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The (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox glass-ceramics: disordered metal and superconductor
PublicationAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox wygrzewany w odpowiednich warunkach staje się granulastym metalem i nadprzewodnikiem. Może być uważany za silnie nieuporządkowany metal. Ma duży opór i zazwyczaj ujemny współczynnik temperaturowej zależności oporu. Nieuporządkowanie i granulasty charakter materiału ujawnia się również w jego właściwościach nadprzewodzących.
FEM approach to estimate the behaviour of biocomposite metal-surface coating system
PublicationA three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced byknown external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6Al4V) and thehydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model weregenerated for investigating relations between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude ofexternal force and the thickness of the...
Dynamics of fault arc traveling along busbars in high voltage switchboards = Dynamika łuku zwarciowego przemieszczającego się wzdłuż szyn rozdziel-nic wysokiego napięcia
PublicationThe paper presents the results of magnetic induction and electrodynamic force calculations acting on arc column during short-circuit in medium voltage air-insulated bus-bars. The gap between the bars was 120 mm and the prospective short-circuit currents ranged from 4 kA to 8 kA. The paper also shows the measurement results of average velocity fault arc depending on currents arc diameter and arc current was established and described....
Starch–metal complexes and metal compounds
PublicationRecently, metal derivatives of starch evoked considerable interest. Such metal derivatives can take a form of starch compounds bearing metal atoms and metal carrying moieties either covalently bound or complexed. Starch metal complexes may have a character of either Werner, inclusion, sorption or capillary complexes. In this publication, preparation, structure, properties and numerous current and potential applications of those...
(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass-ceramics - superconductor and granular metal
PublicationW materiale o składzie (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O wskutek stosowania różnych warunków wytwarzania można otrzymać materiały o różnorodnych właściwościach. W efekcie wygrzewania materiał amorficzny częściowo krystalizuje. To powoduje wzrost rozmiaru i zawartości przewodzących i nadprzewodzących granul oraz zmniejszenie szerokości izolujących barier pomiędzy granulami. Zależność temperaturowa oporu słabo skrystalizowanego materiału jest funkcją...
From metal dithiocarbamates to metal sulfides
PublicationLigandy ditiokarbamianowe są szeroko stosowane w chemii koordynacyjnej. Układy zawierające metal mogą być z powodzeniem wykorzystane do otrzymania odpowiednich siarczków. W pracy przedstawiono syntezę, strukurę, właściwości, zastosowanie związków z tej grupy. Scharakteryzowano ich rozkład termiczny, jak równeiż zaprezentowano metody umożliwiające wykorzystanie ich jako pojedyncze prekursory molekularne
Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers
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Thermal stability of the cobalt base clad layers
PublicationBadano wpływ długotrwałego oddziaływania temperatury na mikrostrukturę i własności mechaniczne warstw napawanych laserowo wykonanych ze stopów na bazie kobaltu zawierających chrom i wolfram. Stopy te są przewidywane do zastosoania na przylgnie zaworów wydechowych silników diesla.
Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porownanie rezultatów numerycznej symulacji rozkładu temperatur w warstwach nakładanych laserowo z wynikami pomiarów doświadczalnych. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników co pozwala wnioskować, że przedstawiony model numeryczny może służyć jako efektywne narzędzie wstępnego doboru parametrów procesu laserowego nakładania warstw.
The degradation of metal implants
PublicationThe presence of metal implants in the human body causes some dangers, which result from introducing another object into organism. There may occur a biocorrosion, which causes different modifications of implant surface.
High temperature corrosion of the cobalt base clad layers
PublicationNapawane warstwy wykonane ze stopu kobaltu poddano utlenianiu w temperaturach 650 stopni C i 750 stopni C oraz korozji w spalinach. Proces utleniania był prowadzony 2 sposobami, izotermicznie przez 100 godzin i cyklicznie pzez 200 godzin. Korozja w spalinach przebiegała cyklicznie przez 200 godzin w temperaturze 650stopni C. Warstwy napawano metodą laserową i plazmową (PTA). Badano stabilność termiczną procesu utleniania warstw...
Phosphoroorganic Metal Complexes in Therapeutics
PublicationThe present mini-review highlights recent developments on antitumor activity of metal-based therapeutics which have been a subject of researches for the last few decades. In 1965, Rosenberg found that during an electrolysis on platinum electrodes a complex of Pt is generated which inhibited to a great extent a binary fission in Escherichia coli bacteria. This discovery started a new chapter in medicinal chemistry and the interesting...
Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases
PublicationEarly diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...
Superconductivity in Metal-Rich Chalcogenide Ta2Se
PublicationThe metal–metal bond in metal-rich chalcogenide is known to exhibit various structures and interesting physical properties. Ta2Se can be obtained by both arc-melting and solid-state pellet methods. Ta2Se crystallizes a layered tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm (No. 129; Pearson symbol tP6). Each unit cell consists of four layers of body-centered close-packing Ta atoms sandwiched between two square nets of Se atoms, forming...
<title>The manufacturing and properties of double-clad optical fibres</title>
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Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Metal/Metal Oxide/Metal Junctions Based on Anodized Metal Oxides
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Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Metal/Metal Oxide/Metal Junctions Based on Anodized Metal Oxides
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Insulator to correlated metal transition in V1−xMoxO2
PublicationDyskutowane jest przejście typu izolatro - metal w domieszkowanym atomami Molibdenu związku V1-xMoxO2. Prezentowany jest diagram fazowy.
Upconversion Luminescence in Yb3+/Tm3+Doped Double Clad Optical Fibre
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The Effect Fabrication Method of Cobalt Base Clad Layer On Air Oxidation
PublicationNapawane warstwy ze stopu kobaltu zostały wykonane za pomocą napawania plazmowego (PTA) oraz laserowego. Zostały one poddane utlenia niu w temperarurze 1100 stopni celsiusza prze 200 godzin. Przeprowadzono badania mikrostruktury i składu chemicznego warstwy tlenkowej oraz głębszych warstw napoiny. Nie stwierdzono wpływu metody wytwarzania na skutki procesu utleniania.
Morphology studies of the cobalt base clad layers produced by laser technology.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były utwardzające warstwy wykonane na przylgni zaworów wydechowych silnika spalinowego. Materiał podłoża to stal H10S2M. Zastosowano technologię napawania laserowego proszków na bazie kobaltu. Proszki różniły się jedynie zawartością wolframu i zawierały odpowiednio 4,9; 5,3 i 9 wg% tego pierwiastka. Parametry napawania były jednakowe dla wszystkich proszków. Otrzymane warstwy różniły się twardością na powierzchni...
Metals and metal-binding ligands in wine: Analytical challenges in identification.
PublicationBackground Due to important role of metals in the vinification process as well as their impact on the human health, their content in this alcoholic beverage has been extensively studied by many researchers. It is already known that speciation of metals determines their toxicity and bioavailability as well as influences their activity. Understanding the chemistry and knowing the structures of metal complexes could have relevant...
Calixthioamides as ionophores for transition and heavy-metal cations
PublicationThere is an increasing interest in applying p-tert-butylcalix[4]arenes as sensing materials in ion-selective electrodes(ISEs). Considerable efforts were made to design calixarenes that are selective for some heavy- or transitionmetal ions to be used in ISEs for controlling and monitoring the level of such pollutants in the environment. It has been reported that introduction of softer sulfur atoms instead of oxygen atoms in calix[4]arene...
PublicationTiO2 was surface modified with silver, gold, palladium and platinum ion clusters to improve its photocatalytic activity. The effect of metal content, the kind of dopant used during preparation procedure on the photoactivity were investigated. in toluene removal which was used as a model volatile organic compound. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over noble metal modified TiO2 using light-emitting diodes...
Studies of the mechanism of metal metal dusting of 10CrMo9-10 steel after 10 years of operation in trhe semi-regenerative catalytic reformer
PublicationThe study showed that metal dusting mechanism of 10CrMo9-10 steel operated in industrial environment differs from models developed in laboratories. Significant differences lie in the fact that the models developed in laboratories only assume the formation of metastable carbide M3C, while studies have shown that the formation of M3C carbides is associated with the transformation of primary carbides and in the next stage is preceded...
Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal
PublicationSince time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...
Oxidation Time Influence on the Structure of the Cobalt Base Clad Layer and Scale Morphology
PublicationZbadano wpływ czasu utleniania na mikrosrukutręi własności mechaniczne a w szczególności mikrotwardość, warstw wykonanych ze stopu kobaltu.Warstwy były wykonane za pomocą napawania plazmowego (PTA). Stop kobaltu podlegał utlenianiu w powietrzu w temperaturze 800 topni celsjusza w czasie 1, 22 i 200 godzin. w wyniku utleniania nastapiło uformowanie warstw zgorzeliny oraz nastapiły zmiany w mikrostrukturze. Zaobserwowano także zmiany...
Microstructure and properties of the cobalt base clad layers after long time service
PublicationBadaniu poddano napawane laserowo warstwy ze stopu na bazie kobaltu. Warstwy wykonane na przylgni grzybka zaworu wylotowego silnika diesla badano po dwóch latach eksploatacji w dwóch silnikach laboratoryjnych. Badania mikrostruktury nie wykazały znaczących zmian. Przeprowadzono również badania chemiczne oraz pomiary twardości warstw po eksploatacji. Badany typ napoin nie wykazał znaczących uszkodzeń po długim czasie eksploatacji.
Cobalt Base Clad Layer Resistance On The Corrosion Under Low Sulfur Preassure
PublicationNapawane laserowo warstwy ze stopu kobaltu, zostały poddane siarkowaniu przy niskich ciśnieniach cząstkowych w temperaturze 800 stopni celsiusza prze 24 godziny. Uzyskano warstwę zgorzeliny zróżnicowaną w zależności od zastosowanego ciśnienia. W obu jednak przypadkach podobne były zmiany zachodzące w warstwie po zgorzeliną - degradacja węglików i intensywna korozja wzdłuż granic dendrytów.
Effect of temperature and gaseous medium on the structure and microhardness of the cobalt base clad layers
PublicationBadano wpływ temperatury utleniania na mikrostrukturę i mikrotwardość napawanych warstw ze stopu kobaltu. Warstwy wytwarzano za pomocą napawania plazmowego (pta) na przylgniach zaworów wylotowych wykonanych ze stali x40CrSiMo10-2. Stop kobaltu był poddany utlenianiu w powietrzu w temperaturach od 750 °C to 1100 °C i w gazach wylotowych w temperaturze 750 °C. W wyniku utleniania zaobserwowano zmanę w mikrotwardości warstw. W zewnętrznej...
Influence of laser beam machining on the cavitation resistance of Fe-Cr-Co clad.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ laserowego nagrzewania bezzmiany stanu skupienia i laserowego przetapiania napoin ze stopu Fe-Cr-Co na ich odporność kawitacyjną. Badania kawitacyjne prowadzono na stanowisku z wirującą tarczą. Plastyczne odkształcenia powierzchni określano za pomocą analizy obrazów erodowanych powierzchni. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że laserowo obrabiane powierzchnie miały różną podatność do plastycznego odkształcania...
Assessment of hydrogenation of deposited metal of P 62 MR covered electrodes
PublicationThe determination of diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal of P 62 MR covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding by mercury method was carried out. The test results indicate that covered electrodes 62 P MR grade generate a mean of 4.02 ml/100g of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal, which is consistent with H5 class.
The Effect of Welding Conditions on Diffusible Hydrogen Content in Deposited Metal
PublicationThe article presents the results of a literature survey and preliminary tests which set out effects of welding conditions on the amount of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal. Experiments were conducted by using rutile coated electrodes which generate high contents of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal. The amount of diffusible hydrogen was determined by a glycerin test.Eleven factors were considered: the electrode angle,...
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review
PublicationEpoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...
Mixed conductivity in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing alkali metal ions
PublicationThe conductivity of glasses in the 50WO3-(50-x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Na, K, Cs) system has been investigated as a function of composition. It is shown that in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing different alkali metal ions the conductivity decreases with an increase in the alkali metal ion content. A decrease in conductivity is larger for heavier ions and reaches more than seven orders of magnitude in the case of glass containing...
Nanostructure of the laser-modified transition metal nanocomposites for water splitting
PublicationAlthough hydrogen is considered by many to be the green fuel of the future, nowadays it is primarily produced through steam reforming, which is a process far from ecological. Therefore, emphasis is being put on the development of electrodes capable of the efficient production of hydrogen and oxygen from water. To make the green alternative possible, the solution should be cost-efficient and well processable, generating less waste...
Enhancement of pumping efficiency in 8-core double-clad optical fiber doped with Nd3+
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A Low-Profile Metal-backed Dipole Loaded with Closely Coupled Arc-shaped Open Stubs for On-metal Tag Design with Wide Frequency Tuning Capability
PublicationThis research has presented a single-layer metal-backed dipole antenna, which consists of a feedline loaded with two pairs of closely-coupled arc-shaped open stubs, for designing a metal-mountable tag that features tuning capability over a wide range of frequency. Here, the stubs can generate sufficient inductive reactance for bringing down the tag resonant frequency tunable in both the regulated UHF RFID passbands (North American...
Recent advancements in molecularly imprinted polymers for the removal of heavy metal ions and dyes
PublicationContamination set off by highly toxic metal ions and dyes is a big threat to the environment and living beings. Various industries like metal plating, mining, pesticides, battery manufacturing, and dyeing release metal ions and toxic dyes directly into the water. It is necessary to remove these toxic substances from the environment. Molecular imprinting technology (MIT) got a lot of attention in the last two decades because of...
Application of 3D printing metal powder technology in the manufacture of components with complex geometries
PublicationThe possibilities of using 3D printing powder technologies for making objects with complex geometries were presented. For this purpose, selected examples of elements with different geometries were used, which were built using metal powder methods – DMLS (direct metal laser sintering) / SLM (selective laser melting). Simultaneously, the indicated elements concern those areas of industry where 3D printing technology has been widely...
Najnowsza japońska "architektura materiałów": szkło oraz aluminium, metal i ceramika
PublicationNajnowsza japońska "architektura materiałów": szkło oraz aluminium, metal i ceramika
Lightweight glass and metal roof structures in the 19th century. Architecture and construction.
PublicationThe 19th century brought new construction possibilities. The usage of metal elements in mesh structures, filled in with glass, resulted in creating entirely new types of objects. They have distinguished themselves in architecture and technical solutions. The envelope structures giving spatial interiors were arising very quickly. They have been enabling large light penetration, triggering them extremely bright. Thus these building...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublicationMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Effect of underwater wet welding conditions on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationIn the study mercury displacement method was used for determination of diffusible hydrogen amount in deposited metal obtained during underwater wet welding with covered electrodes in laboratory conditions according to a two-level full factorial design for three factors. The factors and their levels were chosen among conditions and parameters of welding in accordance with the results of own preliminary studies. A statistical analysis...
Influence of sludge treatment processes on heavy metal speciation
PublicationSludge composition is depending on sewage quality and also affected by processing methods such as thickening, stabilization and dewatering. During those processes some of sludge's undesirable properties might be reduced or enhanced.The objective of the study is the assessment of the influence of sludge processing on selected heavy metals partitioning between phases (aqueous and particle) and sludge. Sludge from the WWTP in Gdansk...
Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the
Bioaccumulation of metals in tissues of marine animals, Part II - metal concentrations in animal tissues
PublicationThe bioaccumulation of metals in an animal depends on a multitude of factors: biotic ones, like its body dimensions and mass, age, sex, diet, metabolism and position in the trophic web, as well as abiotic ones such as the distribution of metals in its environment, the salinity, temperature and pH of the water, habitat type, interactions with other metals. But it is diet that has the greatest influence on the accumulation of metals...
Low dark current metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors fabricated on GaN
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The 15th Workshop on Progress in Trace Metal Speciation for Environmental Analytical Chemistry
PublicationArtykuł jest sprawozdaniem z konferencji TRACESPEC - the 15th Workshop on progress in trace Metal Speciation for Environmental Analytical Chemistry, ktora odbyla sie we wrzesniu 2016 na Politechnice Gdańskiej. W artykule przedstawiono głowne cele i załozenia konferencji oraz opisano program naukowy.
Buckling analyses of cylindrical metal silos containing bulk solids
PublicationThe paper presents quasi-static 3D buckling analysis results of thin-walled cylindrical metal silos with and without bulk solids. The behaviour of the bulk solid was described with a hypoplastic constitutive model. Non-linear analyses with geometric and material non-linearity were performed with a perfect and an imperfect silo shell. Different initial geometric imperfections were considered. The influence of internally stored bulk...