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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: sciernice elektrokorundowe

  • Constructing autonomous agents using the cognitive-emotional architecture of the mind


    The article discusses an important issue regarding the humanoid aspects of modern science related to the autonomy of systems and robotization. Particular attention is paid to the basic aspects of cognitive architecture. After a short introduction, the Intelligent Decision Making System, developed at the ETI Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology, is described.

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  • CODATA - cele i zadania


    - Rok 2005

    Omówiono rolę i zadania CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology. Omówiono strukturę organizacyjną, formy aktywności, podstawowe cele Komitetu. Pokazano zarówno działąlność na forum międzynarodowym, jak i udział Polskiego Narodowego Komitetu CODATA, afiliowanego przy Prezydium PAN.

  • New applications of sound and vision engineering


    - Rok 2019

    Multimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.

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  • Applications of Alkanethiols in Organic Synthesis


    - Rok 2011

    This manuscript is an update to the earlier Science of Synthesis contribution describing methods for the synthesis of alkanethiols. Thiols can be converted into sulfonic, sulfinic, sulfenic acid and their derivatives, sulfides, disulfides, polysulfides, sulfonium salts, and thiiranes, etc. These transformations are accomplished by nucleophilic displacement or addition, oxidation, condensation, or coupling reactions involving thiol...

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  • Synthesis of amides under microwave irradiation

    Amides belong to the most important carboxylic acid derivatives. They are constituents of natural compounds like peptides and proteins. They found applications in many branches of science and industry, especially in pharmaceutical and polymer science. Conventional procedures for amide preparation involve reaction between amine and carboxylic acid or their more active derivatives such as acid chlorides, acid anhydrides or esters....

  • Analiza zanieczyszczeń środowiska w procesie przecinania ręcznego ściernicami elektrokorundowymi.


    - Rok 2004

    W referacie przedstawiono rodzaje i wartości zanieczyszczeń środowiska naturalnego pyłem, dymem i hałasem powstające podczas przecinania stali St3Sb ściernicami o srednicy 230 mm. Zagrożenia środowiska naturalnego zostały wyznaczone w oparciu o badania doświadczalne dla różnych asortymentów ściernic, których wytwórcami było 5 firm europejskich o znaczącym udziale na rynku polskim.

  • Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    The Special Issue (SI) “Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with navigational sensors. The sequence of articles included in this Special Issue is in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used. The 15 papers (from 23 submitted) were published.

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  • Iron complexes with terminal and nonbridging phosphanido ligands

    This review discusses known iron complexes with terminal-bonded and nonbridging phosphanido ligands R2Pand their analogs, such as phosphanylphosphanido, borylphosphanido and oligophosphanido groups, that have been reported since 1960s. Particular attention is focused on the synthesis and structural features of these complexes, which have a direct impact on their philicity and further reactivity. Moreover, their application in catalysis...

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  • Benefit of the doubt approach to assessing the research performance of Australian universities

    This paper proposes a benefit of the doubt (BoD) approach to assess the research performance of 37 public Australian universities based on data from 2015. The primary activities of Higher Education institutions are teaching and research, but the prestige of a university depends mainly on the results of its research activities. The BoD method is rooted in the data envelopment analysis methodology, which enables the flexible and...

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  • Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review

    • F. Seidi
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • M. Taghizadeh
    • A. Taghizadeh
    • H. Vahabi
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • K. Formela
    • M. Saeb

    - Materials - Rok 2020

    Epoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...

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  • The analysis of soil resistance during screw displacement pile installation

    The analysis of soil resistances during screw displacement pile installation based on model and field tests. The investigations were carried out as a part of research project, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A proposal of empirical method for prediction of rotation resistance (torque) during screw auger penetration in non-cohesive subsoil based on CPT result.

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  • Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2020

    The 21 papers (from 61 submitted) published in the Special Issue “Radar and Sonar Imaging Processing” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with radar and sonar sensors. The sequence of articles included in the SI dealt with a broad profile of aspects of the use of radar and sonar images in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used.

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  • Free-surface elevation in open vortex flow controls


    - Water Science - Rok 2016

    Rotational form of fluid motion is complex, but very important in science and technology. The paper is devoted to the hydraulic mechanism of flow in open vortex flow controls, or regulators. The velocity field was described by the kinematic model, and intensity of rotation - by means of the energy balance between the input and dissipation. In consequence some algebraic expresions were obtained, which can be useful in approximated...

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  • Nauki o jakości - ich miejsce i znaczenie w klasyfikacji dziedzin i dyscyplin naukowych oraz praktyce gospodarczej

    W artykule przedstawiono ważne w kontekście trwającej obecnie dyskusji dotyczącej nowego wykazu dziedzin i dyscyplin naukowych, akcentowane w środowisku polskich badaczy zajmujących się problematyką jakości, argumenty i uwarunkowania uzasadniające potrzebę wyodrębnienia nauk o jakości.

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  • Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing (2nd Edition)


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2021

    The 14 papers (from 29 submitted) published in the Special Issue “Radar and Sonar Imaging Processing (2nd Edition)” highlight a variety of topics related to remote sensing with radar and sonar sensors. The sequence of articles included in the SI deal with a broad profile of aspects of the use of radar and sonar images in line with the latest scientific trends, in which the latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence,...

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  • Nanokrystaliczne warstwy ceramiczne otrzymywane metodą pirolizy aerozolowej w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych


    - Rok 2023

    Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badań materiałów wytwarzanych w postaci cienkich, nanokrystalicznych warstw ceramicznych metodą pirolizy aerozolowej dla zastosowań w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych (SOFC). Badane są trzy możliwe obszary zastosowań wytwarzanych warstw tj. osadzanie powłok ochronnych na stalowych interkonektorach dostarczających gazy do elektrody tlenowej, wytwarzanie bariery ochronnej zapobiegającej dyfuzji...

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  • Alkanethiolates of Group 1,2, and 13-15 Metals


    - Rok 2011

    This manuscript is an update to the earlier Science of Synthesis contribution describing methods for the synthesis of alkanethiolates of group 1, 2, and 13-15 metals. Alkanethiolates can be converted into S-alkyl thiocarboxylic acid esters, 1-thioglycosides, S-alkyl thiosulfinates, tetrahydro-1,4-thiazine-3-ones, sulfides, disulfides, sulfonium salts, dithioacetals and dithioketals, etc. These transformations are accomplished by...

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  • Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System


    A voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the...

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  • Analytical progress on emerging pollutants in the environment: An overview of the topics



    This overview discusses the ideas behind a collection of articles by invited authors on a diverse range of complex chemical mixtures and analytical methods which represent some of the most relevant and interesting issues on emerging contaminants of environmental health concerns. These chemicals, including those in high volume production, are released on an ongoing basis as a result of various human activities. Moreover, these emerging contaminants...

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  • Geodesy measurement techniques as an enrichment of archaeological research workflow


    Use of geodesy techniques is widespread in different fields of science. Especially in such an emerging and dynamic branch of science as archaeology. Warsaw Institute of Archaeology, conducts many archaeological expeditions, among the others Polish-Georgian archaeological expedition in Gonio, where ancient Roman Bath has been discovered and excavated. Gonio is located in Adjara, Georgia, placed on the Black Sea coast. Fortress...

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  • Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations

    • S. Cygert
    • J. Porter-Sobieraj
    • D. Kikoła
    • J. Sikorski
    • M. Słodkowski

    - Rok 2013

    Relativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory....

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  • The concept of anti-collision system of autonomous surface vehicle


    The use of unmanned vehicles in various fields of science and the economy is becoming more common. An extremely important aspect of creating this type of solution is to provide autonomous vehicle navigation, which does not require interference of the human factor or in which it is limited to a minimum. This article discusses the concept of autonomous anti-collision system of unmanned surface vehicle. It proposed a sensor system...

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  • Tanatoarchitektura [=] Thanatoarchitecture


    - Rok 2015

    Apart from medicine and philosophy, deliberations about thanatology - the science of dying and death - are nowadays a subject of interest in psychol-ogy, pedagogy, anthropology, sociology or theology. It seems that there is also space for such deliberations in the field of architecture. This may con-cern the conditions and dignity of death (i.e. in a hospice) but also matters related to the design of the burial and memorial sites....

  • Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering

    As can be seen, Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering applies to a multitude of applications. In an attempt to bring the topic closer to potential readers, the special issue referred to security methods, optimization of calculations, conducting measurements and empirical tests. Each article has made an original contribution to the development of practical science that can be replicated by researchers...

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  • Weakly nonlinear dynamics of short acoustic waves in exponentially stratified gas


    Rozpatruje się dynamika krótkich (w porównywaniu z charakterystyczną skalą zmiany gęstości gazu atmosferycznego) fal akustycznych. Wyprowadzone nowe równanie ewolucyjne, które uwzględnia dyspersję i nieliniowy charakter propagacji tych fal. Porównuje sie liniowa i nieliniowa dynamika. Ilustracje propagacji, numeryczne wyliczione na podstawie nowych wzorów, są przedstawione. Indexed and abstracted (from vol. 32(1) 2007) in Science...

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  • Multimedia in teaching economics and management in higher education.


    - Rok 2014

    Nowadays, the use of multimedia teaching materials at universities makes a standard practice. However their saturation is still quite low comparing to the expectations of students - the main consumers of the information contained therein. This article will present the results of research conducted among students of Management and Engineering Management carried at the Technical University of Gdańsk. Some students of Computer Science...

  • Use of structural equation modeling in quantitative research in the field of management and economics: A bibliometric analysis in the systematic literature review

    • A. Zakrzewska-Bielawska
    • A. Lis
    • A. Ujwary-Gil

    - Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation - Rok 2022

    PURPOSE: This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of scholarly research focusing on using quantitative methods and particularly structural equation modeling (SEM) in management and economics studies, as well as provide a bibliometric agenda including the time horizon of individual publications, the highest citation rate, geographic and industry areas, methodological context, and keywords. METHODOLOGY: A systematic literature...

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  • Docieranie i szlifowanie powierzchni płasko-równoległych na docierarkach tarczowych

    W artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan techniki i technologii docierania powierzchni płasko-równoległych na docierarkach dwutarczowych oraz sposób obróbki przez szlifowanie na tych obrabiarkach. Omówiono warunki kinematyczne docierania obiegowego, sposób chłodzenia tarcz docierających oraz możliwe ich zużycie profilowe. Podano przykłady obróbki cześci maszynowych. Charakteryzowano wydajność docierania i szlifowania, uzyskiwane...

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  • Application of different modes of nanoscale impedance microscopy in materials research


    In recent years, there is noticeable interest in application of various types of scanning probe microscopy in material science research. One of them is contact atomic force microscopy combined with local impedance measurements, known as nanoscale impedance microscopy. Literature references present its application in investigations of new materials, microelectronics diagnostics, or research of protective coatings performance. In...

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    Thermal management of electronics semiconductor technologies that are located i.e. in a novel marine power plants or computer server rooms become very important issue for designers of such systems. Motivation and need for research in development of novel cooling strategies for modern electronics is of paramount importance. Heat exchangers filled by the porous material are a novel research topic in current heat pipe science. The...

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  • Fotokatalityczna degradacja zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych

    Fotokataliza uznawana jest za metodę z rosnącym potencjałem do usuwania zanieczyszczeń organicznych i nieorganicznych - zarówno z fazy wodnej, jak i gazowej. Liczba publikacji z ostatnich pięciu lat związana z tematyką fotokatalizy osiąga ponad 4000 rocznie, wg bazy danych Web of Science (2019 r.). Szczególny potencjał fotokatalizy tkwi w możliwości usuwania zanieczyszczeń uporczywie zalegających w środowisku, których źródłem są...

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  • Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark


    - Rok 2016

    "This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...

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  • Organic photovoltaics - chosen aspects

    There are many types of organic and organic/inorganic (hybrid) photovoltaic devices that possess many beneficial properties over inorganic solar cells. That makes the former suitable for a broad range of applications and hence so much attention is paid to their development. In spite of intensive research carried on this field of science and technology there are still many crucial problems that need to be solved. Extensive knowledge...

  • Deep eutectic solvents – A new platform in membrane fabrication and membrane-assisted technologies

    • R. Castro-Muñoz
    • F. Galiano
    • A. Figoli
    • G. Boczkaj

    - Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering - Rok 2022

    Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are a new class of solvents that can offset some of the primary drawbacks of typical solvents and ionic liquids (ILs). Since DESs fall into the guidelines of “Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry”, their implementation in several types of applications has exponentially increased over the last years. The usage of DESs has been directed to the designing, manufacture and purification of new materials...

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  • Analysis of friction ridge evidence for trace amounts of paracetamol in various pharmaceutical industries by Raman spectroscopy

    • M. Czarnomska
    • A. Lewkowicz
    • M. Pierpaoli
    • E. Gruszczyńska
    • M. Kasprzak
    • Z. Gryczyński
    • P. Bojarski
    • S. Steinborn
    • K. Woźniewski


    The detection of potentially harmful substances presents a multifaceted challenge. On one hand, it can directly save lives, on the other, it can significantly aid and enhance police work, thereby increasing the effectiveness of investigations. The research conducted in this study primarily aims to identify paracetamol in fingerprints, considering situations involving direct contact of a person with paracetamol either chronically...

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  • How much is Impact Factor worth?


    - Rok 2019

    The  purpose  of  this   work  is  to  present  an aspect  of  counting citations,  which is  correlated  to  the Impact  Factor,  very  important  for journals  in  scientific communication,   and   provides   information   about   the position of a scientific journal in a particular research area. Sometimes citations don’t count in a research output, e.g. if an article is  published  in a predatory  journal.  Those journals ...

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  • Radio Simulcasting at a Glance: a New Look at Broadcasting and Streaming Services


    - Rok 2018

    Radio is by far one of the most popular and accessible medium. With its availability it attracts listeners all around the world. There are numerous ways of delivering content to consumers. The present situation is characterized by the convergence of acoustics, computer science and telecommunications. This paper reviews the current status of radio broadcasting and streaming services. It describes a subjective study concerning different...

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  • Determinants And Barriers In The Development Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation In The Polish Higher Education Institutions


    - Rok 2013

    The main aim of the paper is to present the results of the research project on the entrepreneurship in the Polish higher education institutions. The project was funded by the Polish National Science Centre and its main aim was to identify the factors that enable, enhance, limit or disable the entrepreneurial potential in higher education institutions. The paper gives an overview of the identified determinants that foster the entrepreneurial...

  • Modified DNA polymerases for PCR troubleshooting

    PCR has become an essential tool in biological science. However, researchers often encounter problems with difficult targets, inhibitors accompanying the samples, or PCR trouble related to DNA polymerase. Therefore, PCR optimization is necessary to obtain better results. One solution is using modified DNA polymerases with desirable properties for the experiments. In this article, PCR troubleshooting, depending on the DNA polymerase...

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  • Architektura jako nauka:eksperyment - teoria - historia


    - Rok 2019

    Autorka prezentuje architekturę jako dyscyplinę naukową. Ukazuje trzy obszary badawcze architektury: eksperyment, teorię i historię. Przedstawia elementy projektowanie architektonicznego jako pewien typ eksperymentu naukowego. Ukazuje również rolę teorii architektury i historii architektury w problematyce badawczej tej dyscypliny. Przedstawia całe zagadnienie w szerokim kontekście kulturowym - od czasów antycznych po współczesne...

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    - Rok 2017

    The paper examines various aspects of text analysis application for knowledge worker’s activity realization. Conclusions are drawn about the relevance and importance of processing the non-structured textual information in order to increase knowledge worker’s efficiency, as well as their awareness in different branches of science. The paper considers the existing algorithms of texts semantic analysis as the sphere of documents topical...

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  • The Caustic in the Acoustics of Historic Interiors


    In the paper, caustics are discussed as ordered forms of focus broadening occurring in concave mirrors. Presented are examples of caustics formed in natural conditions and application of the phenomenon in different fields of science and technology. Against this factual background, the possibility to observe caustics in rooms is pointed out. Special emphasis is put on large rooms of historic character, as such interiors frequently...

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  • Important Facts and Observations about Pairwise Comparisons (the special issue edition)

    • W. W. Koczkodaj
    • L. Mikhailov
    • G. Redlarski
    • M. Soltys
    • J. Szybowski
    • G. Tamazian
    • E. Wajch
    • K. K. F. Yuen


    This study has been inspired by numerous requests for clarification from researchers who often confuse Saaty’s Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the pairwise comparisons (PC) method, taking AHP as the only representation of PC. This study should be regarded as an interpretation and clarification of past investigations of PC. In addition, this article is a reflection on general PC research at a higher level of abstraction: the...

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  • "Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej" w świetle wybranych statystyk

    W pracy przedstawiono analizę cytowań artykułów opublikowanych w 24 tomach rocznika „Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej” w latach 1992-2014 opracowaną na podstawie bazy Web of Science i serwisu naukowo-informacyjnego Google Scholar. Przeprowadzono również kwerendę takich cytowań w polskich publikacjach zwartych z zakresu geografii fizycznej, ekologii i biologii. Analizy ujawniły dużą liczbę cytowań w czasopismach z tzw. Listy Filadelfijskiej...

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  • An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...

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  • The effect of laser on metal surfaces for multidisciplinary usage in material and thermal engineering


    - Rok 2019

    The subject of heat transfer and cooling systems is still a matter of contention in many different fields of science and industry. Infrigidation is much more difficult than warming, and so, much more needed in more and more different devices, starting from massive industrial machinery and air conditioning in commercial buildings, up to micro and nano-surgery tools. In fact, the size of many cooling systems is still a problem. It...

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  • Mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Application in Security, Safety, and Defence Studies


    - Rok 2021

    The aim of the article is to analyse the use of mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Reality Environment (mini-CAVE) in academic studies on security, safety, and defence. The literature review based on Web of Science database and the case study of the War Studies University research activities indicated the mini-CAVE can be used in two areas as a research infrastructure and as a didactic tool. It can be concluded that due to the development...

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  • Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase

    • H. Zettergren
    • A. Domaracka
    • T. Schlathölter
    • P. Bolognesi
    • S. Díaz-Tendero
    • M. Łabuda
    • S. Tosic
    • S. Maclot
    • P. Johnsson
    • A. Steber... i 34 innych


    This roadmap article highlights recent advances, challenges and future prospects in studies of the dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase. It comprises nineteen contributions by scientists with leading expertise in complementary experimental and theoretical techniques to probe the dynamics on timescales spanning twenty orders of magnitudes, from attoseconds to minutes and beyond, and for systems ranging in complexity...

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  • Organisational methods in teaching ergonomics


    - Rok 2003

    Civilisation generates many problems connected with job, which cannot be resolved by one field of science that deals with matters fragmentarily, only from its own point of view. Ergonomics, i.e. synthetic knowledge about job, can solve these problems by using the resources of many fields, e.g. physiology, psychology, technical science or economy. The achievements of these fields are used in ergonomics and thus problems connected...

  • Molecular Design Using Selected Concentration Effects in Optically Activated Fluorescent Matrices



    Molecular physics plays a pivotal role in various fields, including medicine, pharmaceuticals, and broader industrial applications. This study aims to enhance the methods for producing specific optically active materials with distinct spectroscopic properties at the molecular level, which are crucial for these sectors, while prioritizing human safety in both production and application. Forensic science, a significant socio-economic...

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