of vortex structures in granular materials under earth pressure conditions by DEM
PublicationW artykule pokazano rozwój wirów na poziomie ziarna materiału granulowanego podczas parcia pasywnego piasku na sztywną ściankę przemieszczającą się poziomo. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę DEM. Przyjęto 3 różne sposoby wyznaczenia wirów i ich czestotliwości.
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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
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Analysis of ship's magnetic field with consideration of inner ferromagnetic devices
PublicationThis paper presents computer simulations of ship’s magnetic signatures. The influence of ship’s inner ferromagnetic devices on the signature was presented. The magnetic fields of the ship’s model were calculated in Opera 3D 18R2. The model was built from thin plates. The new, thin plate boundary condition was introduced on all ship’s surfaces.
Plans Ornaments in The Architectural Details of Art Nouveau Townhouses And Villas in Sopot