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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROJECTORS


    This paper discusses the characteristics of pollution and legal regulations governing investment projects affecting the environment. It describes a combined system of a compression ignition engine and a steam turbine, whose aim, when placed on a floating platform, is to produce electric energy in a so-called distributed generation system. Such a system involves a reciprocating internal combustion engine and a connected steam turbine...

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  • Gesture-based computer control system applied to the interactive whiteboard

    In the paper the gesture-based computer control system coupled with the dedicated touchless interactive whiteboard is presented. The system engineered enables a user to control any top-most computer application by using one or both hands gestures. First, a review of gesture recognition applications with a focus on methods and algorithms applied is given. Hardware and software solution of the system consisting of a PC, camera, multimedia...

  • Gesture-based computer control system applied to the interactive whiteboard


    - Rok 2010

    In the paper the gesture-based computer control system coupled with the dedicated touchless interactive whiteboard is presented. The system engineered enables a user to control any top-most computer application by using one or both hands gestures. First, a review of gesture recognition applications with a focus on methods and algorithms applied is given. Hardware and software solution of the system consisting of a PC, camera, multimedia...

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  • Przyczółki mostowe wspomagane konstrukcjami z gruntu zbrojonego

    W referacie przedstawiono syntezę prac związanych z oceną projektów przyczółków wykorzystujących odciążenie w postaci konstrukcji z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami, realizowanych na drogach ekspresowych S3 i S7. W ramach przeprowadzonych audytów dokonano oceny zastosowanych rozwiązań szczegółowych i materiałów jak również obliczeń zamieszczonych w projektach. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na przestrzenną prace bloków z gruntu zbrojonego...

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  • Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism

    The article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...

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  • Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model


    The aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed...

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  • Information technology assessment using a functional prototype of the agent based system

    In the paper authors present the progress of works related with the agent-based system serving the purpose of information technology assessment. Currently this is a prototype including agents, the knowledge base and the ontology; the domain incorporated by the assessment-enterprise managing technologies with special attention paid to technologies directed to IT projects. In this paper, besides indication of expected functionalities...

  • The preferable ways of decision-making in IT teams

    Software development team collaboration requires various decisions regarding essential aspects of a project’s progress. General and particular decision-making models are considered, and their main aspects such as team types, problem solving categories, and decision-making ways are analyzed. The research concerns representative groups of IT specialists and their preferences in decision-making are investigated. Four possible cases were...

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  • Simple empirical formula to estimate the main geomechanical parameters of preplaced aggregate concrete and conventional concrete


    Preplaced aggregate concrete (PAC) or two-stage concrete is a specific type of concrete successfully employed in many projects including underwater concrete structures, massive concrete structures, structures made of reinforced concrete, and improvement of concrete structures. PAC is significantly different than the conventional concrete. In this type of concrete, aggregates are initially poured into the mold, the voids between...

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  • An Overview of Sport and the Future Smart Cities


    One of the main challenges for future cities is to strengthen the role of people and their activities. Therefore, sport provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, connecting citizens to the city. The question of how sport influences the development of cities and the concept of future smart cities arises. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sport and the concept of smart cities by identifying...

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  • Changes in Functional and Spatial Layouts of Polish Single-Family Houses

    Article presents the evolution of functional and spatial layouts of single-family houses in Poland, with particular emphasis on the functions of a contemporary house. Singlefamily housing constitutes a significant part of the construction market in Poland. The way of forming functions in single-family buildings in the historical cycle has characteristic features resulting from the culture of the society in a given period. The functional...

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  • Działalność w obszarze grantów realizowana przez Katedrę Sieci Teleinformacyjnych

    Przedstawiono działalność Katedry Sieci Teleinformacyjnych PG WETI w obszarze grantów finansowanych przez instytucje centralne, przy czym główny nacisk położono na scharakteryzowanie aktualnie realizowanych projektów. Opisano dwa projekty finansowane przez NCBiR. Pierwszy dotyczy koncepcji oraz implementacji integracji informacji w rozproszonych elementach systemu wymiany danych Straży Granicznej, natomiast drugi strumieniowej...

  • A Cross-Team Collaborative Evaluation of a CRM System


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents an analysis of an usability evaluation a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) performed by a team composed of external usability experts jointly with a CRM staff. The evaluation process differed from a classical scheme known from former projects, including some new elements resulting from a specific context of this study. These novel elements resulted in reshaping the role of the CRM system and considering...

  • Evaluation of Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation Based on Case-Based Reasoning


    - Rok 2017

    Nowadays many of IT organization decides to change the way of delivering from classic, waterfall approach to agile. This transition is called “agile transformation” (AT). The problem of this process is that part of companies started AT without any analysis. This causes that many of transitions fails and organizations must return to old methods of delivering. Cost of return is significant and number of projects with violated project...

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  • Tułacze i nomadzi. O twórczości Sigbjørna Skådena


    This article focuses on nomadic aspect of the Saami writer Sigbjørn Skåden’s works. The nomadic nature of his literary projects is seen from the perspective of modernity rather than as a manifestation of ethnicity. The author of the article points out certain nomadic features of Skåden’s writings, such as the shifting perspectives on the subject and the world, the polyglot character of the world created, the transgression of...

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  • Agile Media Management Approach – an analysis

    This article studies media management and demonstrates a fresh perspective on the new approach based on agile methodologies of project management. The analysis sequentially presents a literature overview of media and its management, the characteristics of media projects, agile project management, an analysis of agile approaches and media management along with the proposal of a...

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  • Measurement of the Development of a Learning IT Organization Supported by a Model of Knowledge Acquisition and Processing

    The paper presents a model of knowledge acquisition and processing for the development of learning organizations. The theory of a learning organization provides neither metrics nor tools to measure its development The authors' studies in this field are based on their experience gathered after projects realized in real IT organizations. The authors have described the construction of the model and the methods of its verification...



    Teams are the basic unit of the C2NIWA community, which – using the technical capabilities of this environment – focuses on the implementation of various projects. This article presents one of the competitions carried out within the framework of a C2NIWA project called Uwaga! Upadek! [Attention! Fall!], used as an example of a collaborative project for which analyses related to the assessment of teamwork based on the input-process-result...

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  • Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark


    - Rok 2016

    "This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...

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  • Conditions of Best Practice Transfer - Results of the Quick IGA Project


    The Quick IGA project supports the development of working and organizational structures in SMEs in order to increase the employment rate of women and elderly and concurrently increases innovation capacities. One of the main project’s tasks was to find best practices from SMEs in Nordic countries in that field (in the first step) and identify (in second step) possibilities and conditions of their implementation in SMEs in other...

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  • Quantitative Risk Assessment in Construction Disputes Based on Machine Learning Tools


    A high monetary value of the construction projects is one of the reasons of frequent disputes between a general contractor (GC) and a client. A construction site is a unique, one-time, and single-product factory with many parties involved and dependent on each other. The organizational dependencies and their complexity make any fault or mistake propagate and influence the final result (delays, cost overruns). The constant will...

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  • Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems

    Key to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...

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  • Katedra Inżynierii Drogowej. Zakład Budowy Dróg.


    Department of Highway Engineering is divided into two divisions: Road Construction Division and Traffic Engineering Division. The head of Road Construction Division is Prof. J. Judycki. There are nine members of division: professor, three PhD, two MSc, two technicians and secretary. The main areas of research activities are: analysis of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavements, resistance of asphalt pavement to permanent deformation,...

  • MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland - Concept of the model


    In this paper we have presented the concept of Polish MARKAL optimization model developed for the needs of power generation scenarios in long-term perspective i.e. by 2040. The depiction of Polish MARKAL with Reference Energy System structure was provided. In addition, basic model assumptions, energy technology database, projections of electricity demand and power plant ageing pathways were presented. Our goal is to test MARKAL...

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  • Exploring ontological approach for user requirements elicitation in design of online virtual agents

    Effective user requirements elicitation is a key factor for the success of software development projects. There are many qualitative and quantitative research studies that promulgate particular methods and show the application of user requirements elicitation in particular domains. However, few try to eliminate the burden of ambiguity in gathered data, naturally occurring in different groups of stakeholders. This paper deals with...

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  • KM supported process improvement


    - Rok 2006

    The corporate universe nowadays is full of change initiatives andimprovement philosophies. However,only few have proved successful enough to be integrated into regular operations a worldwide leading companies.In this context Six Sigma projects and Lean action workouts emerge as he most effective practices.In this paper we argue that there is a considerable potential to enhance them using Knowledge Management methodology and benefit...

  • Virtual Whiteboard: A gesture-controlled pen-free tool emulating school whiteboard


    In the paper the so-called Virtual Whiteboard is presented which may be an alternative solution for modern electronic whiteboards based on electronic pens and sensors. The presented tool enables the user to write, draw and handle whiteboard contents using his/her hands only. An additional equipment such as infrared diodes, infrared cameras or cyber gloves is not needed. The user's interaction with the Virtual Whiteboard computer...

  • Towards Agile Development of Critical Software


    The paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant...

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  • Adapting Agile Practices to Security Context – Practitioners’ Perspective


    In this paper we explore the problem of introducing agile practices to projects dealing with systems with high security requirements. We also propose an approach based on AgileSafe method and OWASP ASVS guidelines, that could support such introduction. What is more, we present the results of two surveys aimed at analyzing IT practitioners’ views on applying agile methods to security reliant systems as well as evaluating the set...

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    Problems regarding the security of maritime infrastructure, especially harbours and offshore infrastructure, are currently a very hot topic. Due to these problems, there are some research projects in which the main goal is to decrease the gap and improve the methods of observation in the chosen area, for both in-air and underwater areas. The main goal of the paper is to show a new complex system for improving the security of the...

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  • Retrieval of Heterogeneus Sevices in C2NIWA Repository


    The paper reviews the methods used for retrieval of information and services. The selected approaches presented in the review inspired us to build retrieval mechanisms in a system for searching the resources stored in the C2NIWA repository. We describe the architecture of the system, its functions and the surrounding subsystems to which it is related. For retrieval of C2NIWA sevices we propos three approaches based on: keyword...

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  • A Qualitative Study on Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Development


    Widespread use of agile software development (ASD) methods can be observed nowadays. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are often reported to be a problematic issue for agile projects, since ASD methods tend to neglect NFRs while focusing on incremental delivery of functional features. Despite that, only very few studies have explored the requirements engineering practices used in ASD and dedicated particularly to NFRs. Objective:...

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  • Health by Art: the Remedial Role of Artistic Installations in Public Space


    Designing public spaces has become one of the most relevant issues in contemporary cities thanks to their integrating and inclusionary character. Public spaces are playing a far more important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging us to do different activities. Therefore, contemporary public spaces should enhance creativity, stimulate physical activity and influence mental health. The methodology used in the research...

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  • The Use of Photographs in the Teaching/Learning of Descriptive Geometry


    The article presents the concept of enriching the Descriptive Geometry course with photographs and several simplified real-life engineering tasks. The photographic images used for the exercises are tightly linked to engineering structures, the given specialization and the surrounding world. The photo image as a record of central projection of a real space can be useful for presentation and analysis of the properties of perspective....

  • Agile Development of Critical Software - Can It be Justified?


    The paper introduces the problem of application of agile practices in critical software development projects. It summarizes the present state of research and identifies the need for having a ready-to-use model of being agile while still meeting the required assurance levels which could be particularly useful for small and medium sized safety-critical software companies. Then the objective and scope of a research aiming at delivering...

  • The conditions of the business services sector in Poland and its competitiveness in the global market


    The following article presents the conditions of the business services sector (BSS) in Poland and the assessment of its competitiveness in the global market. The first section discusses the BSS sector and the categories of the provided services, in the division of business process outsourcing, shared services center, information technology outsourcing, research and development. Next the authors presents the status of the business...

  • Towards the participant observation of emotions in software development teams

    Emotions, moods and temperament influence our behaviour in every aspect of life. Until now plenty of research has been conducted and many theories have been proposed to explain the role of emotions within the working environment. However, in the field of software engineering, interest in the role of human factors in the process of software development is relatively new. In the paper the research design process that has been proposed...

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  • Knowledge-Based Management as the Key Success Factor for Research and Development Organizations


    A key to achieving success in project organizations lies in exemplary management of processes within those organizations, while the ongoing projects are mainly characterized by their uniqueness. The situation is no different in commercial research and development organizations (R&D) where accuracy and repeatability of elementary processes guarantees efficient and productive realization of all enterprises. R&D organizations are...

  • Problems of Railway Noise—A Case Study

    Under Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method....

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  • Balancing agility and discipline in a research project


    - Rok 2007

    Successful software development requires both agility and discipline. Optimal selection of methods, however, is not an easy task. The problem becomes even more difficult for long lasting projects. Appropriate selection of methods involving skillful introduction and abandonment of certain practices in time makes the whole process dynamic. The paper presents in this context a research project which was realized in a few iterations....

  • Problems of Railway Noise-A Case Study

    Under Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method. The Dutch SRM II scheme is suggested for...

  • On Guard for Lighting Quality. The establishment of the first association of professional lighting designers

    Not many people in the lighting community are aware of the fact, that after electricity was invented and in general use in the United States from the late nineteenth century, only electrical engineers were responsible for the illumination of architecture. After 1906, when the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) was established in the USA, companies and individuals professionally involved in the field of gas...

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  • Hydropower potential of the lower Vistula

    This paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gdańsk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy...

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  • Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes


    - Rok 2015

    Nowadays we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. For example, the academic environment is one of such places where teachers share and manage knowledge for groups of students. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge space model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We view our model as a foundation of a knowledge grid platform. Two crucial...

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  • Methodological challenges in social entrepreneurship – on the nexus of economics and management area

    In this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate...

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  • Move into the open space – what can we expect from moving artistic interventions to open urban spaces?


    - Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - Rok 2017

    The paper discuses the role of incorporating creative engagement into the processes of urban and social development using cultural means of action and expression and the potential of artistic interventions in public space. The block of initiatives within the People’s Smart Sculpture EU project, realized by Gdańsk City Gallery, has been named “Move Into The Open Space”. This paper will provide...

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  • Participatory approach to urban regeneration processes in polish cities and regions


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the impact of EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 on regeneration processes which are implemented in Polish towns, cities and metropolis when emphasizing general formal and legal framework including examination of the possible distribution of EU funds for regeneration projects within the regional operational programmes. The paper focuses on different approaches to the implementation of Cohesion Policy in Polish regions....

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  • The Chernobyl effect


    - Rok 2022

    The 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe was not only a human and ecological disaster, but also a political-ideological one, severely discrediting Soviet governance and galvanizing dissidents in the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Poland, what began as isolated protests against the Soviet nuclear site grew to encompass domestic nuclear projects in general, and in the process spread across the country and attracted new segments of society. This...

  • Multimedia industrial and medical applications supported by machine learning


    - Rok 2023

    This article outlines a keynote paper presented at the Intelligent DecisionTechnologies conference providing a part of the KES Multi-theme Conference “Smart Digital Futures” organized in Rome on June 14–16, 2023. It briefly discusses projects related to traffic control using developed intelligent traffic signs and diagnosing the health of wind turbine mechanisms and multimodal biometric authentication for banking branches to provide...

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  • Utilizing online collaborative games to facilitate Agile Software Development

    Effective collaboration and interaction among the development team and between the team and the customer as well as proactive attitude in initiating and implementing improvements play vital roles in the success of agile projects. The challenge is how to address these social aspects since neither the Agile Manifesto nor the Scrum Guide specify techniques that aid the human side of software development. To fill this gap, we developed...

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