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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BULK-DRIVEN MOS
A 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower / DC level shifter and its application in class AB output stage
PublikacjaA simple realization of a 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower/DC level shifter, designed in a 0.18um CMOS technology is presented in the paper. The circuit is characterized by large input and output voltage swings, and a DC voltage gain close to unity. The DC voltage shift between input and output terminals can be regulated in a certain interval around zero, by means of biasing current sinks. An application of the proposed voltage...
Multiple output differential OTA with linearizing bulk-driven active-error feedback loop for continuous-time filter applications
PublikacjaA CMOS circuit realization of a highly linear multiple-output differential operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) has been proposed. The presented approach exploits a differential pair as an input stage with both the gate and the bulk terminals as signal ports. For the proposed OTA, improved linearity is obtained by means of the active-error feedback loop operating at the bulk terminals of the input stage. SPICE simulations...
Bulk linearized CMOS differential pair transconductor for continuous-time OTA-C filter design
PublikacjaIn this paper, the MOS differential pair driven simultaneously from gates and bulk terminals is described. An approximated analytical solution of the voltage to current transfer function has been found for the proposed circuit. Four possible combinations of gate and bulk connections of the input signal are presented. Basing on the configuration giving the best linearity, the operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) has been designed...
Electric Field-Driven Assembly of Sulfonated Polystyrene Microspheres
PublikacjaA designed assembly of particles at liquid interfaces offers many advantages for development of materials, and can be performed by various means. Electric fields provide a flexible method for structuring particles on drops, utilizing electrohydrodynamic circulation flows, and dielectrophoretic and electrophoretic interactions. In addition to the properties of the applied electric field, the manipulation of particles often depends...
A Method of MOS Evaluation for Video Based Services
PublikacjaThis paper deals with a method for QoE evaluation for the services transmitting large amount of data perceived by the end user in relatively short time periods, e.g. streaming video in mobile operator...
Study of Integer Spin S = 1 in the Polar Magnet β-Ni(IO3)2
PublikacjaPolar magnetic materials exhibiting appreciable asymmetric exchange interactions can potentially host new topological states of matter such as vortex-like spin textures; however, realizations have been mostly limited to half-integer spins due to rare numbers of integer spin systems with broken spatial inversion lattice symmetries. Here, we studied the structure and magnetic properties of the S = 1 integer spin polar magnet β-Ni(IO3)2...
Bile salts in digestion and transport of lipids
PublikacjaBecause of their unusual chemical structure, bile salts (BS) play a fundamental role in intestinal lipid digestion and transport. BS have a planar arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, which enables the BS molecules to form peculiar self-assembled structures in aqueous solutions. This molecular arrangement also has an influence on specific interactions of BS with lipid molecules and other compounds of ingested food...
Wykorzystanie metody Neldera-Meada do identyfikacji wartości parametrów niequasi-statycznego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zastosowania metody sympleksu Neldera-Meada do ekstrakcji wartości parametrów niequasi-stycznego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS. Przedstawiono równoważny elektryczny schemat zastępczy i model matematyczny nowego modelu małosygnałowego MOSFETa dla częstotliwości mikrofalowych. Opisano zaimplementowany algorytm i otrzymane rezultaty badań.
Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Substrate-Induced Assembly of Gold Nanocube Arrays toward an Accelerated Electrocatalytic Effect Employing Heterogeneous Diffusion Field Confinement
PublikacjaThe complex electrocatalytic performance of gold nanocubes (AuNCs) is the focus of this work. The faceted shapes of AuNCs and the individual assembly processes at the electrode surfaces define the heterogeneous conditions for the purpose of electrocatalytic processes. Topographic and electron imaging demonstrated slightly rounded AuNC (average of 38 nm) assemblies with sizes of ≤1 μm, where the dominating patterns are (111) and...
Właściwości nie-quasi-statycznego modelu tranzystora wewnętrznego MOS
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono założenia i właściwości oryginalnego nie-quasi-statycznego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora wewnętrznego MOS oraz dokonano przeglądu i podziału znanych w literaturze przedmiotu małosygnałowych modeli tranzystora polowego.
Jednosekwencyjny statyczny model prądowo-napięciowo-temperaturowy tranzystora MOS.
PublikacjaZaprezentowano i zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie nowy jednosekcyjny statyczny model pradowo-napięciowo-temperaturowy tranzystora MOS. Nowy model jest spójny fizycznie i zawiera dużo mniej parametrów niż powszechnie znane modele.
Nowy dwudrenowy tranzystor MOS jako czujnik pola magnetycznego.
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano nową koncepcję tranzystora typu MOS z dwoma poziomo usytuowanymi drenami, który może być wykorzystany jako czujnik pola magnetycznego. Zasada działania nowego czujnika oparta jest na jednym ze zjawisk galwanomagnetycznych.
Dwuwymiarowy obraz zjawisk w tranzystorze MOS - badania numeryczne
PublikacjaZaprezentowano wyniki badań numerycznych, z których wynika, że w tranzystorze MOS występuje zjawisko łagodnego odrywania się kanału i zjawisko powiększania grubości kanału. Obydwa zjawiska można uwzględnić w quasi-dwuwymiarowym modelowaniu pracy tranzystora polowego, dzięki czemu można opracowywać dokładniejsze modele analityczne takiego przyrządu półprzewodnikowego.
Wysokoczestotliwościowy model małosygnałowy tranzystora MOS uwzgledniający efekt nasycenia prędkosci nośników.
PublikacjaZaproponowano nowy małosygnałowy model wysokoczęstotliwościowy tranzystora MOS oraz przedstawiono wyniki jego weryfikacji eksperymentalnej w zakresie częstotliwości aż do 30 GHz.
Rozkład gęstości ruchomego ładunku wzdłuż kanału tranzystora MOS
PublikacjaPrzedyskutowano i dokonano analizy ilościowej rozkładu gęstości ruchomego ładunku wzdłuż kanału tranzystora MOS - jednej z podstawowych wielkości definiujących prąd kanału (drenu). Zwrócono uwagę na konsekwencje jakie implikuje stosowanie przybliżenia łagodnego kanału w modelowaniu stałoprądowych charakterystyk tranzystora polowego. Zaprezentowano wyniki analizy dwuwymiarowej określającej w formie analitycznej wielkość ładunku...
Stałoprądowy model tranzystora mos dla zakresu przed- i nadprogowego
PublikacjaZaprezentowano spójny fizycznie, stałoprądowy, jednosekcyjny model opisujący pracę tranzystora MOS zarówno w zakresie przed- i nadprogowym, jak również w zakresie liniowym (triodowym) i nasycenia (pentodowym). Przedstawiono założenia modelu fizycznego w przestrzeni 2-D i jego transformację do modelu quasi-dwuwymiarowego praz zademonstrowano wyniki weryfikacji eksperymentalnej modelu. Model spełnia warunek symetrii Gummel'a
Porównanie różnych metod pomiarów wysokości barier potencjału w strukturach MOS.
PublikacjaW referacie omówiono sposoby eliminacji problemów upływności bramki przy pomiarach charakterystyk C(V) kondnsatorów z ultra-cienkim tlenkiem bramki. Przedstawiono sposoby wykorzystania trójelementowego schematu zastępczego kondensatora MOS i przykład analizy pojemności, konduktancji tlenku i rezystancji szeregowej, zmierzonych przy pomocy miernika impedancji Agilent 4294A.
Stałoprądowy model tranzystora MOS z kanałem dłuzszym niż 10 nm
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano spójny fizycznie, stałoprądowy jednosekcyjny model tranzystora MOS i wyniki jego eksperymentalnej weryfikacji dla szerokiego spektrum długości kanałów badanych tranzystorów - od kanałów długich aż do 10-nanometrowych. Przedstawiono założenia modelu fizycznego w przestrzeni 2-D i jego transformację do modelu quasi-dwuwymiarowego. Model spełnia warunek symetrii Gummel'a.
Zależność parametrów quasi-dwuwymiarowego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS od punktu pracy
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki optymalizacji zagadnień wielowymiarowych, zastosowanej do ekstrakcji wartości parametrów nie-quasi-statycznego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS dla różnych punktów pracy. Opisano zaimplementowany algorytm i otrzymane rezultaty badań.
Zależność parametrów quasi-dwuwymiarowego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS od punktu pracy
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki optymalizacji zagadnień wielowymiarowych, zastosowanej do ekstrakcji wartości parametrów nie-quasi-statycznego modelu małosygnałowego tranzystora MOS dla różnych punktów pracy. Opisano zaimplementowany algorytm i otrzymane rezultaty badań.
Rezystancja rozproszona bramki tranzystora MOS w zakresie b. w. cz.
PublikacjaZaproponowano małosygnałowy schemat zastępczy tranzystora MOS z uwzględnieniem rezystancji rozproszonej bramki w zakresie częstotliwości radiowych i mikrofalowych. Na podstawie wyników pomiarowych dokonano identyfikacji wartości rezystancji rozproszonej. Przeprowadzono analizę rozkładu nośników nadmiarowych wzdłuż kanału tranzystora i na jej bazie podano interpretację fizyczną zależności rezystancji rozproszonej od częstotliwości...
Low-Voltage LDO Regulator Based on Native MOS Transistor with Improved PSR and Fast Response
PublikacjaIn this paper, a low-voltage low-dropout analog regulator (ALDO) based on a native n-channel MOS transistor is proposed. Application of the native transistor with the threshold voltage close to zero allows elimination of the charge pump in low-voltage regulators using the pass element in a common drain configuration. Such a native pass transistor configuration allows simplification of regulator design and improved performance,...
Buckling analyses of cylindrical metal silos containing bulk solids
PublikacjaThe paper presents quasi-static 3D buckling analysis results of thin-walled cylindrical metal silos with and without bulk solids. The behaviour of the bulk solid was described with a hypoplastic constitutive model. Non-linear analyses with geometric and material non-linearity were performed with a perfect and an imperfect silo shell. Different initial geometric imperfections were considered. The influence of internally stored bulk...
Bulk Solids Handling
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Aggregation of Rhodamine 6G in titanium dioxide nanolayers and bulk xerogels
PublikacjaNanolayers and bulk xerogels of Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) in titanium dioxide (Rh6G/TiO2) were prepared using the sol–gel method. The spectroscopic and structural properties of these two types of hybrid matrices were studied as a function of dye concentration. In both cases absorption, fluorescence and time resolved emission spectra show the formation of fluorescent aggregates. The observed stronger changes in characteristics of bulk...
Bulk-Surface Modification of Nanoparticles for Developing Highly-Crosslinked Polymer Nanocomposites
PublikacjaSurface modification of nanoparticles with functional molecules has become a routine method to compensate for diffusion-controlled crosslinking of thermoset polymer composites at late stages of crosslinking, while bulk modification has not carefully been discussed. In this work, a highly-crosslinked model polymer nanocomposite based on epoxy and surface-bulk functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was developed. MNPs were...
Buckling analyses of metal cylindrical silos containing bulk solids during filling
PublikacjaThe paper presents 3D results on stability of thin-walled cylindrical metal silos made of isotropic rolled and corrugated plates containing bulk solids. The behavior of bulk solids was described using a hypoplastic constitutive model. Nonlinear finite element (FE) analyses with both geometric and material nonlinearity were performed with a perfect and an imperfect silo shell wherein initial geometric imperfections were taken into...
Photovoltaic bulk heterojunctions with interpenetrating network based on semiconducting polymers
PublikacjaPhotovoltaic cells are supposed to be the most common generators of useful electricity in the nearest future as they utilize inexhaustible carriers of renewable energy called photons. Despite the fact that 95% of worldwide applied photovoltaic devices are based on inorganic semiconductors the area of organic photovoltaics grows successively due to possibility of considerable reduction of manufacturing costs. Since the Heeger's...
Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling
PublikacjaThe primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...
Analysis of higher recombination orders in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublikacjaRecently, it has been experimentally demonstrated that an order of nongeminate recombination exceeds two in some types of organic bulk heterojunction donor-acceptor structures. This result is different than for the case of bimolecular recombination described by Langevin theory. Although several theoretical explanations of this effect have been presented, the origin of higher recombination orders is still questionable. In this work,...
High order of nongeminate recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublikacjaWe analyze high order of nongeminate recombination in organic donor–acceptor bulk heterojunction solar cells. The model of recombination where an exciton annihilates on an electron–hole Langevin bound pair near donor–acceptor interface has been applied in our studies. We obtained satisfactory agreement between experimental results and theoretical calculations for the concentration dependences of several parameters characterizing...
Structure and electric transport properties of Ca-doped bulk PrBa2Cu3O7−δ
PublikacjaThe crystal structure and electric transport properties of Pr1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7- delta (x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5) bulk ceramic samples, prepared by the standard solid-state reaction in air, were examined by X-ray power diffraction, resistivity measurements and room temperature thermoelectric power determination. Ca atoms introduce additional holes to the system as well as structural defects. The orthorhombic-to-tetragonal structural...
Four-body recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells: an alternative interpretation
PublikacjaWe demonstrate a new interpretation of the previously reported quadrimolecular recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. It is suggested that the recently described (Szmytkowski 2012 Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6 300) interaction between exciton and electron–hole Langevin bound pair formed across the donor–acceptor interface is a four-particle process. This is in opposition to the treatment of this effect as a three-particle...
Nongeminate recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells: Contribution of exciton–polaron interaction
PublikacjaA new model to explain nongeminate recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells is presented. We suggest that the annihilation of excitons on charge carriers at the interface between donor and acceptor phases competes with the bimolecular recombination of Coulombically bound electron–hole pairs. The exciton–polaron interaction gives visible contribution to the reduction of Langevin recombination. An analytical formula,...
XRD (X-ray diffraction) spectra of bulk boron and obtained borophene
Dane BadawczeThis dataset includes XRD (X-ray diffraction) spectra of bulk boron and borophene obtained during sonication process, giving the information on the phase composition and crystallinity of materials.
Dis/Trust and data-driven technologies
PublikacjaThis concept paper contextualises, defines, and systematises the concepts of trust and distrust (and their interrelations), providing a critical review of existing literature so as to identify gaps, disjuncture, and continuities in the use of these concepts across the social sciences and in the context of the consolidation of the digital society. Firstly, the development of the concept of trust is explored by looking at its use...
Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublikacjaThe development of modern high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Notwithstanding, EM-driven design entails considerable computational expenses. This is especially troublesome when solving tasks that require massive EM analyzes, parametric optimization and uncertainty quantification be-ing representative examples. The employment of...
Application of the IMO standard manoeuvres procedure for pod-driven ships
PublikacjaInternational Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the resolution MSC.137(76) Standards for Ship manoeuvrability presents the manoeuvring criteria that has to be satisfied by majority of seagoing ships. Together with the criteria, procedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests are also presented. They however do not correspond directly to ships with non-conventional steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this...
Bulk properties and electronic structure of PuFeAsO
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Bulk properties and electronic structure of PuFeAsO
PublikacjaW pracy zamieszczone wyniki badań krystalograficznych, pomiarów ciepła właściwego i podatności magnetycznej na nowym związku PuFeAsO. PuFeAsO jest antyferromagnetykiem z T_N = 50 K.
Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures
PublikacjaThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks...
Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model
PublikacjaPurpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...
A Model-Driven Solution for Development of Multimedia Stream Processing Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of action research related to model-driven solutions in the area of multimedia stream processing. The practical problem to be solved was the need to support application developers who make their multimedia stream processing applications in a supercomputer environment. The solution consists of a domain-specific visual language for composing complex services from simple services called Multimedia Stream...
New bulk liquid membrane oscillator composed of two coupled oscillators with diffusion-mediated physical coupling
PublikacjaA new type of bulk liquid membrane system, which represents the first example of a bulk liquid membrane oscillator characterised by the presence of two coupled oscillators, is described. When the benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride surfactant undergoes an oscillatory mass transfer through a nitromethane liquid membrane, a new liquid layer (phase X) appears between the membrane and the acceptor phase. Kinetic analysis provides...
Simulation-Driven Design of Microstrip Antenna Subarrays
PublikacjaA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (e.g., a corporate network) on the subarray side lobe level and allows adjusting both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublikacjaInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Modeling the electrical characteristics of P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells: Influence of the interface recombination
PublikacjaThe interface recombination of charge carriers located in the material with lower permittivity (Szmytkowski 2009 Chem.Phys.Lett. 470 123) has been implemented for the first time to calculate the electrical characteristics of the donor-acceptor P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cell. In order to estimate the photocurrent density in this system, a simple analytical formula has been derived. We have obtained a very good agreement...
Analysis of the image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublikacjaWe consider the influence of image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. The conclusion is that the charge carriers of one sign located in the material with lower permittivity recombine at the boundary between donor and acceptor phases. This process competes with the recombination of opposite sign charge carriers, leading to the reduction of the Langevin-type...
Phonons in Iron: From the Bulk to an Epitaxial Monolayer
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Oscillatory Phenomena in System with Bulk Luquid Membranes
PublikacjaOscylatory z grubowarstwowymi membranami ciekłymi zawierające jonowe surfakanty mogą być użyte do modelowania zjawisk oscylacyjnych zachodzących w membranach biologicznych. Stwierdzono, że zmiany temperatury mają silny wpływ na charakterystyki oscylacyjne. Zmienia się częstotliwość oscylacji i ukazują się nowe piki w układach zawierających nitrometan. Zbadano wpływ składu faz wodnych (stężenie surfaktanta i alkoholu) oraz materiału...