wszystkich: 419
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GC × GC-TOFMS
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Honey using the GC×GC-TOFMS Technique
PublikacjaIn this study, a QuEChERS method and gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS) was developed for rapid extraction and simultaneous determination of 12 pesticide residues in honey. The GCxGC-TOFMS method was validated according to the SANCO guidance in terms of linearity, selectivity, reproducibility and recovery. Regarding the results, recovery rates ranged between 70-120% with relative standard...
Key-Marker Volatile Compounds in Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa) Grains: An HS-SPME Extraction Method Combined with GC×GC-TOFMS
PublikacjaThe aroma of rice essentially contributes to the quality of rice grains. For some varieties, their aroma properties really drive consumer preferences. In this paper, using a dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) system coupled to a two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric detector (TOFMS) and multivariate analysis, the volatile compounds of aromatic and non-aromatic...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na obszarach sąsiadujących ze składowiskiem odpadów komunalnych w Gdańsku-Szadółkach. Do oceny uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza atmosferycznego wykorzystano technikę olfaktometrii terenowej. Narzędziami, których wykorzystanie umożliwia badanie właściwości zapachowych odorantów występujących w powietrzu atmosferycznym in-situ są olfaktometry terenowe, których zastosowanie umożliwia...
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Recent Applications of 1D GC-MS and 2D GC-MS in Foodomics Studies
PublikacjaGas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and food chemistry have been tightly linked since the 1960s. This setup is also an integral part of the omics studies when it comes to low mass metabolites. Therefore, the marriage of GC-MS and foodomics is obvious. Two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry fits perfectly within the latest trends in foodomics, since it is tailored for holistic food analysis....
Determination of odour concentration by TD-GC×GC–TOF-MS and field olfactometry techniques
PublikacjaField olfactometry is one of the sensory techniques used to determine odour concentration, in atmospheric air, directly in emission sources. A two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometer (GC×GC–TOF-MS) allows performing the chemical characterization of various groups of chemical compounds, even in complex mixtures. Application of these techniques enabled determination of odour concentration level in...
Validation of SPME-GC and HS-GC procedures for the determination of selected solvent residues in edible oil matrices
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono przebieg procesu walidacji, przeprowadzonej zgodnie ze wskazaniami ICH (International Conference on Harmonization), procedur wykorzystywanych do oznaczania pozostałości wybranych rozpuszczalników w olejach jadalnych i preparatach farmaceutycznych. W celu izolacji i wzbogacania analitów wykorzystano dwie bezrozpuszczalnikowe techniki ekstrakcyjne: ekstrakcję do fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS) i mikroekstrakcję...
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Chemical, Aroma and Pro-Health Characteristics of Kaffir Lime Juice—The Approach Using Optimized HS-SPME-GC-TOFMS, MP-OES, 3D-FL and Physiochemical Analysis
PublikacjaThe study aimed to provide the chemical, aroma and prohealth characteristics of the kaffir lime juice. A procedure using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography (SPME-GC-TOFMS) was optimized and validated for the determination of terpenes of kaffir lime. Main physicochemical parameters: pH, vitamin C, citric acid and °Brix were evaluated. Micro- and macro elements were determined using microwave plasma optic emission...
Fast GC as a useful tool for authenticity assessment of kiwifruit
PublikacjaKiwifruit is one of the healthiest fruits due to its high content of biologically active substances and nutrients. The most popular species of Actinidia (kiwifruit) are the Actinidia deliciosa fruits called kiwi and Actinidia chinensis commonly called golden kiwi, while the lesser known species is Actinidia arguta known as mini kiwi. Bioactivities and nutrients of Actinidia are influenced by species and cultivars. It is very important...
SPME as a method of sample preparation for GC analysis of VFAs
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule omówiono szczegółowo technikę mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej, stosowaną na etapie przygotowania próbek, w celu oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych.
Odorous VOCs From Biosolids Detected By GC-MS/ODP
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Direct-Ultrasonic Assisted Microextraction Coupled with RTL-GC-FID/GC-MS as a Future Standard Procedure for Monitoring 26 potentially Allergenic Fragrances in Water Samples
PublikacjaThis research topic grew up as a result of awareness of constant anthropogenic and natural input to the environment constituents of personal care products (PCPs) residues. This group of emerging pollutants encompasses a wide range of chemicals, including potentially allergenic fragrance compounds. The aim of the present study was to investigate presence of 26 fragrance allergens in water samples. Simple and rapid methodology based...
GC Chromatograms for isomerization of alpha-pinene
Dane BadawczeData contain results of the catalytic tests for the isomerization of alpha-pinene for the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y,...
Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of athanol residue in tablets
PublikacjaW pracy opisano proces walidacji metody oznaczania zawartości pozostałości etanolu w tabletkach. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę HS-GC-FID. Wyznaczono następujące parametry walidacyjne:- selektywność- liniowość- poprawność- precyzję (powtarzalność i precyzję pośrednią)- granice wykrywalności i oznaczalności- zakres pomiarowy- niepewność
Comparison of GC–MS and MEKC methods for caffeine determination in preworkout supplements
PublikacjaIn this study, GC–MS- and MEKC-based methods for determination of caffeine (CAF) in preworkout supplements were developed and validated. The proposed protocols utilized minimal sample preparation (simple dilution and syringe filtration). The developed methods achieved satisfactory validation parameters, i.e. good linearity (R2 0.9988 and R2 0.9985 for GC–MS- and MEKC-based method, respectively), satisfactory intraand interaccuracy...
Solvent residue determination in Uncaria Tomentosa Bark by HS-GC technique
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń pozostałości rozpuszczalników organicznych w preparacie uzyskanym z kory liany U. Tomentosa, wykorzystywanej do produkcji farmaceutyków i dodatków do żywności. 1,1,2-trichloroeten oraz dichlorometan są powszechnie stosowane do usunięcia z kory kilku grup alkaloidów o znanych właściwościach biologicznych, co umożliwia zbadanie pozostałych jej związków. Ilościowe oznaczanie tych rozpuszcalników jest...
Determination of SCFAs in water using GC-FID. Selection of the separation system
PublikacjaIn the present study, an analytical procedure was developed for the determination of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in landfill leachate and municipal wastewater employing injection of aqueous samples to gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Chromatographic conditions such as a separation system, injection volume, oven temperature program were investigated and selected. With two columns, one with a polar (polyethylene...
Determination of chlorinated solvents in industrial water and wastewater by DAI- GC-ECD
PublikacjaA very simple and quick analytical method, basedon direct aqueous injection, for determination of halogenatedsolvents in refinery water and wastewater, is described.There is a need to determine halogenated solvents in refinerywater streams, because they may originate from severalprocesses. There is also a need to develop methods enablingVOX to be determined in samples containing oil fractions.The method described enables simultaneous...
Application of GC-MS/MS technique for the determination of benzodiazepines in blood samples
PublikacjaAbstract Benzodiazepines (BZD) are widely used as pharmaceuticals in medicine. However, due to psychostimulatory effect of BZD, in the last decade, they are more and more often used as drugs of abuse. These compounds produce similar effects to classical illicit drugs and are sold as “legal” alternatives to them as new psychoactive substances (NPS). Currently new BZD, named designer benzodiazepines (DBZD), are synthesized each year...
Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of ethanol residue in tablets
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The difficulties in polybrominated diphenyl ethers identification by GC-EI-MS technique
PublikacjaAwareness about the harmful effects of brominated flame retardants on living organisms increases mainly due to link their presence in the human environment with health disorders. Therefore is a need to conduct research aimed at content control of these chemicals in the environment. Recent improvements in injection techniques and mass spectrometer ionization methods have led to a variety of options to determine PBDEs in environmental...
Critical evaluation of resonaut gc voltage link inventures for electrical drives.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania i symulacji falowników z centralnym obwodem rezonansowym dla zastosowań w napędzie elektrycznym. Porównano struktury ukladów z rezonansowym równoległym obwodem pośredniczącym o ograniczonej wartości szczytowej i uasi-rezonansowych. Dla potrzeb projektowania tych układów, wobec przeciwstawnych funkcji celu dokonano ich wielokrytycznej oceny.
Comprehensive Analysis and Environmental Risk Assessment of Benzotriazoles in Airport Stormwater: A HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS-Based Procedure as a Tool for Sustainable Airport Runoff Water Management
PublikacjaDespite the numerous benefits of intensive air transport development, many activities associated with the operation of airports contribute to environmental pollution. The purpose of this research was the development, optimization, and validation of a headspace–solid-phase microextraction–comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight–mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS)-based procedure for determining anti-corrosive...
Can matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) be more simplified? Application of solventless MSPD sample preparation method for GC–MS and GC–FID analysis of plant essential oil components
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Wykorzystanie technik GC×GC-TOF-MS i olfaktometrii terenowej do oceny uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza atmosferycznego na obszarach przyległych do terenu składowiska odpadów komunalnych
PublikacjaUciążliwość zapachowa jest poważnym problemem środowiskowym i jednym z powodów skarg ludności dotyczących złej jakości powietrza atmosferycznego. Źródłem emisji nieprzyjemnych zapachów do środowiska (odorów) są obiekty gospodarki komunalnej, w tym składowiska odpadów komunalnych. Ze względu na negatywny wpływ emisji substancji zapachowych na zdrowie i życie człowieka, konieczne jest stosowanie odpowiednich narzędzi analitycznych...
Problems of PAH quantification by GC-MS method using isotope-labelled standards.
PublikacjaChromatografia gazowa w połączeniu ze spektromerią mas (GC-MS) jest obecnie rutynowo stosowaną metodą w analityce środowiskowej do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Stosowanie detektora mas sprawia, że wygodnym wzorcem wewnętrznym są stabilne izotopowo analogi oznaczanych związków. Związki te są wykorzystywane do śledzenia i kompensacji strat analitów podczas wykonywania określonych operacji związanych z...
PTR-MS and GC-MS as complementary techniques for analysis of volatiles: A tutorial review
PublikacjaThis tutorial review is a critical commentary on the combined use of two instrumental analytical techniques, namely GC-MS and PTR-MS. The first mention of such an analytical approach likely appeared after the year 2000 and despite many advantages, it has not been applied very often. Therefore, the aim of this article is to elaborate on the concept of their combined use and to provide a curse tutorial for those considering taking...
A novel methodology for the enantiomeric resolution of methamphetamine, its precursors and intermediates by GC-MS
PublikacjaImpurity profiling and classification of abused drugs using chiral analytical techniques is of particular interest and importance because of the additional information obtained from this approach. When these methods are applied to the synthesis of illicitly used substances, they can supply valuable information about the conditions/chemicals used in the synthesis. In this study, simultaneous chiral separation of methylamphetamine,...
Molecular Characterization of Growth Hormone-producing Tumors in the GC Rat Model of Acromegaly
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Problems of PAH quantification by GC–MS method using isotope-labelled standards
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Development and validation of GC–MS/MS method useful in diagnosing intestinal dysbiosis
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The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
PublikacjaIn the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal...
Characteristics of Cucumis metuliferus, Actinidia deliciosa and Musa paradisica fragrance profiles using a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC-TOF MS)
PublikacjaComprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC-TOF-MS) is a modern analytical technique used in many fields. This technique enables an effective separation of volatile chemical compounds [1]. In recent years, the topic of healthy food and healthy living has become very popular. For this reason, more and more scientific publications related to the analysis of food products...
Electrochemical studies of AuNC on GC, ITO and Au transducers
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains experimental results from electrochemical studies on the interaction of AuNCs with the three most commonly used transmitters for electrochemical sensors, namely, glassy carbon (GC), indium−tin oxide (ITO), and gold (Au). AuNCs were deposited (10-50 µL) on the surface of the electrodes using the drop-casting method. The study discusses...
CE-MS and GC-MS as “Green” and Complementary Methods for the Analysis of Biogenic Amines in Wine
PublikacjaTwo novel complementary analytical methods, namely an extraction-free capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) and direct immersion-solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-SPME-GC-MS), have been developed and successfully applied for the determination of biogenic amines (BAs) in wine and fruit wine. They have been rigorously compared to each other in terms of various...
Detecting Honey Adulteration: Advanced Approach Using UF-GC Coupled with Machine Learning
PublikacjaThis article introduces a novel approach to detecting honey adulteration by combining ultrafast gas chromatography (UF-GC) with advanced machine learning techniques. Machine learning models, particularly support vector regression (SVR) and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), were applied to predict adulteration in orange blossom (OB) and sunflower (SF) honeys. The SVR model achieved R2 values above 0.90 for...
Chiral analysis of chloro intermediates of methylamphetamine by one-dimensional and multidementional NMR and GC/MS
PublikacjaImpurity profiling and classification of abused drugs using chiral analytical techniques is of particular interest and importance because of the additional information obtained fromthis approach. When these methods are applied to the synthesis of illicitly used substances, they can supply valuable information about the conditions/chemicals used in the synthesis. We have applied GC and NMR methods to the study of intermediates found...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublikacjaThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
The chromatographic analysis of extracts from poplar (Populus sp.) - Laying program GC-MS
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Endogenous oxidative DNA base modifications analysed with repair enzymes and GC/MS technique
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Evaluation of the usefulness and optimization of the separation conditions in Empty Column Gas Chromatography (EC-GC)
PublikacjaDotychczasowe badania wykazały, że możliwe jest rozdzielanie wysokowrzących mieszanin techniką chromatografii gazowej z zastosowaniem pustej rurki kapilarnej z topionej krzemionki, zamiast kolumn zawierających fazę stacjonarną. Operacja rozdzielania chromatograficznego ma miejsce jedynie na zasadzie różnicy temperatur wrzenia rozdzielanych substancji. Wysoki stopień podobieństwa warunków rozdzielania, osiąganych w ten sposób, z...
Derivatization of acidic herbicides with selected tetraalkyl ammonium and trimethyl sulfonium hydroxides for their GC analysis.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania na temat oznaczania herbicydów z grupy fenoksykwasów (MCPP, MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T) i fenoli (Dinoterb, Dinoseb, Pentachlorofenol) z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej po uprzedniej derywatyzacji. Proces derywatyzacji przeprowadzano w dozowniku chromatografu gazowego za pomocą TMPH, TMSH i TMAH. Zbadano wpływ temperatury dozownika chromatografu, środowisko reakcji (rozpuszczalnik) i nadmiar odczynnika na...
3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol in Infant Foods and Human Breast Milk: Determination by GC-MS
Publikacja3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol is one of the food borne contaminants called chloropropanols. Over the last decade plenty of analytical methods was developed in order to determine 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in its free and bound form in various foodstuffs with the use of GC-FID, GC-ECD, LC-TOFMS and finally GC-MS, which is now widely used in laboratories. The aim of this research was the determination of 3-monochloropropane--1,2-diol...
Application of gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) in analysis and quality assessment of alcoholic beverages - a review
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach prowadzone są intensywne badania nad aktywnością sensoryczną poszczególnych składników zapachów napojów alkoholowych i nad zależnościami pomiędzy zapachem, a składem chemicznym lotnej frakcji tych produktów z wykorzystaniem techniki chromatografii gazowej z detekcją olfaktometryczną (GC-O). GC-O jest techniką wykorzystującą możliwość oceny sensorycznej eluatu z kolumny chromatograficznej, przy czym dla każdego...
Comparison of Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using Prototype of Electronic Nose and Fast/Flash GC
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. In case of the prototype volatile fraction of the agricultural distillate was prepared via barbotage process. HERACLES II analysed the...
GC (gas chromatography) measurements during photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene
Dane BadawczeData include data logs of measurements performed in a quartz reactor using photocatalyst-coated expanded polystyrene spheres. Measurements were made using an SRI 8010 gas chromatograph and UV light under a flow of ethylene gas diluted in air. A detailed description of the method used to obtain the materials is described in the article: Coating of expanded...
GC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics of plasma and urine to evaluate metabolic changes in prostate cancer
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Validated GC–MS method for determination of bisphenol a and its five analogues in dietary and nutritional supplements
PublikacjaBisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues showing structural and functional similarity to BPA are commonly applied in various industrial applications and thus are becoming ubiquitous in the environment. At the same time there is increasing scientific evidence that exposure to these chemicals may lead to adverse health effects in human and wildlife. In recent years dietary and nutritional supplements dedicated for athletes have become...
Determination of environmental pollutants in soil and sediments - some aspects of sample clean-up and GC analysis
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nowej procedury analitycznej przeznaczonej do badań próbek i osadów dennych na zawartość związków organicznych (WWAPCB). Procedura składa się z następujących etapów: - ekstrakcji analitów z wykorzystaniem techniki ASE, - oczyszczania ekstraktów (kolumienki), - chromatograficznego rozdzielania i oznaczania analitów.