Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mathematical model
Mathematical model of pennate muscle
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to create a new mathematical model of pennate striated skeletal muscle. This new model describes behaviour of isolated flat pennate muscle in two dimensions (2D) by taking into account that rheological properties of muscle fibres depend on their planar arrangement. A new mathematical model is implemented in two types: 1) numerical model of unipennate muscle (unipennate model); 2) numerical model of...
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Determination of Mathematical Model Parameters of a Medium Frequency Transformer
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental studies of the medium frequency transformer. The object of the research was a prototype of a single-phase transformer with a core made of ferrite I-core elements and windings made of Litz conductors. The research was carried out to determine the parameters of the transformer's mathematical model. The scope of the tests included determining the magnetic hysteresis loop and measuring...
Identification of ship’s hull mathematical model with numerical methods
PublikacjaThe modern maritime industry is moving toward the development of technology that will allow for full or partial autonomy of ship operation. This innovation places high demands on ship performance prediction techniques at the design stage. The researchwork presented in the article is related to the design stage of the ship and concerns methods for prognosis and evaluation of the specific operational condition of the ship, namely...
Application of wave spectra to mathematical model of multihull vessel
PublikacjaDynamiczne układy mechaniczne reprezentujące obiekty pływające są ściśle związane z procesami stochastycznymi. Zmienne stanu i parametry wejścia w tych modelach mają charakter probabilistyczny. Modele matematyczne takich układów są reprezentowane przez układy stochastycznych równań różniczkowych tworząc układy równań ''Ito''. W artykule zostały wyznaczone współczynniki transmitancji dla wybranych trzech widm falowania: Kongresu...
Mathematical model and numerical calculations of the pelagic trawl system
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono matematyczny model ruchu środka ciężkości zestawu do trałowania pelagicznego wraz z wyznaczaniem jego parametrów geometrycznych. Pokazano także sposób rozwiązania i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Opracowany program komputerowy może być wykorzystywany do wyznaczania optymalnych parametrów pracy dla zapewnienia bezpiecznych, efektywnych i ekologicznych połowów pelagicznych
Shallow Water Equations as a Mathematical Model of Whitewater Course Hydrodynamics
PublikacjaPredicting the positions of local hydraulic phenomena, as well as accurately esti-mating the depth and velocity of the water flow are necessary to correctly config-ure a whitewater canoeing course. Currently, a laboratory and full 3D CFD model-ing are typically used in the design process to meet these needs. The article points to another possibility which can be useful at the preliminary stage of the design. The authors show that...
Mathematical Model of the Vehicle Exploitation System of the Tactical Air Base
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2D Mathematical Model of the Commutator Sliding Contact of an Electrical Machine
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny 2D komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego z wieloma stopniami swobody. W modelu uwzględniono zmienne wymuszenia działające na szczotkę. Wymuszenia te są wynikiem falistości wirującego komutatora. Szczotka została zamodelowana jako system wielu mas, elementów sprężystych i tłumików rozłożonych w kierunku stycznym i promieniowym. Zamodelowano wszystkie oddziaływania lepkosprężyste pomiędzy komutatorem...
Mathematical Modelling in Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublikacjaThe paper reports development of mathematical modeling in diagnosis of the WWTP. The algorithm is based on a comparition of data from the mathematical modeling and measurments of real datefrom WWTP, until it will detect any malfunction of the sensors in th case of study.
Mathematical modelling: Lessons from composite indicators
PublikacjaWe discuss here composite indicators as mathematical models, which can be looked at through the lenses of the five rules discussed in this volume. Composite indicators sit between analysis and advocacy, and their use has social and political implications. For this reason, the lenses of the manifesto can be used to build them better, to make them more transparent, as well as to inspect incumbent indicators for methodological or...
Calculation of self and mutual inductances of the switched reluctance machine mathematical model.
PublikacjaA mathematical model of the switched reluctance machine (SRM) in a drive system obtained using Lagrange's energy method and a method of calculation of self and mutual inductances of the SRM are presented in the paper. The self and mutual inductances are elements of Lagrange's function in generalised coordinates and have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM). Selected calculation results for the particular machine...
Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodynamics in Bioreactor by Means of CFD-Based Compartment Model
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Nitrogen mass balance and mathematical model of a Structured- Bed Reactor (SBRRIA)
PublikacjaAn up-flow structured-bed reactor subjected to recirculation and intermittent aeration (SBRRIA) was operated under varying influent conditions. The influent COD/N ratio was adjusted by maintaining a stable organic loading rate (average of 1.07 kgCOD m-3 d-1) and changing the nitrogen loading rate from 0.1 to 0.4 kg N m-3. Therefore, three different COD/N ratios were tested: 9.7±1 (Scenario 1); 7.6±1 (Scenario 2) and 2.9±1 (Scenario...
State equations in the mathematical model of dynamic behaviour of multihull floating unit
PublikacjaPrzedstawiony artykuł dotyczy dynamiki wielokadłubowej jednostki pływającej typu katamaran poddanej wymuszeniom pochodzącym od falowania nieregularnego. Analiza dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej została przeprowadzona przy założeniu, że model układu jest modelem liniowym na który działa fala nieregularna. Model matematyczny takiego układu dynamicznego jest reprezentowany poprzez równania stanu. Zapisane zostały równania uwzględniające...
Investigation method and mathematical model of pressure losses in hydraulic rotary motor
PublikacjaTis paper presents a way of determining the coefcient k of the pressure losses Δp (fow drag) in internal ducts 8 Mp of SWSB-63 hydraulic motor. Te coefcient is determined at a fow rate equal to the theoretical capacity Q of the Pt pump feeding the motor , the losses are related to the nominal pressure p in the hydraulic system. Te investigations n followed a model of energy performance of hydraulic rotary motor, proposed by...
Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems
PublikacjaPrzegląd systemów osadu czynnego. Rozwój modeli procesu osadu czynnego. Podstawowe definicje z zakresu modelowania matematycznego i symulacji komputerowej. Proces budowy modelu (model biokinetyczny, hydrodynamiczny, transferu tlenu, temperatury). Modelowanie procesów biochemicznych zachodzących w systemach osadu czynnego. Organizacja badań symulacyjnych. Praktyczne zastosowania modeli osadu czynnego.
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublikacjaThe paper describes an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an expert...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublikacjaThe presentation is about an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an...
Mathematical models of process quality on the example of the bakery industry
PublikacjaThis article presents a new approach to quantitative dimensionless assessment of the efficiency and competitiveness of production processes. New concepts of process quality and relative product quality have been introduced. Process quality was expressed in vector and scalar. The process quality vector ono was expressed by the product of reliability by the vector from the sum of three components taking into account the composition...
Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
PublikacjaThe paper presents the partial work done within the framework of the EDA Siramis II project focused on magnetic signature reproduction of ships. Reproduction is understood here as the ability to determine the magnetic anomaly of the local Earth magnetic field in any direction and at any measurement depth due to the presence of the analysed object. The B-91 type hydrographic ship Zodiak was selected as the real case study. The work...
Mathematical modelling of the overhead contact line for the purpose of diagnostics of pantographs
PublikacjaThe overhead contact line (OCL) is the most effective way for supplying railway electric vehicles. The increase of the speed of the vehicles increases power consumption and requires ensuring proper cooperation of pantographs with OCL. The paper describes the novel mathematical model of the OCL system and the simulation results. The primary objective is a more accurate analysis to increase the reliability of the evaluation of monitoring...
The use of mathematical models for diagnosis of activated sludge systems in WWTP
PublikacjaIn this study diagnosis of activated sludge systems in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated. Diagnosis of technical objects can be realized in many ways. One of the divisions of the diagnostic methods include modelling with or without a model of the object. The first of these is the analysis of the symptoms for which, based on the parameter values, the abnormality in the diagnosed objects are sought. Another way is...
Mathematical modelling of implant in an operated hernia for estimation of the repair persistence
PublikacjaThis paper presents mathematical modelling of an implanted surgical mesh used in the repair process of the abdominal hernia. The synthetic implant is simulated by a membrane structure. The author provides a material modelling of the implant based on the dense net model appropriate for technical fabrics. The accuracy of the proposed solution is evaluated by comparing the simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the system with the...
A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublikacjaThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of activated sludge systems.Second edition
PublikacjaMathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems – Second Edition, provides, from the process engineering perspective, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview regarding various aspects of the mechanistic (“white box”) modelling and simulation of advanced activated sludge systems performing biological nutrient removal. In the new edition of the book, a special focus is given to nitrogen removal and an overview...
Main inductances of induction motor for diagnostically specialized mathematical models
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Chapter 19: Physical and mathematical models of losses in hydraulic motors
PublikacjaOpisano bilans energii w silniku hydraulicznym z uwzględnieniem strat mechanicznych, objętościowych i ciśnieniowych opisanych modelami fizycznymi i matematycznymi.
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics in the Area of the Planned Siarzewo Reservoir
PublikacjaRiver regulation is an inseparable aspect of the economic progress of countries, and based on the examples of highly developed countries, it may be concluded that their development could be partially supported by properly conducted water management. The construction of dams in cold regions or areas where ice phenomena are observed in winter, requires taking into account the impact of ice on the structure and the impact of the designed...
Mathematical modeling of ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in batch culture with non-structured model
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A mathematical model of rheological behavior of novel bio-based isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymers
PublikacjaIn this paper, the results of rheological study on isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymers, containing modified soybean oil residues incorporated into the chemical structure are described. Isocyanate-terminated prepolymers were synthesized from 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate and the mixture of hydroxylated soybean oil and commercial polyether. The measurements were performed by using rotary rheometer R/S-CPS+ (Brookfield,...
Spatial expansion of the symmetrical objects point clouds to the lateral surface of the cylinder – Mathematical model
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Nieliniowy model matematyczny transformatora trójfazowego = Non-linear mathematical model of a three-phase transformer
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model transformatora trójfazowego o rdzeniu trójkolumnowym, który zawiera układ rów-nań opisujących obwód magnetyczny oraz oddzielnie układ równań obwodu elektrycznego. Wydzielenie re-luktancji elementów rdzenia umożliwia uwzględnienie zmian względnej przenikalności magnetycznej w funkcji bieżącej wartości strumienia w rdzeniu. Re-luktancje odpowiadające strumieniom rozproszenia obliczono wg zasad klasycznych. Funkcję...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics as a Decision Support Tool in River Engineering
PublikacjaThe prediction of winter flooding is a complicated task since it is affected by many meteorological and hydraulic factors. Typically, information on river ice conditions is based on historical observations, which are usually incomplete. Recently, data have been supplemented by information extracted from satellite images. All the above mentioned factors provide a good background of the characteristics of ice processes, but are not...
Rating mathematical models for first-pass of tracer in pCT lung studies
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comparison of model based on the Gauss function and the most commonly used Gamma-variate model in perfusion computed tomography (pCT) lung studies. It also verifies whether used model affects value of blood volume parameter. Three mean concentration-time curves were created from actual pCT measurements: arterial input function, blood vessels in lungs and lung parenchyma. On the basis of these mean curves we...
Influence of electric power generator structure on frequency control - mathematical modeliling
PublikacjaPodstawowym celem pakietu ''3x20'' Unii Europejskiej jest zmniejszenie o 20% emisji dwutlenku węgla. Z tego powodu oczekuje się w Polsce rozwoju energetyki wiatrowej, podobnie jak energetyki jądrowej, a także mini elektrociepłowni. Elektrownie wiatrowe i jądrowe wnoszą specyficzne problemy w regulacji automatycznej częstotliwości systemu elektroenergetycznego. farmy wiatrowe wymagają pod tym względem wspomagania przez elektrownie...
Controlled grafting of vinylic monomers on polyolefins: a robust mathematical modeling approach
PublikacjaExperimental and mathematical modeling analyses were used for controlling melt free-radical grafting of vinylic monomers on polyolefins and, thereby, reducing the disturbance of undesired cross-linking of polyolefins. Response surface, desirability function, and artificial intelligence methodologies were blended to modeling/optimization of grafting reaction in terms of vinylic monomer content, peroxide initiator concentration,...
Experimental study and mathematical modeling of the residence time distribution in magnetic mixer
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Mathematical Modeling of Dissolved Matter Transport with Biodegradation in Activated-Sludge Systems
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problem matematycznego modelowania transportu substancji rozpuszczonej z biodegradacją w systemach z osadem czynnym. Przedstawione zostały główne równania opisujące proces transportu adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnego wraz z modelem biokinetycznym ASM2d, opisującym procesy przemian pod wpływem osadu czynnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych odtwarzających testy laboratoryjne przeprowadzone w nieprzepływowych...
Mathematical model defining volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe objective of the work is to develop the capability of evaluating the volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in the working chambers of high pressure variable capacity displacement pump. Volumetric losses of oil compression must be determined as functions of the same parameters, which the volumetric losses due to leakage, resulting from the quality of design solution of the pump, are evaluated as dependent on and also...
Mathematical Modelling of a Seismic Isolation System to Protect Structures During Damaging Earthquakes
PublikacjaThe present study aims to determine the effectiveness of a nonlinear mathematical model in simulating complex mechanical behaviour of a seismic isolation system to protect structures during strong and damaging earthquakes. In order to construct the Polymeric Bearings considered in this research, a specially prepared flexible polyurethane elastomer with increased damping properties has been used. The usefulness of the proposed mathematical...
Mathematical Modelling of a Seismic Isolation System to Protect Structures during Damaging Earthquakes
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Effectiveness of a mathematical model in simulating nonlinear mechanical behaviour of a seismic isolation system made of polymeric bearings
PublikacjaThe present study was focused on determining the effectives of a nonlinear mathematical model in simulating complex mechanical behaviour of a seismic isolation system made of Polymeric Bearings. The proposed mathematical model defines the lateral force as a nonlinear function of the shear displacement and the deformation velocity. The effectiveness of the proposed mathematical model was verified by comparing the seismic response...
PublikacjaAim of the study This study analyses the efficiency of flood protection in a small urban catchment, based on a system of small reservoirs. Material and methods To assess the flood routing and surge reduction, a mathematical model of the river catchment was implemented. This was a lumped hydrological model, based on the SCS-CN method. Channel routing was performed, using kinematic wave equation. The sub-catchments have been determined...
Mathematical modeling of hydrogen production performance in thermocatalytic reactor based on the intermetallic phase of Ni3Al
PublikacjaThe main goal of the following work is to adjust mathematical modelling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 oC at the walls regions. The results of the experiment were compared...
Mathematical Modeling of the Impact Range of Sewage Discharge on the Vistula Water Quality in the Region of Włocławek
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of analysis of the industrial sewage discharge influence at km 688 + 250 of the Vistula River on water quality. During the analysis, two-dimensional models of flow, impurities and temperature transport were used. Hydrological conditions of the analyzed section of the river, characteristic flows and bathymetry of the riverbed in the first instance were defined. Calculations of velocity distribution at...
Mathematical Modelling and Effect Size Analysis in Support of Searching for the Proteomic Signature of Radiotherapy Toxicity
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Theoretical and mathematical models of the torque of mechanical losses in a hydraulic rotational motor for hydrostatic drive
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono modele teoretyczne i matematyczne momentu strat mechanicznych występujących w silniku hydraulicznym obrotowym o stałej teoretycznej chłonności qMt silnika na obrót wału (o stałej teoretycznej objętości roboczej VMt silnika) i o zmiennej chłonności qMgv = bM qMt na obrót wału (o zmiennej geometrycznej objętości roboczej VMgv silnika). Modele mają służyć badaniom laboratoryjnym i symulacyjnym strat energetycznych...
Building wall boundary condition in mathematical modelling of built-up area rapid inundation
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania powodzi miejskiej przy pomocy dwuwymiarowych równań de Saint-Venanta. Równania rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Przebadano wpływ rodzaju warunku brzegowego zadawanego na brzegach zamkniętych na wyniki obliczeń. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z pomiarami laboratoryjnymi, wykonanymi w Laboratorium hydraulicznym WILiŚ Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Selection of AHI + SC Hybrid Storage Based on Mathematical Models and Load Variation Characteristics
PublikacjaThe article deals with the design of a hybrid storage consisting of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery (AHI) and supercapacitor (SC) modules. The selection of components is based on the knowledge of the load profile of the storage and the AHI battery and supercapacitor models. The paper presents the method of selecting components of the storage made of AHI batteries and supercapacitor modules The article includes an example of the hybrid...