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Search results for: face
The Many Faces of Enterococcus spp.—Commensal, Probiotic and Opportunistic Pathogen
PublicationEnterococcus spp. are Gram-positive, facultative, anaerobic cocci, which are found in the intestinal flora and, less frequently, in the vagina or mouth. Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are the most common species found in humans. As commensals, enterococci colonize the digestive system and participate in the modulation of the immune system in humans and animals. For many years reference enterococcal strains have...
Facet effect of TiO2 nanostructures from TiOF2 and their photocatalytic activity
PublicationIn this study, special attention is focused on the design of TiO2 morphology and microstructure in the two-step preparation procedure using TiOF2 as a precursor to study their photodegradation mineralization efficiency. Firstly, TiOF2 was synthesized by a simple solvothermal method using titanium(IV) tetrafluoride, which was further used as a precursor in preparation of anatase 2D nanosheets, octahedral, decahedral, and rectangular prisms...
Some of Challenges Faced by Eco-Neighbourhoods in Poland in Comparison with EcoQuartier Program in France
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Clasification of drinking water samples using the Chernoff's faces visualization approach
PublicationOpracowanie przedstawia wyniki zastosowania wizualizacji metodą twarzy Chernoffa w klasyfikacji obszarowych zmian jakości wody pitnej, na podstawie wyników oznaczeń chloro- i bromopochodnych produktów dezynfekcji wody w 12 dzielnicach Gdańska w okresie 1993-2000.
Bactericidal Properties of Plasmonic Photocatalysts Composed of Noble Metal Nanoparticles on Faceted Anatase Titania
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Application of Olfactometry to Assess the Anti-Odor Properties of Filtering Facepiece Respirators Containing Activated Carbon Nonwovens
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Conservation of Farmland Birds Faces Different Challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe
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One Molecule, Many Faces: Repositioning Cardiovascular Agents for Advanced Wound Healing
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PublicationThe paper aims to compare the modernistic social housing estates built during the interwar period in the Free City of Gdansk and in Altona, the small neighbour of Hamburg. The comparison is based on the analysis of the factors, which significantly affected the decisions regarding spatial transformations and the development of both cities in that time. These factors include primarily: poor living conditions, resulting from the explosive...
The interplay between dopant and a surface structure of the photocatalyst – The case study of Nb-doped faceted TiO2
PublicationAnatase nanoparticles, exposing the majority of the {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} and {1 0 1} facets were synthesized and doped with different niobium amount to investigate the self-trapping of the excess electrons and resulting photocatalytic activity. Photocatalyst structure and presence of excess electrons inside the obtained Nb-doped anatase samples was confirmed by the combination of structural and spectroscopic analyses. Only for the...
Crystal facet effects in photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants over anatase TiO2
PublicationPresented work show detailed effect of the exposed crystal facets of anatase TiO2 on the photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants. The most important existing information about the geometry and electronic properties of the low index anatase facets are summarised. During the performed works, anatase nanoparticles with the dominant exposition of either {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} or {1 0 1} crystal facets were prepared and their photocatalytic...
The Impact of Material Selection on Durability of Exhaust Valve Faces of a Ship Engine – A Case Study
Publicationwo alloys were used in order to extend the service life of marine engine exhaust valve head. Layers of cobalt base alloys were made of the powders with with chemical composition as follow: the layer marked L12; C-1,55%; Si-1,21%; Cr-29,7%; W-9%; Ni-2%; Mo<0,01%; Fe-1,7%; Co-54,83% and the layer marked N; C-1,45%; Co-38,9%; Cr-24,13%; Ni-10,43%; W-8,75%; Fe-7,64%; Mo-7,56%; Si-2,59%. Base metal was valve steel after heat treatment....
Do Existential Variables Mediate Between Religious-Spiritual Facets of Functionality and Psychological Wellbeing
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Facebook, YouTube, Instagram... jako arbitrzy prawdy. Deepfake – na szlaku dystopii i łasce korporacji
PublicationZidentyfikowano ich w 2019 roku w sieci blisko 15 tysięcy . Zwykle nie dotyczą polityki, choć to przede wszystkim w środowisku politycznym budzą strach i zwątpienie. Strach przed dewastacja resztek społecznego zaufania, jakimi politycy się cieszą, zwątpienie – bo zwalczanie ich przekracza polityczne możliwości władz ujmowanych w kartezjańskim podziale władzy. Deepfake – bo o nich mowa – są przełomową innowacją wyznaczającą...
Photocatalytic degradation and pollutant-oriented structure-activity analysis of carbamazepine, ibuprofen and acetaminophen over faceted TiO2
PublicationPhotocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and phenol was studied in the presence of anatase photocatalyst, exposing three different crystal facets in the majority of {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} or {1 0 1}. It was found that octahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} facets allow to achieve the best degradation and mineralization of all persistent organic pollutants. This confirms that the previous findings,...
Controlling crystallites orientation and facet exposure for enhanced electrochemical properties of polycrystalline MoO3 films
PublicationThis study focuses on the development and optimization of MoO3 films on commercially available FTO substrates using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. By carefully selecting deposition conditions and implementing post-treatment procedures, precise control over crystallite orientation relative to the substrate is achieved. Deposition at 450 °C in O2 atmosphere results in random crystallite arrangement, while introducing...
Insight into (Electro)magnetic Interactions within Facet-Engineered BaFe12O19/TiO2 Magnetic Photocatalysts
PublicationA series of facet-engineered TiO2/BaFe12O19 composites were synthesized through hydrothermal growth of both phases and subsequent deposition of the different, faceted TiO2 nanoparticles onto BaFe12O19 microplates. The well-defined geometry of the composite and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of the ferrite allowed alternate interfaces between both phases and fixed the orientation between the TiO2 crystal structure and the remanent...
Novel Structures and Applications of Graphene-Based Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Faceted Particles, Photonic Crystals, Antimicrobial and Magnetic Properties
PublicationGraphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and their composites with various compounds/materials have high potential for substantial impact as cheap photocatalysts, which is essential to meet the demands of global activity, offering the advantage of utilizing “green” solar energy. Accordingly, graphene-based materials might help to reduce reliance on fossil fuel supplies and facile remediation routes to achieve clean environment...
Opposite effect of the Cu photodeposition on the ∙OH generation and diclofenac degradation depends on the exposed anatase facet
PublicationExposition of a specific crystal facets and modification with co-catalysts are often used in order to improve photocatalytic activity of a material. However, considering complexity of these interactions, it is still challenging to fully understand and predict activity of a specific system. Here, we report combination of the {0 0 1} and {1 0 1} crystal facets of anatase TiO2 with CuXO co-catalyst, applied for diclofenac degradation,...
Non-toxic fluorine-doped TiO2 nanocrystals from TiOF2 for facet-dependent naproxen degradation
PublicationIn the present study, the photocatalytic degradation of naproxen (NPX), which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), frequently detected in drinking water, was investigated. The F-doped TiO2 with defined morphology was successfully obtained from TiOF2 and applied for photocatalytic degradation under UV-vis and visible light. All samples were characterised by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron...
Wybrane aspekty i zastosowania modeli zdarzeń ekstremalnych / Selected facets and application of models of extremal events
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Spectroelectrochemical characterization of euhedral anatase TiO2 crystals – Implications for photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic properties of {001} {100} and {101} facets
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The influence of the size of a one-faced metallic head in Janus nanoparticles as a co-catalyst on the photocatalytic efficiency of hydrogen evolution under vis light irradiation
PublicationJanus nanoparticles (NPs) consisting of MoOxSy nanospheres and silver (Ag) head, successfully developed by a simple, controlled method were in the first time they were applied as a co-catalysts in photocatalytic hydrogen generation reaction under vis light irradiation (λ > 420 nm). The MoOxSy-Ag as a co-catalysts were deposited on the obtained ZnIn2S4 microspheres (ZIS) using physical absorption method. The influence of the size...
Reduced attention toward faces, intentionality and blame ascription in violent offenders and community‐based adults: Evidence from an eye‐tracking study
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Synthesis of eosin modified TiO2 film with co-exposed {001} and {101} facets for photocatalytic degradation of para-aminobenzoic acid and solar H2 production
PublicationOwing to the increasing photosensitivity and DNA damage properties of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), concerns have been raised over the exposure of humans to PABA. Solar light-driven photocatalysis (SPC) provides a promising solution for the effective removal of organic pollutants especially when directed towards sulfate radical (SO4−) production. Herein, we have developed a sulfite-enhanced SPC using Eosin-Y sensitized TiO2/Ti...
Unraveling a novel microwave strategy to fabricate exposed {001}/{101} facets anatase nanocrystals: Potential for use to the elimination of environmentally toxic metronidazole waste
PublicationThis study present a novel microwave strategy to fabricate highly active anatase particles, exposing {101} and {001} facets. Microwave treatment time was shown to determine the growth of crystals in a certain direction. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report revealing that the contact time of TiO2 crystals with fluorine ions during the microwave process affects the formed morphology, in particular exposed facets ratio....
Fine-Tuning the Photocatalytic Activity of the Anatase {1 0 1} Facet through Dopant-Controlled Reduction of the Spontaneously Present Donor State Density
PublicationThe present study highlights the importance of the net density of charge carriers at the ground state on photocatalytic activity of the faceted particles, which can be seen as a highly underexplored problem. To investigate it in detail, we have systematically doped {1 0 1} enclosed anatase nanoparticles with Gd3+ ions to manipulate the charge carrier concentration. Furthermore, control experiments using an analogical Nb5+ doped...
Highly Oriented Zirconium Nitride and Oxynitride Coatings Deposited via High‐Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: Crystal‐Facet‐Driven Corrosion Behavior in Domestic Wastewater
PublicationHerein, highly crystalline ZrxNy and ZrxNyOz coatings are achieved by the deposition via high‐power impulse magnetron sputtering. Various N2 and N2/O2 gas mixtures with argon are investigated. The chemical composition and, as a result, mechanical properties of the deposited layer can be tailored along with morphological and crystallographic structural changes. The corrosion resistance behavior is studied by potentiodynamic measurements...
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of accordion-like layered Ti3C2 (MXene) coupled with Fe-modified decahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets
PublicationNew composites consisting of decahedral anatase particles exposing {001} and {101} facets coupled with accordion-like layered Ti3C2 with boosted photocatalytic activity towards phenol and carbamazepine degradation were investigated. The photocatalysts were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV–Vis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron...
Facial features extraction for color, frontal images
PublicationThe problem of facial characteristic features extraction is discussed. Several methods of features extraction for color en--face photographs are discussed. The methods are based mainly on the colors features related to the specific regions of the human face. The usefulness of presented methods was tested on a database of en--face photographs consisting of 100 photographs.
Real-time facial feature tracking in poor quality thermal imagery
PublicationRecently, facial feature tracking systems have become more and more popular because of many possible use cases. Especially in medical applications location of the face and facial features are very useful. Many researches have presented methods to detect and track facial features in visible light. However, facial feature analysis in thermography may also be very advantageous. Some examples of using infrared imagery in medicine include...
Analysis of High Resolution Clouds of Points as a Source of Biometric Data
PublicationThe article presents the analysis devoted to human face data obtained by means of precise photographic scanners. Collected point clouds were used to make high precision meshes of human face. The essence of these studies is the comparison of relative features as well as the comparison of absolute models which require as precisely as possible matching of face models. The article focuses on the analysis of various parts of the human...
Topochemical, Single‐Crystal‐to‐Single‐Crystal [2+2] Photocycloadditions Driven by Chalcogen‐Bonding Interactions
PublicationThe face-to-face association of (E)-1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (bpen) molecules into rectangular motifs stabilized for the first time by chalcogen bonding (ChB) interactions is shown to provide photoreactive systems leading to cyclobutane formation through single-crystal-to-single-crystal [2+2] photodimerizations. The chelating chalcogen bond donors are based on original aromatic, ortho-substituted bis(selenocyanato)benzene derivatives...
Facial feature extraction from a monochromatic picture.
PublicationFace pose determination represents an important area of research in Human Machine Interaction. In this paper, I describe a new method of extracting facial feature locations from a single monochromatic monocular camera for the purpose of estimating and tracking the three dimensional pose of human face and eye-gaze direction.
Facial Feature extraction from a monochromatic picture
PublicationFace pose determination represents an important area of research in Human Machine Interaction. In this paper, I describe a new method of extracting facial feature locations from a single monochromatic monocular camera for the purpose of estimating and tracking the three dimensional pose of human face and eye-gaze direction.
Emotion Recognition - the need for a complete analysis of the phenomenon of expression formation
PublicationThis article shows how complex emotions are. This has been proven by the analysis of the changes that occur on the face. The authors present the problem of image analysis for the purpose of identifying emotions. In addition, they point out the importance of recording the phenomenon of the development of emotions on the human face with the use of high-speed cameras, which allows the detection of micro expression. The work that was...
Porównanie systemu Ilias i Moodle - przypadek użycia.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania darmowych systemów LMS (ang. Learning Management System) jako narzędzi wspomagających prowadzenie zajęć metodą tradycyjną F2F (ang. Face to Face). Omówiono eksperyment przeprowadzony przez dwie uczelnie trójmiejskie: Akademię Morską i Politechnikę Gdańską. Celem eksperymentu było porównanie systemu Ilias (wersja 2.4.4) z systemem Moodle (wersja 1.2).
An unorthodox view on the problem of tracking facial expressions
PublicationRecent developments in imaging cameras has opened a new way of analyzing facial expression. We would like to take advantage from this new technology and present a method of imaging and processing images of human face as a response to the particular stimuli. The response in this case is represented by the facial expressions and the stimuli are still images representing six basic emotions according to Eckmann. Working hypothesis...
Human-Computer Interface Based on Visual Lip Movement and Gesture Recognition
PublicationThe multimodal human-computer interface (HCI) called LipMouse is presented, allowing a user to work on a computer using movements and gestures made with his/her mouth only. Algorithms for lip movement tracking and lip gesture recognition are presented in details. User face images are captured with a standard webcam. Face detection is based on a cascade of boosted classifiers using Haar-like features. A mouth region is located in...
Multimedia interface using head movements tracking
PublicationThe presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...
An unorthodox view on the problem of tracking facial expressions
PublicationRecent developments in imaging cameras has opened a new way of analyzing facial expression. We would like to take advantage from this new technology and present a method of imaging and processing images of human face as a response to the particular stimuli. The response in this case is represented by the facial expressions and the stimuli are still images representing six basic emotions according to Eckmann. Working hypothesis...
Identification of Emotional States Using Phantom Miro M310 Camera
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities associated with the use of remote sensing methods in identifying human emotional states, and to present the results of the research conducted by the authors in this field. The studies presented involved the use of advanced image analysis to identify areas on the human face that change their activity along with emotional expression. Most of the research carried out in laboratories...
PublicationExpressions of the human face bring a lot of information, which are a valuable source in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing and affective computing. For years, by analyzing the movement of the skin and facial muscles scientists are trying to create the perfect tool, based on image analysis, allowing the recognition of emotional states of human beings. To create a reliable algorithm, it is necessary to explore and examine...
PublicationThe paper presents two kinds of cooperating teams: traditional and virtual, and proposes a new measure of the team virtuality level. Some representative teamwork characteristics, such as team member competencies, team diversity, leadership, and team decision-making are analyzed and compared depending on the degree of virtuality. Moreover, the team climate as one of the team performance measures is also analyzed and compared in...
Identification of Emotions Based on Human Facial Expressions Using a Color-Space Approach
PublicationHCI technology improves human-computer interaction. Such communication can be carried out with the use of emotions that are visible on the human face since birth. In this paper the Emotion system for detecting and recognizing facial expressions, developed in the MSc work, is presented. The system recognizes emotion from webcam video in real time. It is based on color segmentation and morphological operations. The system uses a...
Measuring Pulse Rate with a Webcam
PublicationIn this paper a simple method of measuring the pulse rate is presented. Elaborated algorithm allows for efficient pulse rate registration directly from face images captured from a webcam. The desired signal is obtained by proper channel selection and principal component analysis. To determine the accuracy of the method an ECG signal is collected together with a video recordings. The effectiveness of the algorithm is considered...
PublicationRozdział dotyczy zarządzania zespołem wirtualnym, który charakteryzuje się rozproszeniem członków zespołu oraz współpracą za pośrednictwem technologii informacyjnej. Tak funkcjonujące zespoły nakładają na lidera dodatkowe wyzwania związane z koniecznością kompensowania braku bezpośredniego kontaktu oraz samodzielnością poszczególnych osób w zespole. Przedstawiono najważniejsze zadania, które podnoszą efektywność zarządzania zespołem...
Facial emotion recognition using depth data
PublicationIn this paper an original approach is presented for facial expression and emotion recognition based only on depth channel from Microsoft Kinect sensor. The emotional user model contains nine emotions including the neutral one. The proposed recognition algorithm uses local movements detection within the face area in order to recognize actual facial expression. This approach has been validated on Facial Expressions and Emotions Database...
Local and global response of sandwich beams made of GFRP facings and PET foam core in three point bending test
PublicationIn the paper behaviour of laminated sandwich beams (FRP face sheet – PET foam core – FRP face sheet) subjected to three point bending is studied. The paper aim is to find practical descriptions enabling effective and accurate estimation of the elastic response, damage and failure of the beams, basing on experiments and static calculations. Therefore a number of tests are described, that were done on laminated coupons and foam specimens...
Miniaturized Dual-Band SIW-Based Bandpass Filters Using Open-Loop Ring Resonators
PublicationThis article presents two novel architectures of dual-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters (BPFs). Initially, two identical open-loop ring resonators (OLRRs) are coupled face-to-face on the top of the SIW cavity to realize a dual-band single-pole BPF. To obtain two-pole dual-band characteristics, two OLRRs resonant units are assembled horizontally within the top metal layer of the SIW, which is a technique...