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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND
Electronic nose as a tool for differentiation of volatile organic compounds = Elektroniczny nos jako instrument do rozróżniania lotnych związków organicznych
PublikacjaW pracy porównano dwie metody analizy zapachów lotnych związków organicznych: klasyczną analizę opartą na percepcji ludzkiego węchu i technikę elektronicznego nosa. W przeprowadzonych badaniach za pomocą klasycznej analizy brało udział 8 ochotników w okresie 2 tygodni. Do instrumentalnej metody analizy zapachu wykorzystano zaprojektowany przez autorów prototypowy 6-cio czujnikowy elektroniczny nos. Przeprowadzone badania z wykorzystaniem...
Interrelationship between total volatile organic compounds emissions, structure and properties of natural rubber/polycaprolactone bio-blends cross-linked with peroxides
PublikacjaNatural rubber/polycaprolactone (NR/PCL) bio-based blends with different organic peroxides were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 170°C. Two types of commonly used organic peroxides, dicumyl peroxide and di(tert-butylperoxyisopropyl)benzene peroxide, were applied as free-radical initiator. Cross-linking efficiency of NR/PCL blends were investigated using oscillating disc rheometer measurements,...
Effect of Laminar Pulsatile Fluid Flow on Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solution by a Hollow Fiber Membrane-Based Process
PublikacjaIn this study, a laminar pulsatile fluid flow was used for the separation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers (BTEX) from aqueous solutions. Polyether sulfone hollow fiber membrane has been applied to this process. The effects of BTEX concentration, and feed and extraction flow rates were examined. It was found that the application of the pulsatile fluid flow with...
Application of dynamic headspace and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (DHS-GC-MS) for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in refinery effluents
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (O-VOCs) in postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum asphalt using dynamic headspace coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode (DHSGC-MS). Among the GC capillary columns tested, a polar SLB-IL111 column with the ionic liquid stationary phase was found to be superior due...
Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer: Processing, Physico-Mechanical Properties, Volatile Organic Compounds Emission and Recycling Possibility
PublikacjaGround tire rubber (GTR) was reclaimed and modified with 10 phr of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer via low-temperature extrusion process. Processing, physico-mechanical properties, volatile organic compounds emission, and recycling possibility were investigated. In order to better understand the impact of used modifiers, their efficiency was compared with transpolyoctenamer, which is an additive that is commercially dedicated...
Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in effluents from the production of petroleum bitumen
PublikacjaWepresent a new procedure for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The eight extraction parameters were optimized for 43 oxygenated volatile organic compounds. The detection limits obtained ranged from 0.07 to 0.82 g/mL for most of the...
Izolacja lotnych związków organicznych z próbek wody. Metody i aparatura. Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples. Methods and apparatus.
PublikacjaOmówiono techniki wykorzystywane do przygotowania próbek wody do oznaczeń analitów z grupy lotnych związków organicznych (VOCs) za pomocą chromatografii gazowej. Opisano wady i zalety takich technik jak: bezpośrednie dozowanie próbki wody do kolumny chromatograficznej, ekstrakcja rozpuszczalnikiem, ekstrakcja do fazy stałej lub stacjonarnej, ekstrakcja membranowa oraz analiza fazy nadpowierzchniowej. Omówiono także nowe rozwiązania...
Gas‐Phase Removal of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Airborne Microorganisms Over Mono‐ and Bimetal‐Modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanocomposites
PublikacjaThe photocatalytic deactivation of volatile organic compounds and mold fungi using TiO2 modified with mono‐ and bimetallic (Pt, Cu, Ag) particles is reported in this study. The mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) titanium(IV) oxide photocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction method and characterized using XRD, XPS, DR/UV‐Vis, BET and TEM analysis. The effect of incident light, type and content of mono‐ and bimetallic...
Jakość powietrza wewnętrznego - lotne związki organiczne jako wskaźnik jakości powietrza wewnętrznego = Indoor air quality - volatile organic compounds as an indicator of the quality of indoor air
PublikacjaPomieszczenia zamknięte z jednej strony są barierą chroniącą przed negatywnymi czynnikami środowiska, zmiennymi warunkami pogodowymi - deszczem, wiatrem, niską lub wysoką temperaturą, z drugiej jednak strony - w zamkniętych wnętrzach nastepuje często kumulacja toksycznych związków organicznych i nieorganicznych, co nie pozostaje bez wpływu na ludzkie zdrowie.Głównym celem badań jest oszacowanie jakości powietrza wewnętrznego pod...
Understanding the early-stage release of volatile organic compounds from rapeseed oil during deep-frying of tubers by targeted and omics-inspired approaches using PTR-MS and gas chromatography
PublikacjaDuring deep-frying, a plethora of volatile products is emitted with the fumes. These compounds could act as oil quality indicators and change the indoor air composition leading to health risks for occupants. The presented experiments focus on deep-frying of different tubers in rapeseed oil at different frying temperatures. Here, two scenarios for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using proton transfer reaction...
Badania emisji lotnych związków organicznych podczas nalewu asfaltu do autocystern oraz budowy dróg asfaltowych = Emission of volatile organic compounds from road bitumen during tank filling and road paving
PublikacjaOstatnio ma miejsce dyskusja poświęcona emisji lotnych związków organicznych towarzyszącej "niehermetycznemu" nalewowi asfaltów oraz budowie dróg asfaltowych. Asfalt naftowy wytwarzany jest poprzezutlenianie pozostałości z destylacji próżniowej. Zarówno na etapie destylacji próżniowej ropy naftowej, jak również w reaktorach utleniania asfaltu może dochodzić do przegrzewania wsadu na elementach grzejnych instalacji, a w wyniku zachodzi...
The Profile of Urinary Headspace Volatile Organic Compounds After 12-Week Intake of Oligofructose-Enriched Inulin by Children and Adolescents with Celiac Disease on a Gluten-Free Diet: Results of a Pilot, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
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Volatile Compound Emissions from Stereolithography Three-Dimensional Printed Cured Resin Models for Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaStereolithography three-dimensional printing is used increasingly in biomedical applications to create components for use in healthcare and therapy. The exposure of patients to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from cured resins represents an element of concern in such applications. Here, we investigate the biocompatibility in relation to inhalation exposure of volatile emissions of three different cured commercial resins...
Recent Advances in Nanocomposite Membranes for Organic Compound Remediation from Potable Waters
PublikacjaWater treatment is one of the main approaches for producing drinking water from contaminated water sources which is challenging due to the presence of a variety of substances requiring removal. The fabrication of nanocomposite membranes relies either on filling nanomaterials into polymeric phases before membrane fabrication, or coating of nanomaterials on the fabricated membrane surface. The removal of organic compounds from potable...
Online Volatile Compound Emissions Analysis Using a Microchamber/Thermal Extractor Coupled to Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry
PublikacjaIndoor air is a complex and dynamic mixture comprising manifold volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may cause physiological and/or psychological discomfort, depending on the nature of exposure. This technical note presents a novel approach to analyze VOC emissions by coupling a microchamber/thermal extractor (μ-CTE) system to a proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). This configuration provides an alternative to...
Differences between selected volatile aromatic compound concentrations in sludge samples in various steps of wastewater treatment plant operations
PublikacjaSewage sludge, one of the main wastes generated during wastewater treatment, constitutes an important source of emissions of volatile chemical compounds such as volatile aromatic compounds These substances may undergo various changes as a result of operations and unit processes, which affects their concentrations in sewage sludge. An important factor determining the potential hazardousness of volatile organic compounds is the quality...
Investigation of stability of aqueous solutions containing trace amounts of volatile organic analytes
PublikacjaOznaczając lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne w matrycy wodnej należy uwzględnić specyficzne właściwości, którymi charakteryzują się te związki, a mianowicie:- niska temperatura wrzenia; - wysoka prężność pary nad roztworem; - stosunkowo niska rozpuszczalność w wodzie.Właściwości te należy uwzględnić w trakcie przygotowania wodnych roztworów wzorcowych wykorzystywanych na etapie kalibracji i badań modelowych. Ze względu na istotność...
Methods of assaying volatile oxygenated organic compounds in effluent samples by gas chromatography—A review
PublikacjaThe paper is a review of the procedures for the determination of volatile and semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds (O-VOCs) in effluent samples by gas chromatography. Current trends and outlook for individual steps of the procedure for the determination of O-VOCs in effluents are discussed. The available sample preparation techniques and their limitations are described along with GC capillary columns used for O-VOCs separation...
Automated analyser for monitoring trace amounts of volatile chloro-organic compounds in recirculated industrial water
PublikacjaOpisano konstrukcję oraz badania laboratoryjne modelu nowego automatycznego analizatora śladowych ilości lotnych związków chlorowco-organicznych w wodzie do celów przemysłowych (o wysokiej czystości). Praca analizatora oparta jest na: - przeciwprądowym ciągłym wypłukiwaniu analitów ze strumienia próbki, - okresowym zatrzymywaniu uwolnionych analitów na złożu sorbenta, - desorpcji termicznej, - oznaczaniu sumy związków chlorowco-organicznych...
AlP compound and P-doping for promotion of electrocatalytic activity of N-doped carbon derived from metal-organic framework
PublikacjaWater splitting plays a key role in future fuels, where two processes occur - the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Nitrogen-doped carbon derived from...
New approach based on solid-phase extraction for the assessment of organic compound pollutions in so-called pharmaceutically pure water
PublikacjaOpisano mozliwość zastosowania nowej procedury analitycznej opartej na wykorzystaniu techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów) do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych w wodzie specjalnej czystości używanej do celów farmaceutycznych.Próbka badanej wody jest przepuszczana przez złoże sorbenta, które jest osuszane za pomocą strumienia oczyszczonego powietrza, przed etapem termicznej...
Separation of Volatile Oxygen-containing Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography - selectivity comparison of different polarity stationary phases
PublikacjaThis paper present a results of the separation of 36 reference compounds belonging to the group of Volatile Oxygen-Containing Organic Compounds (OVOCs) using capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and three stationary phases of different polarity. A selectivity has been studied regarding to OVOCs and n -alkanes. The most useful for the separation of the group OVOCs is a polar ionic liquid stationary...
Comparison of hydrochemistry and organic compound transport in two non-glaciated high Arctic catchments with a permafrost regime (Bellsund Fjord, Spitsbergen)
PublikacjaAn increase in air temperature related to climate change results in the retreat of glaciers, the degradation of permafrost, and the expansion of glacier-free areas in the polar regions. All these processes lead to changes in the Arctic landscape. They influence the hydrochemistry of streams and rivers fed by glaciers and thawing permafrost. In this study, we examine eighty two water samples from two non-glaciated catchments with...
Volatile organic pollutants in the Odra river - sources. Lotne związki organiczne obecne w wodach rzeki Odry - próba identyfikacji.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki oznaczania i identyfikacji lotnych związków organicznych obecnych w wodach Odry. Próbki do analiz pobierano w ramach Międzynarodowego Programu Odra. W badaniach wykorzystano zestaw do jednoczesnego wymywania i wychwytywania analitów na stałym sorbencie (Purge and Trap)Oznaczenia końcowe wykonano z wykorzystaniem techniki chromatografii gazowej połączonej ze spektrometrem mas. W wodach zidentyfikowano szeroką...
Development of headspace-gas chromatography-flame ionization detection procedure to determine volatile fatty acids in zoo organic waste leachate
PublikacjaNadrzędnym celem pracy było opracowanie metodyki oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych z fazy nadpowierzchniowej opartej na chromatografii gazowej z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym oraz sprawdzenie jej przydatności w analizie próbek odcieku ze składowiska odpadów ogrodu zoologicznego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono warunki, w jakich przebiegać powinna izolacja lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych, a także określono najlepsze...
Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Elastomers via Low-Temperature Extrusion Process: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Volatile Organic Emission Assessment
PublikacjaIn this paper, low-temperature extrusion of ground tire rubber was performed as a proecological waste tires recycling method. During this process, ground tire rubber was modified with constant content of dicumyl peroxide and a variable amount of elastomer (in the range: 2.5–15 phr). During the studies, three types of elastomers were used: styrene-butadiene rubber, styreneethylene/butylene-styrene grafted with maleic anhydride and...
Distribution of volatile organohalogen compounds in petrochemical plant water streams
PublikacjaThe study assesses halogenated volatile organic compound concentrations in the water and wastewaterstreams of a petrochemical plant. Water samples were collected at 11 sampling points during 5 samplingcampaigns. The samples were collected from the oil dewaxing unit and in the wastewater treatmentplant. Dichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane were the most frequently determined compounds. Tetrachloroethenewas also detected at the...
Investigation of volatile low molecular weight compounds formed during continuous reclaiming of ground tire rubber
PublikacjaGround tire rubber was thermo-mechanically reclaimed at different temperature conditions (80, 120, 160 °C) using a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The progress of ground tire rubber reclaiming was evaluated with specific mechanical energy, sol fraction and thermogravimetric analysis. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including volatile sulfur compounds (VCSs) released from ground tire rubber and ground tire rubber after reclaiming...
Release Kinetics Studies of Early-Stage Volatile Secondary Oxidation Products of Rapeseed Oil Emitted during the Deep-Frying Process
PublikacjaThe research concerns the use of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer to track real-time emissions of volatile secondary oxidation products released from rapeseed oil as a result of deep-frying of potato cubes. Therefore, it was possible to observe a sudden increase of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions caused by immersion of the food, accompanied by a sudden release of steam from a potato cube and a decrease of the...
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublikacjaTime-weighted average concentrations of selected volatile compounds were measured in chosen residences in a Tri-City area of Poland by means of passive sampling. The results were compared to those obtained by dynamic technique – sorption tubes filled with Tenax TA sorbent. Results obtained by employing the two techniques were similar. Total volatile organic compound (TVOC) parameters were also determined. An attempt was also...
PublikacjaTiO2 was surface modified with silver, gold, palladium and platinum ion clusters to improve its photocatalytic activity. The effect of metal content, the kind of dopant used during preparation procedure on the photoactivity were investigated. in toluene removal which was used as a model volatile organic compound. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over noble metal modified TiO2 using light-emitting diodes...
Volatile composition of raw spirits of different botanical origin
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of determination of the volatile composition of raw spirits, on the basis of trace compound isolation from their volatile fraction, and the comparison of the obtained volatile profiles of agricultural distillates of different botanical origins (maize, wheat, triticale, rye).
Ag/Pt-modified TiO2 nanoparticles for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase
PublikacjaAg/Pt-modified TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The effect of metal typeand amount as well as synthesis route on the photocatalytic activity in reaction of toluene removal, usedas a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 200 ppm,was irradiated over modified TiO2using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, max= 415 nm). The results showedthat toluene could be...
Inorganic membrane: a game changer for gas separation and purification
PublikacjaThis review explores the advancements and remaining challenges in inorganic membrane science, particularly focusing on their potential for industrial applications. It delves into the fundamental principles of inorganic membrane design, fabrication, and characterization techniques. The review also critically analyzes key challenges faced by inorganic membranes, such as physical aging, plasticization, defective formation, and fouling....
Investigation of the Frying Fume Composition During Deep Frying of Tempeh Using GC-MS and PTR-MS
PublikacjaThis study employed proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify and monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in frying fumes generated during the deep frying of tempeh. The research aimed to assess the impact of frying conditions, including frying temperature, oil type, and repeated use cycles, on the formation of thermal decomposition products. A total of 78...
PublikacjaThis work describes the application of mandarin peel (MP) as a waste filler for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites. The main goal was to investigate the impact of the filler's essential oils, which include multiple terpenes and terpenoids, on the processing, physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the composites as a function of different filler content (1 – 10 wt%), as well as its effect on the color and...
Ordered TiO2 nanotubes: the effect of preparation parameters on the photocatalytic activity in air purification process
PublikacjaVertically ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodic oxidation of titanium foil in glycerol, ethylene glycol and water-based electrolytes. The effect of electrolyte composition, anodization voltage, ultrasonic treatment and calcination time on the morphology of the resulting thin films, as well as on their photocatalytic activity in toluene removal, used as a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene,...
Simultaneous Removal of Hexane and Ethanol from Air in a Biotrickling Filter—Process Performance and Monitoring Using Electronic Nose
PublikacjaBiofiltration is a well-accepted method for the removal of malodorous compounds from air streams. Interestingly, the mechanisms underlying this process are not fully understood. The aim of this paper was to investigate the simultaneous removal of hydrophobic hexane with hydrophilic ethanol, resulting in the enhanced removal of hexane in the presence of ethanol. Investigations were performed in a peat-perlite packed biotrickling...
Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodził się 10 grudnia 1949 r. w Mogilnie, zmarł 14 kwietnia 2019 r. w Gdańsku – polski chemik, profesor nauk chemicznych, specjalizujący się w chemii analitycznej i środowiskowej. Rektor Politechniki Gdańskiej w latach 2016–2019. Studia wyższe ukończył w 1972 r. na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, uzyskując tytuł magistra inżyniera chemika. W 1972 r. rozpoczął pracę na Politechnice Gdańskiej, gdzie w 1978 r. obronił...
First deep eutectic solvent-based (DES) stationary phase for gas chromatography and future perspectives for DES application in separation techniques
PublikacjaThe paper presents the first application of deep eutectic solvents (DES) as stationary phases for gas chromatography. DES obtained by mixing tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) with heptadecanoic acid being a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) in a mole ratio of HBA:HBD equal to 1:2 was characterized by its ability to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Rohrschneider – McReynolds constants determined...
Selection of DES for biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane
Dane BadawczeDataset covers selected data collected during selection of deep eutectic solvent (DES) additive to mineral salt medium (MSM) as a liquid phase during biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane.
New matrix-free reference material for ethene in the form of optical fibres
PublikacjaReference materials are indispensable in the qualitycontrol and quality assurance of analytical measurements. Onenovel approach to the generation of standard gaseous mixturesof toxic, reactive, volatile, labile, and malodorous substancesinvolves thermal decomposition or rearrangement, under definedtemperature conditions, of compounds immobilized, bychemical bonding, on the surface of an appropriate carrier torelease specific amounts...
Kinetics of hexane and cyclohexane biodegradation using Candida subhashii in mineral salt medium in the presence of DES solution
Dane BadawczeDataset presents results of investigations on kinetics of biodegradation of hexane and cyclohexane in Candida subhashii.
Determination of terpene profiles in potential superfruits
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to characterize and compare the profiles of volatile terpenes in four potential superfruits. These profiles were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography linked to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The proposed technique allowed the separation and identification of 79 terpenes present in cape gooseberry, crabapple, cherry silver...
Features extraction from the electrocatalytic gas sensor responses
PublikacjaOne of the types of gas sensors used for detection and identification of toxic-air pollutant is an electrocatalytic gas sensor. The electrocatalytic sensors are working in cyclic voltammetry mode, enable detection of various gases. Their response are in the form of I-V curves which contain information about the type and the concentration of measured volatile compound. However,...
Human serum interactions with phenolic and aroma substances of Kaffir(Citrus hystrix) and Key lime (Citrus aurantifolia) juices
PublikacjaTo understand the therapeutic application of polyphenols extracted from Kaffir (PolKaf) and Key (PolKey) limesdifferent analytical methods were applied. Based on quantitative analysis by two dimensional gas chromato-graphy (GC×GC) and time of flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) it can be observed that the biggest differencesin the contents of selected terpenes of Kaffir and Key limes occur in chemical compounds such as limonene, citraland...
Electronic noses: Powerful tools in meat quality assessment
PublikacjaMain factors that are considered by consumers when choosing meat products are colour and aroma, of which the latter is a more reliable indicator of quality. However, a simple sensory evaluation of hedonistic qualities is often not sufficient to determine whether protein is past its shelf life, and consumption of spoiled meat can lead to serious health hazards. Some volatile compounds can be used as spoilage indicators, and so a...
Deep eutectic solvent-enhanced crop residue adsorbents for eco-efficient volatile organosulfur compounds adsorption from gaseous fuels
PublikacjaThis study highlights the innovative potential of converting crop residues, typically considered waste, into valuable materials. By modifying these residues with green solvent-based deep eutectic solvents (DES), a novel adsorbent was specifically designed for the selective removal of volatile organosulfur compounds (such as thiophene, sec-butyl mercaptan, and dimethyl disulfide) from biogas streams. The selection of the most effective...
Effects of liquid phase modification on the performance of biotrickling filters
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the effects of liquid phase modification on the biotrickling filtration (BTF) performance of air polluted with toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene.
Ocena stopnia degradacji termicznej olejów jadalnych z wykorzystaniem techniki ultraszybkiej chromatografii gazowej
PublikacjaPod wpływem podwyższonej temperatury oleje jadalne ulegają procesowi degradacji termicznej. W tym przypadku ilość lotnych związków organicznych, charakteryzujących się dużą polarnością, występujących w olejach jadalnych jest większa. Zmiany składu olejów jadalnych mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Obecnie istnieje możliwości wykorzystania techniki ultraszybkiej chromatografii gazowej do oceny stopnia degradacji olejów...