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Search results for: Public Participation GIS

  • The issues of participation in didactics of design. Case studies


    This article seeks to present and assess the usefulness of didactic methods aimed at preparing future architects for their role in the process of social participation. The article focuses on [a] a general overview of selected participation methods and tools, along with the examples of their application in the context of spatial management in Poland; [b] an overview of teaching methods used with a view to enhancing participation...



    - Year 2019

    Today's educational offer at universities contains a lot of theoretical and general knowledge, which becomes less understandable and less suitable for students of the new generation. Student's educational needs aimed at increasing the practical experience necessary for future professional life. Heritage conservation projects are a good opportunity to implement project-based learning methods. Such projects can be scientific and...

  • Public relations w społeczeństwie


    - Year 2020

    W artykule stawiam tezę – powtarzając za „„Standardami profesjonalnych public relations”- o konieczności wysuwania na plan pierwszy - we wszelkich działaniach w obszarze public relations - ich zgodności z wartościami i normami etycznymi, ponieważ wszelkie działania public relations są nie tylko realizowane w przestrzeni społecznej, ale mają istotny wpływ na kształt, kondycję społeczeństwa, również na budowę demokracji i społeczeństwa...

  • Standardy Profesjonalnego Public Relations

    • J. Barlik
    • E. Hope
    • J. Olędzki
    • K. Wojcik

    - Year 2020

    " Standardy przedstawiają wartości i pryncypia uzasadniające konieczność dokonywania odpowiednich wyborów. Public relations ma godzić interesy zleceniodawców, przedstawicieli mediów i różnych grup społeczeństwa, a przy tym pozostawać w zgodzie z normami etycznymi i odwoływać się do takich wartości jak szacunek, godność, rzetelność, uczciwość, prawda, wiarygodność, niezależność, lojalność i zaufanie. Opracowanie "Standardów profesjonalnego...

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  • Zastosowanie Systemu Informacji Geograficznej (GIS) w identyfikacji potencjalnych klastrów


    - Year 2013

    Polityka klastrowania znajduje się w strategicznych dokumentach rozwoju gospodarczego Polski i nastawiona jest na promowanie współpracy regionalnej ponadregionalnej. Budowa klastra na szczeblu regionalnym wymaga jednak w pierwszym etapie jego identyfikacji a w kolejnym selekcji potencjalnych uczestników. Dotychczas stosowane jakościowe i ilościowe metody identyfikacji klastrów, nie są do takich zadań przystosowane lub ich stopień...

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  • The use of GIS tools for road infrastructure safety management

    There are many factors that influence accidents and their severity. They can be grouped within the system of man, vehicle and environment. The article focuses on how GIS tools can be used to manage road infrastructure safety. To ensure a better understanding and identification of road factors, GIS tools help with the acquisition of road parameter data. Their other role is helping with a clear and effective presentation of risk...

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  • SOLAP GIS in maritime research


    Multidimensional Geographical Information System is a system especially designed to acquire, distribute, analyze and visualize complicated spatio-temporal data. Modern Geographical Information System technology can provide easy-to-use, near real-time solutions to many problems from different areas of research. In the article, authors summarize recent works on Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) and multidimensional Geographical...

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  • GIS Solution for Weather Forecast Data Analysis


    In this paper authors present the GIS system for the analysis of the numerical weather prediction data. This kind of data has multidimensional character (three dimensions and time) and its analysis should consider all the available factors. Proposed GIS system consists of RASDAMAN application with implemented OLAP cube mechanism, which enables the user to process data in the spatial-time domain. It also simplifies the meteorological...

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  • GIS for processing multidimensional marine data in SAAS model

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified...

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  • The impact of end-user participation in IT projects on product usability


    - Year 2013

    Many companies implementing new IT projects encounter numerous problems with ensuring good final product usability. The strong market competition they experience often results in necessity of undertaking difficult decisions with regard to cost minimization. This may force cuts in usability expertise and consulting, most often by limiting end-user participation in the project. However, it may also result in serious consequences...

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  • Assessment of Citizens’ Actions against Light Pollution with Guidelines for Future Initiatives


    Due to the wide reach of media reports about scientific research and technological tools such as the world wide web (WWW), the Internet, and web browsers, citizens today have access to factual information about the negative impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) on their dark skies, and their health and well-being. This means they can now make educated decisions and take the necessary steps to help protect themselves and their...

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  • Informal projects management with volunteers participation

    The article briefly presents some experiences and results of research which has been conducted in order to identify key elements influencing the success of projects managed in informal way with volunteers’ participation. These experiences were collected during the realization of several “soft” projects. The general aims of these projects were sports competitions’ organisation, cultural events and charity projects for...

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  • Real terrain visualisation on the basis of GIS Data.


    Artykuł prezentuje projekt realistycznej wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych pochodzšcych z Geograficznych Systemów Informacyjnych GIS (ang. Geographical Information Systems). Ze względu na złożoność i niedokładność przechowywanych danych geograficznych od systemu takiego należy oczekiwać pracy w dwóch etapach: off-line'owym i on-line'owym. Etap off-line'owy powinien dokonywać konwersji danych z formatu GIS na...

  • Processing of Marine Satellite Data in WEB-BASED GIS

    GIS systems are important modern word. They allow to quickly analyse and corelate various data bound to their geographical context. The paper describes Web-base GIS with ability to integrate and analyse data from many sources such as: satellite imagery, threat simulation models, marine vessels Automatic Identification System, raster and vector topographic charts. Some details of system architecture and implementation are presented...

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  • User-oriented GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning

    Geographic information systems (GIS) have emerged as indispensable tools for decision-making, planning and problem-solving tasks across various domains in today’s evolving world. However, there exists a pressing need to augment the utilisation of GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning to foster a user-oriented approach. This article explores the imperative of integrating GIS tools more comprehensively into higher...

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  • Multidimensional GIS for satellite imagery analysis

    Multidimensional Geographical Information System allows storing, querying and processing of multidimensional query data. It is able to process satellite imagery and provide tools for its analysis. In the article authors present the developed system that analyzes a time series of SENTINEL - 1 mission satellite imagery acquired over the coast of Poland. The algorithm used finds and detects changes in the shape...

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  • The Revitalization Processes of the Port Structures in Gdynia and Gdansk on the Background of Contemporary Port Changes


    - Year 2016

    Transformations of the port facilities against the modernization of the port structures are present in many city-port centers since more than 50 years. The modernization taking place in the ports located in Gdynia-Gdansk mainly concerns communication availability and adapted to the multimodal technology of transport and transshipment. Developing specialized tech-terminals serving a specific type of load, causes development of the...

  • GIS three-dimensional Modelling with geo-informatics techniques

    The integration issue of virtual models and geo-referenced database have a very broad spectrum of potential applications. Before the integration issue was on the cusp, it was quite problematic to combine three-dimensional models with the geo-referenced database. An integrated database contains a variety of data including such as object orientated data model and raster data. Within this paper, authors present an integration process...

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  • Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework



    In view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...

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  • Mobile indicators in GIS and GPS positioning accuracy in cities


    The publication describes the possible use of tele-geoprocessing as a synergy of modern IT solutions, telecommunications and GIS algorithms. The paper presents a possibility of urban traffic monitoring with the use of mobile GIS indicators of dedicated monitoring system designed for taxi corporation. The system is based on a stationary and mobile software package. The optimal and minimal assumptions for the monitoring of urban...

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  • Realistic visualization of real terrain based on GIS Data.


    Artykuł prezentuje projekt realistycznej wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych pochodzących z Geograficznych Systemów Informacyjnych (GIS). Opisano w nim koncepcję projektu, wskazano trudności w jego realizacji i wskazano drogi ich przezwyciężenia.

  • A novel architecture of Web-GIS for mapping and analysis of echinococcosis in Poland


    - Applied Geomatics - Year 2022

    Echinococcosis is an infectious disease transferred through ingestion of food or water which have been contaminated with eggs of the Echinococcus tapeworm, which are spread by intermediate parasite hosts. Because the latter are primarily territorial, research related to diagnosis and prevention of echinococcosis requires investigation of environmental factors, which can be supported with the use of a Geographical Information System...

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  • Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation


    - Year 2018

    The article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...

  • Etyczność działań w public relations - między amoralizmem a kazuistyką


    Artykuł jest refleksją filozoficzną dotyczącą problemów moralnych public relations i dziennikarstwa. Autorka stawia w nim tezę, że dziennikarze i specjaliści public relations – wykonując profesje, których fundamentem jest informacja, komunikacja i zaufanie społeczne - współcześnie bardzo wiele swoich działań wyłączają ze sfery tych, które mogłyby być oceniane z punktu widzenia moralności. Uznają też, że ocenie etycznej można...

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  • The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Year 2017

    The importance of the marine environment to human existence makes it imperative that information models represent the multidimensional nature of reality as closely as possible in order to facilitate good governance. Information regarding jurisdiction, as well as the effects of formal law and community interests on the marine environment (e.g. nature and spatial extents as well as rights, responsibilities, restrictions etc.) would...

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  • Interakcyjny system wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych GIS


    Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję interakcyjnego systemu Wiz3D służącego do wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych pochodzących z Geograficznych Systemów Informacyjnych GIS (ang. Geographical Information Systems). Ze względu na złożoność i różnorodność formatów oraz niedokładność przechowywanych danych geograficznych system taki przed generacją obrazu powinien dokonywać konwersji danych z formatów GIS na postać dogodną...

  • Youth Civic Participation in the South Baltic Region. Example of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden


    - Year 2020

    The aim of this study was to show youth civic participation as a social inclusion element in the Southern Baltic region in need of reinforcement, based on the examples of selected municipalities from Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The authors focused on the diagnosis of key elements of youth civic engagement at local and cross-border level, taking into account the context of national youth policies and the European Union policy....

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  • Public relations w działalności szkoły


    - Year 2005

    Treść rozdziału X książki, przygotowanej pod redakcją Ewy Hope, "Public relations instytucji użyteczności publicznej" obejmuje zagadnienia związane z potrzebami współczesnej szkoły w zakresie przekazu informacji i komunikowania się z zewnętrznym otoczeniem szkoły - środowiskiem społecznym. Praktyka życia codziennego szkoły, placówki oświatowej pokazuje jak celowym zbiegiem kierowniczym jest stosowanie działań public relations....

  • To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes


    - BMC Medical Ethics - Year 2023

    Background Over the last few decades biobanks have been recognised as institutions that may revolutionisebiomedical research and the development of personalised medicine. Poland, however, still lacks clear regulationsregarding the running of biobanks and the conducting of biomedical research. While the awareness of the generalpublic regarding biobanks is low, healthcare professions and medical students also...

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  • Public relations w służbie demokracji


    - Year 2008

    Artykuł pokazuje, jak realizowanie zasad demokracji jest warunkowane stosowaniem narzędzi public relations. Wolność wypowiedzi, możliwość współdecydowania o przyszłości społeczeństwa, udział w wyborach to działania charakterystyczne dla krajów demokratycznych, a urzeczywistnianie ich jest możliwe dzięki i poprzez profesjonalne PR. Historia demokracji pokazuje również, że prowadzenie działań PR jest możliwe tylko w ustroju...

  • Using EO satellite data in Safe City and Coastal Zone web-GIS

    The paper presents a novel design of a web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS) which integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and Critical Infrastructure. The system utilizes several innovative technologies and directly co-operates with different remote sensing data sources and services, like a satellite ground station...

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    Earth Observation (EO) products are widely used by geospatial society. Over the last years a number of new applications of satellite imagery were proposed. This led to an increased interest in EO products, not only from researchers but also from companies and individuals. The authors constitute the essential part of the team that created the marine, web-GIS system - SafeCity GIS - for dissemination of data obtained from a 1.5...

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  • Identification of Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) elements in Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives

    • F. Ishengoma
    • S. Deo
    • R. Gouvêa
    • G. C. Wiedenhöft
    • R. Matheus
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • S. Saxena

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Year 2024

    While previous research on Open Government Data (OGD) has primarily focused on reuse and adoption, this study aims to explore the implications of the Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) dimensions in the context of OGD initiatives. This study is contextualized in Tanzania wherein the OGD initiatives are at an evolving stage. For the present study, the perspectives of the 15 public officials involved in...

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  • DAB+ Coverage Analysis: a New Look at Network Planning using GIS Tools


    For many years, the matter of designing a transmitter network, optimized for best signal coverage, has been a subject of intense research. In the last decade, numerous researchers and institutions used GIS and spatial analysis tools for network planning, especially transmitter location. Currently, many existing systems operate in a strictly two-dimensional manner, not taking into account the three-dimensional nature of the analyzed...

  • Public relations - czy to się sprawdzi?


    - Year 2004

    Książka jest analizą najczęstrzych problemów związanych z prowadzeniem działań public relations, ilustrowaną rysunkami Zbigniewa Jujki. Książka zawiera też słownki PR.

  • Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities


    - Year 2012

    Revitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...

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  • Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal


    - Year 2016

    This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....

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  • Promocja biblioteki i public relations


    - Year 2019

    W artykule omówiono problematykę promocji, kreowania wizerunku i public relations bibliotek. W opracowaniu przedstawiono organizowanie działalności promocyjnej na przykładzie pracy zespołu ds. promocji Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej.

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    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2013

    Land surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...

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  • Public relations - refleksje prawie filozoficzne


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego w ostatnich latach w Polsce, nazywanego potocznie czarnym public relations. W artykule przedstawiono nie tylko różne znaczenia tego pojęcia, sytuacje, w których ten rodzaj działalności jest najczęściej stosowany, ale też stosowane na świecie nazwy dla tego rodzaju działań.Artykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego...

  • Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors

    Pandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...

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  • Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation

    Effective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...

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    - Year 2015

    The quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...

  • Public relations jako funkcja zarządzania.


    - Year 2004

    Artykuł w książce.Artykuł pokazuje ważną rolę działań public relations w każdym przedsiębiorstwie/organizacji, sytuując te działania w sferze zarządzania. artykułm pokazuje strategiczną funkcję działań PR, jako prac związanych z kreowaniem - komunikowaniem dobrej reputacji, opinii.

  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Year 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Year 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • In search of the new: American volunteers’ opinions about their participation in the Teaching English in Poland (TEIP) Program


    - Year 2021

    The Teaching English in Poland (TEIP) program relies on summer camps during which native English speakers, American volunteers, teach Polish children and adolescents using the language immersion method – during everyday activities, sports and art classes, and similar occasions. A vital aspect of the evaluation of the program is researching its impact on the young people; however, the opinions of the volunteers regarding their...

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  • GIS for remote sensing, analysis and visualisation of marine pollution and other marine ecosystem components

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję oraz prototyp morskiego systemu GIS do zdalnego monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym zanieczyszczeń środowiska morskiego. System pozwala na gromadzenie i integrowanie danych z różnego rodzaju sensorów, takich jak echosondy jednowiązkowe, sonary boczne i echosondy wielowiązkowe.

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  • Distinctive facades of commercial buildings and the quality of public space,


    Mutual relations between the retail center and public spaces of the city are varied. They depend on the type and size of the commercial structure. Other ones are for multifunctional shopping centers and other for high streets. In megastores and shopping malls the essential for their functioning is their interior and entrance, which is sometimes the only place of interpenetration of the commercial structure with the surrounding...