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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 1D%20CONVOLUTIONAL%20NEURAL%20NETWORK
Accidental wow evaluation based on sinusoidal modeling and neural nets prediction
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia opis algorytmu do określenia charakterystyki zniekształcenia kołysania dźwięku. Prezentowane podejście wykorzystuje sinusoidalną analizę dźwięku bazującą zarówno na amplitudowym jak i fazowym widmie sygnału fonicznego. Trajektorie poszczególnych składowych tonalnych, obrazujące zniekształcenie kołysania, określane są na podstawie analizy ich chwilowych amplitud, częstotliwości i faz. Dodatkowo referat przedstawia...
Pose-Invariant Face Detection by Replacing Deep Neurons with Capsules for Thermal Imagery in Telemedicine
PublikacjaAbstract— The aim of this work was to examine the potential of thermal imaging as a cost-effective tool for convenient, non- intrusive remote monitoring of elderly people in different possible head orientations, without imposing specific behavior on users, e.g. looking toward the camera. Illumination and pose invariant head tracking is important for many medical applications as it can provide information, e.g. about vital signs, sensory...
Semantic segmentation training using imperfect annotations and loss masking
PublikacjaOne of the most significant factors affecting supervised neural network training is the precision of the annotations. Also, in a case of expert group, the problem of inconsistent data annotations is an integral part of real-world supervised learning processes, well-known to researchers. One practical example is a weak ground truth delineation for medical image segmentation. In this paper, we have developed a new method of accurate...
Intelligent Autonomous Robot Supporting Small Pets in Domestic Environment
PublikacjaIn this contribution, we present preliminary results of the student project aimed at the development of an intelligent autonomous robot supporting small pets in a domestic environment. The main task of this robot is to protect a freely moving small pets against accidental stepping on them by home residents. For this purpose, we have developed the mobile robot which follows a pet and makes an alarm signal when a human is approaching....
Architektury klasyfikatorów obrazów
PublikacjaKlasyfikacja obrazów jest zagadnieniem z dziedziny widzenia komputerowego. Polega na całościowej analizie obrazu i przypisaniu go do jednej lub wielu kategorii (klas). Współczesne rozwiązania tego problemu są w znacznej części realizowane z wykorzystaniem konwolucyjnych głębokich sieci neuronowych (convolutional neural network, CNN). W tym rozdziale opisano przełomowe architektury CNN oraz ewolucję state-of-the-art w klasyfikacji...
Breast MRI segmentation by deep learning: key gaps and challenges
PublikacjaBreast MRI segmentation plays a vital role in early diagnosis and treatment planning of breast anomalies. Convolutional neural networks with deep learning have indicated promise in automating this process, but significant gaps and challenges remain to address. This PubMed-based review provides a comprehensive literature overview of the latest deep learning models used for breast segmentation. The article categorizes the literature...
User Orientation Detection in Relation to Antenna Geometry in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks Using Deep Learning
PublikacjaIn this paper, the issue of detecting a user’s position in relation to the antenna geometry in ultra-wideband (UWB) off-body wireless body area network (WBAN) communication using deep learning methods is presented. To measure the impulse response of the channel, a measurement stand consisting of EVB1000 devices and DW1000 radio modules was developed and indoor static measurement scenarios were performed. It was proven that for...
Metal heksacyanoferrate network synthesized inside polymer matrix for electrochemical capacitors
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem publikacji jest charakterystyka elektrochemiczna polimeru przewodzącego (poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu)) modyfikowanego błękitem pruskim oraz jego pochodnymi, pochodną kobaltową oraz pochodną niklową. Materiały są stabilne elektrochemicznie, a uzyskane wartości pojemności elektrycznej pozwalają na wykorzystanie ich przy konstrukcji kondensatorów elektrochemicznych.
Lithuania inland waterways links to Western Europe inland waterways network
PublikacjaLithuania Inland waterways now mainly are used for transportation and tourism within Lithuania tertitory. In the same time difficulties crossing Kaliningrad region and direct Lithuania inland Waterways Buks with Western Europe inland waterway system nowadays are impossible, depending on Russia inland Waterways regulation. New ideas and possibilities of linking Lithuania inland Waterways witki Western Europe inland waterways system...
A method of the UMTS-FDD network design based on universal load characteristics
PublikacjaIn the paper an original method of the UMTS radio network design was presented. The method is based on simple way of capacity-coverage trade-off estimation for WCDMA/FDD radio interface. This trade-off is estimated by using universal load characteristics and normalized coverage characteristics. The characteristics are useful for any propagation environment as well as for any service performance requirements. The practical applications...
Composite Bioelectrodes Based on Lipidic Cubic Phase with Carbon Nanotube Network
PublikacjaElektrody z węgla szklistego modyfikowane fazą kubiczną z siecią nanorurek zastosowano do enzymatycznej redukcji tlenu katalizowanej przez lakazę. Zastosowanie nanorurek obniżyło nadpotencjał redukcji tlenu o 0,5 V. W celu zwiększenia gęstości prądu redukcji tlenu zastosowano znany mediator przeniesienia elektronów - ABTS. Mediator adsorbowano na nanorurkach lub wiązano kowalencyjnie z końcami nanorurek. Kowalencyjne związanie...
Network relationship’s transformation as the effect of the development of trust in cooperation with a foreign partner
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Optimization of river network representation data models for web-based systems
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Agent-Based RBF Network Classifier with Feature Selection in a Kernel Space
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Network Approach to Increments of RR-intervals for Visualization of Dynamics of Cardiac Regulation
PublikacjaThe transition network for RR -increments is pre- sented in a directed and weighted graph, with vertices represent- ing RR -increments and edges corresponding to the order in a sequence of increments. The adjacency matrix and the transition matrix of this network provide a graphical tool which could be useful in the assessment of cardiac regulation. As an example, the method is applied in detecting differences between diurnal activity...
<title>Intranet and Internet metrological network with photonic sensors and transmission</title>
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High-resolution microscopy assisted mechanical modeling of ultrafine electrospun network
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Traffic Type Influence on QoS Network Performance of Streaming Traffic Class
PublikacjaFeasibility study on QoS routing proved that the traffic type influence the network performance. The performance is defined here as a number of packets serviced by the network. In the paper additional element - buffers lengths used in service system was verified in terms of dependencies with routing performance. We present results obtained by simulation for many simulation scenarios. Analysis was done for two different network...
The impact of road network structure and mobility on the national traffic fatality rate
PublikacjaW pracy określono wpływ wybranych miar struktury sieci drogowej i mobilności mieszkańców na wskaźnik śmiertelności w wypadkach drogowych na bazie dostępnych danych z wielu krajów świata. Opracowano wieloczynnikowe modele nieliniowe pozwalające na określenie wpływu wielu istotnych czynników: ekonomicznych, systemowych, motoryzacyjnych i infrastrukturalnych na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego mierzonego wskaźnikiem śmiertelności RFR.
Multi Queue Approach for Network Services Implemented for Multi Core CPUs
PublikacjaMultiple core processors have already became the dominant design for general purpose CPUs. Incarnations of this technology are present in solutions dedicated to such areas like computer graphics, signal processing and also computer networking. Since the key functionality of network core components is fast package servicing, multicore technology, due to multi tasking ability, seems useful to support packet processing. Dedicated...
PSoC embedded systems and its potential applications in wireless sensors network
PublikacjaW artykule zostanie przedstawiona koncepcja bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej z wykorzystaniem mikrokontrolerów PSoC firmy Cypress. Mikrokontrolery PSoC (ang. Programmable System on a Chip) to 8-bitowe uniwersalne układy programowalne znajdujące zastosowanie między innymi w przemyśle, elektronice medycznej, telekomunikacji i samochodowych systemach sterowania. Mikrokontrolery PSoC pozwalają użytkownikom wybierać rodzaj i liczbę peryferiów...
Application of the Polish active GNSS geodetic network for surveying and design of the railroad
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono opis sieci ASG-EUPOS oraz architekturę zastosowanego zestawu pomiarowego GNSS. Opisano geodezyjne przygotowanie pomiarów toru kolejowego, które przeprowadzono na ok. 30-kilometrowym odcinku testowym. Ustawienie centrów fazowych anten względem osi toru testowego wyznaczono metodami geodezji tradycyjnej w oparciu o pomiary tachimetryczne. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów ksztaltu geometrycznego toru podjęto...
Evaluation of a sat-type fairness mechanism implemented in a dual-ring network
PublikacjaThe fairness problem was presented. Popular fairness concepts and measures were shown. The RPR fairness mechanism and the SAT mechanism were described. A modification of the SAT algorithm, adapted to the possibilities of Ethernet cards used for implementation of a dual-ring RPR-based network, was proposed. Performance of the proposed modification was measured. Jain's and Chen's fairness indexes were calculated. Effectiveness comparison...
Network-aware Data Prefetching Optimization of Computations in a Heterogeneous HPC Framework
PublikacjaRapid development of diverse computer architectures and hardware accelerators caused that designing parallel systems faces new problems resulting from their heterogeneity. Our implementation of a parallel system called KernelHive allows to efficiently run applications in a heterogeneous environment consisting of multiple collections of nodes with different types of computing devices. The execution engine of the system is open for...
Control of a wind power generator in case of voltage sags in power network
PublikacjaW artykule poruszono problem związany ze sposobem sterowania generatorem elektrowni wiatrowej w przypadku wystąpienia po stronie sieci zapadów napięcia.Jako generator wykorzystano maszynę dwustronnie zasilaną której stojan podłączono bezpośrednio do sieci natomiast wirnik zasilano poprzez kaskadę przekształtników. Wystąpienie spadku lub zapadu napięcia sieci w przypadku pracy tego typu generatora może doprowadzić do uszkodzenia...
Remote monitoring and control of technical systems using internet network technology
PublikacjaPoruszono problem monitorowania stanu rozproszonych obiektów echnicznych. Przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania do tego celu technologii sieci Internet i rodziny protokołów TCP/IP. Omówiono koncepcję wykorzystania takich standardów jak: TCP, UDP, HTTP, SNMP oraz języków programowania Java i PHP. Zwrócono uwagę na aspekty bezpieczeństwa sieciowego. Przedstawiono przykład realizacji dużego systemu zdalnego zarządzania systemem central...
The development of the highway network in Poland and the future development of Polish ferry shipping
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia budowy sieci dróg i autostrad w Polsce, zarówno dla rozwoju żeglugi promowej, jak całej gospodarki kraju. W artykule przedstawiono między innymi obecną sytuację infrastruktury drogowej w Polsce, a także plany jej rozbudowy na tle zaplanowanych korytarzy tranportowych przebiegającyh przez Polskę.
CSMA/CA game in an ad hoc network with self otimising stations.
PublikacjaProtokoły dostępu do medium transmisyjnego w bezprzewodowych sieciach ad hoc wykorzystują mechanizm CSMA/CA. Protokół ten nie zapewnia sprawiedliwego podziału pasma w środowiskach ze stacjami wykazującymi zachowania niekooperacyjne przy niewielkiej możliwości ich identyfikacji i karania. W pracy rozważa się modyfikacje algorytmu ekspansji okna rywalizacji po kolizji ramek RTS oraz omawia możliwe zabezpieczenia natury administracyjnej,...
Analysis of network infrastructure and QoS requirements for modern remote learning systems.
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono różne modele zdalnego nauczania. Podjęto próbę oceny wymagań nakładanych na infrastrukturę sieci. Ponadto przedstawiono mechanizmy QoS spotykane w sieciach teleinformatycznych oraz dokonano oceny możliwości ich współpracy w systemach edukacji zdalnej
Generalization of the elastic network model for the study of large conformational changes in biomolecules
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Generalization of the Elastic Network Model for the Study of Large Conformational Changes in Proteins
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Transmission Protocol Simulation Framework For The Resource-Constrained Wireless Sensor Network
PublikacjaIn this paper a prototype framework for simulation of wireless sensor network and its protocols are presented. The framework simulates operation of a sensor network with data transmission, which enables simultaneous development of the sensor network software, its hardware and the protocols for wireless data transmission. An advantage of using the framework is converging simulation with the real software. Instead of creating...
Research on the Flicker Effect in Modern Light Sources Powered by an Electrical Network
PublikacjaDisruptions in power quality have a negative impact on many energy consumers. These include lighting, where interference manifests itself, among others, in the form of light flickering. The article presents phenomena accompanying the operation of modern light sources against the background of exemplary results of studies on the flicker of conventional light sources, such as incandescent or fluorescent lamps. The flickering effect...
Global Digital Technology Convergence: Driving Diffusion via Network Effects
PublikacjaSince the 1970s, we have witnessed unprecedented diffusion of digital technologies in both speed and geographic coverage. These technologies are pervasive and disruptive, and lead to profound shifts and transformations in societies and economies. Many claim that emerging network externalities are the principal phenomenon driving the process of technology diffusion and determining its in-time dynamics. This book analyses the unique...
Position and Orientation Estimation in Radio Network With Groups of Locally Synchronized Nodes
PublikacjaThis article presents a positioning system with groups of locally synchronized nodes. A mobile object is equipped with a group of several synchronized receivers that are able to measure the difference in the time of arrival of signals from reference transmitters. The reference transmitters are synchronized only in local groups, with no global synchronization between groups. It is assumed that the synchronous operation of transmitters...
Next generation ITS implementation aspects in 5G wireless communication network
PublikacjaIn the paper the study of Intelligent Transportation systems implementation in the 5G wireless communication network is presented. Firstly, small-cell concept in Ultra Dense Heterogeneous network was analyzed. Secondly, the 5G network requirements were presented which are important from the point of view of transportation systems development. Next, the study on the 5G network architectures proposals dedicated to the ITS systems...
Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?
PublikacjaThe final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...
Cognitive neuroscience: Theta network oscillations coordinate development of episodic memory
PublikacjaOur ability to remember life events matures through childhood and adolescence. A new study has revealed how theta oscillations between two anatomical brain regions supporting memory and executive functions are synchronized and develop across age through functional and structural connectivity.
A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life
PublikacjaChristopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...
PublikacjaThe cloud solution called the TASK cloud is described. Its main components and the way of their implementation are described. Examples of deployed environments based on the cloud are also presented. Moreover, the idea of combining the cloud and big data platforms is suggested and discussed.
Quality of Service in ASON/GMPLS Network with Hierarchical Control Plane Structure
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of quality of service for hierarchical control plane structure of Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) utilizing Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS). The approach is implemented to control the multidomain network with required quality of service, in a use case of incomplete domain network information. The authors examine different factors, including resource reservation algorithms...
Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review
PublikacjaSelf-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...
Using Probabilistic Availability Measures for Predicting Targeted Attacks on Network Nodes
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Network Protection Against Node Attacks Based on Probabilistic Availability Measures
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Network lifetime maximization in wireless mesh networks for machine-to-machine communication
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Network Graph Transformation Providing Fast Calculation of Paths for Resilient Routing
PublikacjaProtection of transmission against failures can be appropriately dealt with by alternative paths. However, common schemes (e.g., Bhandaris scheme) are characterized by a remarkable delay while determining the transmission paths. This in turn may have a serious impact on serving dynamic demands (characterized by relatively short duration time). As a remedy to this problem, we introduce an approach to pre-compute the sets of disjoint...
Situational Awareness Network for the Electric Power System: the Architecture and Testing Metrics
PublikacjaThe contemporary electric power system is highly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to new types of threats, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The most exposed components are Industrial Control Systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the cyber security of...
Smart Grid in Practise - Implementation of the Billaterall Supply in Gdynia Trolleybus Network
PublikacjaSince 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. In 2011 was introduced the first supercapacitor storage energy system. In PKT started applications of Smart Grid technologies in supply network: the bilateral supply. The paper presents results of these this novel investitions.
Surface effects of network materials based on strain gradient homogenized media
PublikacjaThe asymptotic homogenization of periodic network materials modeled as beam networks is pursued in this contribution, accounting for surface effects arising from the presence of a thin coating on the surface of the structural beam elements of the network. Cauchy and second gradient effective continua are considered and enhanced by the consideration of surface effects. The asymptotic homogenization technique is here extended to...
5G Technologies in Intelligent Transport Systems - Architectures, Virtualization and Network Slicing
PublikacjaIn the paper, 5G communication technologies implemented for Intelligent Transport Systems are discussed. Firstly, the essence of the 5G system concept is presented, and the problem of network functions virtualization (NFV) is analyzed. Moreover, the principle of virtualization is explained. Secondly, the analysis of network slicing is performed, from the point of view of transport systems implementation in the...