Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODEL COMPRESSION
Diagnostic model of compression-ignition engine slide bearings for controlling the changes of their state
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję umożliwiającą sterowanie procesami zmian stanów eksploatacyjnych silnika na podstawie modelu diagnostycznego łożysk ślizgowych. Jako model łożyska ślizgowego przyjęty został topologiczny model diagnostyczny, pozwalający na pełne i dokładne wykorzystanie oleju smarowego jako jednego z nośników informacji o stanie technicznym łożyska. Przedstawiona została przykładowa interpretacja stanów eksploatacyjnych...
Mathematical model defining volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe objective of the work is to develop the capability of evaluating the volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in the working chambers of high pressure variable capacity displacement pump. Volumetric losses of oil compression must be determined as functions of the same parameters, which the volumetric losses due to leakage, resulting from the quality of design solution of the pump, are evaluated as dependent on and also...
Multilevel model order reduction with generalized compression of boundaries for 3-d FEM electromagnetic analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents a multilevel Model Order Reduction technique for a 3-D electromagnetic Finite Element Method analysis. The reduction process is carried out in a hierarchical way and involves several steps which are repeated at each level. This approach brings about versatility and allows one to efficiently analyze complex electromagnetic structures. In the proposed multilevel reduction the entire computational domain is covered...
PublikacjaThe analyzes were aimed at demonstrating the influence of parameters describing the deformation of the structure on the uncertainty of critical force, and the impact of technological imperfections on stress uncertainty in compression conditions. In a linear buckling analysis, the problem is considered only for the initial, permanent state of the stiffness matrix. In the case of demonstrating the influence of initial deformations...
Strain-dependent behaviour of cold recycled material mixtures in cyclic compression tests
PublikacjaThe purpose of the study is to evaluate strain-dependent behaviour of Cold Recycled Material (CRM) mixtures using three frameworks typically applied for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): linear viscoelastic (LVE) limits; non-linearity directions; changes in rheological model parameters. To this aim, the complex modulus of three CRM mixtures with different bitumen-to-cement ratio (0.2, 0.6 and 1.8) was measured in cyclic compression mode,...
Numerical Modelling for Prediction of Compression Index from Soil Index Properties in Jimma town, Ethiopia
PublikacjaIn this study, correlations are developed to predict compression index (Cc) from index parameters so that one can be able to model Jimma soils with compression index using simple laboratory tests. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples from twelve different locations in Jimma town were collected. Laboratory tests like specific gravity, grain size analysis, Atterberg limit, and one-dimensional consolidation test for a total of twenty-four...
Discrete element method simulations of fracture in concrete under uniaxial compression based on its real internal structure
PublikacjaThe paper describes experimental and numerical results of concrete fracture under quasi-static uniaxial compression. Experimental uniaxial compression tests were performed on concrete cubic specimens. Fracture in concrete was detected at the aggregate level by means of three non-destructive methods: three-dimensional X-ray microcomputed tomography, two-dimensional scanning electron microscope and manual two-dimensional digital...
Impact of free water on strain rate response of concrete in compression with a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach
PublikacjaW tym artykule zbadano wpływ zawartości wody na dynamiczne zachowanie betonu w stanie jednokierunkowego ściskania w mezoskali. Przeprowadzono obszerne dwuwymiarowe (2D) badania dynamiczne wpływu wolnej wody na dynamiczną wytrzymałość i pękanie betonu o niskiej porowatości. Dogłębnie zbadano wpływ szybkości odkształcania, nasycenia płynem i lepkości płynu. Zachowanie betonu w pełni i częściowo nasyconego płynem symulowano przy użyciu...
Effect of free water on the quasi‑static compression behavior of partially‑saturated concrete with a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach.
PublikacjaThe work aims to numerically investigate the quasi-static response of partially fluid-saturated concrete under two-dimensional uniaxial compression at the mesoscale. We investigated how the impact of free pore fluid content (water and gas) affected the quasi-static strength of concrete. The totally and partially fluid-saturated concrete behavior was simulated using an improved pore-scale hydro-mechanical model based on DEM/CFD....
On a Recurrence Arising in Graph Compression
PublikacjaIn a recently proposed graphical compression algorithm by Choi and Szpankowski (2012), the following tree arose in the course of the analysis. The root contains n balls that are consequently distributed between two subtrees according to a simple rule: In each step, all balls independently move down to the left subtree (say with probability p) or the right subtree (with probability 1p). A new node is created as long as...
Compressed Projection Bases for Model-Order Reduction of Multiport Microwave Components Using FEM
PublikacjaThis paper presents a projection basis compression technique for generating compact reduced-order models (ROM) in the FE analysis of microwave devices. In this approach redundancy is removed from the projection basis by means of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique applied to the projected system of linear equations. Compression allows for keeping the size of a reduced-order model as small as possible without compromising...
On the compression of multibeam sonar raw bathymetry data
PublikacjaMultibeam sonars are widely used in applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements or underwater object imaging. One of the significant problems in multibeam sensing of the marine environment is large amount of data which must be transmitted from the sonar processing unit to an operator station using a limited bit rate channel. For instance, such a situation would be in the case when the multibeam sonar was mounted on...
The flux compression generator load parameters selection
PublikacjaComputer simulation results of the flux compression generator (FCG) loaded with an inductor has been presented in this paper. Simulation research has been performed in order to select the parameters of FCG load coil properly. The influence of the load inductance and resistance on the current gain factor and the magnetic field energy accumulated in a load coil has been investigated.
Optimal intermittent pneumatic compression in lymphedema
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Compression algorithms for multibeam sonar records
PublikacjaJednym z najczęściej używanych urządzeń służących do szeroko rozumianego telemonitoringu morskiego są sonary wielowiązkowe (ang. Multibeam systems MBS). Ich wysoka wydajność w tworzeniu informacji o obiektach znajdujących się pod wodą skutkuje w dużych ilościach danych pozyskiwanych podczas rejsów badawczych i pomiarowych. W tym kontekście, proces przechowywania i zarządzania takim magazynem danych staje się istotnym problemem...
Lossless Compression of Binary Trees with Correlated Vertex Names
PublikacjaCompression schemes for advanced data structures have become the challenge of today. Information theory has traditionally dealt with conventional data such as text, image, or video. In contrast, most data available today is multitype and context-dependent. To meet this challenge, we have recently initiated a systematic study of advanced data structures such as unlabeled graphs [1]. In this paper, we continue this program by considering...
DME as alternative fuel for compression ignition engines – a review
PublikacjaThe ecological issues and the depletion of crude oil, has led the researchers to seeking for non-petroleum based alternative fuels, along with more advanced combustion technologies, and after-treatment systems. The use of clean alternative fuels is the one of the most perspective method that aiming at resolving of the said issues. One of the promising alternative fuels that can be used as a clean highefficiency compression ignition...
Experiments on compression ignition engine powered by nano-fuels
PublikacjaThe use of nanoparticles in fuels provides new opportunities for modification of fuel properties, which may affect the operational parameters of engines, in particular the efficiency and fuel consumption. The paper presents comparison of compression ignition engine performance fuelled with neat diesel and nano-diesel. Alumina (Al2O3) was used as nanoparticles. Surface-active substances, including Span 80 surfactant, as well as...
Modelling Lymphoedematous Tissue under Pneumatic Compression
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Gazetteer compression technique based on substructure recognition
PublikacjaAutomaty skończone są najlepszą formą reprezentacji słowników do przetwarzania języka naturalnego. Przedstawiamy nową technikę kompresji, która jest szczególnie użyteczna w stosunku do pewnego rodzaju słowników. Zastępujemy wielokrotnie występujące podstruktury ich niepowtarzalnymi reprezentantami. Do ich znalezienia traktujemy wektor przejść jako tekst i stosujemy technikę kompresji tekstu w stylu Ziv-Lempel, która znajduje powtórzenia...
Innovative cold-formed GEB section under compression
PublikacjaCold-formed steel sections extensively affect the modern steel construction industry. Not only are they used as secondary elements like purlins or sheeting, but also they can serve as primary load-bearing members in fabricated steel panels and trusses. A new cross-section called shortly a GEB may serve as that member. However, its existence of the metal building structures industry depends on the exact, optimal dimensional parameters...
Using wavelet techniques for multibeam sonar bathymetry data compression
PublikacjaMultibeam sonars are widely used in applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements or underwater object imaging. One of the significant problems in multibeam sensing of the marine environment is large amount of data which must be transmitted from the sonar processing unit to an operator station using a limited bit rate channel. For instance, such a situation would be in the case when the multibeam sonar was mounted on...
Electroelastic biaxial compression of nanoplates considering piezoelectric effects
PublikacjaIn the present theoretical work, it is assumed that a piezoelectric nanoplate is connected to the voltage meter which voltages have resulted from deformation of the plate due to in-plane compressive forces whether they are critical buckling loads or arbitrary forces. In order to derive governing equations, a simplified four-variable shear deformation plate theory has been employed using Hamilton’s principle and Von-Kármán...
U-Turn Compression to a New Isostructural Ferrocene Phase
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Algorithms for Ship Movement Prediction for Location Data Compression
PublikacjaDue to safety reasons, the movement of ships on the sea, especially near the coast should be tracked, recorded and stored. However, the amount of vessels which trajectories should be tracked by authorized institutions, often in real time, is usually huge. What is more, many sources of vessels position data (radars, AIS) produces thousands of records describing route of each tracked object, but lots of that records are correlated...
Discrete simulations of a triaxial compression test for sand by DEM.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji dyskretnych dla ściskania trójosiowego stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych DEM. Symulacje wykonano dla piasku. Zastosowano kuli z momentami kontaktu do symulacji kształtu ziaren. Przeprowadzono analizy dla różnych zmiennych parametrów: średnica piasku, krzywa uziarnienia, kształt ziaren, wymiary próbki i warunki brzegowe.
Modelling of concrete behaviour in uniaxial compression and tension with DEM.
PublikacjaW artykule omowiono wyniki modelowania betonu podczas jednoosiowego sciskania i rozciagania stosujac metode elementów dyskretnych. Beton zostal opisany jako material 3-fazowy (kruszywo, zaprawa cementowa i strefy kontaktu). Szczegolna uwage zwrocono na zjawiska mikro-strukturalne na poziomie kruszywa (lancuchy sil, wiry, obroty ziaren). Wyniki numeryczne zostaly porownano z wynikami badan doswiadczalnych.
A Fast and Accurate Prediction of Distortions in DCT-Based Lossy Image Compression
PublikacjaSince the number of acquired images and their size have the tendency to increase, their lossy compression is widely applied for their storage, transfer, and dissemination. Simultaneously with providing a relatively large compression ratio, lossy compression produces distortions that are inevitably introduced and have to be controlled. The properties of these distortions depend on several factors such as image properties, the...
The effect of wax foundation addition to PCL filaments on mechanical properties.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes the effect of wax foundation addition on the basic mechanical properties of the filaments. PCL and wax foundation addition at 10 and 15% were used for extrusion. The mechanical properties of the resulting filaments were evaluated by a double compression test using an Instron model 5543 universal testing machine. Parameters such...
Validation of lumbar spine finite element model
Dane BadawczeThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research....
Evaluation of compression realization in diesel engine based on performance indicator changes
PublikacjaIn the article a method of evaluation of a diesel engine during the realization of processes of working cycle on the example of compression is described. The method is based on the use of the quantity called performance indicator in the description of the engine's work, which contains the information on the energy values, which may be disposed using the engine and the time at which it can be delivered. Theoretical information has...
Simulation of ammonia combustion in dual-fuel compression-ignition engine
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Speech codec enhancements utilizing time compression and perceptual coding
PublikacjaA method for encoding wideband speech signal employing standardized narrowband speech codecs is presented as well as experimental results concerning detection of tonal spectral components. The speech signal sampled with a higher sampling rate than it is suitable for narrowband coding algorithm is compressed in order to decrease the amount of samples. Next, the time-compressed representation of a signal is encoded using a narrowband...
Applications of compression techniques for reducing the size of multibeam sonar records
PublikacjaJednym z najczęściej używanych urządzeń służących do szeroko rozumianego telemonitoringu morskiego są sonary wielowiązkowe (ang. Multibeam systems - MBS). Ich wysoka wydajność w tworzeniu informacji o obiektach znajdujących się pod wodą skutkuje w dużych ilościach danych pozyskiwanych podczas rejsów badawczych i pomiarowych. W tym kontekście, proces przechowywania i zarządzania takim magazynem danych staje się istotnym problemem...
Experimental research of the stability of steel cylindricalshell subjected to circumferential compression
PublikacjaAt the Department of Metal Structures Gdańsk University of Technology, experiments have been performed on the stability of shell of steel cylindrical models. The experiments have been carried on a test bench built at the Department. The design based on other test benches which were created in the past by other scientists, where modernized by the courtesy of companies that offer modern solutions. The test bench enables to generate...
Numerical analysis of laminated shells under in-plane axial compression
PublikacjaW pracy analizowana jest stateczność powłoki warstwowej poddanej osiowemu ściskaniu. Badany jest wpływ wariantów uwarstwienia oraz warunków podparcia krawędzi obciążonej na zachowanie konstrukcji. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z eksperymentem.
Scale effects in granular bodies during plane strain compression.
PublikacjaW arykule omówiono efekty skali w materiałach granulowanych spowodowanych wielkością próbek. Obliczenia wykonano stosując MES na bazie prawa hipoplastycznego rozszerzonego o długość charakterystyczną. Porównano różne metody regularyzacji.
Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of twostage concrete: an experimental study
PublikacjaThe research necessity stems from the need to understand and evaluate the performance of Two- Stage Concrete (TSC) under triaxial compression conditions, as prior studies have predominantly focused on uniaxial and biaxial testing of conventional concrete (CC). This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the triaxial compressive strength and related mechanical properties of TSC, addressing a critical gap in...
Quality Control for the BPG Lossy Compression of Three-Channel Remote Sensing Images
PublikacjaThis paper deals with providing the desired quality in the Better Portable Graphics (BPG)-based lossy compression of color and three-channel remote sensing (RS) images. Quality is described by the Mean Deviation Similarity Index (MDSI), which is proven to be one of the best metrics for characterizing compressed image quality due to its high conventional and rank-order correlation with the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values. The...
Possibility to use engine compression ignition engines in floating power plants marine
PublikacjaCompression-ignition engines used in ship technology as main propulsion engines are large units reaching even to 50-60 MW. The engines can be used in power industry for electricity generation in a simple or combined steam turbine system in combined heat and power plants. The leading engine in such an arrangement is an internal-combustion piston engine. The main propulsion engines are used in large piston internal-combustion engines...
Robustness in Compressed Neural Networks for Object Detection
PublikacjaModel compression techniques allow to significantly reduce the computational cost associated with data processing by deep neural networks with only a minor decrease in average accuracy. Simultaneously, reducing the model size may have a large effect on noisy cases or objects belonging to less frequent classes. It is a crucial problem from the perspective of the models' safety, especially for object detection in the autonomous driving...
Intelligent Lossy Compression Method of Providing a Desired Visual Quality for Images of Different Complexity
PublikacjaLossy compression plays a vital role in modern digital image processing for producing a high compression ratio. However, distortion is unavoidable, which affects further image processing and must be handled with care. Providing a desired visual quality is an efficient approach for reaching a trade-off between introduced distortions and compression ratio; it aims to control the visual quality of the decompressed images and make...
Adaptive Method of Raster Images Compression and Examples of Its Applications in the Transport Telematic Systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents a concept and exemplary application of an adaptive method of compression of raster images which may be applied, i.a. in ITS systems. The described method allows to improve the efficiency of systems belonging to ITS category, which require transmission of large volumes of image data through telecommunications networks. The concept of the adaptive method of compression of raster images described in the paper uses...
Influence of the presence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of determination the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, calcium chloride concentration and ionic cross-linking time on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels prepared by immersing the alginate mixture limited by the dialysis membrane in an appropriate cross-linking solution containing calcium ions. The mechanical...
Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model
PublikacjaThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research. A FE model of the 50th percentile adult male (AM) Total Human Model for Safety...
Mechanical chest compression with the LifeLine ARM device during simulated CPR
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Which method of chest compression should be used when resuscitating a newborn?
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The Acute Impact of External Compression on Back Squat Performance in Competitive Athletes
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Issues Regarding the Design of Textile Compression Products for Small Body Circumferences
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Tonometry of Deep Tissues for Setting Effective Compression Pressures in Lymphedema of Limbs