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Search results for: homo oeconomicus
The origins of the term homo oeconomicus.
PublicationPrzedstawiono genezę pojęcia homo oeconomicus w historii myśli ekonomicznej.Obok wątku historycznego (J.St. Mill, J.K. Ingram) podano przykłady współczesnych autorów podejmujących tę problematykę.
Homo Oeconomicus-Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics
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Homo Ludens
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Journal of Home Economics Research
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The laws of termodynamics and Homo sapiens the engineer
PublicationRozdział przedstawia główne zasady termodynamiki i ich wykorzystanie przez człowieka. Zasady termodynamiki odniesiono do biologii oraz organizmów żywych.
Homo oeconomicus. W: Etyczne podstawy ekonomii - teoria i praktyka. Red.nauk. J. Kubka. Gdańsk: Zakł. Nauk. Filoz. Wydz. Zarz. i Ekon. P. Gdań.**2003 s. 27-34.
PublicationPrzedstawiono genezę i różne podejścia do koncepcji homo oeconomicus na te-renie teorii i filozofii ekonomii.
The photophysics of β-homo-tyrosine and its simple derivatives
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HCI and the economics of user experience
PublicationRodział przezentuje możliwości rozwinięcia zakresu tradycyjnych badań HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) o zagadnienia ekonomiczne, związane z jakością usług on-line, postrzeganą przez użytkownika/klienta. Praca zawiera modele jakości usług on-line oparte na elementach marketingu relacji i na wykorzystaniu ekonomicznych determinant zachowań konsumenckich w usługach on-line. Rozdział prezentuje modele projektowania i rozwoju przykładowych...
Economics of credit scoring management
PublicationCredit scoring models constitute an inevitable element of modern risk and profitability management in retail financial lending institutions. Quality,or separation power of a credit scoring model is usually assessed with the Gini coefficient. Generally, the higher Gini coefficient the better, as in this way a bank can increase number of good customers and/or reject more bad applicants. In...
Home Sweet Home. Connecting the dots for healthy evening residential illumination
PublicationDuring the twentieth century, lighting designers would commonly use incandescent light sources for residential homes as they provided a visual comfort, with high quality colour rendering properties, along with relaxing ambient atmosphere. Unfortunately, it’s now difficult to buy incandescent light sources because they have been banned in many countries ( This article addresses some of the challenges in regards...
Blind prediction of homo‐ and hetero‐protein complexes: The CASP13‐CAPRI experiment
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Home Cultures
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Needs assessment of people 75+ living in a nursing home or family home environment
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Towards a precise model of DSM economics
PublicationRozdział podejmuje zagadnienia związane z opłacalnością zastosowania metod dziedzinowych (ang. Domain-Specific Modeling). Omówiono cechy charakterystyczne metod dziedzinowych i powiązanej z nimi technologii. Przedstawiono model kosztów pokrywający koszty początkowe, koszty utrzymania oraz koszty i zyski powiązane z fazą wytwarzania z zastosowaniem automatyzacji. Zaprezentowano model referencyjny kosztów przy tradycyjnym wytwarzaniu...
Knowledge economics and the demand for higher education
PublicationThis article suggests that the decreased demand for higher education in Poland is partially caused due to the changes in consumer preferences. The appearance of a cheap and highly accessible form of knowledge offered by the massive open online courses is presumed here to have an effect on the demand for formal higher education. This article proposes an additional perspective to the research on knowledge consumption, especially...
β2-Homo-Amino Acid Scan of µ-Selective Opioid Tetrapeptide TAPP
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Environmental Taxes and Their Role in the Economics of Sustainable Development
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to answer the question of the role of environmental taxes in the economics of sustainable development. The first part of the article discusses the idea of sustainable economic development and the economics of sustainable development. Then, environmental taxes are defined, their essence explained and their role in the economics of sustainable development discussed in theoretical terms, which finally...
International Competitiveness in the Economics Literature: A Bibliometric Study
PublicationThis paper has as its main aim to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness, based on a bibliometric study of the economics literature published over the past 70 years. Citation data is collected from the ISI WEB of Science website, Scopus and Google Scholar and is analysed using Histcite and Vosviewer software. The growth pattern of the international competitiveness literature is investigated...
Multimedia in teaching economics and management in higher education.
PublicationNowadays, the use of multimedia teaching materials at universities makes a standard practice. However their saturation is still quite low comparing to the expectations of students - the main consumers of the information contained therein. This article will present the results of research conducted among students of Management and Engineering Management carried at the Technical University of Gdańsk. Some students of Computer Science...
Towards Open Research Data in the Economics Discipline
PublicationNowadays, Open Research Data, as one of the three pillars of Open Science (along with Open Access and Open Scholarly Communication), is gaining enormous attention from different academic and commercial environments. A wide range of scientific disciplines represent and produce different types of data and at the same time, gather different issues and problems in terms of sharing and dissemination research output. This chapter aims...
Models and soft modelling in economics and virtual markets.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wprowadzenie do rynków wirtualnych, następnie zaproponowano podstawy miękkiego opisowego modelowania tych rynków. Przedstawione podejście potraktowano jako pierwszy krok w procesie budowy docelowego modelu wyjaśniającego.
Sztuka jako język ubogacający homo oecumenicus w budowaniu jedności w wielości
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A detector of sleep disorders for using at home
PublicationObstructive sleep apnea usually requires all-ni ght examination in a specialized clinic, under the supervision of a medical staff. Because of those requirements it is an expensive and a non-widely utilized test. Moving the examination procedure to patients’ home with automatic analysis algorithms involved will decrease the costs and make it available for larger group of patients. The developed device allows all-night recordings...
PublicationThe article substantiates that the level of company’s financial security depends not so much on the indicators of its activity, but on its perception of decision-makers and other stakeholders. At the same time, this perception is formed due to the continuous participation of the stakeholder in operations, constant monitoring of financial indicators, the study of current approaches to enterprise management, changes in the environment,...
Home Textiles Today
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Home healthcare now
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A multisensor detector of a sleep apnea for using at home
PublicationDiagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea usually involves polysomnographic analysis, which unfortunately requires overnight stay in a specialized clinic and is very uncomfortable for a patient. This paper describes the method and apparatus for recording a set of signals to detect sleep apnea. The device records the following signals simultaneously: three-channel ECG, respiratory functions, signals from the accelerometer, and snoring...
Limits Theorems for Random Walks on Homeo(S1)
PublicationThe central limit theorem and law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains corresponding to random walks on the space Homeo(S1) of circle homeomorphisms for centered Lipschitz functions and every starting point are proved.
Homo et Societas. Wokół Pracy Socjalnej
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Scholarly communication activities in the fields of chemistry and economics. A Polish perspective
PublicationThis study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories...
Rethinking non-governmental organizations – at the crossroad of economics and civil society
PublicationThe article aims to close the existing knowledge gaps, show why non‑governmental organizations are founded and maintained, and elaborate and systematize the existing knowledge through an analysis of the existing subdisciplines within economics, laying the groundwork for the economics of non‑governmental organizations. The article was written based on a structured literature review with an approach similar to the grounded theory...
Methodological challenges in social entrepreneurship – on the nexus of economics and management area
PublicationIn this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate...
Socioeconomic and gender inequalities in home learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: examining the roles of the home environment, parent supervision, and educational provisions
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Traffic Circle—An Example of Sustainable Home Zone Design
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A scale with ECG measurements capability for home cardiac monitoring
PublicationPresented device -a scale developed for enabling extra measurements, in addition to body weight and composition, the electrical activity of the heart (electrocardiogram - ECG) and the level of oxygen saturation in the blood SaO2. Electrical activity is recorded in the form of six leads, socalled - limb leads. The device allows measurement of all standard limb leads and without the need for additional procedures. ECG, although the...
New Challenges in Management and Economics in 21st century. Selected studies and examples
PublicationIn Chapter 1 authors describe the method used to assess the level of readiness of an organization to introduce the Lean Six Sigma concept supporting the Quality 4.0 assumptions, which is gaining more and more interest not only in large organizations, but also in the SME sector. Its use will be illustrated by the example of a small service company. Chapter 2 presents the characteristics of blockchain technology applications in the...
Manager - Engineer - the proposal of the Faculty of Management and Economics Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono ofertę edukacyjną Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, wskazując cel kształcenia menedżera o dość szerokiej ogólnej wiedzy inżynierskiej, sylwetkę absolwenta wydziału oraz nowe inicjatywy kształcenia w języku angielskim.
Economics & Sociology
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The Use of Mobile Devices in the Care and Home Monitoring of the Elderly and the Sick
Lighting conditions in Home Office and occupant’s perception: an international study
PublicationThe global pandemic and physical distancing restrictions are forcing us to rethink how residential buildings are used regarding the visual environment. This paper describes home office lighting conditions within different countries and continents. The aim is to define the current limitations of home offices in providing a resilient visual environment. The work was developed by a team of international experts working together on...
The Geo-Economics Approach to the European Union Strategic Partnership in the Indo-Pacific Region
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Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects
PublicationEconomics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...
PublicationW ostatnich latach rzadko wykonuje się pale wiercone o bardzo dużych średnicach ze względu na: wymagany sprzęt, transport wydobytego urobku gruntowego, duże ilości stali zbrojeniowej. Konstrukcje inżynierskie na autostradzie A-1, na drodze ekspresowej S-7 i Obwodnicy Południowej Gdańska posadowiono na palach prefabrykowanych. Fundamenty największych mostów na autostradzie A-1 zbudowano na palach Vibro i Franki. W artykule zwrócono...
Design of Concrete Block Paving in Home Zone Traffic Circle Areas
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Smart heating system for home extending utilization of renewable energy sources
PublicationIn the paper a modern approach to smart home heating is presented. Proposed solution utilizes at least two low-polluting energy source technologies. The main idea is to connect well known ecological energy sources in a way that they can support each other and minimize risks of failure when using single system or even both of them but managed in separate way. Considered energy technologies, used separatelly, have disadvan-tages,...
Lighting conditions in home office and occupant’s perception: Exploring drivers of satisfaction
PublicationThis paper depicts lighting home office conditions within different countries and continents, emphasizing the user’s satisfaction with the visual environment. The scope of this article is to investigate the drivers of participants’ satisfaction with the lighting conditions at the home office. The study was developed by a team of international experts working together on Subtask A: User perspective and requirements, Task 61 IEA...
Cytotoxicity of QDgreen-holo-Tf, QDred-holo-Tf, QDgreen-holo-Tf-C-2028 and QDred-holo-Tf-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells_method of synthesis 1
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of QDgreen-holo-Tf, QDred-holo-Tf, QDgreen-holo-Tf-C-2028 and QDred-holo-Tf-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells (method of synthesis 1). Holo-Tf (transferrin) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).