wszystkich: 474
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Proteins
PublikacjaStruktura białek wpływa na ich wartość odżywczą, właściwości funkcjonalne wżywności oraz reakcje w surowcach i produktach żywnościowych. Warunki prze-chowywania oraz obróbki w przemyśle i w czasie przygotowywania kulinarnegowywołują przemiany białek istotne dla jakości żywności. Przez celowe, enzy-matyczne i chemiczne modyfikowanie składu i struktury białek można wpływaćna ich właściwości funkcjonalne w żywności i wartość...
The Role of Proteins in Food
PublikacjaThis chapter describes the effect of proteins on the sensory attributes and the biological value and safety of foods. The role of proteins depends on their amino acid composition and structure, on changes due to storage and processing, as well as on interactions with other food components. The effect on the sensory quality of foods is brought about by hydrophobicity, solubility, water holding capacity, gelling, film formation,...
Conserved motifs of MutL proteins
PublikacjatThe MutL protein is best known for its function in DNA mismatch repair (MMR). However, there isevidence to suggest that MutL is not only the linker connecting the functions of MutS and MutH in MMR,but that it also participates in other repair systems, such as Very Short Patch (VSP), Base Excision (BER)and Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER). This study set out to identify the most highly conserved aminoacid sequence motifs in MutL...
Conservation and diversity of MutS proteins
PublikacjaThe homologues of MutS, mismatch repair protein, exist in all prokaryotes, with the exception of Actinobacteria, Mollicutes and part of the Archaea. Multiple alignments of 316 MutS amino acid sequences from 169 species revealed conserved residues and sequence motifs distinguishing MutS homologues. All MutS homologues show high conservation within the ATPase domain. MutS1, the homologue responsible for DNA mismatch recognition,...
Concentration of proteins in the whey stream
PublikacjaZastosowano metodę separacji pianowej do odzyskiwania białka z serwatki. Wykazano silny wpływ prędkości powietrza w kolumnie, początkowego stężenia białka w serwatce i pH roztworu na przebieg i skuteczność flotacji. Współczynnik wzbogacenia maleje ze wzrostem prędkości przepływu powietrza oraz ze wzrostem początkowego stężenia białka serwatkowego. Najwyższą wartość współczynnika wzbogacenia uzyskano dla pH naturalnej serwatki.
Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Antioxidants and proteins in ethylene-treated kiwifruits
PublikacjaW pracy porównano właściwości przeciwutleniające i profil białek owoców kiwi poddanych działaniu etylenu i powietrza. Wysokie współczynniki korelacji między całkowitą zawartością fenoli i właściwościami przeciwutleniającymi uzyskano dla trzech metod określania właściwości przeciwutleniających: ABTS, TEAC i CUPRAC. W paśmie białek owoców kiwi rozdzielonych za pomocą elektroforezy stwierdzono różnice w paśmie siarczanu dodecylu sodu...
The role of proteins in food. Chapter 6
PublikacjaStruktura i konformacja wpływają na biologiczne oraz funkcjonalne właściwości białek i na ich rolę w tworzeniu pożądanych cech produktów żywnościowych. Właściwości funkcjonalne to rozpuszczalność w środowisku wodnym o różnej sile jonowej, wodochłonność oraz zdolność żelowania, tworzenia błon, emulgowania lipidów i pienienia się. Białka mięsa, ryb, mleka, jaj, nasion roślin strączkowych, nasion zbóż oraz drobnoustrojów różnią się...
Cellular Response to Unfolded Proteins in Depression
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Targeting shelterin proteins for cancer therapy.
PublikacjaAs a global health challenge, cancer prompts continuous exploration for innovative therapies that are also based on new targets. One promising avenue is targeting the shelterin protein complex, a safeguard for telomeres crucial in preventing DNA damage. The role of shelterin in modulating ataxia- telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) kinases, key players in the DNA damage response (DDR),...
Molecular basis of TRF proteins and their interactions with peptides
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1.21 Computation of Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics of Proteins
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Coarse-Grained Models of Proteins: Theory and Applications
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Computational techniques for efficient conformational sampling of proteins
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The measurement of conformational stability of proteins adsorbed on siloxanes
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Recent Developments in Data-Assisted Modeling of Flexible Proteins
PublikacjaMany proteins can fold into well-defined conformations. However, intrinsically-disordered proteins (IDPs) do not possess a defined structure. Moreover, folded multi-domain proteins often digress into alternative conformations. Collectively, the conformational dynamics enables these proteins to fulfill specific functions. Thus, most experimental observables are averaged over the conformations that constitute an ensemble. In this...
Mechanism of Osmolyte Stabilization–Destabilization of Proteins: Experimental Evidence
PublikacjaIn this work, we investigated the influence of stabilizing (N,N,N-trimethylglycine) and destabilizing (urea) osmolytes on the hydration spheres of biomacromolecules in folded forms (trpzip-1 peptide and hen egg white lysozyme─hewl) and unfolded protein models (glycine─GLY and N-methylglycine─NMG) by means of infrared spectroscopy. GLY and NMG were clearly limited as minimal models for unfolded proteins and should be treated with...
Molecular Recognition in Complexes of TRF Proteins with Telomeric DNA
PublikacjaTelomeres are specialized nucleoprotein assemblies that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. In humans and many other species, telomeres consist of tandem TTAGGG repeats bound by a protein complex known as shelterin that remodels telomeric DNA into a protective loop structure and regulates telomere homeostasis. Shelterin recognizes telomeric repeats through its two major components known as Telomere Repeat-Binding Factors, TRF1...
Dynamics of Chains as a Tool to Study Thermomechanical Properties of Proteins.
PublikacjaPolymer dynamics can be formulated on different levels of detail. One approach eliminates microscopic degrees of freedom and a polymer molecule is represented by a simplified structure—a chain. In the simplest case monomers of ideal chain have fixed length, and their orientation is independent of the orientations and positions of neighbouring monomers. This is reason that two monomers can co-exist at the same place. Ideal chain...
The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
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miRNAs in Signal Transduction of SMAD Proteins in Breast Cancer
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Denaturation of proteins by surfactants studied by the Taylor dispersion analysis
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The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
PublikacjaSkonstruowano białka chimeryczne zawierające białko MutS z Thermus thermophilus i białko zielonej fluoresceiny GFP z Aequorea victoria, posiadające dla łatwiejszego oczyszczania domeny oligo-histydynowe na N- lub C-końcu. Fuzyjne białka rozpoznawały niekomplementarności w DNA podobnie do MutS T. thermophilus. Fluorescencyjne białka rozpoznające niekomplementarne DNA mogą być użyteczne w wykrywaniu jednonukleotydowych polimorfizmów...
Modeling SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins in the CASP‐commons experiment
PublikacjaCritical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) is an organization aimed at advancing the state of the art in computing protein structure from sequence. In the spring of 2020, CASP launched a community project to compute the structures of the most structurally challenging proteins coded for in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Forty-seven research groups submitted over 3000 three-dimensional models and 700 sets of accuracy estimates on...
Immunogenic and protective activity of recombinant chimeric Toxoplasma gondii proteins
PublikacjaToxoplasmosis, one of the most common parasitic invasions worldwide, may pose a great threat for individuals with weakened immune system. The parasite also causes considerable economic losses due to infection of livestock. To date there is no efficient immunoprophylaxis for humans and animals, which would provide long-lasting protection against T. gondii invasion. Chimeric proteins, containing several selected fragments of parasite...
Modeling the Structure, Dynamics, and Transformations of Proteins with the UNRES Force Field
PublikacjaThe physics-based united-residue (UNRES) model of proteins ( ) has been designed to carry out large-scale simulations of protein folding. The force field has been derived and parameterized based on the principles of statistical-mechanics, which makes it independent of structural databases and applicable to treat nonstandard situations such as, proteins that contain D-amino-acid residues. Powered by Langevin dynamics...
Fragmentomic analysis of biopeptides in silico released from milk proteins
PublikacjaThe fragmentomic-assisted method was employed to predict the biological potential of peptides derived from milk proteins hydrolyzed by papain and bromelain. Firstly, protein sequences were acquired from the BIOPEP-UWM database and then hydrolyzed by the above enzymes using a BIOPEP-UWM tool called “Enzyme(s) action”. The released peptides were defined as parent peptides and further analyzed for the presence of shorter peptidic...
Analysis of the Factors Affecting Static In Vitro Pepsinolysis of Food Proteins
PublikacjaIn this meta-analysis, we collected 58 publications spanning the last seven decades that reported static in vitro protein gastric digestion results. A number of descriptors of the pepsinolysis process were extracted, including protein type; pepsin activity and concentration; protein concentration; pH; additives; protein form (e.g., ‘native’, ‘emulsion’, ‘gel’, etc.); molecular weight of the protein; treatment; temperature; and...
Core spliceosomal Sm proteins as constituents of cytoplasmic mRNPs in plants
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Core spliceosomal Sm proteins as constituents of cytoplasmic mRNPs in plants
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Oxidative Modification of Proteins in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis with Bacterial Infections
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Contribution of small heat shock proteins to muscle development and function
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Structure and function of natural proteins for water transport: general discussion
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Carotenoid binding to proteins: Modeling pigment transport to lipid membranes
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Bean seed proteins digestibility affected by pressure and microwave cooking
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Characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria
PublikacjaSingle-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) are indispensable elements in the cells of all living organisms. SSB proteins interact with ssDNA insequence in an independent manner, preventing them from forming secondary structures and from degradation by nucleases. In this way, SSB-binding proteins participate in all processes involving ssDNA, such as replication, repair and recombination. Although there are differences in amino...
Characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria
PublikacjaSingle-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) are indispensable elements in the cells of all living organisms. SSB proteins interact with ssDNAinsequence in an independent manner, preventing them from forming secondary structures and from degradation by nucleases. In this way, SSB-binding proteins participate in all processes involving ssDNA, such as replication, repair and recombination.Although there are differences in amino acid...
The Extracellular Bacterial HtrA Proteins as Potential Therapeutic Targets and Vaccine Candidates
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Porcine myofibrillar proteins as potential precursors of bioactive peptides – an in silico study
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Analysis of differences in the stability of proteins encoded in mitochondrial DNA of model organisms
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Effect of buckwheat flour on microelements and proteins contents in gluten-free bread
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Evolution of physics-based methodology for exploring the conformational energy landscape of proteins
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Generalization of the Elastic Network Model for the Study of Large Conformational Changes in Proteins
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Partial characterization of proteins from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis as a biomarker of contamination
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem zainteresowania były:- funkcjonalne i przeciwutleniające właściwości białek małża Mytilus galloprovincialis,- poziom zawartości metali ciężkich (ołów i kadm) w tkankach.Badania przeprowadzono dla małży zebranych zarówno w zanieczyszczonych, jak i w czystych obszarach strefy brzegowej Morza Czarnego w regionie Warny (Bułgaria). W badaniach wykorzystano takie techniki analityczne jak: spektroskopia FTIR, fluorescencja,...
Coarse-grained simulation - an efficient approach for studying motions of large proteins
PublikacjaOne of the most important challenges in performing Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of large protein complexes is to accommodate the model accuracy and the simulation timescale. Hitherto, for the most relevant dynamics of protein aggregates in an explicit aqueous environment, the timescale reachable for the all-atoms simulations is of hundreds of nanoseconds. This range is four to six orders of magnitude smaller than processes...
Why the Solvation Water around Proteins Is More Dense than Bulk Water
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work is to propose a rational explanation of the commonly observed phenomenon of increasing water density within solvation shell of proteins. We have observed that the geometry of the water–water hydrogen bond network within solvation layer differs from the one in bulk water, and it is the result of interactions of water molecules with protein surface. Altered geometry of the network reflects changes in the...
Single Cell Expression Systems for the Production of Recombinant Proteins for Immunodiagnosis and Immunoprophylaxis of Toxoplasmosis
PublikacjaToxoplasmosis represents a significant public health and veterinary concern due to its widespread distribution, zoonotic transmission, and potential for severe health impacts in susceptible individuals and animal populations. The ability to design and produce recombinant proteins with precise antigenic properties is fundamental, as they serve as tools for accurate disease detection and effective immunization strategies, contributing...
Water-mediated long-range interactions between the internal vibrations of remote proteins
PublikacjaIt is generally acknowledged that the mobility of protein atoms and the mobility of water molecules in the solvation layer are connected. In this article, we answer the question whether a similar interdependence exists between the motions of atoms of proteins separated by the hydration layers of variable thickness. The system consisted of a kinesin catalytic domain and a tubulin dimer. It was studied using molecular dynamics simulations....
Role of the Solvation Water in Remote Interactions of Hyperactive Antifreeze Proteins with the Surface of Ice
PublikacjaMost protein molecules do not adsorb onto ice, one of the exceptions being so-called antifreeze proteins. In this paper, we describe that there is a force pushing an antifreeze protein molecule away from the ice surface when it is not oriented with its ice-binding plane toward the ice and that this pushing force may be also present even when the protein is oriented with its ice-binding plane toward the ice. This force is absent...