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Search results for: Planning Process
A Concept of Innovation Hub for Smart Applications, Enabling Pro-active Approach to Urban Policy and Planning Processes
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Improving the production planning and control process
PublicationFocusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations...
Factors of change in the planning and control process
PublicationZmianom podlegajš wszystkie procesy realizowane w organizacji, również proces planowania i sterowania. W rozdziale przedstawiono klasyfikację czynników zmiany tego procesu i scharakteryzowano poszczególne rodzaje czynników. Przedstawiono również ogólne wytyczne dla procesu identyfikacji i pomiaru czynników zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania. Zaprezentowano też przykładowe mierniki czynników zmiany, zgodne z atrybutami modelu...
Evaluation of change in planning and control process
PublicationSpecyfikacja kryteriów i obszarów system pomiaru i oceny zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania oraz przypisanie kluczowych wskaźników poszczególnym obszarom stanowi podstawowy cel rozdziału. Wybrane wskaźniki umożliwiają ocenę cząstkowych efektów zmian w procesie planowania i sterowania. Dokonanie kompleksowej oceny wymaga budowy modelu oceny efektywności zmian w procesie planowania i sterowania. Jego ogólne założenia zostały...
Developments in manufacturing engineering and machining process planning
PublicationCurrent research conducted in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation is presented in the paper. This includes: abrasive cutting off, grinding with lapping kinematics, rapid prototyping and machining procrss planning. Experimental results and computer simulation are presented and analysed.
Methodology of assessing the effectiveness of changes in the planning and control process
PublicationNiniejsze opracowanie poświęcone jest problematyce oceny efektywności zmian procesu planowania i sterowania. Jego celem jest opracowanie modelu i scharakteryzowanie sposobu oceny efektywności zmian tego procesu w odniesieniu do jej elementów składowych, jakimi są korzystność, skuteczność i ekonomiczność.
Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification
PublicationThe focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...
Generative Process Planning with Reasoning Based on Geometrical Product Specification
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A system solution for integration of process planning and control in flexible manufacturing
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Modeling of production planning and control process consistent with theory of constraint
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problematyki zastosowania metody werbel-bufor-lina do planowania produkcji w systemach produkcyjnych z wielokrotnymi buforami. W artykule przedstawiono algorytm - jego funkcje, dane wejściowe i wyjściowe - który może mieć zastosowanie do modelowania procesu planowania i sterowania produkcją. Algorytm umożliwia określenie wielkości czasowych buforów w systemie oraz terminów rozpoczęcia i zakończenia realizacji zadań....
Process management planning in ISO 9001 QMS of small companies.
PublicationPaper presents the key elements of process oriented methodology of ISO 9000 QMS implementation designed for SMEs. Particular attention has been paid to present simple documentation structure and its relation to the process approach to quality management.
The Process of Building Civil Society against the Shortcomings of Polish Planning Legislation
PublicationThe article presents the main assumptions of the project of Coastal Strip development in Gdansk. According to the authors best knowledge this is the first pro publico bono project in Poland in a large area of the city formed on the initiative of and elaborated by the city's inhabitants supported by two NGOs. Successive stages of the project preparation are discussed on the background of the shortcomings of Polish planning law...
Smart Virtual Product Development: Manufacturing Capability Analysis and Process Planning Module
PublicationSmart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system provides effective use of information, knowledge, and experience in industry during the process of product development in Industry 4.0 scenario. This system comprises of three primary modules, each of which has been developed to cater to a need for digital knowledge capture for smart manufacturing in the areas of product design, production planning, and inspection planning. Manufacturing...
The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism
PublicationIn civil societies, urban movements are one of the tools in the process of spatial governance. In Poland, urban activism is beginning to develop together with a budding participation in public life. Therefore, there is a need to assess the scope and effects of the urban movements’ actions. The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate their impact on the spatial development in three Polish cities - Poznań, Gdańsk and Gdynia, especially...
Process layout planning and optimised product range selection in manufacture of wooden construction sets
PublicationThis paper introduces a systematic deterministic framework for planning and the analysis of facility layouts aimed at manufacturing a variety of parts, as components of specific end products. The essence of the proposed approach lies in the decomposition of a traditional job-shop into layout modules of generic material flow patterns, that inherently yields improved efficiency of the entire system. It entails the use of a relevant...
Modeling process of planning finished product sales volumes at industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions
PublicationThis article presents improving the existing system of planning finished products sales volumes. The influencing factors of the sales volumes in modern economic conditions have been determined: falling world oil prices, the reduction of pipe consumption in the domestic market, the global pandemic. The algorithm of planning finished products sales volumes has been constructed. Calculations based on the Holt forecasting method has...
Support interlinking of design and process planning by set of experience knowledge structure and decisional DNA: Conceprual Approach
PublicationKoncepcja wspomagania planowania procesow p-rzy pomocy SOEKS oraz Decyzjnego DNA.
Review of intelligent software architectures for the development of an intelligent decision support system for design process planning in concurrent engineering
PublicationW artykule poddano dogłębnej analizie szereg inteligentnych technik miękkie-go modelowania pod katem ich przydatności w obszarze wspomagania procesówplanowania dla inżynierii współzadaniowej. Skoncentrowano się na wspomaganiujednego z najważniejszych obszarów inżynierii współzadaniowej, a mianowicieprocesu projektowania. W wyniku analizy zaproponowano architekturę wspomaga-nia opartą na tablicowej bazie wiedzy modelującej wnioskowanie...
Collaborative planning? Not yet seen in Poland. Identifying procedural gaps in the planning system 2003–2023
PublicationCollaborative planning aims to increase the legitimacy of decision-making in spatial development. In this approach, planning involves debate and engagement in discourse, and participation and interaction between actors are thus at the heart of the planning process. This article examines whether the planning system in Poland as defined for the period 2003–2025 provides a level of participation and deliberation and other qualities...
PublicationRedevelopment of urban waterfronts is one of the leading themes in contemporary planning practice. This issue is a subject of interest to many scholars and practitioners, associated with development of waterfront cities. In literature on this topic one can find a lot of information regarding leading examples of this process, discussion of issues and problems associated with this phenomenon as well as analysis of the results achieved....
Scenarios in regional planning – theory and practice in Poland
PublicationAbstract. It is important to recognise future conditions in planning because it primes future actions. Scenarios are useful prognostic tools, especially when the social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aims of the paper are: (1) to indicate the roles and the place of scenarios in the strategic plan building process; (2) to analyse and evaluate the application of scenarios in regional planning in Poland; (3)...
Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning
PublicationThe teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...
Integration of a Multilevel Transport System Model into Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
PublicationWhen planning their transport policy, cities usually focus on developing sustainable transport systems and reducing the negative consequences of transport. One way to deliver transport policies is to use the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), a strategic document designed to meet the demand for mobility whilst ensuring adequate quality of life for the residents. The process of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP process)...
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublicationThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant
PublicationBioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...
Strengthening the local communities’ competence for engaging in participatory planning
PublicationThe article describes the genesis of undertaking the subject of improving the planning competencies in local communities, in order to eliminate communication gaps to strengthen the civil attitudes. It puts forward a thesis that innovation in this issue involves creation of new participatory planning techniques, i.e. the described urban mentoring model. Describing the inclinations for undertaking the subject of the “Quo Vadis Gdansk?...
Rural Landscape Planning for Sustainable Development. The Case of Poland
PublicationThis text results from theoretical study on the possibilities of rural landscape renovation in Poland. The introduction marks new spatial phenomena and the scope of their influence. It indicates social and cultural reasons of the changes, and states the need of their renewed interpretation. The second part of the article contains a description of the degrading cultural landscape of the country and presents its features. It then...
Experience-Based Product Inspection Planning for Industry 4.0
PublicationIn this paper we describe how our Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system can be used to enhance product inspection planning. The SVPD system is comprised of three main modules, these being the design knowledge management (DKM) module, the manufacturing capability and process planning (MCAPP) module, and the product inspection planning (PIP) module. Experiential knowledge relating to formal decisional events is collected,...
PublicationSpatial and town planning is a complex process caused by the interaction between natural and social systems at different temporal and spatial scales. That is the reason, why it is difficult to introduce this subject to students studying disciplines other than spatial or urban planning. The main problem is to define goals, the scope and expected educational effects. The second step is to choose the appropriate teaching and assessment...
Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning
PublicationA decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...
Design thinking (DT) for the design and planning education of engineer-architects
PublicationEngineers are facing new challenges connected with globalisation, digitisation and the increased complexity of the design process. This calls for new, more interdisciplinary and user-oriented approaches to problem- solving. In this article, the authors analyse design thinking (DT) as a method to support the education of engineers specialising in architecture and urban planning. Identified in this study are the opportunities this...
An application of blended and collaborative learning in spatial planning course
PublicationSpatial Planning is a master course for graduate students of Environmental Engineering. The course is based on assumptions that students’ future work will be connected with spatial planning, and spatial issues will have an influence on their everyday lives. To familiarize students with environmental issues in planning, the teams of students get an assignment to design an urban space, waterfront along a stream. The whole project...
Computer -Aided Local Energy Planning Using ALEP-PL Software
PublicationThe issue of energy system planning, including the planning of local energy systems, is critical, since it affects the security of energy supplies in communities, regions, and consequently the security of energy supply within the country. Energy planning is a complex process that requires integration of different goals i.e. improvement of energy efficiency, increase in the share of renewables in the energy balance and CO2} emission...
On evolutionary computing in multi-ship trajectory planning, Applied Intelligence
PublicationThe paper presents the updated version of Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships,the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned...
Planning optimised multi-tasking operations under the capability for parallel machining
PublicationThe advent of advanced multi-tasking machines (MTMs) in the metalworking industry has provided the opportunity for more efficient parallel machining as compared to traditional sequential processing. It entailed the need for developing appropriate reasoning schemes for efficient process planning to take advantage of machining capabilities inherent in these machines. This paper addresses an adequate methodical approach for a non-linear...
Spurring the community involvement in planning - lessons from post-socialist cities
PublicationPublic participation and community involvement in planning processes is – in general – not a new topic for contemporary planners. But in many parts of the world – including the post-socialist countries like Poland or Russia – we can still face the lack of understanding of importance of proper community involvement in planning and development processes. Situation in these countries is significantly different from both highly-developed...
Strategic aspects in spatial planning - theory and practice in largest cities of Poland
PublicationThe rate of changes and the growing uncertainty rise to the need for a strategic approach to development planning, which is active and flexible in relation to the changing reality. Strategic planning, occurring in companies, was adapted by the social-economic development planning of self-government units. However, there are difficulties in applying the strategic planning in the spatial planning and integration of the two forms...
Trajectory planning for Service Ship during emergency STS transfer operation
PublicationIn this paper trajectory for approaching during emergency STS transfer operation with oil spill is considered as a sequence of navigation manoeuvres in specific navigational environment. The designed way points - ship positions and speed are determined as reference values to support navigator in decision making during steering and to mitigate the risk of collision which mostly results from exceeding the speed limit of approaching....
A case study of odour nuisance evaluation in the context of integrated urban planning
PublicationOdour nuisance poses a serious problem in many urban areas, yet its evaluation and mitigation is often omitted in the urban planning process. By identifying its range and spatio-temporal variations, it could be taken into consideration by planners in urban development strategies and land use decisions. The aim of the study was to present the application of odour evaluation techniques in the improvement of the quality of life in...
Interactive and Media Architecture – From Social Encounters to City Planning Strategies
PublicationThe paper searches into the potential of media and interactive projects to support participation and generate social encounters in public spaces. Moreover, it proposes implementation of media and interactive projects into city planning processes. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys the paper gives insight how interactive and media architecture can engage people in activities in urban...
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) System to Support Product Inspection Planning in Industry 4.0
PublicationThis paper presents the idea of supporting product inspection planning process during the early stages of product life cycle for the experts working on product development. Aim of this research is to assist a collaborative product development process by using Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which is based on Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). The proposed system is developed...
Optimising Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation Cycle Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithm
PublicationThe objective of this research was to optimise the operation cycle of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Appropriate time balances of aerobic to anaerobic phases, as well as a set dissolved oxygen level are the key to ensuring the quality of effluent from the wastewater treatment process. The proposal to solve this optimisation problem was based on multi-objective optimisation using an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation...
Experimental research on evolutionary path planning algorithm with fitness function scaling for collision scenarios
PublicationThis article presents typical ship collision scenarios, simulated using the evolutionary path planning system and analyses the impact of the fitness function scaling on the quality of the solution. The function scaling decreases the selective pressure, which facilitates leaving the local optimum in the calculation process and further exploration of the solution space. The performed investigations have proved that the use of scaling...
The application of environmental issues in designing urban structures – a framework for comprehensive local planning policies
PublicationThe implementation of environmental issues in planning and designing urban structures is becoming a novel approach and a common practice consistent with the paradigm of sustainable development. Maintaining environmental quality in urban areas, managing natural resources and understanding the complexity of urban systems is becoming increasingly challenging. Therefore, it is important to develop strategies for the integration of...
Planning Around Polarisation: Components of Finding Common Ground Based on Regeneration Projects in London and Gdańsk
PublicationVarious forms of public participation in urban design and planning—as presented and discussed in literature—have recently been challenged by the needs and expectations of different stakeholders, including those coming from the private sector. This comes with a redefinition of the public good and the roles and responsibilities of municipal authorities in post‐liberal times. As a result, contemporary participatory processes need...
An incorporation of contemporary daylight assessment methods into architecture and urban planning of residential areas in Poland
PublicationThis paper presents the preliminary results of the ongoing research focusing on daylight design methods for the urban planning of residential areas in Poland. The purpose of this research is to find out if modern daylight performance metrics and design methods can be beneficial to the process of urban residential planning. The paper presents a review of daylight guidelines derived from historic, Polish building regulations. A summary...
Evolutionary Ship Track Planning within Traffic Separation Schemes – Evaluation of Individuals
PublicationThe paper presents an extended version of the author’s Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. The method plans safe tracks of all ships involved in an encounter including speed reduction manoeuvres, if necessary, and taking into account Rule 10 of COLREGS, which specifies ships’ behaviour within Traffic Separation Schemes governed by IMO. The paper focuses on the evaluation phase of the evolutionary process and shows...
Planning, Configuration and Usefulness of Microseismic Monitoring on Eastern-Europe Platform – Example from East Pomerania
PublicationThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. The method uses array of geophones to localize micro tremors induced by liquid pumped underground at high rate and pressure. The acquired information helps to optimize fracturing process and prevents fracture growth to aquifer levels. It proved to be useful on several unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the USA....
Framework of an Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation Method for Planning a Safe Trajectory for a Marine Autonomous Surface Ship
PublicationThis paper represents the first stage of research into a multi-objective method of planning safe trajectories for marine autonomous surface ships (MASSs) involved in encounter situations. Our method applies an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation (EMO) approach to pursue three objectives: minimisation of the risk of collision, minimisation of fuel consumption due to collision avoidance manoeuvres, and minimisation of the extra...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...