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Search results for: THE EU
JOINITS EU - EG - JO Joint Master Programme in Intelligent Transport Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 530632-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR agreement from 2012-11-15
IEP EUA European Uniwersity Association EUA, Institutional Education Programme
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office according to MNISW/2017/145/DIR/AZ agreement from 2018-01-12
EUMaster4HPC HPC EuRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Architecture
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to 101178736 — EU-ALMPO — HORIZON-CL2-2024-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 agreement from 2024-09-19
Europium Europium Short-Term Outgoing Visits
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to 7/1/2024/IDUB/IV.2a/Eu agreement from 2024-02-16
EUROENVIRON WEBAIR Air quality management in urban areas using a web server
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to E! 3266/42/NCBiR/12/16/NCBiR/10 agreement from 2012-04-23
CSR EUREKA Przebudowa i remont wraz z wyposażeniem Centrum Szkoleniowo-Rehabilitacyjnego EUREKA w Sopocie
Projects -
EuroSAP-NWRSA European Road Safety Partnership - Network Wide Road Safety Assessment
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
EUROCC 2 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Administracji
EuroCC 2 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Administracji from 2020-08-31
MAYDAY EURO 2012 MAYDAY EURO 2012 Superkomputerowa platforma kontekstowej analizy strumieni danych multimedialnych do identyfikacji wyspecyfikowanych obiektów lub niebezpiecznych zdarzeń
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center according to POIG.02.03.03.-00-008/08 agreement from 2009-04-07
EUR - ACE TRANSPORT Akredytacja zagraniczna kierunku Transport
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Europe 4.0 Digital Citizens Europe 4.0 Digital Citizens
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to 2023-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000155541 agreement
PG_go_West Szkoła Doktorska PG bliżej Europy
ProjectsProject realized in Doctoral School according to BPI/STE/2023/1/00018/U/00001 agreement from 2023-12-08
FOODINTEGRITY Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science according to 613688 agreement from 2016-03-27
EUR-ACE Label / KAUT ENAEE European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
RETHINK-GSC Rethinking Global Supply Chains: measurement, impact and policy (HORIZON EUROPE)
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Ekonomii according to Project 101061123 — RETHINK-GSC agreement from 2022-06-01
Single crystal growth and investigation of physical properties of EuAg4Sb2, SrCu4As2 and BaCu4As2
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
ENABLE-S3 European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 692455 agreement from 2016-05-11
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management
Jean Monet
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics
ENABLE-S3 European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 341550/PnH/2016 agreement from 2016-11-16
HPC4Poland EDIH HPC4Poland
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych
EURO 2012 - szanse i zagrożenia. Program badawczy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to UDA-POKL.08.02-22-016/08-00 agreement from 2009-04-30
REGE Cross-border cooperation between universities and large protected areas in the Euroregion of Pomerania
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Economics according to Porozumienie partnerskie agreement from 2017-10-11
EUROPIUM IDUB (Gdansk University of Technology) Transformational leadership for researcher’s innovativeness in the context of tacit knowledge and change adaptability
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to DEC-/2020/IDUB/IV.2/EUROPIUM agreement from 2020-12-10
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management according to EIDHR/2022/437-643 agreement from 2022-12-15
Regionalna konwergencja społeczna w Unii Europejskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to DEC- 2018/02/X/HS4/00082 agreement from 2018-08-16
Ochrona granicy państwowej na Zalewie Wiślanym przy wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych metod wykrywania zdarzeń
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to DOBR/0020/R/ID3/2013/03 agreement from 2013-04-24
FIDELIS FIDELIS: Establishing A European Network of Trustworthy Digital Repositories
ProjectsProject realized in Scientific and Technological Information Section according to 101188078 — FIDELIS — HORIZON-INFRA-2024-EOSC-01 agreement from 2024-10-08
HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 101182877 — HEPHAESTUS — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-07-15
HEPHAESTUS HHEPHAESTUS - HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
NightMission Pomeranian Researchers Night: European Challenges and Missions closer to the citizens
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Ceramics according to 101162134 — NightMission — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01 agreement from 2024-04-17
CERGE-EI, 16th Annual Regional Research Competition “Reshaping financial systems - identifying the role of ICT in diffusion of financial innovations. Recent evidence from European countries”
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to CERGE_GDN agreement from 2016-01-01
PL-Grid n/d
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center from 2009-06-01
synth_md_cg Simulation of conformational changes related to the interdomain communication in the eukaryotic GlcN-6-P synthase by means of a large-scale molecular dynamics of the coarse-grained protein model
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry from 2014-03-14
OPUS Innovative sustainable investment funds in Europe: determinants of development and socio-economic consequences. The sustainable development perspective.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures according to 2020/37/B/HS4/00717 agreement from 2020-01-01
FulbrightSeniorAward The impact of trade exposure and global division of labor on product variety - evidence from Europe and the U.S (Fulbrigh Senior Award, realised at UC Berkeley)
ProjectsProject realized in Politechnika Gdańska - Katedra Ekonomii according to Fulbright Senior Award 2018 agreement from 2018-02-01
Studia podyplomowe MBA - Zarządzanie w sporcie gwarancją wzrostu kwalifikacji menedżerów sportu przed EURO 2012/Studia MBA Zarządzanie w Sporcie
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to UDA-POKL.02.01.01-00-A38/09 agreement from 2009-10-01
Development of guidelines for a system of sustainable management of construction and demolition waste in Poland based on the best practices in Europe in the reuse of demolition materials.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Engineering
Exchange traded funds as innovative products on financial markets: development factors and impact on financial system. Experiences of European countries, implications for Poland.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to UMO-2015/19/D/HS4/00399 agreement from 2016-06-14
PLGrid Plus Dziedzinowo zorientowane usługi i zasoby infrastruktury PL-Grid dla wspomagania Polskiej Nauki w Europejskiej Przestrzeni Badawczej” – PLGrid Plus
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center according to - POIG.02.03.00-00-096/10 agreement from 2011-10-12
Opracowanie i atestacja nowych typów materiałów odniesienia niezbędnych do uzyskania akredytacji europejskiej przez polskie laboratoria zajmujące się analityką przemysłową
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to INNOTECH-K1/IN1/43/158947/NCBR/12 agreement from 2012-05-30
TARGETTELO New anticancer compounds interfering function of telomeres
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to TRATEGMED3/306853/9/NCBR/2017 agreement from 2017-05-17
DYNAMO DYNamic citizens @ctive for sustainable Mobility
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 296057 agreement from 2012-11-27